DIS - Case Record for 93-6000-GA-FAD Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Industry Code: GA-GAS
Purpose Code: FAD-Federal activities docket for staff comments
Date Opened: 5/4/1993
Date Closed: 2/2/2021
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
02/02/2021Memo closing case effective 02/02/2021.1
10/30/2020Motion to Intervene Out of Time of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio electronically filed by Mrs. Kimberly M Naeder on behalf of PUCO.5
08/23/2013Comments submitted by Assistant Attorney General Thomas McNamee on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, to be filed on August 23, 2013 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in Docket No. RM13-17-000. electronically filed by Kimberly L. Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.11
12/09/2009Comments submitted to the Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, in response to its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Docket No. PHMSA-2009-0192, filed by Thomas Lindgren on behalf of the Commission electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio8
10/23/2008Comments on the proposed amendment by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration to the federal pipeline safety regulations to require operators of gas distribution pipelines to develop and implement integrity management programs, electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.16
07/01/2008Application for rehearing submitted on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board to the FERC in Docket Nos. CP07-208-000 and CP07-208-001 electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.24
06/17/2008Notice of Intervention in FERC Dockets RP08-401-000 and RP08-403-000 electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio4
01/25/2008Comments submitted on behalf of PUCO.10
01/14/2008Comments on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by W. Wright.87
05/29/2007Motion to intervene submitted on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board by W. Wright.3
12/22/2006Initial comments on inquiries into gas-electric coordination issues, filed on behalf of PUCO staff, T. Lindgren-Attorney General Section.4
11/17/2006Proposed impact agreement for FERC staff consideration filed by W. Wright, Attorney General Section, on behalf of the OPSB.35
11/09/2006Notice of intervention of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, filed by T. Lindgren-Attorney General Section.2
10/13/2006Comments of Staff of Ohio Power Sitting Board filed by W. Wright.30
08/06/2004Comments of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (Docket No. RP04-378-000) filed by W. Wright.6
08/06/2004Notice of Intervention of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (Docket No. RP04-378-000) by W. Wright.2
06/24/2003Motion to intervene, submitted on behalf of PUCO staff A. Hammerstein (RP03-512-000)3
06/24/2003Motion to intervene, submitted on behalf of PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein (RP03-493-000)3
06/24/2003Motion to intervene, submitted on behalf of PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein (RP03-492-000)3
06/24/2003Motion to intervene, submitted on behalf of PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein. (RP03-491-000)3
06/17/2003Comments of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio on proposed rule for procedures for handling critical infrastructure information filed.15
03/06/2003Motion on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to accept comments Out of time, filed by T. McNamee.2
03/06/2003Comments on behalf of the PUCO to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission proposed rulemaking, filed by T. McNamee.5
02/19/2003Notice of intervention for The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Docket Nos. RM03-4-000 and AD02-14-000, filed.2
09/24/2002Letter sent regarding the September 13, 2002 reply to Texas Eastern concerning docket number CP02-45-000, in which the company was apparently granted a number of modifications to FERC's previously-approved environmental conditions for the proposed pipeline project, Docket No. CP02-45-000, Texas Eastern L.P., Hanging Rock Lateral Project.4
09/06/2002Letter updating the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on the continuing efforts by the Ohio Power Siting Board in support of the Commission's order, Docket No. CP02-45-000, Texas Eastern L.P., Hanging Rock Lateral Project, filed by M. Satterwhite.2
06/03/2002Letter regarding the Texas Eastern L.P. Hanging Rock Natural Gas Pipeline project filed by M. Satterwhite.4
05/09/2002Motion of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to accept comments out of time, Docket No. AD02-14-000 filed.2
05/09/2002Motion of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to accept comments out of time, Docket No. AD02-15-000 filed.2
05/09/2002Comments filed on behalf of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Docket No. AD02-14-000 filed.6
05/09/2002Comments of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Docket No. AD02-15-000 filed.6
05/02/2002Notice of intervention of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Docket No. AE02-14-000 filed.2
05/02/2002Notice of intervention of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Docket No. AD02-15-000 filed.2
02/25/2002Motion to intervene after time and memorandum in support of the Ohio Power Siting Board filed by M. Satterwhite.8
02/25/2002Comments filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board.4
