DIS - Case Record for 96-0888-TP-ARB Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
01/29/2003 Arbitration Panel Report filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp.
12/14/1999 Motion to renew protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by M. Mulcahy. (7 pgs.)
07/15/1999 Supreme Court Transmittal Papers. (15 pgs.) (Federal Court No. C2 97-721)
07/29/1998 Entry ordering that the motions of Ameritech to renew the protective orders priviously granted in this case is granted; that the Docketing Division of the Commission shall maintain under seal the information currently under seal for 18 months from the date of this entry, except as specifically delineated in Finding 6. (AE) (3 pgs.)
07/06/1998 Ameritech Ohio's supplemental memorandum in support of its motion for renewed protective order filed by D. Conway. (20 pgs.)
05/29/1998 Ameritech Ohio's Renewed Motion ofr Protective Order. Submitted by: D. Conway. (6 pgs.)
06/19/1997 Order that the Docketing Division of the Commission main- tain, under seal, the unredacted copy of Ameritech's and AT&T's prefiled testimony, the unredacted copy of Ameri- tech's post hearing brief, and the unredacted copy of the transcript of record for 18 months from the date of this Order; that the Commission's arbitration awards in this case be amended to include the new second prong of the resale discount, 21.45 percent, as set forth herein. (14 pgs.)
05/28/1997 Redacted transcript for hearing held on 2/25/97, (MF), 190 pgs., cont. filed by D. Conway.
05/22/1997 Entry approving the executed interconnection agreement and closing this case of record. (2 pgs.)
04/15/1997 Replacement page to the signed MCI Telecommunications Corp- oration/Ameritech Ohio interconnection agreement, filed by D. Conway. (2 pgs.)
04/04/1997 Memorandum contra MCI Telecommunications Corp.'s motion to strike, filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by D. Conway.
04/02/1997 Final signed interconnection agreement filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders and D. Townsley; and Ameritech Ohio by D.Conway and M. Stemm. (228 pgs.)
03/20/1997 Motion to strike and memorandum in support of MCI Tele- communications Corporation filed by B. Royer. (9 pgs.)
03/20/1997 Redacted version of Ameritech Ohio's post rehearing brief filed by D. Conway. (37 pgs.)
03/13/1997 Confidential portion of Ameritech Ohio's post-rehearing brief filed by M. Stemm. (37 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
03/13/1997 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by M. Stemm. (8 pgs.)
03/13/1997 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by M. Stemm. (8 pgs.)
03/13/1997 Brief filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by B. Kahn. (21 pgs.)
03/13/1997 Opinion & Order approving the interconnection arrangement to the extent set forth in this Order; that this case shall remain open until otherwise ordered by the Commission. (92 pgs.)
03/12/1997 Rehearing brief filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by D. Townsley and B. Royer. (17 pgs.)
03/11/1997 Exhibits for hearing held on 2/25/97 filed on behalf of applicants. (filed under seal)
03/11/1997 Letter stating that the attachment was simply intended to show the reasonableness of the language used in Ameritech Ohio's existing approved interconnection agreements versus no language at all as urged by MCI filed on behalf of Ameritech by D. Conway. (3 pgs.)
03/10/1997 Additional information regarding the application, filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications by J. Sanders. (2 pgs.)
02/25/1997 Letter stating that Ameritech Ohio does not object to the Commission issuing its decision by March 13,1997, filed by D. Conway. (1 pg.)
02/21/1997 Letter stating that MCI does not object to the Commission issuing its opinion and order regarding the proposed agree- ments by March 13, 1997, filed by J. Sanders. (1 pg.)
02/20/1997 Entry denying Ameritech's application for rehearing. (6 pgs.)
02/20/1997 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by P. Downey. (4 pgs.) (FILED 2/18/97)
02/19/1997 Reply to comments of MCI Telecommunications, filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by M. Stemm. (91 pgs.)
02/19/1997 Reply comments filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders and D. Townsley. (31 pgs.)
02/19/1997 Testimony of Douglas K. Goodrich filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio. (29 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL ON 2/18/97)
02/18/1997 Letter stating that Sprint does not intend to file respons- ive testimony, sponsor a witness nor participate in the evidentiary hearing filed by M. Jenkins. (1 pg.)
