DIS - Case Record for 92-0395-EL-AAM Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
04/07/1993 1992 Year End DSM Report filed on behalf of CEI and Toledo Edison by M. Seboldt.
12/17/1992 Entry denying the application for rehearing filed by CEI and Toledo Edison.
11/27/1992 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of CEI and Toledo Edison by C. Smith.
10/29/1992 Entry authorizing CEI and Toledo Edison to accumulate and defer costs incurred subsequent to 1/1/91 for the five programs and to capitalize carrying costs on the balance of deferred program costs; the companies shall file separate applications requesting pre-approval of a standard contract form for each type of project or contract; the companies shall file semiannual statements, detailing the costs and lost revenues deferred during the previous six months and the year-to-date; the companies are authorized to defer for four of the five programs the lost revenues incurred subsequent to 1/1/92 deferred as a result of these DSM programs; the companies request to accrue carrying charges on the lost revenues deferred subsequent to 1/1/92 is denied.
03/04/1992 In the matter of the joint application of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company request for an accounting order to defer costs and lost revenue incurred as the result of the On-Site Ajdits Demand-Side Management Program and to approve the standard contract form for this program.