DIS - Case Record for 96-0658-TP-ACE Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/25/2009 Confidential Release: Portion of transcript for hearing held on November 14, 1996 filed on November 15, 1996.
08/25/2009 Confidential Release: TCG exhibit 3 filed with hearing held 11/4/1996 filed on March 6, 1997.
08/25/2009 Confidential Release: AT&T exhibit 1 filed with transcript of hearing held 11/4/1996 filed on March 6, 1997.
08/25/2009 Confidential Release: TCG exhibit 4 filed with hearing held 11/4/96 filed on March 6, 1997.
08/25/2009 Confidential Release: TCG exhibit 5 and TimeWarner/ OCTA exhibit 1-A filed with hearing held 11/5/1996 filed on March 6, 1997.
08/25/2009 Confidential Release: Confidential portion of transcript filed on December 9, 1996.
11/04/1999 Entry granting ACI's request to withdraw its application. (2 pgs.)
10/12/1999 Withdrawal of application filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sullivan. (2 pgs.)
08/31/1999 Sprint's notice of substitution of counsel, filed by J. Stewart. (5 pgs.)
10/22/1998 Substitution of counsel and notice of address change filed on behalf of TCG Ohio by B. Weston. (7 pgs.)
10/20/1998 Transcript filed for hearing held 10/6/98, (GS), 17 pgs. (Status Conference-PUCO-Columbus, OH)
10/06/1998 Withdrawal of counsel filed by B. Weston. (2 pgs.)
06/08/1998 Entry ordering that ACI's motion to extend the stay of these proceedings, including discovery, is granted; ACI shall file notice with the Commission and each of the intervenors at least 90 days prior to filing a 271 application for Ohio; that a status conference be held on 10/6/98; that Ameritech and ACI maintain and preserve any and all business records and computer files which reflect the operating relationship. (FILED 6/5/98) (GS) (3 pgs)
04/23/1998 Transcript filed for hearing held 4/23/98, (GS), 24 pgs., Con't. (Status Conference-PUCO-Columbus, OH)
02/27/1998 Entry ordering that ACI shall file notice with the Commis- sion and each of the intervenors at least 90 days prior to filing a 271 application for Ohio; that ACI's motion to stay these proceedings, including discovery, is granted as set forth in Finding 13; that the scope of any reconvened hearing in these matters will be determined once the stay is lifted. (AE) (6 pgs.)
02/24/1998 Response to Ameritech Communications of Ohio's reply to supplemental memorandum in opposition to motion for stay, filed on behalf of Time Warner Communications of Ohio and the Ohio Cable Telecommunications Assn. by R. Rosenberry and R. Sugarman. (5 pgs.)
02/17/1998 Reply to supplemental memorandum in opposition to Ameritech Communications of Ohio's motion for stay, filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sullivan. (7 pgs.)
02/06/1998 Supplemental memorandum in opposition to Ameritech Communi- cations of Ohio's motion for stay of proceedings, filed on behalf of Time Warner Communications of Ohio and Ohio Cable Telecommunications by R. Rosenberry and R. Sugarman; Time Warner Communications by M. Schermer; and TCG Ohio by B. Weston. (14 pgs.)
12/22/1997 Transcript filed for hearing held 12/8/97, (GS), 6 pgs., Con't. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
12/11/1997 Reply memorandum in support of motion to stay, filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sullivan. (9 pgs.)
12/01/1997 Memorandum contra motion for stay of proceedings, filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by B. Royer and M. Berns. (11 pgs.)
12/01/1997 Memorandum contra Ameritech's motion for stay, filed on behalf of TCG Ohio by B. Weston. (10 pgs.)
12/01/1997 Response to ACI's motion for stay of proceedings, filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by D. Chorzempa. (9 pgs.)
12/01/1997 Memorandum opposing applicants' motion for stay of proceed- ings, filed on behalf of Time Warner Communications of Ohio and the Ohio Cable Telecommunications Assn. by R. Rosen- berry and M. Schermer. (8 pgs.)
