Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
10/03/2023 | Case Action Form closing the case with an effective date of 09/29/23 electronically filed by Ms. Mary E. Fischer on behalf of Jay S. Agranoff, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. | 3 |
12/17/2009 | Revised tariff pages of Aqua Ohio, Inc., Struthers Division for PUCO Tariff No. 2 filed by M. Yurick.
| 4 |
12/17/2009 | Revised tariff pages of Aqua Ohio, Inc., Struthers Division for PUCO Tariff No. 2 filed by M. Yurick.
| 4 |
11/02/1998 | Facilities planning manual filed by W. Pishkur on behalf of Consumers Ohio Water Company, Lake Erie East Staff. (Part 1 of 4) (88 pgs.) | 88 |
11/02/1998 | Facilities planning manual filed by W. Pishkur on behalf of Consumers Ohio Water Company, Stark Regional Division. (Part 2 of 4) (109 pgs.) | 109 |
11/02/1998 | Facilities planning manual filed by W. Pishkur on behalf of Consumers Ohio Water Company, Lake Shore Division. (Part 3 of 4) (139 pgs.) | 139 |
11/02/1998 | Facilities Planning Manual filed by W. Pishkur on behalf of Consumers Ohio Water Company, Struthers staff. (Part 4 of 4) (101 pgs.) | 101 |
11/02/1998 | Facilities Planning Manual filed by W. Pishkur. (449 pgs.) | 449 |
02/05/1998 | Entry ordering that the request filed on January 14, 1998, to amend the stipulation and recommendation, adopted by the Commission on December 19, 1996, is accepted. (3 pgs.) | 3 |
02/05/1998 | Entry ordering that the request filed on January 14, 1998 to amend the stipulation and recommendation in Case No. 95-1076-WW-AIR, adopted by the Commission of December 19, 1996 is accepted. | 3 |
01/14/1998 | Amendment of stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by J. Jackson-Forbes; OCC by A. Hotz; Consumers Ohio Water by F. Dunbar, III; and the Ashtabula County Commissioners, the Village of Jefferson, the City of Geneva-on-the-Lake, and the Village of Geneva-on-the-Lake by J. Henry. (8 pgs.) | 8 |
06/30/1997 | Water meter readings agreement filed on behalf of the City of Geveva, Ohio by C. Zins. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
05/30/1997 | Staff's preliminary comments filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (1 pg.) | 1 |
04/28/1997 | Joint Exhibit 3 filed on behalf of applicant. (9 pgs.) | 9 |
04/24/1997 | Signature page of stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by J. Jackson-Forbes; Consumers Ohio Water Co. by F. Dunbar, III; and Ashtabula County Com- missioners, the Village of Jefferson, the City of Geneva, and the Village of Geneve-on-the-Lake by J. Henry. (1 pg.) | 1 |
04/23/1997 | Flushing Notification Policy and Phone Anwering Process for the Lake Erie East Division filed on behalf of applicant by D. Schiele. (16 pgs.) (FILED 3/25/97) | 16 |
04/07/1997 | COWC March 12, 1997 letter from R.A. Hideg; and COWC March 31, 1997 letter from D.A. Schiele, filed on behalf of appli- cant by D. Schiele. (3 pgs.) | 3 |
03/31/1997 | Matrix illustrating non-stipulation company requirements due dates and status filed. (1 pg.) | 1 |
03/20/1997 | Annual meter reporting requirements per the customer service performance requirements and monitoring, exhibit 2, page 3 of 6 filed on behalf of applicant by R. Hideg. (9 pgs.) (filed on 3/19/97) | 9 |
12/20/1996 | Tariff, PUCO No. 2, filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dun- bar, III. (78 pgs.) | 78 |
12/19/1996 | Opinion and Order granting application. (26 pgs.) | 26 |
12/17/1996 | Transcript for hearing held December 3, 1996, (WB) 16 pgs (w/exhs) sub. | 16 |
12/16/1996 | Motion by Perry Village to withdraw as an intervenor filed by N. Wilson. (3 pgs.) | 3 |
12/12/1996 | Transcript for hearing held 11/27/96, (WB) 8pgs., sub. | 8 |
12/10/1996 | Transcript filed for hearing held 11/26/96, (WB), 3 pgs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO) | 3 |
12/05/1996 | Transcript for hearing held 11/21/96, (WB) 5 pgs. cont. | 5 |
12/05/1996 | Letter in support of stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz. (1 pg.) | 1 |
11/07/1996 | Entry ordering that the hearing in this matter will resume on Thursday, November 21, 1996 at 9:00 a.m., at the Com- mission offices. (AE) (1 pg.) | 1 |
11/01/1996 | Recommendation for a Commission ordered investigation of Consumer Ohio Water, Lake Erie East District, Consumer Service Practices, filed on behalf of Perry Village by N. Wilson. (8 pgs.) | 8 |
10/30/1996 | Objections by intervenor, Perry Village to a unilateral rate increase by Consumers Ohio Water Company filed by N. Wilson. (29 pgs.) | 29 |
10/15/1996 | Transcript filed for hearing held 10/1/96, (WB), 16 pgs., Submitted. | 16 |
09/30/1996 | Transcript filed for hearing held 9/17/96, (WB), 8 pgs., Con't. (Columbus, OH-PUCO) | 8 |
