DIS - Case Record for 93-0113-GA-FOR Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: GA-GAS
Purpose Code: FOR-Forecasting
Date Opened: 1/14/1993
Date Closed: 2/24/1994
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
02/24/1994ICN #0018 Opinion & Order adopting the stipulation and rec- commendation in its entirety.0
12/08/1993ICN #0017 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/23/93, (SD), 16 pgs., Submitted.0
10/26/1993ICN#0016 Stipulation and Recommendation filed on behalf of the parties by P. Colbert and R. Rosenberry.0
10/13/1993ICN #0015 Transript filed for hearing held 10/5/93, (JV), 12 pgs., Con't.0
10/05/1993ICN #0013 Eastern Natural Gas Co.'s Ex. #2, proofs of publication, filed by S. Randazzo. (Trumbull and Ashta- bula Counties)0
10/05/1993ICN #0012 Pike Natural Gas Ex. #1, proofs of publication, filed by S. Randazzo. (Highland and Jackson Counties)0
10/05/1993ICN #0014 Entry granting the motion for extension of time for the filing of expert testimony; granting OCC's motion to intervene. (AE)0
10/04/1993ICN #0010 Testimony of Stephen E. Puican filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by T. McNamee.0
10/04/1993ICN #0009 Testimony of Thomas C. Pearce, II filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by T. McNamee.0
10/04/1993ICN #0011 Testimony of Charles Pavalko, Jr. filed on behalf of Eastern Natural Gas and Pike Natural Gas Company.0
09/23/1993ICN #0008 Letter requesting an extension of one week, from September 24, 1993 to October 1, 1993, to file their direct testimony, filed on behalf of Pike Natural Gas and Eastern Natural Gas by R. Rosenberry.0
09/15/1993ICN#0007 Motion for exxtension of time to file expret testimony filed on behalf of the applicant by R. Rosenberry.0
09/07/1993ICN #0006 Entry ordering that the mangement/performance auditor redact those portions of the management/performance audit report identified by Eastern and Pike as confidential and file the redacted portions of the audit report under seal; that any information identified by the companies as confidential obtained by the management/performance auditor be treated accordingly by the auditor; that any information identified by the companies as confidential obtained by the management performance auditor and provided to the staff be treated accordingly by staff. (AE)0
09/03/1993ICN #0005 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Eastern Natural Gas Co. by R. Rosenberry.0
08/30/1993ICN# 0004 Entry scheduling the hearing for October 5, 1993 at 10:00 a.m. at the PUCO and for purposes of hearing, this case is consolidated with case Nos. 93-13-GA-GCR and 93-18-GA-GCR and ordering that notice of the hearing be published by the applicant. (AE)0
07/08/1993ICN #0003 Motion for hearing filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by T. McNamee.0
06/01/1993ICN #0002 Long-term forecast report filed on behalf of applicant by C. Pavalko, Jr.0
01/14/1993ICN #0001 In the matter of the long-term forecast report of Eastern Natural Gas Company and related matters.0