DIS - Case Record for 98-1401-TP-ACE Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
02/26/2019 Case Action Form to close case with an effective date of 02/26/19 electronically filed by Michelle A. Green on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
02/22/2019 Memo reopening case with an effective date of 02/22/19 filed by M. Green on behalf of PUCO Staff.
02/22/2019 Notice of Cancellation of Certificate #90-5837-CT-TRF with an effective date of 12/31/18 filed by M. Green on behalf of PUCO Staff.
08/09/2004 Certificate 90-9120 issued.
10/17/2003 Tariff PUCO No. 2; this filing includes new language added to the Commercial and Residential Inbound Toll Free (800/888/877) service descriptions affecting the tariff pages listed, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Blackman.
07/20/2000 Certificate No. 90-9120 issued. (1 pg.)
05/15/2000 Certificate no. 90-9120 issued.
05/15/2000 Certificate No. 90-9120 issued. (1 pg.)
04/20/2000 Finding & Order approving the application; that TaeTec's request for waiver of the requirement that it maintain its books and records in complaince with the USOA is granted; that a certificate, 90-9210, be issued to PaeTec. (5 pgs)
03/06/2000 Tariff, PUCO No. 2, original pages 1 through 203, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lee. (205 pgs.)
10/01/1999 Correspondence to D. Jennings, PUCO staff, stating that several financial statements which were marked "confiden- tial" may be treated as non-confidential public infor- mation, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Mazumdar. (1 pg.)
09/30/1999 Supplement filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lee. (31 pgs.)
05/21/1999 Confidential Attachment B filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lee. (36 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
05/21/1999 Confidential Attachment A, PaeTec Ohio competitive local exchange 24 month roll-out, filed on behalf of applicant T. Lee. (25 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
05/21/1999 Supplement to application filed on behalf of applicant by T. Lee. (7 pgs.)
12/04/1998 Entry suspending this case until further notice. (DJ) (1 pg)
11/04/1998 Correspondence regarding the application, filed on behalf of OCC by T. Etter. (3 pgs.)
10/05/1998 In the matter of the application of PaeTec Communications, Inc. for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide local exchange telecommunications services. (265 pgs.)