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Document Record

Date Filed:  6/10/1998 10:35:40 AM
Document Type:  ENT-Entry
Link to Document: 
Number of pages:  000004
Case Numbers: 
Entry ordering that CBLD file by June 18, 1998 an affidavit confirming that it has provided calling information to the respondent LECs or, otherwise, explain its failure for not having provided such information; that Worldcom's request for waiver shall be granted; that MCI's motion to extend until June 22, 1998, the time within which to provide call- ing information to the LECs is granted; that MCI, upon the submission of calling information to the LECs, shall file an affidavit attesting that it has submitted information in compliance with the March 10, 1998 entry; that the prehear- ing conference scheduled for June 17, 1998, is canceled and shall be rescheduled at a later date. (AE) (4 pgs.) (ISSUED 6/5/98)
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