DIS - Case Record for 93-0376-TR-ACO Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/07/1993 Corrected Permit No. 88659 issued.
12/02/1993 Permit No. 88695 issued.
11/24/1993 Opinion & Order granting application upon filing of compliances in 60 days.
11/09/1993 Amended Temporary Permit No. 88659 issued.
11/09/1993 Shipper's verified statement; ESSROC Materials, Inc./ Patrick E. Jolley, marketing services and logistics manager, filed by J. Alden.
11/09/1993 Applicant's verified statement; United States Cement Company/Larry Ousky, president, filed by J. Alden.
09/30/1993 Entry ordering that applicant's temporary authority be amended as set forth in Finding 4, and extended for 180 days, that applicant file all verified statements by 12/31/93.
09/28/1993 Letter requesting a 90-day extension of time for the filing of verified statements, filed by J. Alden.
09/27/1993 Letter requesting that the temporary authority be amended to make it identical to Third Amended Exhibit A, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Alden.
09/17/1993 Letter requesting that the temporary authority be extended for an additional 180 days filed by J. Alden.
07/26/1993 Protest withdrawn on behalf of Greenleaf Motor Express, Inc. by J. Alden.
07/06/1993 Protest withdrawn on behalf of Schwerman Trucking Co. by D. Turano.
07/02/1993 (THIRD AMENDED AUTHORITY) transportation of cement in bulk; transportation of shipper's property, except commodities in bulk, between points in Ohio. RESTRICTED AGAINST: 1. Transportation of shipments of cement and mortar orgina- ting in Toledo, Ohio, originating at the plant sites of Holnam Incorporation, Medusa Cement or LaFarge Corp. in Cleveland, Ohio, or orginating in Emerald and Crane Townships, Pauling County, Ohio. 2. Transportation of shipments of fly ash originating on Cuyahoga County, Ohio. 3. Transportation of building materials, described as building block (cement, concrete, cinder and slag), brick (both face and common), rock lath, sheet rock board, brick mortar, plaster and plaster products, building lime, cement, clay tile products (glazed tile, hollow tile), building stone, lumber and lumber products, cinders and slag origina- ting at Butler, Clark, Darke, Montgomery and Preble Counties, and points in the Cincinnati, Dayton, Middletown and Springfield Commercial Zones. 4. Transportation of agriculltural lime and fertilizer originating at Montgomery County and pointsin the Dayton Commercial Zone. 5. Trans- portation of brick and time on flatbed equipment orginating at Clermont, Hamilton and Warren Counties, and pointsin the Cincinnati and Middletown Commerical Zones.
07/02/1993 Third Amended Exhibit A filed on behalf of applicant by J. Alden.
07/01/1993 Protest withdrawn on behalf of Bob's Moraine Trucking, Inc. by C. Valentine, Jr.
06/18/1993 Second Amended Exhibit A filed on behalf of applicant by J. Alden.
06/18/1993 SECOND AMENDED AUTHORITY) Transportation of shipper's property, except commodities in bulk, between points in Ohio. RESTRICTED AGAINST: 1. Transportation of shipments of cement and mortar originating in Toledo, Ohio, or orgin- ating at the plant sites of Holnam Incorporated, Medusa Cement or Lafarge Corp. in Cleveland, Ohio. 2. Transporta- tion of shipments of fly ash originating in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. 3. Transportation of building materials, described as building block (cement, concrete, cinder and slag), brick (both face and common), rock lathe, sheet rock board, brick mortar, plater and plaster products, building lime, cement, clay tile products (glazed tile, hollow tile), building stone, lumber and lumber products, cinders and slag origin- ating at Butler, Clark, Darke, Montgomery and Preble Counties, and points in the Cincinnati, Dayton, Middletown and Springfield Commercial Zones. 4. Transportation of aqricultural lime and fertilizer originating at Montgomery County, and points in the Dayton Commercial Zone. 5. Transportation of brick and tile on flatbed equipment orginating at Clermont, Hamilton and Warren Counties, and points in the Cincinnati and Middletown Commercial Zones.
06/11/1993 Transcript filed for hearing held 6/1/93, (DB), 9 pgs., Submitted.
05/24/1993 Letter filed on behalf of protestant Schwerman Trucking Co. stating that the revised authority does not satisfy their interest filed by D. Turano.
05/21/1993 Protest withdrawn on behalf of Matlack, Inc. by E. Merwin.
05/20/1993 HEARING; JUNE 1, 1993 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE PUCO
05/19/1993 (AMENDED AUTHORITY) Transportation of cement in bulk; trans- portation of shipper's property, except commodities in bulk, between points in Ohio. RESTRICTED AGAINST the trans- portation of shipments of cement and mortar originating in Toledo, Ohio, or originating at the plant sites of Holnam Incorporated, Medusa Cement or LaFarge Corp in Cleveland, Ohio. FURTHER RESTRICTED AGAINST the transportation of shipments of fly ash originating in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
05/19/1993 Amended Exhibit A filed on behalf of applicant by J. Alden.
05/04/1993 Notice to Protested transportation case applicants
04/28/1993 Temporary Permit No. 88659 issued.
04/21/1993 Proof of Publication filed by J. Alden.
04/20/1993 Protest filed on behalf of Greenleaf Motor Express, Inc. by J. Alden.
04/20/1993 Protest filed on behalf of Bob's Moraine Trucking, Inc. by J. Duvall.
04/05/1993 Protest filed on behalf of T.C. Spires, Inc. by T. Spires.
04/01/1993 Protest filed on behalf of Matlack, Inc. by E. Merwin.
03/30/1993 Protest filed on behalf of Schwerman Trucking Co. by D. Turano
03/26/1993 Entry granting temporary authority for 180 days. (AE)
03/22/1993 (SECOND AMENDED AUTHORITY) Transportation of cement from and to the facilities of Midwest Portland Cement Company at or near East Fultonham, Ohio, and the facilities of ESSROC Materials, Inc. at or near Middlebranch, Ohio.
03/22/1993 Protest withdrawn on behalf of Bulk Transit Corporation by M. Spurlock.
03/22/1993 Second amended exhibit 4 filed on behalf of the applicant by J. Alden.
03/16/1993 Application for temporary authority filed on behalf of applicant by J. Alden.
03/12/1993 Protest filed on behalf of Bulk Transit Corporation by M. Spurlock.
03/10/1993 Executed agreement for trucking service, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Alden.
03/10/1993 Filing accepted
03/03/1993 (AUTHORITY) Transportation of property, from and to points in Ohio.
03/03/1993 Application of United States Cement Company for a contract motor carrier permit with shipper; ESSROC Materials, Inc., Speed, Indiana.