DIS - Case Record for 96-0437-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/06/1998 Entry dismissing this case and closing it of record; that such dismissal of this case shall in no way preclude any- one from filing, at any time in the future, a new petition requesting EAS between these same exchanges. (5 pgs.)
06/22/1998 Entry ordering that the spokesperson shall, by July 10, 1998, file a letter notifying the Commission as to whether the complainants are going to pursue their EAS request, and if so, providing a proposed hearing location and a proposed hearing date, otherwise the attorney examiner will recommend dismissal of this case. (AE) (2 pgs.)
10/18/1996 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ameri- tech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (3 pgs.)
09/18/1996 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone, by S. Williams. (4 pgs.)
09/18/1996 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone, by S. Williams. (46 pgs.)
09/18/1996 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ameri- tech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (38 pgs.)
09/18/1996 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (3 pgs.)
09/16/1996 Letter of correction to the September 11, 1996 filing of an affidavit filed on behalf of LCI International by S. McMahon. (2 pgs.)
08/20/1996 Affidavit of Kenton J. Pfister filed on behalf of AT&T Communications by J. Troup. (11 pgs.)
08/16/1996 Letter stating that MCI Telecommunications Corp. states that one full month of calling statistics for the exchanges involved in this proceeding was sent to the respondents on August 16, 1996, filed by J. Sanders. (1 pg.)
08/13/1996 Affidavit of Angela E. Webster filed on behalf of Sprint Communications Company L.P. by A. Webster. (2 pgs.)
07/15/1996 Affidavit of Thomas E. McCullough filed on behalf of respon- dent, United Telephone, by T. McCullough. (2 pgs.)
06/19/1996 Entry ordering that United and Ameritech should coordinate all the calling information to ensure that all the IXCs are supplying calling data from the same time frame and to in- sure that all calling information is submitted to the Com- mission within the time frames set forth in this entry; that United and Ameritech shall file their written answers by 9/18/96; that United and Ameritech provide the information required by Finding 5 by 9/18/96; that United and Ameritech provide the information required by Finding 6 by 10/18/96; scheduling a prehearing procedural conference at 10:00 a.m. on 10/3/96 at the Commission offices; that AT&T, MCI, LCI, Sprint, Allnet, and UTLD shall provide information required by Finding 3 to United and Ameritech and file an affidavit with the Commission by 8/19/96. (AE) (7 pgs.)
05/06/1996 In the matter of the petition of Jody R. Hill and sub- scribers of the 584 exchange of United Telephone Com- pany of Ohio for extended area service into the 297, 296, 947, and 325 Canton exchanges of United Telephone Company of Ohio and Ameritech Ohio. (13 pgs.)