DIS - Case Record for 97-0174-AU-UNC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/04/1999 Certificate No. 90-5705 rescinded 11/3/99. (1 pg.)
11/04/1999 Certificate No. 90-5511 rescinded 11/3/99. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5624 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5611 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5191 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5104 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5166 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5521 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5548 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5534 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5552 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5551 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5516 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5510 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5504 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5139 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5558 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5641 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5669 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5683 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5692 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5191 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5230 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5166 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/03/1999 Certificate No. 90-5112 rescinded. (1 pg.)
08/02/1999 Certificate No. 90-5643 rescinded. (1 pg.)
12/18/1997 Entry ordering that any existing tariffs Castle Rock Com- munications, Inc., American Telephone Network, Inc. and Milliwave Limited Partnership are canceled and the secre= tary of the Commission shall remove the cmpanies from the rolls of companies subject to the jurisdiction of the Com- mission; that RAM Technologies, Inc. continues to be sub- ject to the juriscition of this Commission and continues to be responsible for the filing of an annual report and the payment of the PUCO assessment; that the requests to aban- don service filed by the companies listed in this entry are granted and that the ABN cases are closed of reocrd; that the application of LCI International Telecom to trans- fer assets from Pennsylvania Alternative Communications, Inc Inc. (Case No. 96-613-CT-ATR) is granted and the case is closed of record; that Case No. 95-1177-CT-ACE filed by ATN Communications is dismissed for failure to prosecute; that a public utility whose certificate has been canceled may not, unless it possesses other operating authority from the Com- mission, provide any public utility service in Ohio unless it reapplies for, and is granted, a certificate of public convenience and necessity from the Commission. (10 pgs.)
12/17/1997 Various documents relating to the status of various utility companies filed. (22 pgs.)
03/06/1997 Entry ordering that the secretary of the Commission send all public utilities, as defined by Section 4905.02, Revised Code, and as shown on the list attached to this entry, a copy of this entry and three copies of the appropriate form of the annual report to be completed by the public utili- ties; that the public utilities complete the annual report forms and file a copy with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and a copy with the Office of Consumers' Counsel by May 1, 1997; that the secretary of the Commission send to all railroads on the list attached to this entry, a copy of this entry and two copies of the appropriate form of the annual report to be completed by the railroad; that the railroads complte the annual report forms and file a copy with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by May 1, 1997. (37 pgs.)
02/18/1997 In the matter of the filing of 1996 annual reports by regu- lated Public Utilities. (1 pg.)