DIS - Case Record for 95-0866-EL-UNC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
04/10/1999 Comments and preliminary statement regarding implementation of the interruptible electric service guidelines, filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by R. Rosenberry.
12/22/1998 Entry ordering that notice of the Commission's performance expectations for IBT service be given to all parties who filed comments in this matter and all interested persons of record by serving a copy of this finding and order upon them. (12 pgs.)
09/24/1998 Reply comments filed on behalf of The Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by R. Rosenberry.
09/09/1998 Reply comments filed on behalf of Ohio Edison, CEI, and Toledo Edison by J. Burk. (9 pgs.)
09/09/1998 Reply comments filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power by M. Resnik. (4 pgs.)
09/09/1998 Reply comments filed on behalf of CG&E by T. Schneider. (4 pgs.)
09/09/1998 Reply comments filed on behalf of The Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by S. Randazzo. (19 pgs.)
08/31/1998 Comments filed on behalf of Monongahela Power Company by G. Jack. (6 pgs.)
08/31/1998 Comments filed on behalf of DP&L by K. Guy. (Fax)
08/31/1998 Comments filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik. (4 pgs.)
08/31/1998 Comments filed on behalf of DP&L by K. Guy. (8 pgs.)
08/31/1998 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, CEI, and Toledo Edison Co. by J. Burk. (15 pgs.)
08/31/1998 Comments filed on behalf of Enron Energy Services by M. Petricoff. (8 pgs.)
08/31/1998 Comments filed on behalf of The Industrial Energy Users- Ohio by R. Rosenberry. (15 pgs.)
08/31/1998 Comments filed on behalf of CG&E by T. Schneider. (10 pgs.)
08/17/1998 Entry ordering that "Performance Expectations" be adopted; comments be served on all entities on the service list; add James Burke, attorney for FirstEnergy who was inadvertently omitted from the service list. (RG) (1 pg)
08/13/1998 Entry ordering that all interested persons who wish to comment on the proposed guidelines file comments with the Commission no later than August 31, 1998; commentators wishing to exchange comments with others may do so at 4:00 p.m. on August 31, 1998 at the Commission offices, 3rd floor conference room; reply comments shall be filed no later than September 9, 1998; that all persons filing comments in this case serve a copy of those comments on those entities listed on the attached service list. (8 pgs.)
04/10/1998 Comments and preliminary statement regarding implementation of the interruptible electric service guidelines, filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by R. Rosenberry. (19 pgs.)
04/08/1998 Comments filed on behalf of Whirlpool Corporation by J. O'Neill.
03/30/1998 Responses to Staff's initial data request, filed on behalf of DP&L by R. Reid. (8 pgs.)
03/30/1998 Responses to the Staff's initial data request, filed on behalf of CG&E by J. Gainer. (5 pgs.)
03/30/1998 Responses to Staff's initial data request, filed on behalf of Ohio Edison, CEI, and Toledo Edison. (2 pgs.)
03/27/1998 Responses filed on behalf of Monongahela Power Company by G. Jack. (3 pgs.)
03/26/1998 Responses to the staff initial data request filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power by W. Forrester. (85 pgs.)
03/26/1998 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by R. Rosenberry. (4 pgs.)
03/12/1998 Entry ordering that the electric utilities subject to PUCO jurisdiction file their responses to the appended Staff's Initial Data Request no later than 3/30/98; that all Ohio business electric customers and brokers participating in the interruptible service option who wish to comment on their satisfaction of service,file those comments no later than thirty days from the date of this entry. (5 pgs)
06/05/1997 Final tariff, PUCO No. 3, 25th sheet 21A, 5th sheet 23A, 1st sheet 24A1, original sheet 24A2, filed on behalf of Monongahela Power Co. by G. Jack. (5 pgs.)
05/15/1997 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 16, 11th sheet 1, 56th sheet 2, 14th sheet 23, original sheets 23-A, 23-B, and 23-C, filed on behalf of DP&L by E. Coy. (17 pgs.)
