DIS - Case Record for 94-1237-WS-AIR Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: WS-WATER & SEWER
Purpose Code: AIR-Application to increase rates
Date Opened: 7/21/1994
Date Closed: 6/22/1995
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
01/03/1997BlackLick District economic survey result analysis & recommendation November 15, 1996 filed by The Consumer Advisory Panel. (7 pgs.)7
11/16/1995Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Mrs. L. Hall. (2 pgs.)2
07/06/1995Customer notifications filed on behalf of applicant by R. Giovanetti. (3 pgs.)0
06/26/1995Sewer tariff, PUCO No. 1, filed on behalf of applicant. (34 pgs.)0
06/26/1995Water tariff, PUCO No. 1, filed on behalf of applicant. (50 pgs.)0
06/22/1995Entry ordering that the joint stipulation and recommend- ation be approved and that the application for authority to increase its rates and charges for water and wastewater collection service is granted to the extent provided in this opinion and order, and the proposed revised tariffs and customer notices are approved and the company is authorized to cancel and withdraw its present tariffs. (19 pgs.)0
06/12/1995Transcript filed for hearing held 5/22/95, (RM), 33 pgs. (Brimfield, Ohio)0
06/09/1995Transcript filed for hearing held 5/24/95, (RHF), 11 pgs. Con't.0
06/07/1995Rate case exhibits, proofs of publication, filed on behalf of applicant by R. Giovanetti. (Portage, Franklin Counties) (6 pgs.)0
06/06/1995Transcript filed for hearing held 5/16/95, (JBB), 36 pgs. (Westerville, Ohio)0
06/05/1995Joint stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by J. Jackson-Forbes and applicant by R. Giovanetti. (117 pgs.)0
05/09/1995Transcript filed for hearing held 5/8/95, (RM), 8 pgs., Con't.0
04/26/1995Entry scheduling the following dates and times for the local public hearings: (AE) (3 pgs.) Westerville - 5/16/95 at 7:00 p.m., Blendon Grange Hall No. 708. Columbus - 5/24/95 at 6:00 p.m. (PUCO) Brimfield - 5/22/95 at 6:30 p.m. (Brimfield Township Hall)0
04/18/1995Certificate of service for testimony of Roger W. Bechtel which was inadvertently omitted from the copy filed on 4/14/95, filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft. (2 pgs.)0
04/14/1995Direct testimony of Roger W. Bechtel filed on behalf of OCC (16 pgs)0
04/14/1995OCC's objections to the staff report and statement of major issues filed by Y. Ranft. (4 pgs)0
04/14/1995Applicant's objections to staff report and summary of major issues filed by R. Giovanetti. (40 pgs)0
04/04/1995Entry scheduling a public hearing at 9:00 a.m. on 5/8/95 at the offices of the commission. (AE) (3 pgs.)0
04/04/1995Letter to Stephen F. Davis requesting that the company pre- pare meter reading-related data filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by G. Dewhurst. (1 pg.)0
03/16/1995Correspondence letter opposing the rate application, filed by R. Grose. (2 pgs.)0
03/15/1995Staff report filed. (176 pgs.)0
02/06/1995Withdrawal and substitution of counsel filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by J. Jackson-Forbes. (2 pgs.)0
12/27/1994Correspondence letter opposing the application for an increase in rates, filed by C. Yost. (2 pgs.)0
12/21/1994Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by H. Trux. (1 pg.)0
12/09/1994Correspondencen letter opposing the application for an increase in rates, filed by H. Grogory. (2 pgs.)0
12/02/1994Correspondence letter opposing the application filed by A. Johnson. (4 pgs.)0
11/29/1994Entry granting the motion of OCC to intervene. (AE) (1 pg.)0
11/22/1994Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by F. Caudill. (2 pgs.)0
11/17/1994Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by S. Corley. (2 pgs.)0
11/17/1994Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by D. Deal. (1 pg.)0
11/04/1994Standard filing requirements filed on behalf of applicant. (119 pgs.)0
11/03/1994Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft. (3 pgs.)0
10/27/1994Entry ordering that the motion to amend Exhibit PFN-4 of the Notice of Intent filed September 30, 1994, be approved; that the application, as amended, is accepted for filing as of September 6, 1994. (2 pgs.)0
09/30/1994Motion filed on behalf of applicant by R. Giovanetti. (9 pgs.)0
09/30/1994Amended Schedule E-5(m) filed on behalf of applicant by R. Giovanetti. (8 pgs.)0
09/20/1994Direct testimony of the following persons filed on behalf of applicant: (127 pgs.) 1. James S. Duda 2. George H. Rivard 3. Stephen F. Davis 4. Charles E. Loy 5. Raymond J. Mason0
09/15/1994Supplemental filing requirements for the test year January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994, date certain June 30, 1994, filed on behalf of applicant. (Volume II) (184 pgs.)0
09/06/1994Application filed on behalf of applicant by R. Giovanetti. (405 pgs.)0
08/18/1994Entry ordering that the test period shall begin 1/1/94 and end 12/31/94, and that the date certain shall be 6/30/94; that the appropriate method for making any changes to the date certain or test period shall be the filing of a new notice of intent to file and application for an increase in rates and withdrawal of the pending application; that the request for waivers made by applicant is granted as set forth in Finding 5. (3)0
07/21/1994Motion to establish test period and date certain, filed on behalf of applicant by R. Giovanetti.0
07/21/1994Motion for waivers filed on behalf of applicant by R. Giovanetti.0
07/21/1994Motion for waiver regarding publication, filed on behalf of applicant by R. Giovanetti.0
07/21/1994In the matter of the notice of intent of Citizens Utilities Company of Ohio for an increase in the rates and charges for water and wastewater services, Franklin and Portage Counties, Ohio, and to amend the tariffs.0