DIS - Case Record for 99-0661-GA-COI Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/17/2023 Case Action Form closing the case with an effective date of 08/17/23 electronically filed by Ms. Donielle M. Hunter on behalf of Patricia A. Schabo, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
12/20/2001 Service notice
06/25/2001 Tariff, PUCO No. 18, sheet 44.3, pages 1 through 17, filed on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. by W. Ginn.
06/23/2001 Service Notice
06/21/2001 Entry ordering that the tariff language that was approved on January 4, 2001, in this docket need not be implemented by Columbia, DEO, and CG&E; similarly, the proposed tariff revisions filed by DEO, OCC and CG&E on January 25, February 6, and February 8, 2001, are not approved; that the second and third assignments of error contained in the applications for rehearing of Columbia and DEO are denied for the reasons stated in this entry; that the proposed tariff revisions (relating to telephonic enrollment) filed by CG&E on February 8, 2001 are approved; that this case shall be closed of record.
05/01/2001 Staff report filed.
03/16/2001 Comments of the Ohio Consumers' Council filed by D. Winkler.
03/16/2001 Reply comments filed on behalf of PowerTrust Energy Services by B. Royer.
03/02/2001 Comments filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by S. Seiple.
03/02/2001 Comments filed on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric by J. Finnigan.
03/01/2001 Comments filed on behalf of Dominion East Ohio by P. Ruxin.
02/15/2001 Entry ordering that the applications for rehearing of Columbia and DEO are granted for the reasons stated in this entry; that all interested parties may file comments upon the suspension/termination tariff provisions attached to the January 4, 2001 entry; initial comments should be filed by March 2, 2001, and reply comments by March 16, 2001.
02/15/2001 Service Notice
02/13/2001 Final copies of tariff sheets filed by R. Anderson.
02/08/2001 Tariff, PUCO No. 18, sheet 44.3, filed on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. by W. Ginn.
02/08/2001 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 2, 3rd sheet 75, filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio by S. Seiple.
02/08/2001 Entry ordering that the motions of New Power and OCC to intervene in Case No. 00-2450-GA-ATA are granted; that the proposed amended tariff filed by East Ohio on December 8, 2000 and the proposed amended tariffs filed by Columbia on December 18, 2000 are approved; that Case Nos. 99-661-GA-COI and 00-2450-GA-ATA remain open until otherwise ordered by the Commission and that the docket for Case No. 00-1370-GA-ATA be closed; that persons interested in filing comments do so by March 12, 2001 in Case No. 00-2450-GA-ATA.
02/07/2001 Motion for clarification and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by J. Utter Heston.
02/06/2001 Service Notice.
02/06/2001 Tariff, PUCO No. 18, sheet 44.3 filed on behalf of applicant by W. Ginn. (THIS DOCUMENT WAS POSTMARKED ON 1/23/01, BUT NOT RECEIVED IN DOCKETING UNTIL 2/6/01)
02/05/2001 Entry ordering that Columbia and GG&E file the tariff revisions necessitated by the Commission's January 4, 2001 entry by February 9, 2001. (AE)
01/31/2001 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of East Ohio Gas by P. Ruxin.
01/25/2001 Revised Energy Choice Transportation Service Standards of Conduct filed on behalf of applicant by H. Liebman.
01/24/2001 Application for rehearing of Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc.
01/24/2001 Service Notice.
01/23/2001 Entry ordering that DEO's motion for an extension of time for filing the tariff revisions b the Commission's January 4, 2001 entry is denied. (AE)
01/23/2001 Notice of withdrawal of counsel and designation of new trial attorney filed on behalf of OCC by J. Utter Heston.
01/18/2001 Motion for extension of time to file tariffs and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by H. Liebman.
01/05/2001 Service notice
01/04/2001 Entry ordering that Columbia Gas of Ohio, East Ohio Gas, and Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. file in this docket by January 25, 2001, revised tariffs containing the provisions for Commission approval of suspensions and terminations as specified in Attachment A of this entry; that this docket remain open until otherwise ordered by the Commission.