05/01/1997 Finding & Order approving Dayton Power & Light Company's revised tariffs. (3 pgs.)
05/01/1997 Finding & Order approving Toledo Edison Company and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company's revised tariffs. (3 pgs.)
05/01/1997 Finding & Order approving Monongahela Power Company's revised tariffs. (3 pgs.)
04/21/1997 Revised Exhibit B, replacement electricity rider, for PUCO Tariff No. 7 filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic.
04/21/1997 Revised Exhibit B, replacement electricity rider, for PUCO Tariff No. 7 filed on behalf of applicant by M. Kempic.
04/14/1997 Service Notice
04/10/1997 Finding & Order that the applicants shall have 10 days to revise their tariffs. (5 pgs.)
04/04/1997 Revised interruptible electric service tariff, PUCO No. 16, 14th sheet 23, original sheet 23-A, original sheet 23-B; original sheet 23-C, filed on behalf of The Dayton Power & Light Co. by K. Guy.
03/31/1997 Final tariff, PUCO No. 3, 1st sheet 24A1, original sheet 24A2, filed on behalf of Monongahela Power Company by G. Jack. (3 pgs.)
03/27/1997 Finding & Order that the proposed tariff notice is reason- able with the modifications discussed in this Order; that applicant is directed to refile its tariff notice within 10 days which refiling shall include the change directed by the Commission in this Order. (4 pgs.)
03/25/1997 Corrected tariff, PUCO No. 17, filed on behalf of Cinergy Corp. by D. Rottinghaus. (16 pgs.)
03/21/1997 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 17, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus. (14 pgs.)
03/20/1997 Finding and Order, ordering that the applicant comply with the directives set forth. (3 pgs.)
03/14/1997 Response of The Dayton Power and Light Company to protest of Stand Energy Corporation to proposed revised interruptible electric service tariff of The Dayton Power & Light Company filed by K. Guy. (5 pgs.)
02/28/1997 Protest of Stand Energy Corp. to proposed revised interruptible electric service tariff of DP&L, filed by S. Robison.
02/20/1997 Entry Nunc Pro Tunc ordering that applicants are now directed to file their tariffs in conformance with the Commission's January 22, 1997 entry on rehearing and on the discussion in this entry within ten days of the issuance of this entry nunc pro tunc.
02/18/1997 The Dayton Power and Light Company's revised interruptible electric service tariff filed by K. Guy.
02/13/1997 Service Notice
02/12/1997 Finding & Order that the proposed amended tariff scheduled filed by CG&E be approved subject to the changes in this Order.
01/24/1997 Service Notice
01/22/1997 Service Notice
01/22/1997 Entry ordering that the applications for rehearing of the Commission's November 25, 1996 Finding & Order in this matter filed by Stand and IEU-OH are granted to the ex- tent set forth in this entry; that the applicant's revised tariffs be approved subject to the modifications set forth in this entry. (5 pgs.)
01/02/1997 Memorandum contra Industrial Energy Users-Ohio's motion for clarifying entry and application for rehearing, filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power by M. Res- nik. (6 pgs.)
12/26/1996 Letter requesting a meeting on behalf of the elected officials. Submitted by: U.S. Representative Mary Kaptur.
12/24/1996 Entry granting the rehearing of Stand Energy Corp. for the limited purpose of allowing the Commission additional time in which to consider the issues raised on rehearing. (2 pgs.)
12/23/1996 Motion for a clarifying entry and application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of The Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by S. Randazzo. (11 pgs.)
12/17/1996 Memorandum contra application for rehearing filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power by M. Resnick. (4 pgs)
12/05/1996 New set of rate schedules filed on behalf of American Electric Power by M. Resnik. (43 pgs.)
12/04/1996 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of Stand Energy Corp. by D. George. (6 pgs.)
11/25/1996 Finding and Order stating applicants comply with directives set forth in this finding and order. (3 pgs.)
11/22/1996 Modified interruptible rate schedules filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik. (42 pgs.)