09/30/1996 | Prepared testimony of Joseph P. Buckley filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by J. Jackson-Forbes. (8 pgs.) | 8 |
09/27/1996 | Prepared testimony of Tracy Snow filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (15 pgs.) | 15 |
09/27/1996 | Prepared testimony of L'Nard E. Tufts filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (10 pgs.) | 10 |
09/27/1996 | Prepared testimony of Greg Dewhurst filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (6 pgs.) | 6 |
09/27/1996 | Prepared testimony of Jonathan C. Pawley filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (8 pgs.) | 8 |
09/20/1996 | Entry ordering that the hearing be continued to 9:00 a.m. on 10/1/96 at the Commission offices. (AE) (1 pg.) | 1 |
09/16/1996 | Transcript for hearing held 8/29/96, Geneva, Ohio (CG) (MN) (GD), 138 pgs., sub. | 138 |
09/09/1996 | Notice of appearance filed on behalf of the Board of Com- missioners of Ashtabula County, the Village of Jefferson, the City of Geneva, and the Village of Geneva-on-the-Lake filed by J. Henry. (2 pgs.) | 2 |
09/09/1996 | Objections of the intervenors, The Ashtabula County Com- missioners, The Village of Jefferson, The City of Geneva, and The Village of Geneva-on-the-Lake to the staff report of investigation and summary of major issues filed by J. Henry. (15 pgs.) | 15 |
09/06/1996 | Entry ordering that the second prehearing conference be continued to 9:00 a.m. on 9/16/96 at the Commission offices; that the hearing be held as scheduled at the Commission on 9/17/96. (AE) (1 pg.) | 1 |
08/30/1996 | Entry ordering that a second prehearing conference be held in this case on September 11, 1996, at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission and that the hearing in this matter be held as scheduled at the Commission on Tuesday, September 17, 1996. (AE) (1 pg.) | 1 |
08/26/1996 | Notice of appearance and motion for extension of time filed by Janet Henry. (6pgs) | 6 |
08/19/1996 | Additional information filed on behalf of Perry Village by G. Agard. (5 pgs.) | 5 |
08/15/1996 | Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel's motion to strike a Consumers Ohio Water Company objection to the staff report filed by A. Hotz. (5 pgs.) | 5 |
08/15/1996 | Entry granting OCC, The Village of Perry, The City of Geneva motion to intervene. (AE) (2 pgs.) | 2 |
08/13/1996 | Entry Nunc Pro Tunc ordering that the hearing in this matter at the offices of the Commission should be rescheduled, nunc pro tunc, to Tuesday, September 17, 1996. (AE) (1 pg.) | 1 |
08/09/1996 | Entry ordering that the Docketing section of the Commission send by certified mail, as of the date of this entry, a copy of the Staff Report of Investigation to the mayors of the city of Geneva, the village of Perry, the village of Geneva-on-the-Lake, and the village of Jefferson; that the city of Geneva, the village of Jefferson, and the village of Geneva-on-the-Lake have 30 days from the date of this entry in which to file objections to the staff report; that the prehearing conference be rescheduled to 8/27/96 at 10:00 a.m., Commission offices; that the hearing be rescheduled to 9/17/96 at 10:00 a.m., Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.) | 2 |
08/08/1996 | Entry scheduling a public hearing at 7:15 p.m. on 8/29/96 at the Geneva High School Auditorium, Geneva, Ohio. (AE) (2 pgs.) | 2 |
07/30/1996 | Motion to intervene and memorandum filed on behalf of the City of Geneva by P. Gerken. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
07/29/1996 | Objections to staff report of investigation and statement of major issues filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dunbar, III. (69 pgs.) | 69 |
07/29/1996 | Additional testimony of Richard Hideg filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dunbar, III. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
07/26/1996 | Testimony of Steve B. Hines filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz. (9 pgs.) | 9 |
07/26/1996 | Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's objections to the staff report of investigation and summary of major issues filed by A. Hotz. (6 pgs.) | 6 |
07/26/1996 | Motion to intervene filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz. (3 pgs.) | 3 |
07/26/1996 | Objections by intervenor, Perry Village to the staff report filed June 28, 1996 filed by G. Agard. (20 pgs.) | 20 |
07/26/1996 | Entry ordering that the motions to intervene filed by the Board of Ashtabula County Commissioners, Village of Jeffer- son, and Village of Geneva on the Lake are granted. (AE) (1 pg.) | 1 |
07/25/1996 | Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Village of Perry by N. Wilson. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
