DIS - Case Record for 06-1201-AU-ORD Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: REVIEW OF CHAPTERS 4901:5-17, 4901:5-19, 4901:5-21, 4901:5-23, 4901:5-25, 4901:5-29, 4901:5-33, 4901:5-35, 4901:5-37 OF THE OAC
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/07/2011 Case Action Form Archiving Case electronically filed by Christine MT Pirik on behalf of PUCO.
10/06/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, L. McAlister, filed on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Clark.
05/06/2009 Service Notice
05/06/2009 Entry on rehearing granting in part and denying in part the Cooperatives' application as set forth in findings (6) and (8); that Rules 4901:5-19-02, 4901:5-21-02, 4901:5-23-02, 4901:5-25-02,4901:5-29-02, 4901:5-33-02, 4901:5-35-02, 4901:5-37-02, and 4901:5-37-03, O.A.C, be revised consistent with findings (6) and (9); that the attached revised Rules 4901:5-19-02, 4901:5-21-02, 4901:5-23-02, 4901:5-25-02, 4901:5-29-02, 4901:5-33-02, 4901:5-35-02, 4901:5-37-02, and 4901:5-37-03, O.A.C, be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, the Secretary of State, and the Legislative Service Commission, in accordance with divisions (D) and (E) of Section 111.15, Revised Code ; that the final rules be effective on the earliest date permitted by law.
04/08/2009 Service Notice
04/08/2009 Entry ordered that the cooperative's application for rehearing be granted for further consideration of the matters specified in the application for rehearing.
03/26/2009 Letter giving formal notice that pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 4935.03, revisions made by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to rules 4901:5-17, 4901:5-19, 4901:5-21, 4901:5-23, 4901:5-25, 4901:5-29, 4901:5-35 and 4901:5-37 have been approved filed by Governor Ted Strickland.
03/19/2009 Notice of withdrawal of Mark A. Whitt and the substitution of David A Kutik as counsel for Dominion East Ohio filed by P. Colbert.
03/13/2009 Joint application of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. and Buckeye Power, Inc. for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by C. Flahive.
02/13/2009 Service notice.
02/11/2009 Finding and order ordered that each regulated gas supplier should review its tariff to insure that its curtailment plan in on file; if the plan is not on file the supplier should work with the Commission's staff to ensure that the tariff's adhere to the requirements established.
01/17/2007 Reply comments of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company filed by J. Burk. (original)
01/16/2007 Joint reply comments of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. and Buckeye Power, Inc. filed by T. Lodge
01/16/2007 Reply comments filed on behalf of the Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and the Toledo Edison Company by J. Burk. (FAX)
01/16/2007 Reply comments of Dayton Power and Light Company filed by A. Stephens.
01/16/2007 Reply comments of Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by L Sauer.
01/16/2007 Reply comments of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed by S. Nourse.
01/16/2007 Reply comments of the Ohio Gas Marketers Group filed by M. Petricoff
01/16/2007 Reply comments of American Municipal Power Ohio, Inc. on behalf of itself and its member municipalities filed by T. Rodgers.
01/16/2007 Reply comments filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by R. D'Ascenzo.
01/12/2007 Reply comments of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by M. Whitt.
12/26/2006 Second supplemental certificate filed on behalf of Ohio Oil and Gas Association by W. Airey.
12/26/2006 Second supplemental certificate of service, filed on behalf of Ohio Gas Marketers Group by S. Howard.
12/19/2006 Supplemental certificate of service filed by N. Orosz on behalf of Ohio Coal Association.
12/19/2006 Supplemental certificate of service filed by T. Rodgers on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
12/18/2006 Certification that the initial comments of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. and Buckeye Power, Inc. has been served upon all parties listed filed by T. Lodge.
12/18/2006 Supplemental certificate of service on behalf of Ohio Oil and Gas Association filed b J. Airey.
12/18/2006 Supplemental certificate of service on behalf of Ohio Gas Marketers Group filed by S. Howard.
12/18/2006 Letter proposing rules addressing the governor's emergency powers during energy emergencies filed by N. Dragani on behalf of Ohio Department of Public Safety.
12/15/2006 Initial Comments on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company filed by J. Burk.
12/15/2006 Initial joint comments on behalf of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. and Buckeye Power, Inc. filed by T. Lodge.
12/15/2006 Comments on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company filed by D. Seger-Lawson.
12/15/2006 Initial comments on behalf of OCC filed by L. Sauer.
12/15/2006 Initial comments on behalf of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association filed by J. Airey.
12/15/2006 Initial comments on behalf of the Ohio Gas Marketers Group filed by S. Howard.
12/15/2006 Initial comments on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. on behalf of itself and its member Ohio Municipalities filed by T. Rodgers.
12/15/2006 Initial comments of the Ohio Coal Association on behalf of itself and its members filed by A. Bott.
12/15/2006 Initial comments of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed by S. Nourse.
12/15/2006 Initial comments on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by L. McAlister.
12/15/2006 Initial comments on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by M Whitt.
12/15/2006 Initial comments on behalf of Marathon Petroleum Company LLC filed by D. Melin.
12/15/2006 Comments on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio filed by R. D'Ascenzo.
12/14/2006 Initial comments on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by D. Rubadue.
11/20/2006 Initial comments of Eagle Energy, LLC filed by D. Marshall.
11/17/2006 Comments filed on behalf of Stand Energy Corporation by J. Dosker.
11/15/2006 Service Notice
11/14/2006 Entry, ordering that all interested persons have until December 15, 2006, to file comments to the proposed rule changes and until January 16, 2007 to file reply comments with finding (4). (JWK)
11/08/2006 Memorandum in support of joint motion for extension of time filed on behalf of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. and Buckeye Power, Inc. by C. Flahive.
11/07/2006 Joint motion for extension of time to file comments and reply comments, and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, The Toledo Edison Company by J. Burk, for Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik, for the Dayton Power and Light Company by R. Griffin, for Duke Energy-Ohio by P. Colbert and for Ohio Gas Association by R. Rushing.
10/13/2006 Service Notice (additional servicing.)
10/12/2006 Service Notice
10/11/2006 Entry ordered that all interested persons shall have until November 21, 2006, to file comments to the proposed rule changes and until December 18, 2006, to file reply comments, in accordance with finding (9).
10/03/2006 In the matter of the application of the review of chapters 4901:5-17, 4901:5-19, 4901:5-21, 4901:5-23, 4901:5-25, 4901:5-29, 4901:5-33, 4901:5-35, 4901:5-37 of the Ohio Administrative Code.