DIS - Case Record for 94-0578-EL-CMR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/20/2009 Confidential Release: Portion of transcript, Volume 4 filed on April 10, 1996.
08/20/2009 Confidential Release: Garfield Heights exhibit # 7 & 9 filed with transcript, Volume 6 filed April 10, 1996.
08/20/2009 Confidential Release: Returned from Supreme Court- Supplement exhibit to reply brief of the City of Garfield Heights filed on August 14, 1996.
08/14/1996 Returned from Suprem Court, 11 Vols. - Destroyed, (1) Condifential returned.
11/20/1995 Supreme Court transmittal papers. (10 pgs.)
10/23/1995 Notice of appeal filed on behalf of applicant by R. McLaren, Jr. (36 pgs.) (S.C. #95-2157)
10/20/1995 Notice of Appeal of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio (95-2141) filed by H. Eckhart. (19 pgs.)
08/24/1995 Entry denying the applications for rehearing filed by CEI and the City of Garfield Heights. Concurring Opinion of Commissioner Richard M. Fanelly. (6 pgs.)
08/10/1995 Memorandum contra filed on behalf of applicant by R. McLaren, Jr. (18 pgs.)
07/31/1995 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio by H. Eckhart. (33 pgs.)
07/28/1995 Application for rehearing of the Cleveland Electric Illumi- nating Company filed by R. McLaren, Jr. (18 pgs.)
06/29/1995 Opinon and Order granting application to the extent and for the reasons set forth in this opinion and order, and to the extent set forth above in footnote 1, CEI's current tariff rates shall remain in effect for Garfield Heights, pending the outcome of CEI's rate case. (24 pgs.)
06/26/1995 Exhibit A, agreement to the total curtailable/interruptible revenue for CEI in 1993, filed on behalf of City of Gar- field Heights by H. Eckhart. (4 pgs.)
06/05/1995 Response to issues raised at the public hearing concerning brownouts, filed on behalf of applicant by R. McLaren, Jr. (1 pg.)
05/17/1995 Reply brief filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio by H. Eckhart. (25 pgs.)
05/17/1995 Post hearing reply brief filed on behalf of applicant by R. McLaren, Jr. (32 pgs.)
05/17/1995 Post hearing reply brief filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (7 pgs.)
05/15/1995 Resolution No. 7032-95 filed on behalf of the City of Lakewood by K. Schaser. (1 pg.)
05/09/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held on 4/18/95 at 7:00 p.m., (CG) 88 pgs. (Garfield Hts., Ohio)
05/09/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 4/18/95 at 4:30 p.m., (CG), 105 pgs. (Garfield Hts., Ohio)
05/08/1995 Errata sheet to post hearing brief of the City of Garfield Heights filed by H. Eckhart. (2 pgs.)
05/05/1995 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of applicant by M. Regulinski. (41 pgs.)
05/05/1995 Post hearing brief filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio by H. Eckhart. (43 pgs.)
05/05/1995 Post hearing brief filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (15 pgs.)
04/12/1995 Resolution No. 1995-49 filed on behalf of the City of Strongsville by L. Seefried. (3 pgs.)
04/11/1995 Garfield Heights Exhibit No. 7 & 9 filed with transcript, Volume VI. (FILED 4/10/95 UNDER SEAL)
04/11/1995 Confidential portion of the transcript, Volume IV, filed. (FILED 4/10/95 UNDER SEAL)
04/10/1995 Company's Late Filed Exhibit filed by R. McLaren, Jr. (2 pgs.)
04/10/1995 Composite Index for hearings March 20, 1995 through March 29, 1995, Volumes I through VIII.
04/10/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/29/95, (DN), 132 pgs., Submitted. (Volume VIII)
04/10/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/28/95, (DN), 190 pgs., Con't. (Volume VII)
04/10/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/27/95, (DN), 203 pgs., Con't. (Volume VI)
04/10/1995 Transctipt filed for hearing held 3/25/95, (DN), 177 pgs., Con't. (Volume V)
04/10/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/23/95, (DN), 101 pgs., Con't. (Volume IV)
04/10/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/22/95, (DN), 175 pgs., Con't. (Volume III)
04/10/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/21/95, (DN), 164 pgs., Con't. (Volume II)
04/10/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/20/95, (DN), 170 pgs., Con't. (Volume I)
03/27/1995 Prepared testimony of Richard C. Cahaan filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein. (18 pgs.)
03/23/1995 Late-filed attachments to the prepared testimony of Christopher Kotting filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein. (6 pgs.)
03/22/1995 Prepared testimony of Ned Maxwell filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (7 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/15/95, (DN), 6 pgs., Con't.
03/20/1995 Subpoena issued to The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Richard W. McLaren, Esq., filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by D. Nodes. (6 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of Kerry Adkins filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (5 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of John Tucker filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (12 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of J. Edward Hess filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (11 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of Ibrahim Soliman filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (20 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of Patrick R. Sarver filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (4 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of Donald L. Howard filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (10 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of Stephen E. Puican filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (6 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of Carlos J. Garcia filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (8 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of Chistopher Kotting filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (6 pgs.)
