DIS - Case Record for 96-1405-TP-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
09/17/1998 Supreme Court Case # 98-1147 returned. (4 Vols.)(Fileroom)
09/04/1998 Letter opposing the request by Alltel to terminate service to Chester L. Simons dba Starlink, filed on behalf of com- plainant by D. George. (32 pgs.)
07/09/1998 Supreme Court Transmittal Papers. (7 pgs.)
06/09/1998 Notice of appeal filed by D. George on behalf of the appli- cant. (2 pgs)
04/30/1998 Entry denying Starlink's application for rehearing; that Starlink's motion to suspend the time for filing for a certificate of public convenience is moot in accordance with Finding 11. (7 pgs.)
04/17/1998 Memorandum in opposition to application for rehearing and in opposition to motion to suspend time, filed on behalf of respondent, Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (10 pgs.)
04/08/1998 Application for rehearing and memorandum filed on behalf of complainant by D. George. (11 pgs.)
04/08/1998 Motion to suspend time for application by complainant for certificate of public convenience pending application for rehearing, filed by D. George. (3 pgs.)
03/12/1998 Opinion and order denying this complaint. Ordered that if Starlink wishes to continue its operations in the State of Ohio, Starlink shall file an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity by April 10, 1998. If Starlink does not file an application, it shall file a proposed plan to notify its customers that it is no longer in operation, and to refund to its customers any funds due them. Ordered that Western Reserve shall not serve a notice of termination or terminate the service of Starlink during the pendency of the application for rehearing, application for certificate, or Commission review. (21 pgs)
01/30/1998 Reply to respondent's brief for final argument filed on behalf of complainant by D. George. (29 pgs.)
01/30/1998 Complainant's reply to respondent's brief for final argument filed by D. George on behalf of Chet Simons dba Starlink.
01/30/1998 Reply brief of the Western Reserve Telephone Company filed by T. Lodge.
01/16/1998 Affidavit of Chester L. Simons filed by C. Simons.
01/16/1998 Brief in lieu of final argument of complainant filed by D, George on behalf of Chet Simons dba Starlink.
01/13/1998 Initial post-hearing brief of the Western Reserve Telephone Company filed by T. Lodge.
12/29/1997 Transcript filed for hearing held 12/15/97, (GP), 223 pgs., Submitted. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
12/15/1997 Objection to and motion to strike corrected testimony of Dennis McGiles filed on behalf of complainant by D. George. (4 pgs.)
12/12/1997 Corrected testimony of Dennis D. McGiles filed on behalf of respondent, Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (30 pgs.)
12/12/1997 Memorandum in opposition to motion to strike testimony, filed on behalf of respondent, Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (4 pgs.)
12/11/1997 Motion to strike testimony of Dennis D. McGiles filed on behalf of complainant by D. George. (3 pgs.)
12/10/1997 Submission of depositions filed on behalf of respondent, Western Reserve Telephone Co., by T. Lodge. (121 pgs.)
12/08/1997 Testimony of Dennis D. McGiles filed on behalf of Alltel Ohio, Inc. and Western Reserve Telephone by T. Lodge. (29 pgs.)
11/07/1997 Letter regarding hearing information, filed on behalf of respondents, Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (1 pg.)
11/07/1997 Entry ordering that the parties' joint request to continue the hearing is granted; that the evidentiary hearing shall now begin at 10:00 a.m. on December 15, 1997, at the Com- mission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
10/17/1997 Entry ordering that Starlink's motion for summary judgment, motion to have its request for admissions deemed admitted, and motion for joinder are denied; that Starlink's motion to compel answers to interrogatories is granted in part and denied in part; that Alltel's motion to dismiss for misjoin- der is granted; Alltel is no longer a party to this pro- ceeding; that Western Reserve serve responses to Starlink's February 12, 1997 request for admissions and interrogatories by October 24, 1997; that Starlink's motion to reinstate discovery and motion for a hearing are granted; that re- sponses to all future discovery efforts made by the parties be served within seven calendar days of service of the re- quests; scheduling a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on Decem- ber 9, 1997, at the Commission offices. (AE) (8 pgs.)
