DIS - Case Record for 96-0663-EL-CSS Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: CSS-Complaint on service or safety
Date Opened: 7/10/1996
Date Closed:
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
06/19/1997Opinion & Order dismissing this complaint and closing the case of record. (13 pgs.)13
04/23/1997Additional information filed on behalf of complainant by G. Kaplan. (3 pgs.)3
03/24/1997Reply brief filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by M. Kem- pic. (22 pgs.)22
03/17/1997Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by D. Andrew. (17 pgs.)17
03/14/1997Brief filed on behalf of complainant by G. Kaplan. (3 pgs.)3
02/27/1997Transcript of hearing held February 13, 1997 before Attorney Examiner K. Sheets. (Part 1 of 2)241
02/27/1997Transcript filed for hearing held 2/13/97, (KS), (Part 2 of 2)219
02/06/1997Testimony of Patricia A. Broderick filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by D. Andrew. (10 pgs.)10
01/30/1997Entry scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on February 13, 1997 at the Commission offices. (AE) (1 pg.)1
01/23/1997Replies to CEI interrogatories filed on behalf of complain- ant by G. Kaplan. (32 pgs.)32
01/17/1997Additional information filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by D. Andrew. (1 pg.)1
12/23/1996Correspondence letter to Mark Kempic, Centerior Energy, filed on behalf of complainant by G. Kaplan. (1 pg.) (FILED 12/20/96)1
12/23/1996Additional information filed on behalf of complainant by G. Kaplan. (1 pg.) (FILED 12/20/96)1
12/23/1996Correspondence letter to Cleveland Electric Illuminating, filed on behalf of complainant by G. Kaplan. (3 pgs.) (FILED 12/20/96)3
12/20/1996Entry ordering that both complainant and respondent in this matter respond as fully as possible to the discovery re- quests submitted to them; that complainant and respondent select, in January 1997, a mutually agreeable hearing date for this matter and communicate their selection to the Com- mission. (AE) (2 pgs.)2
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Attorney General:
Attorney Examiner:
Sheets, Kerry