02/18/1997 Direct Testimony of Dennis L. Ricca filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corporation by J. Sanders. (26 pgs.)
02/10/1997 Contracts it has executed with independent telephone compan- ies for the provision of OS and DA services, filed on be- half of Ameritech Ohio by D. Conway. (133 pgs.)
02/10/1997 Memorandum contra Ameritech Ohio's application for rehearing filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications by J. Sanders and D. Townsley. (12 pgs.)
02/10/1997 Comments filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by M. Stemm. (41 pgs.)
02/10/1997 Erratum filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (2 pgs.)
02/07/1997 Road Map to the double red-lined version of Comments of MCI Telecommunications Corporation regarding the proposed inter- connection agreement filed by J. Sanders. (16 pgs.)
02/05/1997 Efforts to annotate the significant differences between the parties indicated by the double red-lining-one annotation document which was filed with the Commission on February 4, 1997, filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by D. Conway. (18 pgs.)
02/04/1997 Double red-lined agreement jointly submitted by Ameritech Ohio and MCI, filed by D. Conway. (245 pgs.)
02/03/1997 Interconnection agreement filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by D. Conway. (244 pgs.) (FILED 1/31/97)
02/03/1997 Interconnection agreement filed on behalf of MCI Telecom- munications by J. Sanders. (244 pgs.) (FILED 1/31/97)
02/03/1997 Certificate of service filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (2 pgs.)
02/03/1997 Certificate of service filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (2 pgs.)
02/03/1997 Confidential direct testimony of Paul E. Hollinger filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (15 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
02/03/1997 Direct testimony of Paul E. Hollinger filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (15 pgs.)
02/03/1997 Direct testimony of Paul E. Hollinger filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (15 pgs.)
02/03/1997 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (8 pgs.)
02/03/1997 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (8 pgs.)
02/03/1997 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (8 pgs.)
01/30/1997 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by M. Stemm. (19 pgs.)
01/29/1997 Entry scheduling a hearing at 9:00 a.m. on February 25, 1997, at the Commission offices; Ameritech should file, and serve upon the other parties on the same day, testi- mony and any additional evidence in support of its rehear- ing requst by February 3, 1997; the other parties to the arbitrations should file, and serve upon Ameritech on the same day, any responsive testimony or evidence by February 18, 1997. (AE) (2 pgs.)
01/29/1997 Entry scheduling a hearing at 9:00 a.m. on February 25, 1997, at the Commission offices; Ameritech should file, and serve upon the other parties on the same day, testi- mony and any additional evidence in support of its rehear- ing request by February 3, 1997; the other parties to the arbitrations should file, and serve upon Ameritech on the same day, any responsive testimony or evidence by February 18, 1997. (AE) (2 pgs.)
01/23/1997 Information updating the Commission on Ameritech Ohio's implementation of the OSS electronic interfaces, filed by D. Conway. (1 pg.)
01/22/1997 Entry ordering that the parties' extension request is grant- ed; MCI and Ameritech shall file their interconnection agreement and the update on implementation of the operations support system interfaces by January 31, 1997; that any party or other interested persons wishing to file comments in support or in opposition of the parties' interconnection agreement shall do so by February 10, 1997, and replies thereto by February 18, 1997; that Ameritech should still file by February 10, 1997, the contracts it has executed with independent telephone companies for the provision of OS and DA services. (AE) (2 pgs.)
01/21/1997 Request for extension of time to submit interconnection agreement and memorandum in support filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications by D. Townsley; and Ameritech Ohio by D. Conway. (4 pgs.)
01/15/1997 Entry ordering that rehearing is granted in part and denied in part, as set forth in this entry. (8 pgs.)
01/15/1997 Entry ordering that rehearing is granted in part and denied in part, as set forth in this entry. (8 pgs.)
01/09/1997 Arbitration Award ordering that the Docketing Division of the Commission maintain, under seal, the unredacted copy of MCI's exceptions to the arbitration panel report and the un- redacted copoes of the involved portions of Ameritech's arbitration package, as well as all other material pre- viously ruled to be confidential, for 18 months from the date of this Award; that MCI and Ameritech incorporate the directives as set forth in this Award within their inter- connection agreement; that, within 14 days of this Award, MCI and Ameritech file in this docket their entire inter- connection agreement; that, within 30 days of this Award, Ameritech shall provide to MCI and file with the Commission the contract(s) that it has executed with independent tele- phone companies for the provision of OS and DA services; that written comments supporting or opposing the proposed interconnection agreement be filed by February 3, 1997, and responses to the comments by February 10, 1997; that any motions expressly ruled upon in this Award are denied; that this docket shall remain open until further order of the Commission. (64 pgs.)
