DIS - Case Record for 87-1726-TP-AIR Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: TP-TELEPHONE
Purpose Code: AIR-Application to increase rates
Date Opened: 10/14/1987
Date Closed: 9/20/1988
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
12/14/1988Revised tariff sheet, PUCo No. 8, filed by Wm. Schneider on behalf of applicant.0
10/06/1988Tariff sheets, PUCO No. 8, filed by Wm. Schneider on behalf of applicant.0
09/29/1988Final tariffs, PUCO No. 8, filed by Wm. Schneider on behalf of applicant.0
09/29/1988Letter filed by Wm. Schneider on behalf of applicant, RE: to customer notice.0
09/20/1988Opinion & Order granting application to the extent provided in this Order.0
09/19/1988Amendment to the stipulation and recommendation filed by T. Nader/PUCO staff; Wm. Schneider/Arcadia Telephone Company Wm. Newcomb, Jr./AT&T Communications, Inc./J. Serio/OCC.0
08/22/1988Trans., for hearing held on 8/1/88, (LR) Submitted Vol. I, 1-13 pages.0
08/05/1988Stipulation and Recommendation as Jt. Exhibit 1 filed by Arcadia Telephone Co., ATT&T Communications and OCC,0
08/03/1988Trans., for hearing held on 7/20/88, (AS) Public Statements Arcadia, Ohio 1-34 pages Vol. I, Submitted.0
07/21/1988Signatures of various consumers opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
07/21/1988Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of D. Mengert consumer.0
07/11/1988Entry ordering the prehearing conference be continued to 7/28/88, at 9:30 .am., at the offices of the Commission. (AE)0
07/08/1988Motion filed by D. Pines and Wm. Newcomb, Jr., on behalf of AT&T Communications, Inc.0
07/01/1988Entry scheduling prehearing conference on Wednesday, July 13,1988 at 9:30 a.m. at the Commission and a public hearing on Monday August 1, 1988, at 9:00 a.m. at the Commission. A local public hearing is scheduled on Wednesday 7/20/99 at 6:30 p.m. a the Arcadia Community Park, Arcadia, Ohio.(AE)0
06/15/1988Objections of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. to the Staff report of Investigation filed by W. Newcomb and D. Pines.0
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