12/01/1997 Memorandum contra filed on behalf of OCC by D. Bergmann. (8 pgs.)
11/14/1997 Motion for stay of proceedings and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sullivan. (13 pgs.)
11/13/1997 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/5/97, (GS), 26 pgs., Con't. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
11/05/1997 Entry ordering that the motion to permit David J. Chor- zempa to appear before the Commission in this proceeding is granted. (AE) (1 pg.)
10/24/1997 Entry scheduling a status conference at 10:00 a.m. on November 5, 1997, at the Commission offices; that the examiner's entry of October 7, 1997 and all discovery in this matter be stayed until such time as the examiner rules otherwise. (AE) (2 pgs.)
10/23/1997 TCG Ohio's memorandum contra Ameritech's request for addit- ional time and notice to attorney examiner of unresolved discovery issue filed by B. Weston. (8 pgs.)
10/14/1997 Request for additional time filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sullivan. (2 pgs.)
10/10/1997 Motion to permit counsel to appear before the commission filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. by B. Kahn. (4 pgs.)
10/10/1997 Notice of substitution of counsel filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. by B. Kahn. (3 pgs.)
10/07/1997 Entry ordering that OCTA/Time Warner's motio to compel dis- covery of ACI's marketing plan is granted and that ACI pre- sent its marketing plan to the bench pursuant to Finding 8; that OCTA/Time Warner's motion to broaden the scope of the hearing in this matter is denied; that ACI's request to stay this proceeding is denied; that this proceeding reconvene at 10:00 a.m. on December 8, 1997, that ACI's testimony is due by November 17, 1997 and all other direct testimony is due November 28, 1997; that the parties contact the Attorney Examiner with any unresolved discovery issues as soon as possible. (AE) (6 pgs.)
09/29/1997 Transcript filed for hearing held 9/15/97, (DJ), 6 pgs., Con't. (PUCO-Columbus, Ohio)
09/22/1997 Reply to ACI's memorandum contra, filed on behalf of TCG Ohio by B. Weston. (7 pgs.)
09/22/1997 Reply memorandum filed on behalf of Time Warner Communica- tions of Ohio and The Ohio Cable Telecommunications Assn. by R. Rosenberry and M. Schermer; and OCC by D. Bergmann. (5 pgs.)
09/18/1997 Reply of MCI Telecommunications Corporation to ACI'S memorandum contra motion to redefine the scope of the hearing and motion to permit discovery to proceed filed by B. Royer, M. Berns. (9 pgs.)
09/11/1997 Memorandum contra intervenor's motions to redefine scope of hearing and to permit discovery to proceed, filed on behalf of ACI by A. Lucas. (7 pgs.)
09/04/1997 Letter stating that TCG Ohio joins the motion of Time Warner Communications of Ohio et al. to redefine the scope of the reopened hearing, filed by B. Weston. (2 pgs.)
09/03/1997 Memorandum in support of motion of Time Warner Communica- tions of Ohio, The Ohio Cable Television Assn., and The Ohio Consumers' Counsel to redefine scope of hearing and motion to permit discovery to proceed, filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by B. Royer and M. Berns. (8 pgs.)
08/29/1997 Motion to redefine scope of hearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Time Warner Communications of Ohio and The Ohio Cable Telecommunications Assn. by R. Rosenberry and M. Schermer; and OCC by D. Bermann. (10 pgs.)
07/31/1997 Notice of withdrawal of counsel and designation of new trial attorney filed on behalf of OCC by D. Bergmann. (3 pgs.)
07/31/1997 Entry ordering that this proceeding reconvene at 10:00 a.m. on September 15, 1997; that ACI's testimony is due by August 25, 1997 and all other direct testimony is due September 2, 1997. (AE) (2 pgs.)
07/21/1997 Entry ordering that this proceeding reconvene at 10:00 a.m. on August 18, 1997; that applicant file its direct expert testimony by August 6, 1997; that all other expert testimony be filed by August 13, 1997. (AE) (2 pgs.)
07/16/1997 Change of address filed by M. Schermer. (1 pg.)