08/24/2000 Finding & Order that the motions of the Ohio Oil & Gas Assoc., Enron/New Power, and Industrial Energy Users-Ohio to intervene are granted; that the proposed amended tariffs filed by East Ohio Gas on July 26, 2000, are approved ex- cept as noted in this order; that the staff file a report of investigation regarding the comparable capacity require- ment for primary, firm capacity of May 1, 2001; that this docket remain open until otherwise ordered by the Commis- sion. Separate Opinion of Commissioner Craig A. Glazer. (9 pgs.)
08/03/2000 Finding & Order that the proposed amended tariffs filed by Columbia and CG&E are approved. (3 pgs.)
06/22/2000 Entry ordering that EOG's request for an extension of time to submit tariff revisions related to the door-to-door solicitation ruling is granted. (AE) (2 pgs.)
06/22/2000 Entry ordering that EOG's request for an extension of time to submit tariff revisions related to the door-to-door solicitation ruling is granted. (GP)
06/19/2000 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 2, 2nd sheet 74, 1st sheet 74a, 2nd sheet 75, filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio by S. Seiple. (4 pgs.)
06/19/2000 Revised tariffs sheets, Second revised sheet no. 74, First revised sheet No. 74a, and second revised sheet no. 74, filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., by S. Seiple.
06/19/2000 Motion of The East Ohio Gas Company for extension of Filing Deadlines, filed by H. Liebman.
06/16/2000 Motion for extension of filing deadline, filed on behalf of East Ohio Gas Co. by H. Liebman. (4 pgs.)
06/08/2000 Finding & Order granting UGM's request to intervene in Case No. 00-98-GA-ATA; that UGM's request for disapproval of the door-to-door solicitation tariff provisions proposed by CG&E in Case No. 00-98-GA-ATA is granted in part and denied in part; that Columbia, East Ohio, and CG&E make the necessary changes to their gas choice marketer code of conduct pro- visions in order for the tariffs to comply with the deter- minations made in this decision. (11 pgs.)
06/08/2000 Finding and Order granting UGM's request to intervene in this Case No. 00-98-GA-ATA; that UGM's request for disapproval of the door to door solicitation tariff provisions proposed by CG&E in Case No. 98-GA-ATA is granted in part and denied in part; that Columbia, East Ohio, and CG&E make the necessary changes to their gas choice marketer code of conduct provisions in order for the tariffs to comply with determinations made in this decision.
06/01/2000 Service Notice
04/17/2000 Customer Choice Program annual report filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio by T. Brown, Jr.
03/14/2000 Reply of CG&E to the improper memorandum contra of United Gas Management, inc., filed by P. Colbert. (7 pgs.) (FILED 3/9/00 INCORRECTLY IN CASE NO. 96-661-TP-AEC)
03/09/2000 Reply of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co to the improper memorandum contra of United Gas Management Inc. Respectfully submitted by, P. Colbert (7 pgs)
03/09/2000 Reply of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co to the improper memorandum contra of United Gas Management Inc. Respectfully submitted by, P. Colbert (7 pgs)
02/22/2000 Application for rehearing and motion for a stay of the PUCO's Entry on Rehearing and prior Finding & Order, filed on behalf of CG&E by P. Colbert. (17 pgs.)
02/04/2000 Comments filed on behalf of CG&E by P. Colbert. (7 pgs.)
02/04/2000 Comments filed on behalf of United Gas Management by B. Dingwall. (1 pg.)
02/04/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Columbia Gas by S. Seiple. (8 pgs.)
01/20/2000 Entry Ordering, that the applications for rehearing and motions for clarification and to lift stay are granted and denied to the extent set forth in this entry on rehearing. (6 pgs)
01/20/2000 Entry ordered that the applications for rehearing and motions for clarification and to lift stay are granted and denied to the extent set forth in this entry on rehearing, ordered that CG&E comply with all applicable directives outlined in the Entry on Rehearing, that interested persons wishing to file comments regarding the staff's proposal on minimum requirements for door to door solicitation by gas marketers shall file those comments in accordance with Finding (8).
01/13/2000 Memorandum contra the application for rehearing and/or motion for clarification and motion to lift stay of United Gas Management, filed on behalf of CG&E by P. Colbert. (17 pgs.)
