DIS - Case Record for 11-4393-EL-RDR Skip to main content

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Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: RDR-Application to establish tariff riders that do not have another specific code.
Date Opened: 7/20/2011
Date Closed:
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
08/27/2024Notice of withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Erica McConnell on behalf of Environmental Law & Policy Center.2
12/14/2021Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel of Miranda Leppla electronically filed by Chris Tavenor on behalf of The Ohio Environmental Council.11
10/12/2021Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Trent A Dougherty on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council.10
01/16/2020Notice of withdrawal of Colleen Mooney electronically filed by Colleen L Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.10
01/14/2020Notice of withdrawal of Colleen Mooney electronically filed by Colleen L Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.10
10/19/2018Letter of Notification regarding change of address and firm affiliation electronically filed by Mr. Robert Dove on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council.3
07/21/2016Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel, Notice of Appearance of Counsel and Designation of Counsel of Record by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Healey, Christopher Mr.3
09/04/2015Notice of withdrawal of Christopher J. Allwein as counsel electronically filed by Mr. Christopher J. Allwein on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council.3
06/18/2015Notice of Substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Robert Dove on behalf of The Natural Resources Defense Council.3
11/17/2014Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tonnetta Y Scott on behalf of Mr. Devin D Parram.3
08/15/2014Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of Yost, Melissa Ms.3
10/07/2013Notice of withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Cathryn N. Loucas on behalf of The Ohio Environmental Council.3
09/27/2012Revised tariff PUCO No. 19 of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Duke Energy.12
09/26/2012Service Notice5
09/26/2012Entry ordered, that the proposed tariffs filed by Duke on August 22, 2012, as amended September 4, 2012, are approved.2
09/12/2012Staff Review and Recommendation filed by G. Scheck of the PUCO.1
09/04/2012Amended Tariffs, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.16
08/22/2012Service Notice6
08/22/2012Correspondence Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s Proposed Tariff and Supporting Workpaper electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.12
08/22/2012Entry ordered, that the Commission's August 15,2012, opinion and order be modified nunc pro tunc as set forth above.2
08/15/2012Service Notice5
08/15/2012Opinion and order stating that Duke's motion for a one-time waiver of certain requirements contained in Chapter 4901:1-39, O.A.C, is approved as set forth in this order; Duke comply with all requirements contained herein regarding its portfolio filing to be made by April 15, 2013.21
06/22/2012Second post-hearing brief electronically filed by Mr. Devin D. Parram on behalf of PUCO.14
06/22/2012Post-hearing brief of The Ohio Energy Group electronically filed by Mr. David F. Boehm.10
06/22/2012Post hearing brief by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Yost, Melissa R. Ms.9
06/22/2012Second post hearing brief of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.12
06/22/2012Brief on Questions of the Commission electronically filed by Ms. Colleen L. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.11
06/22/2012Post hearing brief on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council and Natural Resources and Defense Fund electronically filed by Ms. Cathryn N. Loucas.12
06/21/2012PUCO exhibit filing (part 2 of 2) for hearing held June 7, 2012. 87
06/21/2012PUCO exhibit filing (part 1 of 2) for hearing held on June 7, 2012. 202
06/19/2012Transcript from 6/7/12 hearing before AE C.Pirik and K. Stenman electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Sloas, Valerie J. Mrs. and Armstrong & Okey, Inc.164
05/31/2012Notice of Deposition, Duces Tecum, to Lane Kollen electronically filed by Miss Kristen Cocanougher on behalf of Duke Energy of Ohio and Watts, Elizabeth Mrs. and Spiller, Amy B. Mrs. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco Mr.6
05/31/2012Second Supplemental Testimony of Timothy J. Duff on Behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.138
05/30/2012Testimony of Dylan Sullivan, Staff Scientist electronically filed by Mr. Christopher J Allwein on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council.13
05/30/2012Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Lane Kollen on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group electronically filed by Mr. David F. Boehm on behalf of Ohio Energy Group.41
05/30/2012Prepared Testimony of Gregory C. Scheck, Policy and Market Analysis Division submitted on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.12
05/09/2012Service Notice5
05/09/2012Entry ordered that Duke's request for a waiver is granted, contingent upon Duke's compliance with the directives set forth in finding (7). It is, further ordered, that the parties adhere to the requirements and procedural schedule established in finding (7) and (10). 5
04/18/2012Notice of withdrawal of counsel and designation of counsel of record by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Yost, Melissa R. Ms.4
04/04/2012Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s Response to the Commission's Order and Motion for Waiver electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth.8
03/21/2012Service Notice4
03/21/2012Entry ordered, that the record in case be reopened for the limited purpose of receiving additional information on the two topics set forth in finding (3). It is, further, ordered, that, in accordance with Finding (6), Duke file the requisite motion for waiver and alternative arguments by April 4, 2012, with memoranda contra filed by April 11,2012.5
12/09/2011Post hearing brief submitted on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.18
12/09/2011Post hearing brief of the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, the Ohio Environmental Council and the Sierra Club electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of C. Allwein, on behalf of J. Small, on behalf of T. Dougherty, on behalf of H. Eckhart.13
12/09/2011Brief of the Ohio Energy Group electronically filed by Mr. David F. Boehm on behalf of Ohio Energy Group.22
12/09/2011Post Hearing Brief of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms..14
12/09/2011Brief electronically filed by Ms. Colleen L Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.6
12/01/2011Transcript of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. hearing held on 11-29-11 before AE C. Pirik and K. Stenman electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Anderson, Rosemary Foster Mrs..216
11/22/2011Supplemental Testimony of Timothy J Duff electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.12