06/26/1997 Entry ordering that the joint motion to reopen the hearing is granted; that a subsequent entry will address the scope of the hearing and the timing of such. (AE) (3 pgs.)
06/25/1997 Supplemental memorandum in support of joint motion to reopen and to stay briefing schedule and request for expedited ruling filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by B. Kahn; MCI Telecommunications Corp. by B. Royer; The Ohio Cable Telecommunications Assn. and Time Warner Communications of Ohio by R. Rosenberry; OCC by D. Bergmann; TCG Ohio by B. Weston, and Edgemont Neighbor- hood Coalition. (14 pgs.)
06/24/1997 Memoranda contra joint motion to reopen hearing and to stay briefing schedule filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sulli- van. (6 pgs.)
06/18/1997 Joint motion to reopen and to stay briefing schedule and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by W. New- comb, Jr.; MCI Telecommunications by B. Royer; The Ohio Cable Telecommunications Assn. and Time Warner Communica- tions of Ohio by R. Rosenberry; OCC by D. Bergmann; TCG Ohio by B. Weston; and Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition by E. Jacobs. (13 pgs.)
06/09/1997 Entry ordering that ACT's request for a protective order as to its marketing plan is granted pursuant to Finding 13; that the parties comply with the briefing schedule establi- shed in Finding 14 and that any portion of the briefs or reply briefs that addresses confidential or proprietary information be kept to a minimum and filed under seal; that CBT's request for withdrawal from 96-658, the local service proceeding, is granted. (AE) (7 pgs.)
05/16/1997 Update to the organization chart previously submitted, filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sullivan. (2 pgs.)
04/23/1997 Notice of withdrawal filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co. by C. Wilson. (5 pgs.)
03/07/1997 Notice of withdrawal of counsel filed on behalf of the Ohio Cable Telecommunications Assn. by R. Rosenberry. (2 pgs.)
03/06/1997 Transcript of hearing held Nov. 4, 1996, Vol. III.
03/06/1997 Entry ordering that the motion for leave to file late-filed comments made by MFS Intelenet of Ohio is granted; that the January 16, 1997 Supplemental Finding & Order is clarified to the limited extent outline in Findings 8 and 9; that, in all other respects, the applications for rehearing filed by OCC, APAC, Edgemont, and CBT are denied in their entirety.
03/06/1997 Public version of transcript filed for hearing held 11/5/96, (GS) (MKF), 325 pgs., Con't. (PUCO-Columbus, OH) (Volume IV)
03/06/1997 Public version of transcript filed for hearing held 12/11/96 (GS), 169 pgs., Submitted. (Volume XII) (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
03/06/1997 Public version of transcript filed for hearing held 12/11/96 (GS), 169 pgs., Submitted. (Volume XII) (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
03/06/1997 Public version of transcript filed for hearing held 11/15/96 (GS) (MKF), 89 pgs., Con't. (Volume V) (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
03/06/1997 Public version of transcript filed for hearing held 11/15/96 (GS) (MKF), 89 pgs., Con't. (Volume V) (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
03/06/1997 Confidential Exhibits, TCG Exhibits 5 and Time-Warner/OCTA Exhibit 1-A filed with hearing held 11/5/96, filed. (22 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
03/06/1997 Public version of transcript filed for hearing held 11/4/96, (GS) (MKF), 269 pgs., Con't. (Volume III) (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
03/06/1997 Public version of transcript filed for hearing held 11/1/96, (GS) (MKF), 254 pgs., Con't. (Volume II) (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
03/06/1997 Transcript of hearing held November 5, 1996, continued. (Part 2 of 2)
03/06/1997 Transcript filed for hearing held November 5, 1996, (MKF), 325 pgs., Continued. (Volume IV) (PUCO-Columbus, OH) (Part 1 of 2)
03/06/1997 Entry ordering that the motion for leave to file late-filed comments made by MPS Intelenet of Ohio is granted; that the January 16, 1997 Supplemental Finding & Order is clarified to the limited extent outlined in Findings 8 and 9; that, in all other respects, the applications for rehearing filed by OCC, APAC, Edgemont, and CBT are denied in their entirety.
