DIS - Case Record for 95-0458-EL-UNC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/26/2010 Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel filed by Staff.
08/21/2009 Confidential Release: Exhibits filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, H. Liebman, Volume 3 of 3 filed on September 13, 1998.
08/21/2009 Confidential Release: Exhibits filed on behalf of complainant, CEI by H. Liebman, Volume 2 of 3 (Part 3) filed on September 13, 1998.
08/21/2009 Confidential Release: Exhibits filed on behalf of complainant, CEI by H, Liebman, Volume 2 of 3, (Part 2) filed on September 13, 1998.
08/21/2009 Confidential Release: Exhibits filed on behalf of complainant, CEI by H. Liebman, Volume 2 of 3 (Part 1) filed on September 13, 1998.
08/21/2009 Confidential Release: Exhibits filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, H. Liebman filed on September 13, 1998.
08/21/2009 Confidential Release: Exhibits filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, by H. Liebman filed on September 13, 1998.
08/21/2009 Confidential Release: Memorandum contra Ohio Power Company's motion for sanctions, filed on behalf of applicant by H. Liebman filed on September 16, 1998.
12/22/2004 Service Notice
12/21/2004 Order on Remand stating that the complaint is dismissed with prejudice.
12/10/1999 Reply brief filed on behalf of Medical Center Co. by B. Royer. (36 pgs.)
12/10/1999 Reply brief filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by J. Hegedus. (32 pgs.)
12/10/1999 Reply brief filed on behalf of CEI by H. Liebman. (26 pgs.)
12/10/1999 Reply brief filed on behalf of American Electric Power, American Electric Power Service Corp., and Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik. (20 pgs.)
12/10/1999 Reply brief filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio by J. Small. (17 pgs.)
11/12/1999 Initial brief filed on behalf of American Municipal Power- Ohio by J. Small. (57 pgs.) (FILED 11/5/99)
11/08/1999 Initial brief of Medical Center Company filed by B. Royer.
11/05/1999 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by J. Hegedus. (18 pgs.)
11/05/1999 Initial brief of American Electric Power Co. Inc., American Electric Power Service Corp. and Ohio Power Co. (29 pgs)
11/05/1999 Intial brief of Medical Center Company. Filed by B. Royer (51 pgs)
11/05/1999 Initial Brief of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. Submitted by H. Liebman (32 pgs)
10/07/1999 Entry ordering that CEI's objections to admission of portions of Mr. Wack's deposition are sustained in part and overruled in part. (AE) (4 pgs.)
09/29/1999 Response to objections of CEI to the admission of certain portions of the deposition of John P. Wack, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik. (2 pgs.)
09/29/1999 Transcript filed for hearing held 9/15/99, (DN), 134 pgs., Con't. (PUCO-Columbus, OH) (Volume III)
09/29/1999 Response of Medical Center Company to objections of CEI to the admission of certain portions of the deposition of John P. Wack, filed by B. Royer. (8 pgs.)
09/28/1999 Transcript filed for hearing held 9/14/99, (DN), 171 pgs., Con't. (PUCO-Columbus, OH) (Volume II)
09/27/1999 Transcript filed for hearing held 9/13/99, (DN), 244 pgs., Con't. (PUCO-Columbus, OH) (Volume I)
09/22/1999 Objections to the admission of certain portions of the deposition of John P. Wack, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Kutik. (3 pgs.)
09/09/1999 Notice of filing submitted on behalf of complainant, CEI, by H. Liebman. (3 pgs.)
09/09/1999 Exhibits filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, by H. Liebman. (3614 pgs.)
09/09/1999 Entry denying MCC's motion to compel. (AE) (3 pgs.)
09/09/1999 Exhibits 107-209 filed on behalf of complainant by H. Liebman. (Section 2)
09/08/1999 Motion to quash subpoena and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by J. Hegedus. (15 pgs.)
09/08/1999 Memorandum contra motion to compel of Medical Center Co., filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, by H. Liebman. (18 pgs.)
09/07/1999 Direct testimony of Michael B. Danzig, P.E., filed on behalf of Medical Center Co. by B. Royer. (72 pgs.)
