DIS - Case Record for 98-0859-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
09/30/1999 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 6, Check List, 385th sheet 1; Section 2,3, 8th sheet 8, filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy. (3 pgs.)
09/30/1999 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 6, Check List, 385th sheet 1; Section 2.3, 8th sheet 8, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kennedy. (3 pgs.) (98-859)
07/01/1999 Letter stating that the in-service date for the institution of one-way measured-rate EAS from GTE's Russellville (937/ 377) exchange to GTE's Sardinia (937/446) exchange is 6:00 p.m. on October 26, 1999, filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy. (1 pg.)
06/22/1999 Finding & Order approving the stipulation in its entirety; that GTE is authorized to provide one-way, measured-rate EAS from the Russellville Exchange to the Sardinia Exchange; that the Commission will hold in abeyance what form of re- lief should be granted from the Sardinia Exchange to the Russellville Exchange, pending the evaluation of GTE's LCP. (6 pgs.)
05/28/1999 Stipulation, Agreement and Recommendation. Submitted by: Subscribers, GTE North and Ameritech. (7 pgs.)
03/01/1999 Second information response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by W. Keating. (3 pgs.)
02/16/1999 Affidavit filed by J. Sanders on behalf of MCI Telecommuni- cations. (1 pg)
01/29/1999 Affidavit of Kim Logue filed on behalf of LCI International Telecom Corp. by K. Logue. (2 pgs.)
01/28/1999 Affidavit of LaTrischa C. Miles filed on behalf of Sprint Communications Company by L. Miles. (2 pgs.)
01/27/1999 Affidavit of Kim Logue filed on behalf of LCI International by K. Logue. (2 pgs.)
01/19/1999 Additional information filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by S. Rawlings. (2 pgs.)
12/23/1998 Entry ordering that complainants' request to have an addi- tional month of calling statistic for a study month when school is in session is granted; that AT&T, MCI, LCI/Qwest, U.S. Sprint, and Worldcom shall provide the information re- quired by Finding 4 to GTE and Ameritech and file an affi- davit with the Commission pursuant to Finding 5 by February 1, 1999; that GTE and Ameritech shall file the information requested in Findings 7 and 8 with the Commission and the spokesperson for the complainants by March 1, 1999. (AE) (6 pgs.)
12/14/1998 Correspondence letter filed by T. Miller on behalf of Eastern Local School District. (2 pgs)
12/09/1998 Supplemental information response filed on behalf of respon- dent, GTE North, by W. Keating. (9 pgs.)
12/09/1998 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (3 pgs.)
12/04/1998 Entry scheduling a conference for 12/10/98, 10:00 a.m. at the PUCO offices. (GS) (2 pgs)
11/19/1998 Entry ordering that the interlocutory appeal filed by Ameritech on September 15, 1998, is granted as set forth in Finding 7; that Ameritech, for the duration of its Area Select program and until the pilot is thoroughly reviewed and evaluated in ragards to the Winchester ex- change, shall be relieved of implementing any relief the Commissiion finds appropriate in this case. (4 pgs.)
11/06/1998 Answer and information response filed on behalf of respon- dent, GTE North, by W. Keating. (44 pgs.)
11/06/1998 Answer of Ameritech filed by C. Rawlings. (3 pgs)
11/06/1998 Information reponse of Ameritech Ohio filed by C. Rawlinngs (70 pgs)
10/29/1998 Affidavit of Elizabeth Finnerty filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by E. Finnerty. (11 pgs.)
10/13/1998 Affidavit of Kim Logue filed on behalf of LCI International Telecom Corp. by K. Logue. (2 pgs.)
10/13/1998 Affidavit of Judith B. Sanders filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders. (1 pg.)
10/13/1998 Entry ordering that the interlocutory appeal filed by Ameritech on September 15, 1998, is certified to the Commission. (AE) (3 pgs.)
10/08/1998 Affidavit of LaTrischa C. Miles filed on behalf of Sprint Communications Company L.P. by L. Miles. (2 pgs.)
09/24/1998 Letter stating WorldCom's request it not be required to provide the distribution of calling statistics for its customers, submitted by: B. Ferris. (1 pg.)
09/15/1998 Interlocutory appeal and memorandum in support of appeal filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by C. Raw- lings. (20 pgs.)
09/10/1998 Entry ordering that Ameritech's motion to be dismissed from this proceeding is denied; that AT&T, MCI, LCI, Qwest, U.S. Sprint, Worldcom, and UTLD shall provide the information re- quired by Finding 7 to GTE and Ameritech and file an affida- vit with the Commission by October 9, 1998; that the settle- ment conference scheduled for September 14, 1998, will be rescheduled; that GTE and Ameritech shall file their written answers by November 6, 1998; that GTE and Ameritech provide the information required by Finding 11 by December 9, 1998. (AE) (7 pgs.)
09/08/1998 Amicus curiae memorandum in response to Ameritech Ohio's motion to dismiss, filed on behalf of OCC by D. Bergmann. (5 pgs.)
09/01/1998 Motion for extension of time to file answer and information response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by W. Keating. (2 pgs.)
08/24/1998 Information response and motion to dismiss of Ameritech Ohio filed by C. Rawlings. (4 pgs)
08/14/1998 Entry ordering that GTE and Ameritech each file an answer or other pleading and information required by Finding 3 by September 4, 1998; that GTE and Ameritech each file the information required by Finding 4 by October 6, 1998; scheduling a settlement conference at 1:30 p.m. on September 14, 1998, at the Commission offices. (AE) (5 pgs.)
06/01/1998 In the matter of the petition of Jeff Johnson and sub- scribers of the 377 exchange of GTE North Incorporated for extended area service into the 446 and 695 exchanges of GTE North Incorporated. (5 pgs.)