03/04/1997 Opposition of MFS Intelenet of Ohio to Cincinnati Bell's application for rehearing, and motion for leave to late file memorandum in opposition, filed by D. Myers. (14 pgs.)
02/28/1997 Opposition to application for rehearing of Cincinnati Bell Telephone, filed on behalf of Midcom Communications by C. Hunter. (14 pgs.)
02/28/1997 Memorandum contra CBT's application for rehearing, filed on behalf of CBG by N. Hawthorne. (8 pgs.)
02/18/1997 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company by C. Wilson. (9 pgs.)
01/16/1997 Supplemental Finding & Order that ACI-specific issues be dealt with in Case Nos. 96-327-TP-ACE and 96-658-TP-ACE and not in this supplemental order. (13 pgs.)
01/13/1997 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by Mike DeWine, United States Senator. (1 pg.)
01/08/1997 Deposition of Blaine Gilles, Ph.D. taken on Thursday, Novem- ber 14, 1996, filed. (5 pgs.)
01/08/1997 Deposition of Blaine C. Gilles, Ph.D. taken on Thursday, December 5, 1996, filed. (5 pgs.)
01/07/1997 Letter stating that applicant has no objection to the inter- venors' request for leave to respond to applicant's motion for waiver of local service guideline II.A.4 as part of their brief, filed by K. Sullivan. (1 pg.)
12/27/1996 Correspondence concerning the meeting on December 17, 1996, with the Coalition for Customer Choices, filed by R. Rosen- berry. (2 pgs.)
12/26/1996 Confidential portion of transcript of hearing held 12/11/96. (Volume XII) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
12/26/1996 Transcript filed for hearing 12/11/96, (GS), 161 pgs., Submitted. (Volume XII) (Columbus, OH-PUCO)
12/26/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 12/11/96, (GS), 161 pgs., Submitted. (Volume XII) (Columbus, OH-PUCO)
12/26/1996 Motion for extension of time and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by D. Townsley and B. Royer. (7 pgs.)
12/26/1996 Letter stating that OCC will not file a memorandum contra filed by A. Kelsey. (1 pg.)
12/26/1996 Memorandum contra to ACI motion for waiver of local service guideline ll.A.4, filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by E. Campbell. (5 pgs.)
12/24/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 12/10/96, (GS), 182 pgs., Con't. (Volume XI) (Columbus, OH-PUCO)
12/23/1996 Composite Index for hearings held October 31, 1996 through December 11, 1996, Volumes I through XII. (15 pgs.)
12/23/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 12/9/96, (JJ), 150 pgs., Continued. (Volume X) (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
12/11/1996 Memorandum contra application for interlocutory review, filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by D. Townsley and B. Royer.
12/11/1996 Ameritech Communications, Inc.'s withdrawal of its applica- tion for interlocutory review filed by K. Sullivan. (2 pgs.)
12/11/1996 The Ohio Cable Telecommunications Association and Time Warner Communications of Ohio, L.P. memorandum contra application for interlocutory review of Ameritech Communica- tions of Ohio, Inc. filed by R. Rosenberry. (28 pgs.)
12/11/1996 Response of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel to application for interlocutory review filed by A. Kelsey. (11 pgs.)
12/11/1996 MCI Telecommunications Corporation memorandum contra appli- cation for interlocutory review filed by D. Townsley, B. Royer. (7 pgs.)
12/11/1996 TCG Cleveland's memorandum contra filed by B. Weston. (9pgs)
12/10/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/25/96, (GS), 350 pgs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO) (Volume IX)
12/10/1996 Application for interlocutory review and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sullivan. (25 pgs.)
12/10/1996 Motion for waiver of local service guideline II.A.4. and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sullivan. (10 pgs.)