09/07/1999 Direct testimony of J. Craig Baker filed on behalf of AEP. (51 pgs.)
09/03/1999 Motion to compel and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Medical Center Company by B. Royer.
08/31/1999 Entry ordering that expert testimony be filed by September 7, 1999, and served on any opposing party by 5:00 p.m. on that date. (AE) (2 pgs.)
08/31/1999 Entry ordering that CEI'smotion in limine is denied for the reasons set forth in this entry. (AE) (3 pgs.)
08/30/1999 Motion for clarification or extension of time and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Medical Center Co. by B. Royer. (4 pgs.)
08/27/1999 Reply memorandum in support of motion in limine of CEI, filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, by D. Kutik. (9 pgs.)
08/19/1999 Memorandum contra CEI motion in limine, filed on behalf of Medical Center Company by B. Royer. (9 pgs.)
08/19/1999 Subpoenas to Michael B. Danzig and William T. Zigli filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by D. Nodes. (2 pgs.)
08/17/1999 Memorandum contra to motion in limine of CEI, filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio by J. Small. (9 pgs.)
08/17/1999 Memorandum contra CEI'smotion in limine, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik. (6 pgs.)
08/11/1999 Application for subpoenas filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, by D. Kutik. (4 pgs.)
08/06/1999 Entry ordering that all expert testimony to be offered in this proceeding be filed and served upon other parties no later than seven days prior to the commencement of the hearing. (AE) (2 pgs.)
08/05/1999 Motion in limine and memorandum in support filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, by D. Kutik. (132 pgs.)
07/23/1999 Correspondence to Dwight Nodes, PUCO staff, requesting information, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik. (2 pgs.)
07/09/1999 Entry ordering that the joint motion to dismiss Counts II and III of CEI's complaint and MCC's counterclaim be granted; that MCC's motion to intervene be granted. (AE) (5 pgs.)
06/11/1999 Entry granting the joint motion for a continuance of the hearing date; that the hearing be rescheduled to commence on September 13, 1999, at 10:00 a.m., at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
05/28/1999 Ohio Power Company's and Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company's Motion for Continuance of Hearing. Submitted by: M. Resnik. (3 pgs.)
05/11/1999 Memorandum contra motion to strike of Medical Center Company filed on behalf of CEI by H. Liebman. (4 pgs.)
04/30/1999 Motion to strike and response of Medical Center Company to surreply of CEI, filed by B. Royer. (13 pgs.)
04/26/1999 Surreply to reply of Medical Center Company to CEI memoran- dum contra motion to intervene filed by H. Liebman (38 pgs)
04/13/1999 Reply of Medical Center Company to CEI memorandum contra motion to intervene, filed by B. Royer. (22 pgs.) (FILED 4/12/99)
04/05/1999 Memorandum contra motion to intervene of Medical Center Company, filed on behalf of CEI by H. Liebman. (10 pgs.)
04/05/1999 Entry ordering that the joint motion for a continuance of the hearing be granted for 60 days, the hearing be resched- uled to commence on June 14, 1999, at 10:00 a.m., at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
03/29/1999 Joint motion for continuance of hearing and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Power by M. Resnik and CEI by M. Whitt.
03/22/1999 Complainant's fourth set of interrogatories to respondent American Electric Power, filed by H. Liebman.
03/22/1999 Complainant's second request for admissions to respondent American Electric Power, filed by H. Liebman.
03/17/1999 Deposition of Michael B. Danzig taken January 11, 1999, filed.
03/16/1999 Joint motion to dismiss filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, by D. Kutik and respondent, Medical Center Company, by B. Royer.
03/16/1999 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Medical Center Company by B. Royer.
03/04/1999 Application for subpoenas for the following persons, filed on behalf of CEI by D. Kutik 1) John F. Stough 2) J. Craig Baker 3) Dana Horton 4) John Provanzana 5) Richard Barton 6) Michael Konicek 7) Jerome W. Salko 8) George Pofok 9) Michael B. Danzig.
