DIS - Case Record for 92-0574-EL-FOR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/24/1994 ICN #0090 Correspondence letter to Jeffry L. Laine, American Electric Power, regarding the evaluation of energy efficient motors and supermarket refrigeration technologies, filed by S. Puican, PUCO staff.
11/10/1993 ICN #0089 Entry denying the applications for rehearing filed by OCC and the Sierra Club; granting the application for rehearing filed by IEC, as set forth in Finding 4.
11/09/1993 ICN #0088 Comments filed on behalf of the Legal Aid Society of Columbus by M. Smalz and J. Maskovyak.
10/22/1993 ICN #0087 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
10/22/1993 ICN #0086 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Sierra Club by J. Migden.
10/22/1993 ICN #0085 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosenberry.
09/23/1993 ICN #0084 Opinion & Order that the DSM measures set forth in Appendix A are approved for deferral pursuant to the guidelines adopted by the Commission in the DSM Impact case, No. 90-723-EL-COI; that the DSM measures set forth in Appendix B are conditionally approved, subject to the requirements indicated in this Order; that Columbus Southern and Ohio Power take steps to implement immediately the DSM measures approved herein, as well as all other DSM measures determined to be cost-effective.
07/22/1993 ICN #0083 Transcript filed for hearing held 6/30/93, 73 pgs., (CG) (RF) (JMB) (DJ), Submitted.
07/07/1993 ICN #0082 Response to questions raised at the hearing on June 30, 1993, filed on behalf of applicant.
07/06/1993 ICN #0081 Comments with regard to the discussion which occurred on June 30, 1993, filed on behalf of the Sierra Club by J. Migden.
07/06/1993 ICN #0080 Additional information filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
04/02/1993 ICN #0073 Reply brief filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by T. McNamee and C. Myers.
04/02/1993 ICN #0079 Reply brief filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosen- berry and M. Kempic.
04/02/1993 ICN #0078 Reply brief filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
04/02/1993 ICN #0077 Reply brief filed on behalf of the Sierra Club by J. Migden.
04/02/1993 ICN #0076 Reply brief filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company by E. Brady.
04/02/1993 ICN #0075 Reply brief filed on behalf of Appalachian Poeple's Action Coalition by M. Smalz and J. Maskovyak.
04/02/1993 ICN #0074 Letter stating that The East Ohio Gas Company will not be filing a reply brief, filed by H. Liebman.
03/24/1993 ICN #0072 Corrections to IEC's post hearing brief, filed by M. Kempic.
03/19/1993 ICN #0067 Brief filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney and A. Kelsey.
03/19/1993 ICN #0066 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of The Sierra Club by J. Migden.
03/19/1993 ICN #0065 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by T. McNamee and C. Myers.
03/19/1993 ICN #0064 Proofs of publication filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik.
03/19/1993 ICN#0071 Brief of the East Ohio Gas Company filed by H. Liebman.
03/19/1993 ICN#0070 Initial brief of the Appalachian Peoples Action Coalition filed by J. Maskovyak and M. Smalz.
03/19/1993 ICN#0069 Post hearing brief filed on behalf of the Industrial Energy Consumers' by R. Rosenberry & M. Kempic.
03/19/1993 ICN#0068 Initial brief filed on behalf of the applicant by E. Brady and M. Resnik.
02/10/1993 ICN #0063 Transcript filed for hearing held 2/3/93, (RF), 6 pgs., Submitted. (Canton, Ohio)
02/09/1993 ICN #0062 Transcript for public hearing held February 2, 1993, (CG) 48 pages, Continued.
02/03/1993 ICN #0061 Transcript filed for hearing held 1/29/93, (DN) (RB), 135 pgs., Con't., Volume VIII.
02/03/1993 ICN #0060 Transcript filed for hearing held 1/28/93, (DN) (RB), 195 pgs., Con't., Volume VII.
02/03/1993 ICN #0059 Transcript filed for hearing held 1/27/93, (DN) (RB), 167 pgs., Con't., Volume VI.
02/03/1993 ICN #0058 Transcript filed for hearing held 1/26/93, (DN) (RB), 207 pgs., Con't., Volume V.
02/03/1993 ICN #0057 Transcript filed for hearing held 1/25/93, (DN) (RB), 242 pgs., Con't., Volume IV.