12/10/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/25/96, (GS), 350 pgs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO) (Volume IX)
12/10/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/25/96, (GS), 350 pgs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO) (Volume IX)
12/10/1996 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held 11/25/96, Volume IX, continued (Part 2 of 2)
12/10/1996 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held 11/25/96, Volume IX, continued, (Part 2 of 2) (GS)
12/10/1996 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held 11/25/96, Volume IX, continued. (Part 1 of 2) (GS)
12/09/1996 Deposition of Blaine C. Gilles, Ph.D. taken December 5, 1996, filed. (Volume I)
12/09/1996 Deposition of Blaine C. Gilles, Ph.D. filed. (202 pgs.) (Volume I) Part II
12/09/1996 Rebuttal testimony of Blaine C. Gilles, Ph.D. filed on be- half of applicant. (33 pgs.)
12/09/1996 Deposition of Blaine C. Gilles, Ph.D. taken December 6, 1996, filed. (Volume II)
12/09/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/22/96, (GS), 202 pgs., Continued. (Volume VIII) (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
12/09/1996 Confidential portion of transcript filed. (Volume VIII) (30 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
12/09/1996 Confidential portion of transcript filed. (Volume II) (10 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
12/09/1996 Continued deposition of Blaine C. Gilles, Ph.D. filed. (222 pgs.) (Volume II)
12/09/1996 Deposition of Blaine C. Gilles, Ph.D. filed. (202 pgs.) (Volume I)
12/09/1996 Memorandum contra the motion for protective order of Ameri- tech Ohio, filed on behalf of The Ohio Cable Telecommunica- tions Assn. and Time Warner Communications of Ohio by R. Rosenberry. (34 pgs.)
12/09/1996 Memorandum contra motion for protective order and request for sanctions filed on behalf of OCC by A. Kelsey. (13 pgs.)
12/06/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 12/2/96, (GS), 9 pgs. (Case Management Conference) (Columbus, OH-PUCO)
12/05/1996 Motion for protective order filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sullivan. (9 pgs.)
12/04/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/19/96, (GS) (MKF), (1-100) of 241 pgs., Con't. (Volume VII) (Columbus, OH-PUCO)
12/03/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/18/96, (GS) (MKF), 180 pgs., Con't. (Volume VI) (Columbus, OH-PUCO)
12/02/1996 Confidential transcript, Volume V, filed. (45 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
12/02/1996 AT&T Exhibit 3 of transcript Volume V filed. (169 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
12/02/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/15/96, (GS) (MKF), 89 pgs., Con't. (Volume V) (Columbus, OH-PUCO)
12/02/1996 Correspondence letter supporting the application, filed by E. Martin, City of Avon Lake, Ohio. (1 pg.)
11/27/1996 Rebuttal testimony of Blaine C. Gilles, Ph.D. filed on behalf of applicant. (33 pgs.)
11/27/1996 Rebuttal Testimony of Blaine C. Gilles Ph. D.
11/20/1996 Transcript flied for hearing held 11/20/96, (GS), 8 pgs. (Case management conference) (Columbus, OH-PUCO)
11/19/1996 TCG Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 submitted. (17 pgs.)
11/18/1996 Supplemental testimony of Dr. Paul Teske filed on behalf of TCG Cleveland by B. Weston. (15 pgs.) (FILED 11/15/96)
11/15/1996 Deposition of Blaine Gilles, Ph.D. taken on November 14, 1996, filed. (33 pgs.)
11/15/1996 Deposition of James C. Smith taken on November 14, 1996, filed. (95 pgs.) (Volume II)
11/15/1996 Deposition of James C. Smith taken on November 14, 1996, filed. (197 pgs.) (Volume I)
11/14/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 10/31/96, (GS) (MKF), 246 pgs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO) (Volume I)
11/14/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 10/31/96, (GS) (MKF), 246 pbs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO) (Volume I)
11/14/1996 Transcript filed for prehearing conference held on 11/13/96, (GS), 53 pgs. (Columbus, OH-PUCO)
11/12/1996 Direct testimony of James C. Smith filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sullivan. (14 pgs.)
11/12/1996 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination, filed on behalf of TCG Cleveland by B. Weston. (5 pgs.)