03/03/1999 Memorandum contra Ohio Power Company's motion to compel CEI to provide full responses to Ohio Power Company's fourth set of interrogatories and requests for production of documents to the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed D. Kutik.
02/23/1999 Notice of deposition of William Zigli, filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, by D. Kutik.
02/18/1999 Service Notice
02/17/1999 Entry granting in part and denying in part, in accordance with Finding 4, Ohio Power's motion to compel.
02/04/1999 Reply memorandum to CEI's memorandum contra motion to com- pel, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik. (5 pgs.)
02/04/1999 Reply memorandum to CEI's memorandum contra motion to compel, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik.
02/02/1999 Memorandum contra Ohio Power Company's motion to compel CEI to provide full responses to Ohio Power Company's fourth set of interrogatories and requests for production of documents to the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Com- pany, filed on behalf of CEI by D. Kutik. (26 pgs.)
01/26/1999 Notice of Deposition filed by D. Kutik.
01/25/1999 Notice of deposition filed by D. Kutik for CEI. (3 pgs)
01/19/1999 Motion to compel CEI to provide full responses to Ohio Power Company's fourth set for interrogatories and requests for production of documents to the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, filed by M. Resnik.
01/15/1999 Ohio Power Company's motion to compel CEI to provide full responses to Ohio Power Company's fourth set of interroga- tories and requests for production of documents to The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., filed by M. Resnik. (19 pgs.)
01/08/1999 Service Notice
01/07/1999 Entry ordering that this case be scheduled for hearing commencing on April 12, 1999, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission. (DN)
01/07/1999 Entry scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on April 12, 1999, at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
12/11/1998 Notice of deposition filed by D. Kutik. (3 pgs)
11/20/1998 Notice of deposition of Craig Baker filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, by D. Kutik. (3 pgs.)
11/20/1998 Notice of deposition of Dana Horton, filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, by D. Kutik. (3 pgs.)
11/20/1998 Notice of deposition of John Stough filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, by D. Kutik. (3 pgs.)
11/18/1998 Notice of deposition of George Pofok filed on behalf of applicant by D. Kutik. (3 pgs.)
10/15/1998 Entry ordering that CEI's interlocutory appeal is granted to the extent described in this entry and Ohio Power and/ or AEP is directed to respond to CEI's interrogatories 9 and 10, within 20 days from the date of this entry. (4 pgs.)
10/07/1998 Entry ordering that CEI's motion to certify its interlocu- tory appeal is granted. (AE) (3 pgs.)
09/25/1998 Ohio Power's reply memorandum to CEI's memorandum contra motion for sanctions filed by M Resnik
09/25/1998 Ohio Power's reply memorandum to CEI's memorandum contra "motion for sanctions" filed by M Resnik. (4 pgs)
09/16/1998 Portion of the record reflecting the ruling at issue filed on behalf of applicant by H. Liebman. (7 pgs.)
09/16/1998 Confidential memorandum contra Ohio Power Company's motion for sanctions, filed on behalf of applicant by H. Liebman. (18 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
09/11/1998 Transcript for hearing held 8/27/98 filed; continued. (DN) (57 pgs)
09/08/1998 Memorandum contra request of CEI to certify interlocutory appeal, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik. (6 pgs.)
09/02/1998 Motion for leave to file request to certify interlocutory appeal, instanter, filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, by H. Liebman. (85 pgs.)
07/31/1998 Memorandum contra Ohio Power Company's motion to compel CEI to respond to requests for admission filed on behalf of CEI by D. Kutik. (8 pgs.)
07/16/1998 Entry scheduling a record conference at 10:00 a.m. on August 27, 1998, at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
07/13/1998 Motion to compel CEI to respond to requests for admission, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik. (23 pgs.)
06/30/1998 Reply memorandum to Ohio Power Company's memorandum contra CEI's second motion to compel discovery directed at Ohio Power filed by H. Liebman. (9 pgs)
06/18/1998 Reply of Medical Center Co. to CEI memorandum contra motion to compel and supplemental motion to compel, filed by B. Royer. (25 pgs.)
06/12/1998 Memorandum contra CEI's second motion to compel discovery directed at Ohio Power Company, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik. (13 pgs.)
