DIS - Case Record for 93-1881-TR-AAP Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Purpose Code: AAP-Application to amend a permit
Date Opened: 11/12/1993
Date Closed: 6/16/1994
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
12/05/1994Transportation service agreement, (Uniform Hauling Con- tract), between SMT and AK Steel dated July 20, 1994, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Turano. (20 pgs.)0
10/19/1994Letter requesting that this application be reopened to recognize the change in identity of the shipper during the pendency of the matter from Armco Steel Company, L.P. to AK Steel Corp; substitute shipper affidavit (Form CMC-4) filed by D. Turano. (3 pgs.)0
06/28/1994Amended Permit No. 69398 issued.0
06/16/1994Opinion & Order granting application.0
05/31/1994Shipper's verified statement; Armco Steel Co., L.P., and its subsidiaries/Gary L. Kidwell, supervisor-rates & services, purchasing and transportation department, filed by D. Turano.0
05/31/1994Applicant's verified statement; Steel & Machinery Trans- port, Inc./Ralph D. Artim, president, filed by D. Turano.0
02/24/1994Letter requesting that the hearing scheduled for 2/28/94 be postponed and that the application be transferred to modified procedure, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Turano.0
02/03/1994Protests withdrawn on behalf of all clients filed by J. Alden.0
01/20/1994HEARING: FEBRUARY 28, 1994 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE PUCO0
01/14/1994Letter requesting that the identity of the shipper to be served under the proposed rights be modified to read Armco Steel Company, L.P., its wholly-owned subsidiaries and divisions, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Turano.0
01/11/1994Notice to Protested transportation case applicants0
12/20/1993Protest filed on behalf of 102 various carries by J. Alden.0
12/13/1993Proof of Publication filed by D. Turano.0
12/13/1993Certificate of readiness filed by D. Turano.0
11/29/1993Publication letter sent: David Turano0
11/24/1993Filing accepted0
11/12/1993Application of Steel & Machinery Transport, Inc. to amend Permit No. 69398 by adding shipper; Armco Steel Company, L.P., and affiliated companies, Middletown, Ohio.0
11/12/1993(AUTHORITY) Transportation of property, except commodities in bulk, between points in Ohio.0