11/07/1996 Amendment to application filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sullivan. (20 pgs.)
11/06/1996 Entry ordering that the hearing is scheduled to continue on November 14, 1996 at 8:30 a.m. at the Commission offices; that the applicant's request for leave to amend the appli- cation to ACI dba ACI-O is granted;; that ACI provide the Staff and counsel for the intervenors' the latest 1997 budget projections and/or the workpapers/worksheets or other documents supporting the latest 1997 budget projec- tions for fiber cable by noon November 8, 1996; that the intervenors comply with Finding 7. (AE) (4 pgs.)
11/06/1996 Entry ordering that the hearing is scheduled to continue on November 14, 1996 at 8:30 a.m. at the Commission offices; that ACI make its witnesses available for depositions pur- suant to Finding 5; that ACI provide the Staff and counsel for the intervenors' the latest 1997 budget projections and/or the workpapers/worksheets or other documents support- ing the latest 1997 budget projections for fiber cable by noon November 8, 1996; that the intervenors comply with Finding 7; that the applicant's request for leave to amend the application to ACI dba ACI-O is granted. (AE) (4 pgs.)
11/05/1996 Correspondence letter to Mr. Paul Duffy, PUCO staff, regard- ing the meeting on October 25, 1996, filed on behalf of the Ohio Cable Telecommunications Assn. by R. Rosenberry. (2 pgs.)
11/05/1996 Correspondence letter from Richard Rosenberry
11/04/1996 Memorandum of The Ohio Cable Telecommunications Association, Time Warner Communications of Ohio, L.P., and Cablevision Lightpath, Inc. opposing the Ameritech Communications of Ohio, Inc. motion for leave to amend its application filed by R. Rosenberry. (16 pgs.)
11/04/1996 Motion to amend applications and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sullivan. (6 pgs.)
11/04/1996 Response to applicant's petition for leave to amend, filed on behalf of OCC by A. Kelsey. (9 pgs.)
11/04/1996 Response to applicant's motion to amend its applications filed on behalf of TCG Cleveland by B. Weston. (7 pgs.)
11/04/1996 Memorandum contra motion to amend application filed on be- half of MCI Telecommunications by D. Townsley and B. Royer. (7 pgs.)
11/04/1996 Letter advising the Commission that Sprint Communications Company L.P. will not be filing expert testimony responsive to the entry of October 9, 1996 and will not be participat- ing in the public hearing scheduled for October 31, 1996, filed by M. Jenkins. (1 pg.)
11/04/1996 Letter informing the Commission that they will not be filing expert testimony responsive to the Entry of October 9, 1996, and they will not be participating in the public hearing scheduled for October 31, 1996, filed on behalf Sprint Communications Company, L.P. by M. Jenkins.
10/31/1996 Supplemental filing submitted on behalf of Mc Ginnis & Associates, Inc. (4 pgs.)
10/30/1996 Service notice
10/30/1996 Motion to compel, motion for continuance, and request for sanctions filed on behalf of OCC by A. Kelsey. (7 pgs.)
10/30/1996 Deposition of F. Ross Pultz filed 10/29/96, filed on behalf of applicant. (228 pgs.)
10/30/1996 Deposition of Paul E. Teske filed 10/28/96 filed on behalf of applicant. (146 pgs.)
10/30/1996 Deposition of Lila K. McClelland filed 10/29/96 filed on behalf of applicant. (129 pgs.)
10/30/1996 Deposition of Vicki Leach-Payne filed on 10/28/96 filed on behalf of applicant. (75 pgs.)
10/30/1996 Motion to compel, motion for continuance and request for sanctions, filed on behalf of the Office of Consumers Counsel by A. Kelsey.
10/29/1996 Entry ordering that OCC's motion to compel is moot and TCG's motion to compel is granted; that ACI provide counsel for the intervenors' the business plan, the forecasted minutes of use, the network plan, the board of directors minutes adopting or approving the business plan, and the internal financial statements by 10:00 a.m. on 10/30/96; that any further discovery disputes which can not be settled should be brought to the attention of the attorney examiner by 5:00 p.m. on 10/30/96. (AE) (3 pgs.)
