DIS - Case Record for 97-0716-CT-ACE Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/07/1998 Certificate number 90-5762 has been cancelled. (1 pg)
06/19/1998 Entry ordering that ODC's April 24, 1998 motion for approval of a proposed customer notice is moot; and closing this case of record. (AE) (2 pgs.)
04/24/1998 Motion for order approving proposed notice to customers of Ohio Direct Communications, Inc. in the Lancaster and Franklin County Exchange. Filed by: H. Eckhart. (4 pgs.)
03/30/1998 Report filed on behalf of applicant by H. Eckhart. (3 pgs.)
03/19/1998 Entry ordering that the motion of Janet L. Bednarz for leave to intervene is denied and her application for rehearing is not considered in this case; that the motion of Gail F. Min- nick for leave to intervene is granted; that the application for rehearing filed by Gail F. Minnick is denied; that the application for rehearing filed by Ohio Direct Communica- tions is granted in part and denied in part; that the motion for a stay filed by Chester L. Simons is moot. (19 pgs.)
03/05/1998 Memorandum in response to applications for rehearing and motions to intervene filed on behalf of Western Reserve Telephone Co. and Alltel Ohio by T. Lodge. (9 pgs.)
03/05/1998 Ameritech's memorandum contra applications for rehearing filed by Jon Kelly. (15pgs)
03/05/1998 Ameritech's memorandum contra the motions to intervene filed by Jon Kelly. (4 pgs)
02/23/1998 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Direct Communications, Inc. by H. Eckhart. (15 pgs.)
02/23/1998 Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support and application for rehearing filed on behalf of G. Minnick.
02/20/1998 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of Janet Bednarz by J. Bednarz. (3 pgs.)
02/20/1998 Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Janet Bednarz by J. Bednarz. (1 pg.)
02/17/1998 Memorandum contra filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (3 pgs.)
02/06/1998 Memorandum of The Alltel Companies (Western Reserve Tele- phone and Alltel Ohio) in response to motion of Chester L. Simons, dba Starlink dba Link II, dba Wayne County Connec- tion for stay of implementation of PUCO order of January 22, 1998 pending determination of Case No. 96-1405-TP-CSS, filed by T. Lodge. (3 pgs.) (FILED 2/5/98)
01/30/1998 Motion by Chester L. Simons, dba Starlink, dba Link II dba Wayne County Connection for stay of implementation of PUCO Order of January 22, 1998 pending determination of Case No. 96-1405-TP-CSS filed by D. George. (3 pgs.)
01/22/1998 Finding and Order, ordering that in order to provide the competitive telecommunications service for which ODC has been certified, it should purchase the appropriate service from the access tariffs of the ALLTEL companies and Ameri- tech, It is further ordered that this compensation con- clusion is applicable to all other companies that are opera- ting in a similar manner to ODC. It is further ordered that ODC and any other similar companies are required to comply with all provisions of the underlying companies' tariffs (to the extent they are applicable). It is further ordered that ODC comply with finding 11 and that ALLTEL companies and Ameritech comply with all provisions of this order relevant to termination of ODC or a company that they believe may be operating in a manner similar to ODC and that this case be closed of record. (10 pgs.)
10/27/1997 Memorandum in response to motion to decide appropriate ser- vice and compensation arrangements, etc., filed on behalf of The Alltel Companies by T. Lodge. (16 pgs.)
10/24/1997 Memorandum contra filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (49 pgs.)
10/17/1997 Motion to decide the appropriate service and compensation arrangements for the provision of service by Alltel Ohio, Western Reserve, and Ameritech Ohio and request for ex- pedited ruling, filed on behalf of applicant by H. Eckhart. (25 pgs.)
08/28/1997 Entry ordering that the Alltel companies' request to inter- vene is granted to the sole remaining issue (compensation); that the Alltel companies' request to suspend approval of ODC's application is moot. (AE) (3 pgs.)
08/13/1997 Certificate No. 90-5762 issued. (1 pg.) (ISSUED 8/12/97)
08/13/1997 Reply memorandum in support of motion to intervene and request to suspend application, filed on behalf of Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve by T. Lodge. (5 pgs.)
08/06/1997 Memorandum contra Alltel petition to intervene and request for suspension and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by B. Ferris and H. Eckhart. (6 pgs.)
08/01/1997 Memo automatically approving the application with effective date of August 1, 1997; however, this case shall remain open until otherwise ordered by the Commission because there is a remaining issue regarding compensation that has not yet been addressed. (1 pg.)
07/30/1997 Motion to intervene and request to suspend application and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve Telephone by T. Lodge. (8 pgs.)
07/22/1997 Corrected 563 registration form filed on behalf of appli- cant by H. Eckhart. (35 pgs.)
07/02/1997 Proposal of Ohio Direct Communications Inc. for compensation arrangements filed by H. Eckhart. (31 pgs.)
07/01/1997 Compensation proposal filed on behalf of the Alltel Com- panies (Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve) by T. Lodge. (6 pgs.)
07/01/1997 Proposal for compensation arrangements filed on behalf of applicant by H. Eckhart. (30 pgs.)
07/01/1997 Compensation Proposal for Ohio Direct Communications, Inc. filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (4 pgs.)
07/01/1997 In the matter of the application of Ohio Direct Communica- tions, Inc. to provide public competitive telecommunication services. (34 pgs.)