10/23/1996 Tariffs, PUCO No. 10, 1st sheet 29, original sheet 73, original sheet 74, and original sheet 75, filed on behalf of Ohio Edison by B. Eberts. (38 pgs.)
10/17/1996 Finding & Order approving the proposed amended tariff schedules filed by the applicant, as clarified in the reply comments of the applicant; that the applicant shall commence notification of all customers affected by the tariff change. (3 pgs.)
10/04/1996 Modified rate schedules filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power by M. Resnik. (28 pgs.)
09/04/1996 Revised interruptible electric service arrangements filed on behalf of Ohio Edison by L. Vespoli.
08/26/1996 Reply comments of Ohio Edison Company filed by L. Vespoli. (20 pgs) (FILED AUG 23, 1996)
08/23/1996 Reply comments filed on behalf of Ohio Edison by L. Vespoli. (19 pgs.)
08/09/1996 Reply comments filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney. (9 pgs.)
08/09/1996 Reply to comments of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio, filed on behalf of CG&E by J. Gainer. (18 pgs.)
08/09/1996 Reply comments of Centerior Energy Corp. filed on behalf of CEI and Toledo Edison by M. Kempic. (14 pgs.)
08/09/1996 Reply filed on behalf of DP&L by K. Guy. (6 pgs.)
08/09/1996 Reply comments filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power by M. Resnik. (12 pgs.)
08/09/1996 Reply filed on behalf of DP&L by K. Guy.
08/07/1996 Entry ordering that Ohio Edison shall have until August 23, 1996 to file its reply comments. (AE) (1 pg.)
07/25/1996 Request for extension of time and motion in support filed on behalf of Ohio Edison by L. Vespoli. (6 pgs.)
07/18/1996 Entry ordering that any interested party who wishes to file a reply to any of the July 12, 1996 filings shall have until 8/9/96 to do so. (AE) (1 pg.)
07/12/1996 Comments filed on behalf of Enron Capital and Trade Resources Corp. by M. Petricoff. (6 pgs.)
07/12/1996 Comments and objections filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users - Ohio by R. Rosenberry. (85 pgs.)
07/12/1996 Comments filed on behalf of Whirlpool Corp. by S. Taft. (9 pgs.)
06/14/1996 Interruptible electric service tariff filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Co. by M. Resnik. (32 pgs.)
06/14/1996 Interruptible electric service tariff filed on behalf of of Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik. (29 pgs.)
06/14/1996 Interruptible electric service tariff filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Co. by L. Vespoli. (47 pgs.)
06/14/1996 Interruptible Power Service, Schedule "IP" filed on behalf of Monongahela Power Co. by G. Jack. (5 pgs.)
06/14/1996 Interruptible electric service tariff filed on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company by S. Koziar, Jr., R. Reid. (24 pgs.)
06/14/1996 Interruptible electric service tariff filed on behalf of Toledo Edison Company by J. Wack. (13 pgs.)
06/14/1996 Interruptible electric service tariff filed on behalf of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by J. Wack. (16 pgs)
06/14/1996 Interruptible electric service tariff filed on behalf of CG&E by J. Gainer. (12 pgs.)
05/31/1996 Service Notice
05/29/1996 Service Notice.
05/29/1996 service Notice 7 pgs.
05/29/1996 Service Notice 7pgs.
05/29/1996 Entry clarifying certain procedural matters regarding the filing of tariffs; any motions or objections to any inter- ruptible electric service tariff should be filed by 7/12/96. (AE) (1 pg.)
04/11/1996 Entry ordering that the applications for rehearing of the Commission's February 15, 1996 finding and order are granted to the extent set forth in this order; that the time frame for filing of interruptible electric service tariffs or tariff notice consistent with the guidelines shall be ex- tended to June 14, 1996. Separate Opinion of Commissioner Richard M. Fanelly. (15 pgs.)
04/05/1996 Motion to extend filed on behalf of Ohio Edison by L. Vespoli; CEI by M. Kempic; Toledo Edison by M. Kempic; DP&L by K. Guy; Monongahela Power by G. Jack; and CG&E by J. Gainer. (6 pgs.)