10/28/1996 Motion to compel and request for expedited ruling and memor- andum in support filed on behalf of OCC by A. Kelsey. (27 pgs.)
10/28/1996 Direct testimony of Lila K. McClelland on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc., by W. Newcomb.
10/25/1996 Testimony of Vicki Leach-Payne filed on behalf of OCC by A. Kelsey.
10/25/1996 Direct testimony of Dr. Paul Teski filed on behalf of TCG Cleveland.
10/25/1996 Deposition of Patrick J. Earley taken October 24, 1996, filed.
10/25/1996 Deposition of Blaine C. Gilles, Ph.D. taken October 24, 1996, filed.
10/25/1996 Testimony of F. Ross Pultz filed on behalf of OCC by A. Kelsey. (15 pgs.)
10/25/1996 Testimony of F. Ross Pultz filed on behalf of OCC by A. Kelsey. (15 pgs.)
10/25/1996 Certificate of service filed on behalf of TCG Cleveland by B. Weston. (2 pgs.)
10/25/1996 Certificate of service filed on behalf of TCG Cleveland by B. Weston. (2 pgs.)
10/25/1996 Direct testimony of Lila K. MCClelland filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of OHio, Inc. by B. Kahn. (101 pgs.)
10/25/1996 Deposition of Diana Maria Cantu taken October 23, 1996, filed.
10/25/1996 Entry granting OCTA's request for intervention. (AE) (2 pgs)
10/25/1996 Entry granting OCTA's request for intervention. (AE) (2 pgs)
10/21/1996 Exhibit 2.0, direct testimony of Patrick J. Earley, filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by O. Shaffer.
10/21/1996 Letter stating topics discussed at the October 11, 1996 meeting filed by R. Rosenberry. (2 pgs.)
10/21/1996 Ameritech Communications of Ohio, Inc. exhibit 3.0 direct testimony of Blaine C. Gilles, Ph.D. filed by K. Sullivan. (16 pgs.)
10/21/1996 Ameritech Communications of Ohio, Inc. exhibit 1.0 direct testimony of Diana M. Cantu filed by K. Sullivan. (5 pgs.)
10/21/1996 Ameritech Communications of Ohio, Inc. exhibit 1.0 direct testimony of Diana M. Cantu filed by K. Sullivan. (5 pgs.)
10/21/1996 Certificate of service filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sullivan. (2 pgs.)
10/18/1996 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Ohio Cable Telecommunications Assoc. by R. Rosenberry.
10/17/1996 Entry ordering that TCG's motion to reduce discovery re- sponse time to 7 days is granted; that OCC's request for intervention in 96-327 is granted; that the movants' joint motion for an extension is denied; that Case No. 96-658-TP- ACE is suspended until the Commission specifically orders otherwise. (AE) (3 pgs.)
10/16/1996 Motion for subpoena filed on behalf of OCC by A. Kelsey. (17 pgs.)
10/16/1996 Joint motion for an extension of time and request for an expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition by E. Jacobs; and MCI Telecommunications by J. Sanders. (7 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Service Notice.
10/15/1996 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination filed on behalf of TCG Cleveland by B. Weston. (4 pgs.)
10/15/1996 Memorandum in response to TCG's motion to shorten discovery response time and designation of trial attorney filed on behalf of applicant by K. Sullivan. (5 pgs.)
10/11/1996 Entry ordering that any party that objects to TCG's motion to shorten the discovery response time to seven days shall have until October 15, 1996 to file its memorandum contra. (AE) (2 pgs.)
10/10/1996 Motion to shorten the discovery response time and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed on behalf of TCG Cleveland by B. Weston. (4 pgs.)
