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Document Record

Date Filed:  4/5/1993 9:04:56 AM
Document Type:  TX-Text
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Number of pages:  000000
Case Numbers: 
(AUTHORITY) Transportation of shipper's property between points in Ohio. RESTRICTED 1. AGAINST the transportation of dry bulk commodities in tank and hopper vehicles; 2. AGAINST the transportation of liquid commodities originating at points in Ashtabula or Cuyahoga Counties, Ohio; 3. AGAINST the transportation of ready mixed concrete, lime and limestone products, and commodities in dump vehicles originating in Franklin County, Ohio or points in the Columbus Commercial Zone; and 4. AGAINST the transport- ation of gravel, cement, cement blocks, sand, dirt, asphalt, blacktop, bricks, fertilizer and fertilizer materials, and raw limestone, in dump vehicles, originating at points in Licking County, Ohio.
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