01/29/1993 ICN #0056 Transcript for sealed protion of hearing - January 28, 1993. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
01/29/1993 ICN #0055 Revised Exhibit 3 and 5 of Susan E. Coakley filed on behalf of the Sierra Club. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
01/25/1993 ICN #0054 Transcript filed for hearing held 1/22/93, (DN), 86 pgs., Con't., Volume III.
01/25/1993 ICN #0053 Transcript filed for hearing held 1/21/93, (DN), 158 pgs., Con't., Volume II.
01/25/1993 ICN #0052 Transcript filed for hearing held 1/20/93, (DN), 202 pgs., Con't., Volume I.
01/19/1993 ICN #0051 Letter stating that the Sierra Club intends to exercise its right to publicly disclose or make unprotected certain confidential information that was subject to the protective agreement, filed by M. Grady.
01/14/1993 ICN #0050 Exhibit 3 and 5 of testimony of Susan E. Coakley filed on behalf of the Sierra Club by M. Grady. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
01/13/1993 ICN #0040 Direct testimony of the following persons and work papers supporting Mr. Laine's testimony, filed on behalf of applicant by M Resnik: 1. D. H. Crabtree 2. J. L. Laine 3. N. Tibberts
01/13/1993 ICN #0039 Direct testimony of Keith Sergent filed on behalf of OCC by A. Kelsey.
01/13/1993 ICN #0038 Certificate of service filed on behalf of OCC by A. Kelsey.
01/13/1993 ICN #0037 Testimony of Stephen J. Morgan filed on behalf of The Appalachian People's Action Coalition. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
01/13/1993 ICN #0036 Direct testimony of Stephen J. Morgan filed on behalf of The Appalachian People's Action Coalition.
01/13/1993 ICN #0049 Prepared direct testimony of Nancy Ellis McClenaghan and prepared direct testimony of Joseph F. Patten, filed on behalf of East Ohio Gas by H. Liebman.
01/13/1993 ICN #0048 Prefiled testimony of Susan E. Coakley filed on behalf of the Sierra Club by J. Migden.
01/13/1993 ICN #0047 Prepared testimony of Melissa J. Stanford filed on behalf of OCC by A. Kelsey.
01/13/1993 ICN #0046 Testimony of Carl Evans filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by C. Myers.
01/13/1993 ICN #0045 Testimony of Eugenio Morales filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by C. Myers.
01/13/1993 ICN #0044 Testimony of Frank Rack filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by C. Myers.
01/13/1993 ICN #0043 Testimony of Milo Belgen filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by C. Myers.
01/13/1993 ICN #0042 Testimony of Steve Puican filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by C. Myers.
01/13/1993 ICN #0041 Testimony of Timothy Poe filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by C. Myers.
01/12/1993 ICN #0035 Entry scheduling local hearing at 6:00 p.m. on 2/2/93 at the Commission offices for Columbus Southern Power Company; scheduling local hearing at 6:00 p.m. on 2/3/93 at City Hall, Canton, Ohio, for Ohio Power Company. (AE)
01/08/1993 ICN #0034 Entry extending the deadline for filing expert testimony to 1/13/93 and continuing the hearing date to 1/20/93. (AE)
12/30/1992 ICN #0033 Joint motion for extension of time to file testimony and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Sierra Club by M. Grady, OCC by C. Mooney, and the Appalachian People's Action Coalition by J. Maskovyak.
12/17/1992 ICN #0032 Transcript corrections and signatures of Jeffry L. Laine, David H. Crabtree, Steve Giles, and Steve Bodkin, filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
12/02/1992 ICN #0033 Deposition of the following persons taken November 24, 1992, filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney: 1. Dave Crabtree 2. Steven Giles 3. Steven Bodkin 4. Jeffry L. Laine
11/20/1992 ICN# 0032 Entry granting APAC's motion to intervene and the Sierra Club's motion for a continuance is granted and the evidentiary hearing shall commence on January 13, 1993 and ordering that the direct expert testimony shall be filed no later than January 6, 1993 and discovery requests shall be served no later than December 7, 1992. (AE)
11/18/1992 ICN #0031 Memorandum in support of Sierra Club's motion for a continuance, filed on behalf of IEC by R. Rosenberry.
