DIS - Case Record for 92-1652-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/19/1995 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 6, Check List, 340th sheet 1; Section 2.3, 17th sheet 5, 4th sheet 6, filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy. (5 pgs.)
02/22/1995 Letter stating that the in-service date for the institution of two-way measured-rate EAS (ELCP) between GTE's New Washington (419-492) and Willard (419-933, 935) exchanges is October 19, 1995, filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy. (1 pg.)
11/23/1994 Finding & Order granting MCI's motion of August 10, 1994; that MCI and LCI comply with the Commission's directives as set forth in Finding 9; that the stipulation filed on October 28, 1994 is approved in its entirety; that GTE implement two-way, nonoptional, measured-rate EAS between the New Washington and Willard exchanges within 12 months of this Finding & Order; that GTE establish an in-service date within four months. (9 pgs.)
10/28/1994 Stipulation, agreement and recommendation filed on behalf of complainant by M. Greene; respondents, GTE North, by B. Kazee; United Telephone by S. Williams. (7 pgs.)
09/02/1994 Memorandum in support of motion for partial waiver of filing requirements, filed on behalf of LCI International Telecom Corp. by J. Heflinger. (2 pgs.)
09/02/1994 Motion for partial waiver of filing requirements filed on behalf of LCI International Telecom Corp. by J. Heflinger. (2 pgs.)
08/30/1994 Second information response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee. (29 pgs.)
08/29/1994 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Company, by S. Williams. (27 pgs.)
08/11/1994 Letter stating that Allnet Communications Services reported the required calling information (if available) to United Telephone and GTE , filed by J. Nicholls. (1)
08/10/1994 Motion for acceptance of submission as timely filed, filed on behalf of respondent, MCI International Telecom Corp., by J. Sanders.
08/04/1994 Affidavit of Patricia Butwin filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by J. Troup.
07/21/1994 Affidavit of Angela E. Webster filed on behalf of Sprint Communications Co. L.P. by A. Webster.
07/19/1994 Affidavit of Brenda McKinley filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone Long Distance, by B. McKinley.
07/11/1994 Affidavit filed on behalf of LCI International by J. Mushrush.
05/05/1994 Entry granting GTE's motion for relief and the Commission's Finding & Order of January 28, 1993 and its Entry of Nov- ember 24, 1993 is vacated; that AT&T, MCI, LCI, Sprint, Allnet, and UTLD shall provide the information required by Finding 9 to GTE and United and file an affidavit with the Commission by 8/5/94; that GTE and United provide the infor- mation required by Finding 11 by 8/30/94; scheduling a settlement conference at 1:30 p.m. on 9/6/94 at the Commis- sion offices.
03/02/1994 Motion for relief from Commission Order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee.
11/24/1993 Entry granting GTE's motion for an extension of time; that GTE and United shall implement two-way, measured-rate EAS between the New Washington exchange and the Bucyrus and Shelby exchanges within 4 months from the date in which GTE receives a waiver from the District Court.
09/30/1993 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee.
05/12/1993 Letter stating that the proposed implementation date for two-way measured-rate service between Bucyrus and Shelby and New Washington is July 28, 1994, filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone, by J. Ludenia.
01/28/1993 Finding & Order approving the stipulation filed on 1/12/93 in its entirety; that GTE and United implement two-way, measured-rate EAS between the New Washington exchange and the Bucyrus and Shelby exchanges as soon as practicable and, in any event, within 18 months; that GTE and United establish in-service dates within four months; that GTE and United file revised tariff sheets.
01/12/1993 Stipulation, agreement, and recommendation filed on behalf of complainant by M. Green and respondents, GTE North by B. Kazee and United Telephone Co. by T. Jacobs.
11/16/1992 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone, by T. Jacobs.
11/16/1992 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone, by T. Jacobs.
11/12/1992 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee.
11/12/1992 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee.
10/15/1992 Entry ordering that respondents file their written answers by 11/17/92; that respondents provide the information required in Finding 3 to the Commission and the spokes- person for the complainants by 11/17/92; scheduling a settlement conference at 1:30 p.m. on 11/24/92 at the Commission offices. (AE)
09/14/1992 In the matter of the petition of Marcia Greene and sub- scribers of the New Washington exchange for extended area service into the Bucyrus, Lykens, Chatfield, Willard, Attica, Tiro, and Bloomville exchanges of GTE North Incorporated.