Summary: |
Transmittal No. 950; this filing defers the expiration date of tariff material pertaining to EIS for the purpose of permitting a transition from physical EIS to virtual EIS for the customer located in Plano, TX; the transition date is deferred from March 30, 1995 until April 30, 1995. Transmittal No. 951; this filing is being made to intro- duce a new Carrier Access Code dialing plan. Transmittal No. 952; this filing modifies language to material not yet in effect. Transmittal No. 953; this filing complies with Commission's rules (47 C.F.R.) Section 64.1602 regarding Calling Number Identification Service. Transmittal No. 954; this filing will establish an addition- al 64 Kbps service for American Knitters in Micronesia. (54 pgs.) |