Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
08/29/2023 | Case Action Form closing cases with an effective date of 8/29/2023 electronically filed by Ms. Donielle M. Hunter on behalf of Patricia A. Schabo, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 2 |
03/26/2008 | Finding & order that the application of Cleveland Thermal for authority to revise its tariff is granted; that the applicant commence notification to its customers of the increase in rates authorized herein by bill insert proposed by the company in their application within 30 days of this Finding & Order. | 3 |
03/26/2008 | Revised tariff pages PUCO No. 1 and Appendix A, filed by S. Howard on behalf of Cleveland Thermal Steam Distribution, LLC. | 14 |
03/26/2008 | Service Notice | 1 |
03/11/2008 | In the matter of the application of Cleveland Thermal Steam Distribution, LLC to adjust its tariff, PUCO No. 1. | 29 |