06/29/2000Entry ordering that Ohio Schools' request for leave to file an application for rehearing is denied and Toledo's appli- cation for rehearing is denied; that the docketing division not accept any filings from outside entities in this case (or in any of the four other similar dockets); that Ohio Schools' petition in 00-762-GA-UNC is denied. (7 pgs.)7
06/29/2000Entry ordering that Ohio Schools' request for leave to file an application for rehearing is denied and Toledo's application for rehearing is denied; the docketing division shall not accept any filings from outside entities; Ohio Schools' petition is denied and this case be closed of record. 8
06/02/2000Application for rehearing filed on behalf of the City of Toledo by K. Bruce. (3 pgs.)3
06/01/2000Application for leave to file an application for rehearing and application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of The Ohio Schools Council, Bay Area Council of Governments and Lake Erie Regional Council of Governments by G. Krassen. (14 pgs.)14
06/01/2000Application for rehearing filed on behalf of the City of Toledo by K. Bruce. (4 pgs.)4
05/03/2000Copy of letter addressed to the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission from the Public Utilities Commis- sion of Ohio. (5 pgs.)5
01/28/2000Letter addressed to the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission from the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, filed by T. McNamee, PUCO staff. (3 pgs.)3
09/08/1999Correspondence information to Jonathan G. Katz regarding the merger of CNG and DRI, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (5 pgs.)5
08/06/1999Notice of Intervention of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Dominion Resources, Inc. and Consolidated Natural Gas Company, Docket No. EC99-81-000, filed by J. Martin. (4 pgs.)4
06/04/1999Joint agreement submitted on behalf of the Ohio Power Siting Board and Independence Pipeline Company, filed by W. Wright, Independence Pipeline Company, Docket No. CP97-315-0001, et al. (81 pgs.)81
04/23/1999Comments of the PUCO filed by J. Martin. (14 pgs)14
03/11/1999Comments of Commissioner Judy Jones, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Docket No. PL99-1-000. (8 pgs.)8
10/09/1998Motion to intervene out of time of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, RP 98-249-000 and RP 98-250-000. (5 pgs.)5
06/19/1998Comments of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Docket No. RM98-7-000, In the Matter of Reporting Interstate Nat- ural Gas Pipeline Marketing Affiliates on the Internet. (4 pgs.)4
04/28/1998Comments submitted on behalf of The Ohio Power Siting Board, Docket Nos. CP97-315-001, CP97-319-000, CP98-200-000 filed. (8 pgs.)8
04/29/1997Motion to intervene by the Ohio Power Siting Board, Docket No. CP97-315-000. (3 pgs.)3
04/29/1997Notice of intervention of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Docket No. CP97-315-000. (3 pgs.)3
10/18/1996Comments submitted on behalf of the PUCO, Docket No. RM96-11-000.14
10/04/1996Comments on FERC notice of proposed rulemakings submitted on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, RM 96-14-000, RM96-14-001. (18 pgs.)18
05/31/1996Comments submitted on behalf of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (RM96-7-000) filed by A. Hammerstein. (13 pgs.)13
09/22/1995Motion to intervene by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Docket RP95-408-000. (2 pgs.)2
05/16/1995Comments of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Docket No. CP95-61-000, Docket No. CP95-62-000. (7 pgs.)0
04/24/1995Comments submitted on behalf of The Public Utilities Comm- ission of Ohio filed by A. Hammerstein. (6 pgs.)0
03/13/1995Motion for withdrawal of intervention of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Docket 94-1171, et al.0
02/02/1995Comments of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Docket No. S7-32-94.0
06/30/1994Notice of appearance and comments of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Docket No. 70-8427.0
01/19/1994Motion to intervene out-of-time filed on behalf of the PUCO, FERC Docket No. RP94-96-000.0
11/17/1993Response of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to applicants' request for the convening of a settlement conference, filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company and PSI Energy, Inc., Docket No. EC93-6-000.0
11/04/1993The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to intervene in Columbia Gas Trans- mission Corporation, FERC Docket No. 93-1674; and The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation v. FERC Docket No. 93-1678.0
10/20/1993Protest filed on behalf of the Joint Intervenor Group by W. Williams.0
10/14/1993Motion to intervene out-of-time filed on behalf of the PUCO by A. Hammerstein.0
10/06/1993Comments of The PUCO on applicants' September 15, 1993 letter filed by J. Gainer.0
09/15/1993Request of the PUCO for rehearing filed by J. Gainer.0
08/18/1993Motion to intervention out-of-time filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein.0
07/26/1993Notice of intervention out-of-time protest filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by J. Gainer and A. Hammerstein. (Document dated 8/13/92)0
07/26/1993Notice of intervention by the PUCO and motion to intervene of the Ohio Power Siting Board, filed by A. Hammerstein. (Document dated 3/12/93)0
07/26/1993Response in support of the December 2, 1992 renewed motion of the joint interenor Group for suspension of compliance filing deadline, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein.0
05/13/1993Entry initiating docket.0
05/04/1993In the matter of the establishment of a Commission docket to Archive Commission Documents submitted to Federal Administrative Agencies on gas policy related matters.0