DIS - Case Record for 99-1612-EL-ORD Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: ORD-Administrative order
Date Opened: 12/7/1999
Date Closed: 10/24/2001
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
08/15/2002Service Notice8
06/20/2002Service Notice22
10/29/2001Service Notice.7
10/24/2001Entry ordering that this case be closed as a matter of record.2
02/01/2001Correction to letter of January 30, 2001, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by T. McNamee.1
01/30/2001Marketing monitoring forms to be used in the reporting process adopted by the Commission in Rule 4901:1-21-02 O.A.C. filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by T. McNamee.28
07/28/2000Letter requesting that Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease LLP be removed as counsel for The Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc., filed by S. Taft. (2 pgs.)2
07/28/2000Replacement of counsel filed on behalf of The Ohio Manu- facturers' Assoc. by S. Bloomfield. (2 pgs.)2
07/28/2000Replacement of counsel filed on behalf of The Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc. by S. Bloomfield. (2 pgs.)2
06/08/2000Entry ordering that the applications for rehearing filed in this case be granted or denied as discussed in the Entry on Rehearing, that the rules as adopted in our Finding and Order of March 30, 2000, in this case to become effective on the earliest date possible after filing pursuant to that statute.19
06/08/2000Entry ordering that the applications for rehearing filed in this case be granted or denied as discussed in this entry; that the rules adopted in the 3/30/00 Finding and Order be amended to become effective on the earliest date possible after filing.13
05/18/2000Entry ordering that the application for rehearing of the Commission's March 30, 2000 Finding and Order filed in this case by OCC, AEP, Cleveland, and Enron be granted for the limited purpose of allowing the Commission additional time in which to consider the issues raised on rehearing.8
05/18/2000Entry granting the application of OCC, AEP, Cleveland and Enron for rehearing for the limited purpose of allowing the Commission additional time in which to consider the issues raised on rehearing.2
05/12/2000Substitute of counsel of Shell Energy Services Company,LLC, removing G. Lawrence and adding K. McCrea by P.Forshay.3
05/12/2000Letter notifying Commission of withdrawal of G. Lawrence and adding Keith McCres as representing Shell Energy Services Co., LLC by P. Forshay.3
05/11/2000Memorandum contra Enron Energy Services, Inc., application for rehearing, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk.5
05/11/2000Memorandum contra to the application for rehearing filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers Counsel by C. Mooney.9
05/01/2000Application for rehearing, filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik.10
05/01/2000Application for rehearing, filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by J. Small.9
05/01/2000Application for rehearing and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of Enron Energy Services, Inc. by J. Migden.6
04/28/2000Application for rehearing and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers Counsel by E. Robinson7
03/30/2000Finding and Order, ordered that the proposed rules, as amended, be adopted and filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, the Legislative Service Commission, and the Secretary of State's Office as required by Section 111.15, Revised Code, to become effective on the earliest date possible after filing pursuant to that statute, that upon the request of the CRES provider, the electric distribution utility in whose territory the CRES provider is operating shall submit the information required by subdivision (A) (3) of Rule 4901:1-21, O.A.C., that those entities identified in Finding 18, maintain the capability to sort data in a manner described in that finding, that the review date for these rules is September 30, 2002.24
03/30/2000Finding and Order, ordering that the proposed rules, as amended, be adopted and filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, the Legislative Service Commission, and the Secretary of State's Office as required by Section 111.15 revised code, to become effective on the earliest date possible after filing pursuant to that statute, that upon the request of the CRES provider, the electric distribution utility in whose territory the CRES provider is operating shall submit the information required by subdivision (a) (3) of Rule 4901:1-21-02, O.A.C., that those entities identified in Finding 18, maintain the capability to sort data in a manner described in that finding, that the review date for these rules is September 30, 2002.18
02/14/2000Reply comments filed on behalf of the City of Toledo by K. Bruce.9
02/14/2000Reply comments filed on behalf of CG&E by J. Gainer and M. Dortch.7
02/14/2000Reply comments filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk.13
02/14/2000Reply comments filed on behalf of DP&L by A. Vinolus.5
02/14/2000Reply comments filed on behalf of OCC by E. Robinson.10
02/14/2000Reply comments, filed on behalf of The Buckeye Assoc. of School Administrators (BASA) the Ohio Assoc. of School Business Officials (OASBO), and the Ohio School Boards Assoc. (OSBA) by V. Keating.8
02/14/2000Reply comments filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik.6
02/14/2000Reply comments regarding the proposed rules for market monitoring, filed on behalf of Choice in Electricity by D. Rinebolt.10
