DIS - Case Record for 95-0842-TP-EMG Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/12/1995 Customer notice filed on behalf of Continental Telephone Co. by J. Prohaska. (2 pgs.)
10/04/1995 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 7, Section 3, 47th sheet 96, filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Kennedy. (2 pgs.)
10/04/1995 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 5, Check Sheet 3, Section 41, 4th sheet 12, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Gratz. (3 pgs.)
09/28/1995 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 7, Section 3, 47th sheet 96, filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Kennedy. (2 pgs.)
09/28/1995 Finding & Order that the Van Wert County 9-1-1 final plan and accompanying cost documentation be adopted for use in the operation and maintenance of Van Wert County 9-1-1 service; that United, GTE, Middle Point and Continental be granted authority to provide Van Wert County 9-1-1 emergency service; that Ottoville be granted temporary exclusion from the Van Wert County 9-1-1 system until such time that Put- nam County implements its county 9-1-1 system; that United, GTE, Middle Point and Continental notify their Van Wert sub- scribers of the availability and use of 9-1-1 service; that Ottoville notify its Van Wert subscribers of their tempor- ary exclusion form the Van Wert County 9-1-1 system; that this case be closed of record. (3 pgs.)
09/27/1995 Tariff, PUCO No. 8, Checksheet, Section 1, 7th sheet 1, 2nd sheet 5; Section 4, 4th sheet 1, 4th sheet 2, original sheets 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35, filed on behalf of Continental Telephone Co. by J. Prohaska. (13 pgs.)
09/22/1995 Rate schedule for E911 service within Van Wert County, filed on behalf of The Middle Point Telephone Co. by R. Long. (2 pgs.)
09/22/1995 Rate schedule for E911 service within Van Wert County, filed on behalf of The Continental Telephone Co. by J. Prohaska. (1 pg.)
09/21/1995 Additional informaton filed on behalf of United Telephone Co. by G. Gratz. (3 pgs.)
09/21/1995 Costs and subscriber charge for its customers in Van Wert County for 911 service, filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Kennedy. (4 pgs.)
09/21/1995 Letter asking for exclusion from Van Wert County 911, filed on behalf of The Ottoville Mutual Telephone Co. by D. Hoer- sten. (1 pg.)
09/13/1995 In the matter of the application of United Telephone Company of Ohio for the proposed Van Wert County Emergency 911 system. (24 pgs.)