01/03/1997 Transcript for hearing held on 12/18/96. (CG) (90 pgs) Sub.
12/30/1996 Letter stating that MCI Telecommunications does not object to the Commission issuing its award during the week of Jan- uary 6, 1997, filed by J. Sanders. (1 pg.)
12/23/1996 Letter stating that Ameritech Ohio does not object to the Commission issuing its award during the week of January 6, 1997, filed by D. Conway. (1 pg.)
12/17/1996 Letter stating that MCI Telecommunications does not object to the Commission issuing its award by December 31, 1996, filed by J. Sanders. (1 pg)
12/12/1996 MCI Telecommunications Corporation's reply to the Ameritech Ohio's exceptions to the Arbitration Panel Reprot filed by J. Sanders, D. Townsley. (26 pgs.)
12/12/1996 Ameritech Ohio's reply to MCIm'S exceptions to the arbitra- tion panel's report filed by D. Conway. (121 pgs.)
12/10/1996 Table of contents for Ameritech Ohio's exceptions to the arbitration panel's report filed by D. Conway. (4 pgs.)
12/09/1996 Proprietary version of exceptions of MCI Telecommunications Corp. to the arbitration panel report, filed by J. Sanders and D. Townsley. (47 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
12/09/1996 Ameritech Ohio's exceptions to the arbitration panel report filed by D. Conway. (62 pgs.)
12/09/1996 Public version of exceptions of MCI Telecommunications Corp. to the arbitration panel report, filed by J. Sanders and D. Townsley. (47 pgs.)
12/05/1996 Letter stating that Ameritech Ohio does not object to the Commission issuing its award by December 31, 1996 filed by D. Conway. (1 pg.)
12/02/1996 Arbitration Panel Report ordering that the Commission adopt the recommendations of the panel and instruct the parties to incorporate such within their interconnection agreement; that any exceptions that MCI and Ameritech may have to this report should be filed with the Commission and served upon the other party by December 9, 1996, and any replies that MCI and Ameritech may have to those exceptions be filed by December 12, 1996. (91 pgs.)
11/18/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/4/96, (GP) (VG) (JR) (LS) (RM), 135 pgs., Submitted. (Columbus, OH-PUCO) (Volume VI)
11/15/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/1/96, (GP) (VG) (JR) (LS) (RM), 319 pgs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO) (Volume V)
11/14/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 10/31/96, (GP) (VG) (JR) (LS) (RM), 358 pgs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO) (Volume IV)
11/13/1996 Confidential portion of transcript of hearing held 10/30/96 Volume III. (2 pgs.)
11/13/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 10/30/96, (GP) (VG) (JR) (LS) (RM), 367 pgs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO) (Volume III)
11/12/1996 Confidential portion of the transcript of the hearing held 10/28/96. (32 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
11/12/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 10/28/96, (GP) (VG) (JR) (LS) (RM), 302 pgs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO) (Volume II)
11/08/1996 Supplemental filing of MCI Exhibits #1 and #1-A and new ASCII disk filed. (390 pgs.)
11/04/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 10/21/96, (GP) (VG) (JR) (LS) (RM), 157 pgs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO) (Volume I)
10/29/1996 Direct testimony of Warren Mickens filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio. (119 pgs.)
10/28/1996 Motion for issue designation or for more definite statement and motion to strike porposed Inkellis testimony and memor- andum in support filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by D. Conway. (11 pgs.)
10/28/1996 Response opposing Ameritech Ohio's motion for issue desig- nation or for more definite statement and motion to strike proposed Inkellis testimony filed on behalf of MCI Telecom- munications by J. Sanders and D. Townsley. (8 pgs.)