01/03/2000 Application for rehearing and/or motion for clarification and motion to lift stay and memorandum in support filed on behalf of United Gas Management by G. Hummel. (16 pgs.)
01/03/2000 Notice of substitution of counsel filed on behalf of United Gas Management by G. Hummel. (4 pgs.)
12/30/1999 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of CG&E by P. Colbert. (17 pgs.)
12/30/1999 Door-to-Door Solicitation Minimum Requirements for gas marketers participating in the gas choice programs, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (2 pgs.)
12/02/1999 Finding & Order that the continuation of the Columbia, East Ohio and CG&E pilot customer choice programs is approved, subject to the terms and conditions described herein; that Columbia, East Ohio, and CG&E submit reports by April 1, 2000; that the staff's recommendations are adopted to the extent described herein; that the Commission's staff develop a proposal to address complaints associated with door-to- door solicitations and present its proposal to the Commis- sion within 30 days of this Order; that nothing in this Order constitutes state action for purposes of antitrust laws. Concurring Opinion of Commissioner Craig A. Glazer. (35 pgs.)
08/03/1999 Notice of withdrawal of counsel and designation of new trial attorney, filed on behalf of OCC by W. Margard III. (2 pgs.)
07/15/1999 Reply Comments filed by Marketers. H. Petricoff. (2 pgs)
07/12/1999 Service list for reply comments which were filed on July 9, 1999, filed on behalf of the Marketers Group by H. Petricoff. (2 pgs.)
07/09/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of The Marketers' Group, Enron Energy Services by M. Petricoff; Energy Max of N.E. Ohio by T. Cox; United Gas Management by B. Dingwall; Colum- bia Energy Serviceds Corp. by S. Bloomfield; Stand Energy by J. Phillips; Volunteer Energy by J. Zuber; Miami Valley Resources by K. Bobo; Power Resources Operating Co. by V. Artese; Reliant Energy Retail by C. Broadrick. (5 pgs.)
07/09/1999 Reply comments filed on behalf of Columbia Gas by S. Seiple. (5 pgs.)
07/09/1999 Reply Comments of Honda of America Mfg., Inc. Submitted by: W.J. Airey. (4 pgs.)
06/25/1999 Comments of Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc filed by S. Seiple of behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc.
06/25/1999 Comments filed on behalf of Energy Max of N.E. Ohio by T. Cox. (1 pg.)
06/25/1999 Memo filed by J. Reinhardt, with copy of memo from the Ohio Rail Development Commission authorizing CSX Trans- portation to proceed with two additional warning devices foundations and gates for the Wood County, City of Perrys- burg, West Boundary Street, DOT 155821J, crossing. (2 pgs.) Comments filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio by S. Seiple. (10 pgs.)
06/25/1999 Comment of The East Ohio Gas Company filed by H. Liebman. (6 pgs.)
06/25/1999 Comments of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company regarding staff's proposed changes to the gas customer choice code of conduct enforcement procedures filed by P. Colbert. (8 pgs)
06/25/1999 Comments of The Ohio Farm Bureau and The Ohio Manufactures' Association filed by S. Taft, B. Chorpenning. (5 pgs.)
06/25/1999 Initial comments of the Marketer's Group request for a Roundtable-Workshop, filed by M. Petricoff et al. (14 pgs)
06/25/1999 Initial comments of Honda of America Mfg., Inc filed by W. Airey. (7 pgs)
06/11/1999 Motion for clarification and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by E. Stephens. (9 pgs.)
06/11/1999 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by E. Stephens. (3 pgs.)
06/02/1999 Entry ordering that the Staff proposes that the process listed in this entry be incorporated into Columbia Gas, East Ohio Gas, and CG&E's tariffs to ensure that marketers comply with the terms of the program and to adequately address the concerns raised in this case; interested per- sons shall have the opportunity to file comments on Staff's proposal by June 25, 1999, and reply comments by July 9, 1999. (6 pgs.)
06/01/1999 In the matter of the Commission's Investigation and Further Consideration of the Language Set Forth in the Tariffs of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., The East Ohio Gas Company, and The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company regarding the enforce- ment of the codes of conduct for the Customer Choice Programs. (1 pg.)