06/08/1998 Memorandum contra motion and supplemental motion to compel of Medical Center Company filed by H. Liebman. (25 pgs)
05/28/1998 Reply memorandum to Ohio Power's memorandum contra CEI's (first) motion to compel filed by D. Kutik. (8 pgs)
05/27/1998 Reply memorandum to CEI's Response to Ohio Power's motion to compel filed by M. Resnik on behalf of Ohio Power. (11 pgs)
05/26/1998 Second motion of complainant, CEI, to compel discovery directed to respondent Ohio Power Company, filed by P. Ruxin. (70 pgs.)
05/19/1998 Response to The Ohio Power Company's motion to compel CEI to provide full responses to Ohio Power Company's first set of interrogatories and requests for production of documents filed on behalf of applicant by D. Kutik. (38 pgs.)
05/18/1998 Memorandum contra CEI's motion to compel, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik. (10 pgs.)
05/12/1998 Supplemental motion to compel and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Medical Center Co. by B. Royer. (31 pgs.)
05/05/1998 Motion to compel discovery directed to respondent and memor- andum in support filed on behalf of complainant, CEI, by D. Kutik. (42 pgs.)
05/04/1998 Motion to compel and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Medical Center Company by B. Royer. (81 pgs.)
05/01/1998 Motion to compel CEI to provide full responses to Ohio Power Company's first set of interrogatories and requests for production of documents to the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik. (99 pgs.)
04/15/1998 Entry ordering that all outstanding, nonprivileged dis- covery requests be answered by May 4, 1998; that the parties will attempt to negotiate and execute protective agreements by May 22, 1998; that these directives for responding to discovery and other matters be followed. (AE) (2 pgs.)
03/16/1998 Entry scheduling a prehearing conference at 10:00 a.m. on April 14, 1998, at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
02/26/1998 Entry ordering that the prehearing conference be rescheduled for March 26, 1998, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission. (DN)
02/26/1998 Service Notice
02/26/1998 Entry ordering that the prehearing conference be rescheduled for March 26, 1998, at 10:00 a.m., at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
02/18/1998 Entry ordered that motion be granted and that a prehearing conference be scheduled for February 19, 1998, at 9:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission. (DN)
02/10/1998 Service Notice
02/10/1998 Entry ordering that CEI's motion be granted and scheduling a prehearing conference at 9:00 a.m. on February 19, 1998, at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
01/23/1998 Memorandum responding to CEI's motion for prehearing con- ference, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik. (3 pgs.)
01/16/1998 Initial brief of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. (57 pgs) Memorandum in support of motion for prehearing conference filed on behalf of CEI by H. Liebman. (3 pgs.)
01/16/1998 Motion for prehearing conference filed on behalf of CEI by H. Liebman. (2 pgs.)
09/19/1997 Notice of withdrawal of counsel filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland, Ohio, by G. Krassen. (2 pgs.)
07/10/1997 Service Notice
07/09/1997 Entry granting CEI's motion for a continuance. (DW)
07/09/1997 Entry ordering that motion for a continuance of the procedural schedule is granted and the parties should inform the attorney examiner by no later than October 1, 1997 of the need for a conference to establish a new schedule for completing discovery and for filing testimony.
07/09/1997 Entry ordering that CEI's motion for a continuance of the procedural schedule is granted and the parties should in- form the attorney examiner by no later than October 1, 1997 of the need for a conference to establish a new schedule for completing discovery and for filing testimony. (AE) (2 pgs.)
07/03/1997 Response to CEI motion for continuance of procedural schedule filed on behalf of Medical Center Co. by B. Royer. (5 pgs.)
07/03/1997 Memorandum in response to CEI's motion for continuance filed on behalf of Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik. (3 pgs.)
06/19/1997 Motion for continuance of procedural schedule filed on be- half of applicant by P. Ruxin. (3 pgs.)
