DIS - Case Record for 95-0386-EL-AAM Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
09/03/1996 Supreme Court Transmittal Papers. (53 pgs.)
08/12/1996 Notice of appeal filed on behalf of Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur. (7 pgs.) S.C. #96-1889
08/12/1996 Notice of appeal filed on behalf of the Board of Lucas County Commissioners by M. Lupe. (7 pgs.) S.C. #96-1808
08/12/1996 Notice of appeal filed on behalf of the Board of Lucas County Commissioners by M. Lupe. (7 pgs.) S.C. #96-1808
05/23/1996 Memorandum contra the application for rehearing of The Ohio Council of Retail Merchants, filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney. (8 pgs.) (FILED 5/22/96)
05/13/1996 Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel's application for rehearing filed by J. Serio. (54 pgs.)
05/13/1996 Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel's application for rehearing filed by J. Serio. (54 pgs.)
05/10/1996 Lucas County Board of Commissioners application for rehear- ing filed by M. Lupe. (7 pgs.)
05/10/1996 Lucas County Board of Commissioners application for rehearing filed by M. Lupe. (7 pgs.)
05/10/1996 Motion of Lucas County Board of Commissioners to intervene and for leave to file an application for rehearing filed by M. Lupe. (9 pgs.)
05/10/1996 Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur's application for rehearing filed by M. Kaptur. (7 pgs.)
05/10/1996 Motion of Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur to intervene and for leave to file an application for rehearing filed by M. Kaptur. (8 pgs.)
04/25/1996 Memo stating that Case Nos. 95-386-EL-AAM and 95-387-EL-AAM were consolidated with Case Nos. 95-299-EL-AIR and 95-300- EL-AIR at the public hearing on December 18, 1995. They were considered along with the rate cases and closed on April 11, 1996, the date of the opinion and order in the rate case. (1 pg.)
04/11/1996 Closed by Opinion & Order issued in Case Nos. 95-299-EL-AIR and 95-300-EL-AIR. (104 pgs.)
03/20/1996 Office of The Consumers' Counsel reply brief filed by J. Serio. (44 pgs.)
03/13/1996 Initial post hearing brief filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio. (97 pgs.)
01/19/1996 Joint intervenors' application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by A. Kelsey; City of Toledo by K. Bruce; and Greater Cleveland Schools Council of Governments by B. Weston. (13 pgs.)
12/29/1995 Memorandum contra applicants' interlocutory appeal, filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio. (15 pgs.)
12/21/1995 Memorandum contra OCRM motion to compel, filed on behalf of CEI and Toledo Edison by R. McLaren, Jr. (14 pgs.)
12/18/1995 Memorandum contra CEI and Toledo Edison's motion to strike objections to the staff reports, filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney. (13 pgs.)
12/15/1995 Nonpublic verson of the direct testimony of Beth E. Hixon, filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio. (19 pgs.)
12/04/1995 Direct testimony and exhibits of Dr. Robert A. Sinclair filed on behalf of OCC. (81 pgs.)
12/04/1995 Direct testimony of F. Ross Pultz filed on behalf of OCC. (62 pgs.)
12/04/1995 Testimony of Philip E. Miller filed on behalf of OCC. (34 pgs.)
12/04/1995 Objections to the staff report and summary of major issues filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio. (21 pgs.)
12/04/1995 Nonpublic version of testimony of Beth E. Hixon filed on behalf of OCC. (FILED UNDER SEAL) (19 pgs.)
12/04/1995 Public version of testimony of Beth E. Hixon filed on behalf of OCC. (18 pgs.)
12/04/1995 Testimony of David J. Effron filed on behalf of OCC. (67 pgs.)
07/03/1995 Memorandum in support of IEC's motion for a prehearing conference, filed on behalf of the City of Toledo by K. Bruce. (5 pgs.)
06/30/1995 Reply of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel to the memoranda contra the motion of the Industrial energy consum- ers filed by Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Toledo Edison Company and the staff of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by J. Serio. (5 pgs.)
06/30/1995 IEC's reply to CEI/TE and staff's memorandum contra filed by L. Bell. (11 pgs.)
06/23/1995 Memorandum contra IEC's motion for a prehearing conference filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein. (3 pgs.)
06/23/1995 Memorandum contra IEC motion to order conversion of these cases to emergency cases, filed on behalf of CEI and Toledo Edison by R. McLaren, Jr. (8 pgs.)
06/09/1995 Reply memorandum filed on behalf of Duquesne Light Co. by S. Pelcher. (9 pgs.)
06/08/1995 Motion for a prehearing conference to identify issues for the staff's consideration in its investigation of these applications, filed on behalf of IEC by L. Bell. (10 pgs.)
05/25/1995 Memorandum contra petition of Duquesne Light Co. for leave to intervene, filed on behalf of IEC by L. Bell. (5 pgs.)
05/22/1995 Petition for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Duquesne Light Co. by S. Pelcher. (10 pgs.)
04/26/1995 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio. (4 pgs.)
04/17/1995 In the matter of the application of The Toledo Edison Company for authority to revise its book depreciation accrual rates for electric property and plant. (12 pgs.)