03/28/1996 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing, filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by S. Randazzo. (3 pgs.)
03/25/1996 Memorandum in response to applications for rehearing, filed on behalf of OCC by B. Cohen. (7 pgs.)
03/25/1996 Memorandum contra utility applications for rehearing, filed on behalf of The Ohio Manufacturers' Association by S. Taft. (15 pgs.)
03/18/1996 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by S. Randazzo. (15 pgs.)
03/18/1996 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of The Ohio Manufacturers' Association by S. Taft. (10 pgs.)
03/18/1996 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Edison by L. Vespoli. (13 pgs.)
03/18/1996 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of CEI and Toledo Edison by M. Regulinski. (11 pgs.)
03/15/1996 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of DP&L by K. Guy. (57 pgs.)
03/15/1996 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of Monongahela Power Co. by G. Jack. (5 pgs.)
02/15/1996 Finding and order that electric utilities subject to the Commission's jurisdiction comply with Commission's findings.
02/15/1996 Finding & Order that the guidelines relating to inter- ruptible electric service attached to this finding and order be adopted. Separate Opinion of Commissioner Richard M. Fanelly. (17 pgs.)
11/03/1995 Reply comments filed on behalf of Ohio Edison by L. Vespoli. (7 pgs.)
11/03/1995 Reply comments filed on behalf of Cinergy Corp. by G. Van Heyde. (8 pgs.)
11/03/1995 Reply comments filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio by J. Small. (8 pgs.)
11/03/1995 Reply comments filed on behalf of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. and Buckeye Power by R. Mone and A. Ahern. (3 pgs.)
11/03/1995 Reply comments filed on behalf of DP&L by R. Reid. (6 pgs.)
11/03/1995 Reply comments filed on behalf of IEU-OH and Ohio Steel Industry Advisory Commission by S. Randazzo; and Ohio Manu- facturers' Assn. by S. Taft. (7 pgs.)
11/03/1995 Reply comments filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney. (13 pgs.)
11/03/1995 Reply comments of Centerior Energy Corp. on behalf of CEI and Toledo Edison by M. Kempic. (13 pgs.)
10/27/1995 Comments of Monongahela Power Company filed by G. Jack. (8 pgs.)
10/27/1995 Comments of The Office of Consumers' Counsel filed by C. Mooney. (11 pgs.)
10/27/1995 Comments of The Dayton Power and Light Company filed by R. Reid. (17 pgs.)
10/27/1995 Comments of The Ohio Manufactures' Association and Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by S. Randazzo, S. Taft. (15 pgs)
10/27/1995 Initial comments of Ohio Edison Company filed by L. Vespoli. (12 pgs.)
10/27/1995 Comments of Centerior Engery Corporation on behalf of CEI and Toledo Edison filed by M. Kempic. (18 pgs.)
10/27/1995 Comments of Ohio Power Company and Columbus Southern Power Company filed by L. Jahn. (22 pgs.)
10/27/1995 Comments of The Ohio Council of Retail Merchants filed by J. Mahaney Jr. (2 pgs.)
10/27/1995 Comments filed on behalf of Whirlpool Corporation by J. O'Neill. (4 pgs.)
10/27/1995 Comments of Cinergy Corp. filed by G. J. Van Heyde. (15 pgs)
10/27/1995 Comments of The Campaign for an Energy Efficient Ohio and Sierra Club filed by C. Morris. (2 pgs.)
10/27/1995 Comments of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. filed by J. Small. (21 pgs.)
10/12/1995 Entry ordering that interested persons file comments regard- ing the proposed interruptible guidelines by 10/27/95, and that reply comments be submitted by 11/3/95; any party filing comments with the Commission should send a copy of those comments to the persons on the attached mailing list (Appendix C). (13 pgs.)
09/22/1995 PUCO guidelines relating to interruptible electric service filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (6 pgs.)
09/19/1995 In the matter of interruptible electric service guidelines, pursuant to the agreement by participants in the Commission Roundtable on competition in the electric industry. (1 pg.)