07/22/1997 Memorandum in opposition to motion to reinstitute discovery filed on behalf of respondents, Alltel Ohio and Western Res- erve Telephone, by T. Lodge. (6 pgs.)
07/17/1997 Entry scheduling a prehearing conference at 1:30 p.m. on August 4, 1997, at the Commission; that these cases are not being consolidated by virtue of this entry. (AE) (3 pgs.)
07/08/1997 Memorandum of the Alltel Companies (Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve Telephone Co.) in response to motion to join Darryl Matthews individually and as a representative of A Class Of Consumers filed by T. Lodge. (6 pgs.)
06/30/1997 Memorandum of The Alltel Companies (Western Reserve and Alltel Ohio) in opposition to motion to have admissions deemed admitted and in opposition to motion to compel answers to interrogatories, and memorandum of Alltel Com- panies to motion for hearing on definition of clubs, filed by T. Lodge. (11 pgs.)
06/23/1997 Motion to join Darryl Matthews individually and as represen- tative of a class of consumers filed on behalf of complain- ant by D. George. (1 pg.)
06/16/1997 Motion to have request for admissions deemed admitted filed on behalf of complainant by D. George. (6 pgs.)
06/16/1997 Motion to compel answers to interrogatories to respondents filed on behalf of complainant by D. George. (5 pgs.)
06/16/1997 Motion for hearing in definition of "Clubs" in respondents' tariff filed on behalf of complainant by D. George. (2 pgs.)
03/25/1997 Reply of complainant to respondents' memorandum in oppo- sition to complainant's motion for summary judgment, filed by D. George. (7 pgs.)
03/18/1997 Memorandum in response to motion for summary judgment of February 28, 1997, filed on behalf of respondents, Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve Telephone, by T. Lodge. (18 pgs.)
03/04/1997 Entry ordering that all discovery activity in this matter should be held in abeyance at this time until further notice in order to allow the Commission additional time to further consider this matter. (AE) (2 pgs.)
02/28/1997 Memorandum in support of reply/objection of complainant to respondent's motion to stay proceedings pending decision by PUCO on Ohio Direct Case filed by D. George. (2 pgs.)
02/28/1997 Reply/objection of complainant to respondents' motion to stay proceedings pending decision by PUCO on Ohio Direct Case filed by D. George. (3 pgs.)
02/28/1997 Memorandum in support of motion by complainant for summary judgment filed by D. George. (4 pgs.)
02/28/1997 Motion by complainant for summary judgment filed by D. George. (46 pgs.)
02/24/1997 Motion to stay proceedings and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondents, Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (6 pgs.)
02/12/1997 Reply to motion to dismiss filed on behalf of complainant by D. George. (1 pg.)
02/12/1997 Prehearing statement filed on behalf of Chet Simons, dba Starlink by D. George.
01/21/1997 Motion to dismiss for misjoinder and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondents, Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (3 pgs.)
01/21/1997 Answer filed on behalf of respondents, Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (8 pgs.)
01/17/1997 Entry ordering that respondents shall have until Tuesday, January 21, 1997, to file their answers or responsive pleadings in this matter; scheduling a settlement conference at 10:00 a.m. on February 12, 1997, at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
01/14/1997 Motion for extension of time to answer complaint and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed on be- half of respondents, Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (4 pgs.)
12/31/1996 Service Notice
12/31/1996 Entry ordering that Western Reserve is directed not to ter- minate the seven account numbers listed in its December 18 letter or, if termination has already occurred, to restore service as quickly as practicable; unless the Commission orders otherwise, the account numbers shall remain in ser- vice while this matter is pending as long as complainant timely pays its bill for the service. (AE) (2 pgs.)
12/27/1996 Complaint service letter and copy of complaint mailed to: Dennis McGiles, Western Reserve Telephone Company, ALLTEL Ohio, Inc.
12/24/1996 Motion as to actual and proposed termination of service filed on behalf of complainant by D. George. (2 pgs.)
12/24/1996 In the matter of the complaint of Chet Simons dba Starlink (vs) Alltel Ohio, Inc. and Western Reserve Telephone Company relative to the alleged unjust and unreasonable termination of service. (11 pgs.)