DIS - Case Record for 96-0571-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/05/1999 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 20, Part 4, Section 1, 2nd sheet 21, original sheet 21.1, 3rd sheet 25, original sheet 25.1; Section 2, 5th sheet 15.3, filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by J. Matz. (6 pgs.)
11/16/1998 Information response of Ameritech filed by C. Rawlings. (2 pgs)
07/16/1998 Finding & Order approving the stipulation in its entirety; that Ameritech institute two-way, measured-rate EAS between the New Waterford and Salem exchanges as soon as practicable and, in any event, within 12 months from the date of this order. (7 pgs.)
07/01/1998 Stipulation, agreement, and recommendation filed on behalf of complainants by D. Cox-Bing; respondents, Ameritech Ohio by C. Rawlings, and GTE North by W. Keating. (7 pgs.)
06/04/1998 Entry rescheduling the prehearing conference to 10:30 a.m. on Juny 19, 1998, at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
06/01/1998 Letter stating that Jo Ross has relinquished the position of spokesperson for this case to Donna Cox-Bing, filed by J. Ross. (1 pg.)
05/28/1998 Entry scheduling a settlement conference for 6/15/98 at 1:30 p.m. at the PUCO offices. (DF) (3 pgs)
02/10/1997 Letter informing the Commission that complainant is unable to attend the conference in Columbus, filed by J. Ross. (1 pg.)
12/17/1996 Information response of Ameritech Ohio filed by C. Rawlings.
11/25/1996 Affidavit filed on behalf of LCI International Telecom Corp. by P. Garavito. (2 pgs.)
11/18/1996 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ameri- tech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (85 pgs.)
11/18/1996 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (3 pgs.)
11/13/1996 Answer and information response filed on behalf of respon- dent, GTE North, by J. Stewart. (12 pgs.)
10/17/1996 Affidavit of Kenton J. Pfister filed on behalf of AT&T Communications by J. Troup. (11 pgs.)
10/16/1996 Affidavit of Angela E. Webster filed on behalf of Sprint Communications Co. by A. Webster. (2 pgs.)
08/21/1996 Entry ordering that Allnet, AT&T, LCI, MCI, and Sprint shall provide information required by Finding 3 to Ameritech and GTE, and file an affidavit with the Commission by 10/17/96; that Ameritech and GTE should coordinate all the calling information to ensure that all the IXCs are supplying call- ing data from the same time frame and to insure that all calling information is submitted to the Commission within the time frames set forth in this entry; That Ameritech and GTE shall file their written answers by 11/18/96; that Ameritech and GTE provide the information required by Find- ing 5 by 11/18/96; that Ameritech and GTE provide the infor- mation required by Finding 6 by 12/17/96; scheduling a pro- cedural conference at 10:00 a.m. on 12/10/96 at the Commis- sion offices. (AE) (7 pgs.)
06/06/1996 In the matter of the petition of Jo Ross and subscribers of the 457, 426, and 482 exchange in Columbiana County, Ohio for extended area service into the 332, 427, 337, 385, 223, and 533 exchanges of Ameritech Ohio. (10 pgs.)