10/09/1996 Entry ordering that for judicial efficiency, ACI's application for certificate to provide interexchange service, 96-327, and local exchange service 96-658 are consolidated, that both TCG's and MCI's request for dismissal of the interexchange application are denied and that their request to suspend 96-327 are moot, that Time Warner, TCG, MCI, AT&T and Sprint are granted intervention, that OCC's request for dismissal of the local certification application is denied, that Time Warner, TCG, MCI, AT&T, Edgemont, OCC, CBT and Lightpath are granted intervention in 96-658, that a prehearing conference be held in these matters pursuant to Finding (24), that a hearing be held in these matters pursuant to Finding (25, Accordingly TCG's, CBT's OCC's and Edgemont's motion for a public hearing are granted, that the parties file their respective expert testimony pursuant to Finding (26). (GS)
10/09/1996 Entry ordering that for judicial efficiency, ACI's appli- cations for certification to provide interexchange service 96-327, and local exchange service 96-658 are consolidated; that both TCG's and MCI's request for dismissal of the interexchange application are denied and that their re- quests to suspend 96-327 are moot; that Time Warner, TCG, MCI, AT&T and Sprint are granted intervention in 96-327; that OCC's request for dismissal of the local certification application is denied; that Time Warner, TCG, MCI, AT&T, Edgemont, OCC, CBT and Lightpath are granted intervention in 96-658; scheduling a prehearing conference at 10:00 a.m. on 10/18/96 at the Commission offices; scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on 10/31/96 at the Commission offices; that ACI shall file its direct expert testimony by 10/21/96; expert testimony to be presented by any other party at the hearing must be filed by 10/25/96. (AE) (10 pgs.)
10/03/1996 Response to memorandum contra of Ameritech Communications of Ohio, Inc. filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell by C. Wil- son. (4 pgs.)
09/27/1996 Motion to intervene of Cablevision Lightpath-Oh, Inc. filed by S. Bloomfield. (4 pgs.)
09/26/1996 Reply memorandum filed on behalf of OCC by A. Kelsey. (5 pgs.)
09/25/1996 Memorandum contra filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly. (5 pgs.)
09/16/1996 Ameritech Communications of Ohio's Inc.'s memorandum contra filed by J. Kelly. (4 pgs.)
09/13/1996 Reply memorandum of MCI Telecommunications Corporation filed by J. Sanders, D. Townsley. (5 pgs.)
09/13/1996 Reply Memorandum of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. filed by B. Kahn. (4 pgs.)
09/09/1996 Motion to intervene and request for hearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone by C. Wilson. (5 pgs.)
09/03/1996 Memorandum contra filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly. (8 pgs.)
08/29/1996 Motion to intervene and motion to dismiss or, in the alter- native, request for hearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by A. Kelsey. (8 pgs.)
08/26/1996 Objections and motion of MCI Telecommunications Corporation for leave to intervene filed by J. Sanders, D. Townsley. (5 pgs.)
08/23/1996 Reply memorandum filed on behalf of Time Warner Communica- tions of Ohio by D. Clayton and M. Schermer. (11 pgs.)
08/16/1996 Memorandum contra motion to intervene, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly.
08/16/1996 Memorandum contra motion to intervene, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly. (5 pgs.)
08/14/1996 TCG Cleveland's motion to intervene and motion to dismiss application or in the alternative, request for oral hearing filed by D. Trabaris. (6 pgs.)
08/13/1996 Motion to intervene of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. filed by B. Kahn. (5 pgs.)
08/09/1996 Motion to intervene and request for hearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Edgemont Neighborhood Coali- tion by E. Jacobs. (6 pgs.)
07/29/1996 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Time Warner Communication of Ohio by D. Clayton and M. Schermer. (7 pgs.)
07/10/1996 Affidavit of Patrick Earley filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly.
07/10/1996 Affidavit executed by Patrick Earley filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly. (2 pgs.)
07/09/1996 In the matter of the application of Ameritech Communications of Ohio, Inc. to provide local exchange telecommunications throughout the State of Ohio.
07/09/1996 In the matter of the application of Ameritech Communications of Ohio, Inc. for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide local exchange telecommunications service throughout the State of Ohio. (38 pgs.)
12/04/1995 Transcript, Vol. VII., Part II, (101-200) of 241 pgs.