11/18/1992 ICN #0030 Notice of appearance by counsel filed on behalf of the Appalachian People's Action Coalition by M. Smaltz and J. Maskovyak.
11/18/1992 ICN #0029 Amended Certificate of Service filed on behalf of the Appalachian People's Action Coalition by M. Smaltz.
11/17/1992 ICN #0027 Memorandum contra motions for continuance of evidentiary hearing, filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik.
11/17/1992 ICN #0028 Memorandum in support of the motion for contin- uance, filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
11/16/1992 ICN #0026 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Appalachian People's Action Coalition by J. Maskovyak and M. Smalz.
11/16/1992 ICN #0025 Motion for continuance filed on behalf of Appalachian People's Action Coalition by M. Smaltz and J. Maskovyak.
11/12/1992 ICN #0024 Motion for a continuance of the evidentiary hearing and motion for an expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed by the Sierra Club on behalf of John Jacobs and Kurt Zimansky, filed by J. Migden.
11/05/1992 ICN #0023 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Marvin I. Resnik, filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
11/05/1992 ICN #0022 Motion to compel responses to discovery and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
11/05/1992 ICN #0021 Entry scheduling hearing at 10:00 a.m. on 12/7/92 at the Commission offices; that all intervenor and company expert testimony be filed no later than 7 days prior to the commencement of the hearing; that the motion to inter- vene filed by East Ohio Gas is granted. (AE)
08/04/1992 ICN #0020 Reply memorandum to Ohio Power Company's memoran- dum contra the motion to intervene of the East Ohio Gas Company, filed on behalf of East Ohio Gas by H. Liebman.
07/30/1992 ICN #0019 Transcript filed for hearing held 7/27/92, (DN), 11 pgs., Con't.
07/27/1992 ICN #0017 Memorandum contra motion to intervene of East Ohio Gas Company, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik.
07/27/1992 ICN# 0018 Letter withdrawing the application for rehearing filed on behalf of the Sierra Club by J. Migden.
07/14/1992 ICN #0016 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of East Ohio Gas by H. Liebman.
07/07/1992 ICN #0015 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of John Jacob, Curt Zimansky, and Sierra Club by M. Grady.
06/19/1992 ICN #0013 Entry granting motion to intervene of IEC, OCC, and Sierra Club; granting motions for a hearing filed by PUCO staff and OCC; scheduling public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on 7/27/92 at the Commission offices. (AE)
06/19/1992 ICN #0014 Copy of letter sent to all interested parties in this case stating that Commissioner Ashley Brown has not been involved in any way in the Center for Clean Air Policy' decisions regarding any matter before the Commission, and has made no effort to influence those decisions, submitted by the PUCO staff by Commissioner Ashley Brown.
05/26/1992 ICN #0012 Reply filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
05/22/1992 ICN #0011 Motion for a hearing, motion to consolidate, memorandum contra the motions of The Sierra Club and OCC to consolidate (in part), and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by T. McNamee.
05/20/1992 ICN #0010 Motion to consolidate proceedings and memorandum in support filed on behalf of John Jacob, Curt Zimansky, and the Sierra Club by J. Migden.
05/19/1992 ICN #0009 Response to OCC's motion to consolidate, filed on behalf of the AEP companies by K. Duffy.
05/07/1992 ICN #0008 Motion to intervene, motion to consolidate, motion for a hearing, and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
05/01/1992 ICN #0007 Letter correcting motion to intervene, filed on behalf of Sierra Club by J. Migden.
04/30/1992 ICN #0003 Motion of IEC to intervene and memorandum in support, filed by S. Randazzo and R. Rosenberry.
04/30/1992 ICN #0006 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of John Jacob and Curt Zimansky, members of the Sierra Club, by J. Midgen.
04/30/1992 ICN #0005 1992 Short-Term Implementation Plan Integrated Resource Plan Status Report filed on behalf of applicant by R. Maliszewski.
04/30/1992 ICN #0004 1992 Long-Term Forecast Report filed on behalf of applicant by R. Maliszewski.
04/08/1992 ICN# 0002 Entry ordering that Columbus Southern and Ohio Power shall have until April 30, 1992 to filed their electric LTFR's. (AE)
04/01/1992 ICN #0001 In the matter of the Notice of Filing that the Ohio Power Company will not file their 1992 Long-Term Electric Forecast until April 30, 1992.