11/22/2011Supplemental Testimony of Jim Ziolkowski electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.7
11/18/2011Stipulation and Recommendation electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.11
11/18/2011Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Stephen J. Baron on behalf of the Ohio Energy Group electronically filed by Mr. Michael L. Kurtz on behalf of Ohio Energy Group.48
11/17/2011Notice of deposition, duces tecum, to Ohio Energy Group filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.6
11/16/2011Service notice.4
11/16/2011Entry ordered, that Duke's motion for a modification of the procedural schedule be granted. It is further, ordered, that the parties adhere to the procedural schedule contained in finding (6). - Finding (6) Accordingly , staff and intervenor testimony will be due on November 18, 2011, and Duke's supplemental testimony will be due on November 22, 2011. The hearing date will not be effected by this modification. (KLS)3
11/16/2011Motion to change procedural schedule, memorandum in support and request for expedited ruling by Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Watts. (original)7
11/15/2011Motion to change procedural schedule, memorandum in support and request for expedited ruling by Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Watts. (FAX)7
11/15/2011Service notice.4
11/14/2011Entry ordering OCC's motion for an extension of the deadline for filing of expert Staff and intervenor testimony be granted; that the parties adhere to the procedural schedule contained in finding (5). (KLS)3
11/14/2011Motion for extension of time, memorandum in support and request for expedited ruling filed by J. Small on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.6
10/26/2011NOTICE OF ADDITIONAL APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL BY THE OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL electronically filed by Mr. Trent A Dougherty on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council.4
10/11/2011Service Notice4
10/07/2011Entry ordering the procedural schedule set forth in finding (4) be observed and the parties adhere to the processes established in findings (5) and (6). (KLS)3
10/06/2011Reply comments of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by Colleen L. Mooney. 8
10/06/2011Reply comments of Ohio Energy Group filed by Jody Kyler. 18
10/05/2011Reply comments of Ohio Partners for affordable Energy filed by Colleen L. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy. (FAX)8
10/05/2011Reply comments file by J. Kyler on behalf of Counsel For The Ohio Energy Group. (FAX)18
10/05/2011Reply comments filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. 11
10/05/2011Attachments 1 and 2 that were inadvertently omitted from comments filed on September 21, 2011 filed by C. Allwein on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council.4
10/05/2011Reply comments by members of the Ohio Consumer and Environmental Advocates filed by C. Allwein on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council, J. Small on behalf of Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and T. Dougherty on behalf of Ohio Environmental Counsel.11
10/04/2011Service Notice4
10/03/2011Entry ordering that the motion for protective order filed by Duke be denied in accordance with Finding (8); that on Oct 13, 2011, the Ccommission's docketing division release the unredacted spreadsheet, which was filed under seal in this docket on July 20, 2011. (KLS)3
09/22/2011Notice of withdrawal of motion to interviene of Bottomline Resource Technologies LLC. Filed by Joseph E. Oliker in behalf of Bottomline Resource Technologies LLC. 4
09/22/2011Initial comments of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by C. Mooney.13
09/21/2011Amended staff comments filed on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by Devin D. Parram.6
09/21/2011Staff comments filed by Devin D. Parram on behalf of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.6
09/21/2011Comments submitted in regards to Duke Energy Ohio's -Timothy J Duff testimony filed by M. Christensen on behalf of People Working Cooperatively Inc.6
09/21/2011Initial Comments of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by Colleen Mooney. (FAX)13
09/21/2011Comments of Members of the Ohio Consumer and Environmental Advocates filed by Christopher J. Allwien.28
09/13/2011Service Notice4
09/12/2011Entry ordering the motions to intervene filed by various parties be granted in accordance with finding (4); the request for leave to file out of time and motion to intervene by the Sierra Club be granted in accordance with finding (5); that Staff's motion for an extension of the procedural schedule be granted and the revised procedural schedule set forth in finding (7) be observed. (KLS)3
09/08/2011Motion for continuance and memorandum in support of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by PUCO Staff AG, D. Parram.4
08/22/2011Motion to intervene and Memorandum in support and Request for leave to file motion to intervene out of time, filed by H. Eckhart on behalf of The Sierra Club.4
08/12/2011Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Vectren Retail, LLC dba Vectren Source filed by J. Clark.6
08/12/2011Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Bottomline Resource Technologies, LLC filed by J. Oliker.7
08/11/2011Motion and memorandum in support to intervene by the Ohio Environmental Council filed by T. Dougherty. 5
08/11/2011Motion and memorandum in support to intervene on behalf of Environmental Law & Policy Center filed by T. Santarelli. 8
08/10/2011Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of the Environmental Law & Policy Center filed by T.C. Santarelli. (FAX) 8
08/10/2011Motion to Intervene and memorandum in support electronically filed by Tara Santarelli on behalf of Environmental Law & Policy Center8
08/05/2011Motion to intervene filed on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council by C. Allwein.9
08/04/2011Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed by J.M. Kurtz, Esq. 5
08/03/2011Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed by J.M. Kyler, Esq. (FAX) 5
07/28/2011Service Notice2
07/28/2011Entry ordering that the procedural schedule set forth in finding (3) be observed. (KLS)2
07/28/2011Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by M.W. Christensen on behalf of People Working Cooperatively, Inc. 4
07/26/2011Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy's motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by C.L. Mooney. 5
07/25/2011Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in support of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by C. Mooney.(FAX)5
07/25/2011Motion and memorandum in support to intervene on behalf of the office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small. 7
07/20/2011Motion and memorandum in support of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for protective order filed by E.H. Watts. 4
07/20/2011Confidential target: Attachment 5 & 6 filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 1
07/20/2011In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for an energy efficiency cost recovery mechanism and for approval of additional programs for inclusion in its existing portfolio.105