DIS - Case Record for 96-0155-TP-ACE Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: TP-TELEPHONE
Purpose Code: ACE-Application for a certificate
Date Opened: 2/20/1996
Date Closed: 7/15/1999
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
07/16/1999Tariff, PUCO No. 20, Part 15, Section 1, 2nd sheet 1, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Matz. (2 pgs.)2
07/15/1999Finding & Order granting AT&T's and MCI's motions to inter- vene; that MCI's request for a hearing is denied; that the application be granted; that this case be closed of record. (7 pgs.)7
06/30/1999Current and proposed tariff, PUCO No. 20, Part 15, Section 1, 1st sheet 1, 2nd sheet 1, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly. (4 pgs.)4
06/17/1999Motion to amend application and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly. (5 pgs.)5
09/01/1998Supplemental information response filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly. (13 pgs.)13
08/30/1996Proofs of publication filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly. (9 pgs.) (Medina, Franklin, Scioto, Hamilton, Lake, Lucas, Summit Counties)9
08/23/1996Proofs of publication filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly. (14 pgs.)15
08/22/1996Reply to Ameritech Ohio's memorandum contra motions to intervene, filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by D. Townsley and J. Sanders. (4 pgs.)4
08/22/1996Reply to Ameritech Ohio's memorandum contra motions to intervene, filed on behalf of AT&T Communication of Ohio by B. Kahn. (3 pgs.)3
08/19/1996Letter regarding the filing of proofs of publication, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly. (2 pgs.)2
08/13/1996Service Notice0
08/13/1996Ameritech Ohio's memorandum contra motions to intervene filed by J. Kelly. (5 pgs.)5
08/13/1996Entry ordering that this application is suspended, until the Commission orders otherwise, so that the Commission and its staff can more thoroughly review the application. (AE) (2 pgs.)2
07/31/1996Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by S. Howard. (4 pgs.)4
07/31/1996Statement of MCI Telecommunications Corp request for hearing and motion for leave to intervene filed by J. Sanders and D. Townsley. (4 pgs.)4
07/03/1996Supplemental information response filed on behalf of appli- cant by J. Kelly. (14 pgs.)14
06/19/1996Entry ordering that Ameritech filed the additional information identified in Finding 3 on or before July 3, 1996, that Ameritech publish legal notices and present proof of publication to the Commission in accordance with Finding (4) and (5), that unless the Commission receives a written statement and an accompanying request for oral hearing in this matter, the case will be decided upon the basis of the information contained in the application and the affidavits submitted by Ameritech. (GP)5
06/19/1996Entry ordering that Ameritech file the additional infor- mation indentified in Finding 3 by 7/3/96; that Ameritech publish legal notice by 7/22/96 and present proof of pub- lication to the Commission by 8/19/96. (AE) (5 pgs.)5
02/20/1996In the matter of the application of Ameritech Ohio to provide non-switched access and private line services.8
02/20/1996In the matter of the application of Ameritech Ohio for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide non-switched access and private line service. (8 pgs.)8