07/02/1996 | Entry scheduling a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on 8/27/96 at the Commission offices; direct expert testimony should be filed in accordance with Rule 4901-1-29, O.A.C.; all motions to strike objections shall be filed by 8/16/96; memoranda contra such motions to strike must be filed by 8/26/96; scheduling a prehearing conference at 10:00 a.m. on 8/20/96 at the Commission offices. (AE) (3 pgs.) | 3 |
07/02/1996 | Entry scheduling a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on 8/27/96 at the Commission offices; direct expert testimony should be filed in accordance with Rule 4901-1-29, O.A.C.; all motions to strike objections shall be filed by 8/16/96; memoranda contra such motions to strike must be filed by 8/26/96; scheduling a prehearing conference at 10:00 a.m. on 8/20/96 at the Commission offices. (WB) | 3 |
06/28/1996 | Staff report filed. (130 pgs.) | 130 |
06/28/1996 | Staff report filed. | 136 |
06/28/1996 | Staff report of investigation. | 136 |
06/24/1996 | Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Village of Jefferson by J. Lemire. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
06/11/1996 | Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ashtabula County Commissioners by G. Brown. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
06/05/1996 | Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Village of Geneva on the Lake, Ohio by L. DiFabio. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
04/04/1996 | Entry accepting the application for filing as of February 23, 1996; that the proposed newspaper notice submitted by applicant is approved for publication as set forth in finding 6. (2 pgs.) | 2 |
03/20/1996 | Revised scheduled S-3, SFR filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dunbar, III. (3 pgs.) | 0 |
03/12/1996 | Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by D. Whitmire, Austinburg Township. (1 pg.) | 1 |
03/08/1996 | Revised notice for newspaper publication filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dunbar, III. (3 pgs.) | 3 |
02/26/1996 | Letter opposing rate increase filed on behalf of Jefferson Area Local School District by C. Jeffords. (1 pg.) | 1 |
02/26/1996 | Letter opposing rate increase filed on behalf of the Village of Perry, Ohio by J. Fulmer. (12 pgs.) | 12 |
02/23/1996 | Entry accepting rate application as of February 23, 1996. | 0 |
02/01/1996 | Corrected schedules filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dunbar III. (14 pgs.) | 14 |
02/01/1996 | Entry ordering that January 24, 1996, shall be considered as the date that Consumers Ohio gave notice as required by Section 4909.43, Revised Code; that February 23, 1996, be considered as the date that Consumers Ohio filed its application in this case. (2 pgs.) | 2 |
01/24/1996 | Revised notice of intent to file an application for an increase in rates filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dunbar, III. (9 pgs.) | 9 |
01/05/1996 | Direct testimony of Steven Zordich, Manager, Lake Erie East Division. | 5 |
01/05/1996 | Testimony of Theodore Russell, Senior Accountant. | 8 |
01/05/1996 | Testimony of Richard Hideg, Assistant treasurer. | 15 |
01/05/1996 | Testimony of Walter Pishkur, President. | 12 |
01/05/1996 | Schedule S-4.1, Corporate process utilized by the board of directors and corporate officers; Schedule S-4.2, Executive summary filed on behalf of the Lake Erie East Division. | 106 |
12/22/1995 | Section A, revenue requirements, filed on behalf of appli- cant. (253 pgs.) | 253 |
12/22/1995 | Testimony of David R. Monie filed on behalf of applicant. (48 pgs.) | 48 |
12/22/1995 | Direct testimony of Henry G. Mulle filed on behalf of applicant. (148 pgs.) | 148 |
12/22/1995 | Application filed on behalf of applicant by W. Pishkur. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
12/15/1995 | Corrections of non-substantive errors contained in the corresponding PFN exhibit pages in the pre-filing notice filed on November 20, 1995, filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dunbar, III. (10 pgs.) | 10 |
12/14/1995 | Entry ordering that the test period of applicant shall begin August 1, 1995 and end July 31, 1996, and that the date certain shall be October 31, 1995; that the request for waivers made by the applicant be granted as set forth in Finding 5. (2 pgs.) | 2 |
12/12/1995 | Resolution #1950 passed December 4, 1995, filed on behalf of the Village of Geneva on the Lake by M. Bliss. (3 pgs.) (FILED 12/11/95) | 3 |
11/20/1995 | Request for waiver filed on behalf of applicant by W. Pishkur. (4 pgs.) | 4 |
11/20/1995 | In the matter of the application of Consumers Ohio Water Company to increase its rates to be charged for water service provided in its Lake Erie East Division. (19 | 19 |