DIS - Case Record for 95-0318-WS-UNC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/16/1995 Letter regarding the closing on the transfer of assets from Ohio Suburban Water Co. to the City of Huber Heights, and stating that the responsibilities of Ohio Suburban Water Co. are concluded and that its name may be removed from the rolls of the Commission and its certificate and tariffs canceled, filed by S. Bloomfield. (1 pg.)
09/21/1995 Customer notice filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloom- field. (3 pgs.)
08/03/1995 Finding & Order that Miami County's application for rehear- ing of the Commission's June 8, 1995 entry is inappropriat- ely filed and is denied; that Huber Heights' motion to intervene is granted; that the application to transfer Suburban's water and wastewater system and the associated assets to the City of Huber Heights is approved; that Suburban is no longer subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission and that Suburban's tariffs and its water certificates, Certificate Nos. 5 and 10, and its waste- water certificates, Certificate Nos. 18 and 28, on file with the Commission are canceled; that, upon Suburban's filing of the customer notice and proof that the transaction has been completed, this case be closed of record; that Case No. 93-1780-WS-AAC be closed of record. (11 pgs.)
07/25/1995 Response to joint reply of Miami County and Industrial Water, Inc. regarding Huber Heights' ordinance, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield. (5 pgs.)
07/25/1995 Response to joint reply of Industrial Water, Inc. and Miami County, filed on behalf of the City of Huber Heights by S. Taft. (11 pgs.)
07/21/1995 Joint reply of Miami County and Industrial Water, Inc. to Huber Heights' submission of ordinance assuming water purchase agreement filed by J. Migden. (12 pgs.)
07/18/1995 Submission of ordinance assumng water purchase agreement filed on behalf of the City of Huber Heights by S. Taft. (14 pgs.)
07/12/1995 Memorandum contra Miami County's application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield. (11 pgs.)
07/10/1995 Memorandum contra Miami County's application for rehearing filed on behalf of the City of Huber Heights by S. Taft. (10 pgs.)
07/10/1995 Memorandum in support of the City of Huber Heights' assump- tion of water purchase agreement filed on behalf of appli- cant by S. Bloomfield. (8 pgs.)
07/06/1995 Assumption of water purchase agreement as basis for settle- ment filed on behalf of the City of Huber Heights by S. Taft. (8 pgs.)
07/06/1995 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of Miami County by J. Migden. (10 pgs.)
06/20/1995 Entry ordering that the prehearing settlement conference be continued from June 22, 1995 to June 27, 1995. (AE) (2 pgs.)
06/13/1995 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the City of Huber Heights by S. Taft. (10 pgs.)
06/12/1995 Letter requesting that the prehearing date be changed to Tuesday, June 27, 1995 at 10:00 a.m., filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield. (1 pg.)
06/08/1995 Entry granting Industrial and Miami County's motions to intervene; scheduling a prehearing conference at 10:00 a.m. on 6/22/95 at the Commission offices. (7 pgs.)
06/06/1995 Reply to Ohio Suburban Water Co.'s memorandum contra, filed on behalf of Miami County by J. Migden. (15 pgs.)
05/30/1995 Memorandum contra Miami County's motions to intervene, to dismiss or alternatively to declare application an abandon- ment and for hearing on same, filed on bhelaf of applicant S. Bloomfield. (42 pgs.)
05/22/1995 Reply to memorandum contra of Ohio Suburban Water Company filed on behalf of Industrial Water by B. Royer. and G. Lovett. (15 pgs.)
05/22/1995 Motion to dismiss application as improperly filed or alternatively motion requesting the Commission to declare application to be an application for abandonment and motion for hearing on same and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Miami County by J. Migden. (12 pgs.)
05/22/1995 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Miami County by J. Migden. (5 pgs.)
05/12/1995 Memorandum contra Industrial Water's motions to intervene and for hearing, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloom- field. (23 pgs.)
05/08/1995 Motion to intervene and motion for hearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Industrial Water, Inc. by B. Royer and G. Lovett. (14 pgs.)
03/28/1995 Affidavit of James W. Pierce, City Manager of the City of Huber Heights, filed by S. Bloomfield. (3 pgs.)
03/24/1995 In the matter of the application of Ohio Suburban Water Company for approval of the sale of water-works and sewage disposal utility facilities and the substitution of the utility service provider in the City of Huber Heights. (5 pgs.)