05/06/1997 Transcript filed for prehearing conference held 4/15/97, (DN), 40 pgs., Con't. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
04/29/1997 Transcript filed for prehearing conference held 4/15/97, (DN), 40 pgs., Con't. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
04/28/1997 Answer filed on behalf of Ohio Power Company, American Electric Power Company Inc. and American Electric Power Service Corp. by M. Resnik. (7 pgs.)
04/28/1997 Answer and counterclaim filed on behalf of Medical Center Company by B. Royer. (12 pgs.)
04/01/1997 Entry ordering that the record conference previously set for April 7, 1997 be rescheduled for April 15, 1997, at 10:00 a.m. at the Commission offices. (AE) (1 pg.)
03/28/1997 Entry scheduling a record conference at 10:00 a.m. on April 7, 1997, at the Commission offices. (AE) (3 pgs.)
02/24/1997 Reply memorandum to CEI's response to their motion for clarifying declarations and to CEI's memorandum contra their motion to dismiss, filed on behalf of AEP Companies by M. Resnik.
02/24/1997 Response to CEI motion for definite statement, filed on behalf of Medical Center Company by B. Royer.
02/24/1997 Brief in support of the reply memoranda of the AEP Companies and Medical Center Company to the CEI responses, filed on behalf of The City of Cleveland by G. Krassen.
02/24/1997 Reply memorandum to CEI's response to their motion for clarifying declarations and to CEI's memorandum contra their motion to dismiss, filed on behalf of The AEP Com- panies by M. Resnik. (9 pgs.)
02/24/1997 Reply to response of CEI to motion for definite statement, filed on behalf of Medical Center Co. by B. Royer. (14 pgs.)
02/24/1997 Brief in support of the reply memoranda of the AEP Companies and Medical Center Co. to CEI's responses, filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by G. Krassen. (6 pgs.)
02/14/1997 Response to motion of AEP Companies for clarifying declarations, filed on behalf of CEI Company, filed by H. Liebman.
02/14/1997 Memorandum contra to motion of AEP Companies to dismiss or, alternatively, to hold proceeding in abeyance, filed on behalf of CEI by H. Liebman.
02/14/1997 Response to motion for definite statement of Medical Center Company, filed on behalf of CEI by H. Liebman.
02/14/1997 Response of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company to motion of AEP Companies for clarifying declaration filed by H. Liebman.
02/14/1997 Response of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company to motion for definite statement of Medical Center Company filed by H. Liebman. (7 pgs.)
02/14/1997 Memorandum contra of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company to motion of AEP Companies to dismiss or, alternatively, to hold proceeding in abeyance filed by H. Liebman. (12 pgs.)
02/14/1997 Response of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company to motion of AEP Companies for clarifying declaration filed by H. Liebman. (5 pgs.)
01/31/1997 Motion for definite statement and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Medical Center Company by B. Royer. (13 pgs.)
01/31/1997 Motion of The AEP Companies to dismiss or, alternatively, to hold this proceeding in abeyance filed by M. Resnik. (14 pgs.)
01/31/1997 Motion of the AEP Companies for clarifying declarations filed by M. Resnik. (7 pgs.)
01/31/1997 Motion in support of motion of The AEP Companies for clari- fying declarations and motion of Medical Center Company for definite statement, filed on behalf of the City of Cleve- land by G. Krassen. (6 pgs.)
01/29/1997 Entry ordering that respondents and intervenors submit appropriate motions, by January 31, 1997, in accordance with Finding 2 and the attorney examiner's directive at the January 22, 1997 conference; responsive pleadings should be filed in accordance with the Commission's procedural rules; that the motions to intervene filed by IEU, AMP-Ohio, and Cleveland are granted. (AE) (3 pgs.)
01/17/1997 Motion for ruling on motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by G. Krassen and W. Zigli. (6 pgs.)
01/03/1997 Service Notice
01/02/1997 Entry ordering that the conference scheduled for Wednesday, January 22, 1997, at 10:00 a.m., be rescheduled for 2:00 p.m. on that same day. (AE) (1 pg.) (ISSUED 12/31/96)
12/31/1996 Entry scheduling a conference at 10:00 a.m. on January 22, 1997, at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
12/31/1996 Returned from Supreme Court, 1 Vol. (pending drawer)
12/29/1995 Supreme Court Transmittal Papers. (5 pgs.)
