Summary: |
Entry on rehearing granting in part and denying in part the Cooperatives' application as set forth in findings (6) and (8); that Rules 4901:5-19-02, 4901:5-21-02, 4901:5-23-02, 4901:5-25-02,4901:5-29-02, 4901:5-33-02, 4901:5-35-02, 4901:5-37-02, and 4901:5-37-03, O.A.C, be revised consistent with findings (6) and (9); that the attached revised Rules 4901:5-19-02, 4901:5-21-02, 4901:5-23-02,
4901:5-25-02, 4901:5-29-02, 4901:5-33-02, 4901:5-35-02, 4901:5-37-02, and 4901:5-37-03, O.A.C, be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, the Secretary of State, and the Legislative Service Commission, in accordance with divisions (D) and (E) of Section 111.15, Revised Code ; that the final rules be effective on the earliest date permitted by law. |