10/25/1996 Supplemental testimony of the following persons filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications by J. Sanders. (35 pgs.): 1. Brenda Lewis-Dehorn 2. Maria Marzullo 3. Adalene Spivy 4. Steven A. Inkellis
10/24/1996 Supplemental arbitration package filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications by J. Sanders and D. Townsley. (180 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Unredacted direct testimony of James E. Farmer (25 pgs.) and Dr. Kent A. Currie (82 pgs.) filed. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
10/15/1996 Arbitration package and Attachment 2 filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications by D. Townsley. (194 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Direct testimony of Gregory J. Dunny filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio. (118 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Direct prefiled testimony of Dr. August H. Ankum filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications. (90 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Direct testimony of Scott J. Alexander filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio. (86 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Direct testimony of Debra J. Aron and Robert G. Harris filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio. (79 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Statement of open issues, position on open issues, and summary of resolved issues filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio. (64 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Direct prefiled testimony of Maria Marzullo filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications. (58 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Direct testimony of Dr. Kent A. Currie filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio. (56 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Direct prefiled testimony of Dennis L. Ricca filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications. (53 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Direct prefiled testimony of Daniel Alger filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications. (51 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Direct testimony of Wayne Heinmiller filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio. (41 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Direct testimony of Ramont Bell filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio. (36 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Direct testimony of John B. Pautlitz filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio. (29 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Direct prefiled testimony of Brenda Lewis-Dehorn filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications. (28 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Direct testimony of James E. Farmer filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio. (25 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Direct prefiled testimony of Adalene Spivy filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications. (20 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by D. Conway. (6 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Proposed exhibit list filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio. (3 pgs.)
10/11/1996 Entry ordering that the parties' arbitration packages shall contain the information listed in the Attorney Examiner's October 3, 1996 entry, including information with respect to those issues that were involved in the mediation sessions, as explained in Finding 4; that the parties' arbitration packages still be filed and a copy served upon the other party by 5:00 p.m. on October 15, 1996. (AE) (2 pgs.)
10/09/1996 Errata to MCI Telecommunications Corp.'s petition for arbi- tration filed by D. Townsley. (27 pgs.)
10/03/1996 Entry ordering that the arbitration hearing be held at the Commission and commence at 9:30 a.m. on October 21, 1996, and continue on October 22, 23, and 28, 1996, for a maximum of four days; oral arguments shall be held on October 29, 1996, at a time to be determined later; if the hearing con- cludes before October 28, 1996, oral arguments may be held on an earlier date and/or time at the Commission offices; that the parties' arbitration packages be filed and a copy served upon the other party and the panel by 5:00 p.m. on October 15, 1996; that all discovery must be completed and served by the parties no later than October 14, 1996. (AE) (2 pgs.)
10/03/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 9/19/96, (MKF), 78 pgs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO)
10/03/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 9/19/96, (MKF), 78 pgs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO)
09/30/1996 Supplemental response to MCI's petition for arbitration filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by D. Conway. (2 pgs.)
09/27/1996 Joint motion for leave to intervene of Sprint Communications Company L.P. and United Telephone Company of Ohio filed by M. Jenkins. (6 pgs.)
09/23/1996 Exhibits to Ameritech Ohio's verified response to MCI's petition for arbitration filed by D. Conway. (340 pgs.)
09/23/1996 Response to MCI's petition for arbitration filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by D. Conway. (96 pgs.)
09/09/1996 Letter to Ms. Judy Sanders and Mr. Daniel Conway regarding the conference on September 19, 1996, filed by G. Petrucci, PUCO staff. (2 pgs.)
09/05/1996 Entry ordering that Time Warner's limited motion to inter- vene (for the sole purpose of supporting the severange of the TELRIC cost studies) is granted; that the interlocutory appeals of Ameritech and MCI are denied; that Case No. 96- 922-TP-UNC be consolidated with Case No. 96-702-TP-COI; scheduling a conference at 1:00 p.m. on September 19, 1996 at the Commission offices for the consolidated Case Nos. 96-702-TP-COI and 96-922-TP-UNC. (9 pgs.)
09/04/1996 Response to interlocutory appeals filed on behalf of OCC by D. Bergmann. (2 pgs.)
08/27/1996 In the matter of MCI Telecommunications Corporation petition for arbitration pursuant to Section 252(b) of the Telecom- munications Act of 1996 to establish an interconnection agreement with Ohio Bell Telephone Company dba Ameritech Ohio. (357 pgs.)