DIS - Case Record for 87-1726-TP-AIR Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: TP-TELEPHONE
Purpose Code: AIR-Application to increase rates
Date Opened: 10/14/1987
Date Closed: 9/20/1988
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
12/14/1988Revised tariff sheet, PUCo No. 8, filed by Wm. Schneider on behalf of applicant.0
10/06/1988Tariff sheets, PUCO No. 8, filed by Wm. Schneider on behalf of applicant.0
09/29/1988Final tariffs, PUCO No. 8, filed by Wm. Schneider on behalf of applicant.0
09/29/1988Letter filed by Wm. Schneider on behalf of applicant, RE: to customer notice.0
09/20/1988Opinion & Order granting application to the extent provided in this Order.0
09/19/1988Amendment to the stipulation and recommendation filed by T. Nader/PUCO staff; Wm. Schneider/Arcadia Telephone Company Wm. Newcomb, Jr./AT&T Communications, Inc./J. Serio/OCC.0
08/22/1988Trans., for hearing held on 8/1/88, (LR) Submitted Vol. I, 1-13 pages.0
08/05/1988Stipulation and Recommendation as Jt. Exhibit 1 filed by Arcadia Telephone Co., ATT&T Communications and OCC,0
08/03/1988Trans., for hearing held on 7/20/88, (AS) Public Statements Arcadia, Ohio 1-34 pages Vol. I, Submitted.0
07/21/1988Signatures of various consumers opposing the proposed rate increase of applicant.0
07/21/1988Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of D. Mengert consumer.0
07/11/1988Entry ordering the prehearing conference be continued to 7/28/88, at 9:30 .am., at the offices of the Commission. (AE)0
07/08/1988Motion filed by D. Pines and Wm. Newcomb, Jr., on behalf of AT&T Communications, Inc.0
07/01/1988Entry scheduling prehearing conference on Wednesday, July 13,1988 at 9:30 a.m. at the Commission and a public hearing on Monday August 1, 1988, at 9:00 a.m. at the Commission. A local public hearing is scheduled on Wednesday 7/20/99 at 6:30 p.m. a the Arcadia Community Park, Arcadia, Ohio.(AE)0
06/15/1988Objections of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. to the Staff report of Investigation filed by W. Newcomb and D. Pines.0
06/15/1988Objections of Arcadia Telephone Company to the staff report of Investigation filed by W. Schneider.0
06/15/1988The Office of The Consumer's Counsel's Objections to the Staff Report of Investgation, and statement of issues. filed by J. Serio.0
06/15/1988Testimony of Bruce Bennett on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc., by Wm. Newcomb.0
05/16/1988Staff report filed0
05/16/1988Petitions with names of Arcadia Telephone customers who would like to protest the proposed increases in the base rate, filed by Mrs. Ray Brumbaugh, consumer.0
04/27/1988Entry granting AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. and the Office of the Consumers' Counsel leave to intervene. (AE)0
04/01/1988Motion to intervene filed by J. Serio on behalf of OCC.0
03/22/1988Petition of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed by Wm. Newcomb, Jr0
01/12/1988Entry accepting case for filing as of December 9, 1987.0
12/09/1987Application filed by Wm. Schneider on behalf of applicant.0
12/09/1987Testimony and Exhibits of following filed by on behalf of applicant. 1). Thomas A. Bechtel 2). John H. Hannis 3). F. C. Huebner 4). Kevin G. Hess 5). Michael A. Pandow with Exhibits: A, B, C, D, E, E-1, E-2 and E-3.0
11/03/1987Entry setting test period to begin 7/1/86 and end 6/30/87 with date certain 6/30/87.0
10/14/1987Motion to establish test period and date certain filed by Wm. Schneider on behalf of applicant.0
10/14/1987Application of Arcadia Telephone Company to increase its rates and charges for telephone service.0