11/30/1995 Notice of Appeal of the Clevealnd Electric Illuminating Company filed by P. Ruxin. (S.C. # 95-2444) (21 pgs.)
10/05/1995 Entry on Rehearing denying CEI's application for rehearing. (4 pgs.)
09/18/1995 Memorandum contra rehearing application, filed on behalf of Medical Center Co. by B. Royer. (12 pgs.)
09/18/1995 Memorandum contra CEI's application for rehearing, filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by G. Krassen. (8 pgs.)
09/18/1995 Memorandum contra CEI's application for rehearing, filed on behalf of The AEP Companies by M. Resnik. (6 pgs.)
09/08/1995 Application for rehearing of The Cleveland Electric Illumi- nating Company filed by H. Liebman. (17 pgs.)
08/10/1995 Entry ordering that, for the reasons set forth in this Entry, this complaint be dismissed; that the pending motions to intervene for protective orders are rendered moot. (8 pgs.)
07/07/1995 Reply memorandum to CEI's memorandum contra motions to dismiss, to enlarge time for responding to discovery and for protective order filed on behalf of the AEP companies by M. Resnik. (8 pgs.)
07/07/1995 Reply memorandum filed on behalf of Medical Center Co. by B. Royer. (13 pgs.)
07/07/1995 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by G. Krassen. (9 pgs.)
07/07/1995 Memorandum in support of respondents' motions to dismiss complaint, filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by G. Krassen. (26 pgs.)
07/03/1995 Reply to memorandum contra of CEI to motion of American Municipal Power-Ohio to intervene, filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio by J. Small. (5 pgs.)
06/29/1995 Memorandum contra of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company to motion of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. to intervene filed by H. Liebman. (5 pgs.)
06/27/1995 Memorandum contra to motion of the AEP Companies to dismiss complaint and to enlarge the time for responding to dis- covery, and to motion to dismiss and motion for protective order of Medical Center Company, filed on behalf of com- plainant, CEI, by H. Liebman. (14 pgs.)
06/19/1995 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. by J. Small. (5 pgs.)
06/12/1995 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Medical Center Co. by B. Royer. (6 pgs.)
06/12/1995 Motion to dismiss and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Medical Center Co. by B. Royer. (22 pgs.)
06/12/1995 Entry ordering that CEI's motion for an extension of time, until June 27, 1995, to file its memorandum contra the motion to dismiss of the AEP Companies, and to the motion to dismiss of the Medical Center Co. (if such a motion is filed), is granted. (AE) (2 pgs.)
06/08/1995 Motion for an extension of time to file a memorandum contra to the motion to dismiss of the AEP Companies, filed on behalf of CEI by H. Liebman. (4 pgs.)
06/05/1995 Entry ordering that MCC's motion for an extension of time, until June 12, 1995, to file an answer or motion in response to CEI's complaint is granted. (AE) (2 pgs.)
06/01/1995 Motion for an extension of time to answer or move and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, Medical Center, by B. Royer. (4 pgs.)
06/01/1995 Motion of the AEP Companies to dismiss complaint of CEI and to enlarge the time for responding to discovery. filed by M. Resnik. (15 pgs.)
05/25/1995 Reply to memorandum contra of CEI, filed on behalf of IEU-OH by S. Randazzo. (5 pgs.)
05/19/1995 Memorandum contra to motion of IEU-OH to intervene, filed on behalf of CEI by H. Liebman. (6 pgs.)
05/15/1995 Complaint letter sent certified return receipt requested to Mr. Anthony Discenza, Medical Center Co. (No. 503602)
05/09/1995 Complaint letter and copy of complaint mailed to: CEI, office of the president.
05/08/1995 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by S. Randazzo. (5 pgs.)
05/03/1995 In the matter of the complaint of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (vs) Medical Center Company, American Electric Power Company, Inc., American Electric Power Service Corp., Appalachian Power Co., Columbus Southern Power Co., Indiana Michigan Power Co., Kentucky Power Co., and Ohio Power Co. relative to a violation of the Certified Territory Act.