02/14/2000Reply comments filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power by M. Resnik.6
02/14/2000Reply comments filed on behalf of SchoolPool by V. Keating.8
02/14/2000Reply comments regarding the proposed rules for market monitoring, filed on behalf of The Coalition for Choice in Electricity.10
02/14/2000Comments filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by J. Gainer and M. Dortch.7
02/10/2000Certificate of service filed on behalf of Ohio Citizen Action by S. Weir.4
02/09/2000Notice of supplemental service filed on behalf of DP&L by A. Vinolus.3
02/07/2000Certificate of service filed on behalf of CG&E by M. Dortch.1
02/02/2000Entry ordering that each entity that filed initial comments in response to the December 21, 1999 Entry in this docket shall serve a copy of those comments in accordance with Finding (2).(SD)10
02/02/2000Entry ordering that each entity that filed initial comments in response to the December 21, 1999 Entry shall service a copy of those comments in accordance with Finding (2).(SD)5
01/31/2000Initial comments filed on behalf of Shell Energy Services Co. by G. Lawrence. (18 pgs.)18
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of Columbia Energy Services Corp.; Columbia energy Power Marketing Corp.; Exelon Energy; Mid- Atlantic Power Supply Assoc.; Strategic Energy; and Unicom Energy by S. Bloomfield. (12 pgs.)12
01/31/2000Initial comments filed on behalf of Shell Energy Services Co., LLC by G. Lawrence.18
01/31/2000Initial comments filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk.28
01/31/2000Initial comments filed on behalf of DP&L by A. Vinolus.9
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of OCC by E. Robinson-McGriff.11
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of Columbia Energy Services, Columbia Energy Power, Exelon Energy, Mid-Atlantic Power, Strategic Energy, and Unicom Energy by S. Bloomfield.12
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of Monongahela Power Co. by G. Jack.8
01/31/2000Initial comments filed on behalf of SchoolPool by V. Keating.5
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of the City of Toledo by K. Bruce.4
01/31/2000Initial comments filed on behalf of CNG Retail Services by G. Jeffries.2
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of CG&E by J. Gainer and M. Dortch.19
01/31/2000Initial comments filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power by M. Resnik.23
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by J. Small.4
01/31/2000Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by J. Migden on behalf of Enron Energy Services, Inc. (6 pgs) Comments filed on behalf of Monongahela Power Company by G. Jack. (8 pgs.)8
01/31/2000Initial comments filed on behalf of The Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA), the Ohio Association of School Business Officials (OASBO), and the Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA), collectively as SchoolPool by V. Keating. (5 pgs.)5
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of the City of Toledo by K. Bruce. (4 pgs.)4
01/31/2000Initial comments filed on behalf of CNG Retail Services by G. Jeffries. (2 pgs.)2
01/31/2000Initial comments filed on behalf of Shell Energy Services Co., L.L.C. by P. Forshay.18
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by J. Small.4
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of Choice in Electricity by D. Rinebolt.78
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of The City of Cleveland by J. Small.4
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of The Coalition for Choice in Electricity by D. Rinebolt.78
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of The Coalition for Choice in Electricity by D. Rinebolt.78
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of The Coalition For Choice In Electricity: Consolidated Natural Gas by B. Jones; Enron Energy Services by J. Migden; Greater Cleveland Growth Assoc. by D. Rubin; Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by S. Randazzo; Ohio Partners For Affordable Energy by D. Rine- bolt; Ohio Council of Retail Merchants by J. Bentine; Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc. by S. Taft; NewEnergy Midwest by K. Walsh; WPS-Energy Services by P. Mikulsky; Ohio Grocers Assoc. by T. Jackson; Corporation For Ohio Appalachian Development, Ashtabula County Community Action Agency, and Supporting Council of Preventative Effort by E. Jacobs. (78 pgs.) of The Coalition for Choice in Electricity.78
01/31/2000Initial comments on staffs proposal, filed on behalf of The Buckeye Assoc. of School Adm.5
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of OCC by E. Robinson-McGriff.11
01/31/2000Initial comments filed on behalf of DP&L by A. Vinolus.9
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Citizen Action by S. Weir.2
01/31/2000Comments filed on behalf of CG&E by J. Gainer and M. Dortch. (19 pgs.)19
01/31/2000Initial comments to the proposed rules regarding market monitoring, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk.28
12/21/1999Entry ordering that all interested stakeholders are invited to file initial and reply comments to the Staff's proposal attached in this Entry as Attachment 1, and answers to the questions propounded by the Commission regarding staff's proposal, attached to this entry as attachment II, by January 31 and February 14, 2000 respectively.41
12/07/1999In the matter of the Commission's Promulgation of Amendments to Rules for Electric Service and Safety Standards pursuant to Chapter 4928, Revised Code.1