03/17/1995 Entry ordering that the hearing be continued until 3/20/95. (AE) (2 pgs.) (ISSUED 3/15/95)
03/14/1995 Entry ordering that the hearing be continued until 3/16/95. (AE) (2 pgs.)
03/14/1995 Motion to quash the issuance of subpoena and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by R. McLaren, Jr. (28 pgs.)
03/13/1995 Motion for continuance of hearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights by H. Eckhart. (3 pgs.)
03/13/1995 Memorandum contra CEI's motion to strike testimony of Anthony J. Yankel filed on behalf of the City of Gar- filed Heights by H. Eckhart. (11 pgs.)
03/13/1995 CEI's agreement with the City's extension request filed by R. McLaren, Jr. (2 pgs.)
03/08/1995 Memorandum contra motion to strike objections filed by CEI, filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights by H. Eckhart. (19 pgs.)
03/08/1995 List of exhibiits filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights by H. Eckhart. (2 pgs.)
03/08/1995 Memorandum contra motion to strike objections filed by the PUCO staff, filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights by H. Eckhart. (8 pgs.)
03/07/1995 Motion to strike testimony of Anthony J. Yankel and memor- andum in support filed on behalf of applicant by R. McLaren, Jr. (13 pgs.)
03/01/1995 Cleveland Electric Illuminating's motion to strike objections to the staff report of investigation filed by R. McLaren, Jr. (17 pgs.)
03/01/1995 Motion to strike objections to the staff report of investi- gation submitted by the staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by P. Colbert. (41 pgs.)
02/24/1995 Entry scheduling local public hearings at 4:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on 4/18/95 at the Garfield Hts. Civic Center, Garfield Hts., Ohio. (AE) (3 pgs.)
02/22/1995 Objections to the staff report and summary of major issues filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio by H. Eckhart. (16 pgs.)
02/22/1995 Exhibits 3A-5A, Exhibit 7B, Exhibit 8A, Exhibits 9-10, post staff report testimony of the following persons, filed on behalf of applicant by R. McLaren, Jr: (86 pgs.) 1. Robert J. Cantwell 2. Andrew M. Haus 3. Kurt E. Turosky 4. Margaret G. Fix Seboldt 5. John P. Wack 6. Kimberly Lane 7. Terrence R. Moran
02/22/1995 Direct testimony of Anthony J. Yankel filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights. (93 pgs.)
02/22/1995 Objections to the staff report filed on behalf of CEI by R. McLaren, Jr. (11 pgs.)
02/13/1995 Letter entering Richard W. McLaren, Jr. as trial attorney for CEI and correcting his address, filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by R. McLaren, Jr. (1 pg.)
01/26/1995 Entry ordering prehearing conference on March 8, 1995, at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission and public hearing on March 15, 1995 at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission. (3 pgs.)
01/23/1995 Staff report filed. (201 pgs.)
09/01/1994 Entry ordering that the complaint and appeal of CEI is accepted for filing as of June 30, 1994. (3 pgs.)
08/10/1994 Exhibit 7A, additional direct testimony of Margaret G. Fix Seboldt, filed on behalf of applicant by E. Mikkelsen.
07/08/1994 Motion to consolidate proceedings and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by M. Regulinski.
06/30/1994 Entry ordering that the test period of the applicant shall begin January 1, 1993 and end December 31, 1993, and that the date certain shall be March 31, 1994; that the Commis- sion's staff shall determine if there is a material impact on revenue requirements due to the applicant's request for a date certain of March 31, 1994; that the City of Garfield Heights' motion to establish a test year and date certain is denied.
06/30/1994 Exhibits 3 - 8, prefiled testimony of the following persons, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Regulinski: 1. Robert J. Cantwell 2. Andrew M. Haus 3. Kurt E. Turosky 4. Gary M. Hawkinson 5. Margaret G. Fix Sieboldt 6. John P. Wack
06/30/1994 Exhibit 2, cost of service, Schedule E-3.2, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Regulinski.
06/30/1994 Exhibit 1, standard filing requirements, Schedules A, B, C, D, E, F, I and S filed on behalf of applicant by M. Regulinski.
06/16/1994 Reply brief filed on behalf of applicant by M. Regulinski.
06/08/1994 Memorandum contra filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio by H. Eckhart.
06/06/1994 Motion to set test year and date certain filed on behalf of applicant by M. Regulinski.
04/27/1994 Entry ordering that 30 days' notice of the filing and pendency of CEI's complaint and appeal is hereby given to the mayor of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio pur- suant to Section 4909.34, Revised Code.
04/08/1994 Complaint and appeal from municipal rates filed on behalf of applicant by M. Regulinski.
04/07/1994 Entry ordering that the request to file the schedules, direct testimony, and additional data required by the Standard Filing Requirements by September 30, 1994 is denied; applicant shall file this information no later than June 30, 1994; that the request for waivers made by the applicant is granted or denied to the extent set forth in Finding 5.
04/04/1994 Memorandum contra application for waiver, filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio by H. Eckhart.
04/01/1994 Notice of appearance filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio by H. Eckhart.
03/30/1994 In the matter of the application for waiver of certain portions of the standard filing requirements required prior to a filing of a complaint and appeal of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company from Ordinance No. 21.1994 of the council of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio, passed March 10, 1994.