DIS - Case Record for 92-0326-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
04/13/1995 Opinion & Order denying the request for two-way EAS beteween the Kent exchange and the Bedford, Chagrin Falls, Chester- land, Cleveland, Gates Mills, Hillcrest, Independence, Terrace, Wickliffe, and Willoughby exchanges and dismissing and closing this case of record. (15 pgs.)
11/17/1994 Transcript filed for hearing held 10/27/94, (DF), 255 pgs., Submitted.
11/02/1994 Proof of Publication filed. (Portage County) (1 pg.)
10/27/1994 Correspondence letter supporting the application, filed by Senator A. Latell, Jr. (1 pg.)
10/20/1994 Testimony of Jacqueline M. Young filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by C. Rawlings. (31 pgs.)
09/29/1994 Proof of Publication filed. (Cuyahoga County) (1 pg.)
09/19/1994 Legal Notice sent to: Akron Beacon Journal (Summit Co.), Record Courier (Portage Co.) & Plain Dealer (Cuyahoga Co.) Certified Mail.
09/07/1994 Correspondence letter supporting the petition, filed by State Representative P. Jones. (2 pgs.)
09/07/1994 Entry denying the motion to dismiss the complaint; that LCI's motion for partial waiver of the requirements that it file certain calling data is granted; scheduling a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on 10/27/94 at Streetsboro City Hall, Streetsboro, Ohio. (AE) (6 pgs.)
08/10/1994 Correspondence letter in support of petition, filed by Representative Paul H. Jones, Ohio House of Representa- tives.
03/31/1994 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings.
02/17/1994 Joint reply memorandum and the memoranda contra of com- plainants and of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company, filed on behalf of respondents, Allnet Communications by J. Sanders and LCI International Telecom by H. Liebman.
02/10/1994 Motion of complainants contra joint motion to dismiss, filed by L. Whalen.
02/10/1994 Memorandum in response to joint motion to dismiss of Allnet Communication Services, LCI International Telecom Corp. and MCI Telecommunications, filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings.
01/25/1994 Joint motion to dismiss of Allnet Communications Services, Inc., LCI International Telecom Corp. and MCI Telecommuni- cations Corporation filed by J. Sanders, H. Liebman, D. Trabaris. (filed 1/24/94)
12/03/1993 Entry scheduling a settlement conference at 3:00 p.m. on 12/16/93 at the Commission offices. (AE)
11/23/1993 Supplemental to information response filed 10/20/93, filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings.
11/08/1993 Memorandum in response to motion of LCI International Telecom Corp. for partial waiver of filing requirements, filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings.
10/20/1993 Motion of LCI International Telecom Corp. for partial waiver of filing requirements and memorandum in support filed by H. Liebman.
10/20/1993 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings.
09/23/1993 Memorandum in response to motion for extension of time filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings.
09/23/1993 Entry ordering that all IXCs be granted an extension of time until September 30, 1993, to suply all ordered calling information to GTE; that GTE be granted until October 20, 1993 to submit all aggregated calling infor- mation to the Commission; that any IXC which fails to submit the ordered calling information to GTE within the time set forth will be assessed $500 per day, which assessment shall continue until such time as all ordered calling information is supplies to GTE.
09/20/1993 Letter regarding the due date for MCI Telecommunications to provide their calling data to the LECs, filed by J. Sanders.
09/13/1993 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, Sprint Communications, by R. McLearen.
09/10/1993 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, Sprint Communications, by M. Hull.
09/10/1993 Motion for extension of time within which to file calling data and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respon- dent, MCI Telecommunications Corp., by J. Sanders.
09/07/1993 Entry granting Ohio Bell's motion for an extension of time, until 9/30/93, to submit aggregated calling information to the Commission; that the prehearing conference scheduled for 9/14/93 is canceled. (AE)
09/02/1993 Request for an extension of time for respondent, Ohio Bell, to file the aggregated calling data, filed by C. Rawlings.
08/16/1993 Correspondence letter supporting the petition for EAS, filed by E. Hugh Stiles, Susan J., and Jillane S. Stiles.
08/06/1993 Entry ordering that the request for an etension of time to submit calling information is granted, an the IXCs shall submit all calling information to Ohio Bell by 8/20/93; Ohio Bell shall thereafter submit the aggregated calling infor- mation to the Commission by 9/10/93; scheduling a prehearing conference at 2:30 p.m. on 8/18/93 at the Commission offices. (AE)
08/06/1993 Response to motion for extension of time within which to file calling data, filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings.
07/30/1993 Motion for extension of time within which to file calling data and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respon- dents, Allnet Communications by J. Sanders, LCI Inter- national by H. Liebman, and MCI Telecommunications by D. Trabaris.
06/24/1993 Entry denying the joint application for rehearing filed by Allnet Communications Services, Litel Telecommunications Corp. dba LCI International, and MCI Telecommunications Corp.
06/18/1993 Motion contra joint application for rehearing of Allnet Communication Services, et al, filed on behalf of com- plainant by L. Whalen.
06/11/1993 Memorandum contra joint application for rehearing, filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings.
06/10/1993 Notification of substitution of legal counsel filed on behalf of the City of Streetsboro by T. Ludick.
06/01/1993 Joint application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Allnet Communications Services by J. Sanders; LCI International by H. Liebman; and MCI Telecommunications Corp. by D. Trabaris.
04/29/1993 Entry ordering that IXC's joint reply memorandum on February 5, 1993, shall be considered as timely filed; denying IXC's motin for waiver of filing requirement; granting IXC's motion for an extension of time to file the requisite calling information; that AT&T, MCI, Sprint, Allnet, and LCI should provide the calling information to Ohio Bell as indicated in Finding 9; that Ohio Bell submit the calling information as indicated in Finding 10; granting the joint motion to intervene filed by MCI, Allnet, and LCI; rescheduling the settle- ment conference to 9/14/93 at 10:00 a.m. at the Commission offices.
02/18/1993 Joint reply memorandum filed on behalf of Allnet Communica- tions Services by J. Sanders, LCI International by H. Lieb- man, and MCI Telecommunications Corp. by D. Trabaris.
02/08/1993 Memorandum of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company contra joint motion to intervene of Allnet Communication Services, Inc.; Litel Telecommunications Corporation dba LCI International; and MCI Telecommunications Corporation by C. Rawlings.
02/05/1993 Joint reply memorandum on Allnet Communications Services, Inc., Litel Communications Corporation dba LCI Inter- national, and MCI Telecommunications Corporation by J. Sanders.
01/25/1993 Entry ordering that the settlement conference scheduled for 2/4/93 be postponed indefinitely. (AE)
01/20/1993 Motion in opposition to joint motion of Allnet Communica- tion Services, et al for waiver of filing requirement, filed on behalf of complainants by L. Whalen.
01/20/1993 Joint motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Allnet Communications by J. Sanders, Litel Communications by H. Liebman, and MCI Telecommunications by D. Trabaris.
01/19/1993 Answer to second amended complaint filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings.
01/19/1993 Memorandum in response to joint motion of Allnet Communi- cations Services, Inc., Litel Telecommunications Corp. dba LCI International, and MCI Telecommunications Corp., for waiver of filing requirement, filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings.
01/19/1993 Response to the motion of MCI, Allnet, and Litel filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings.
01/07/1993 Letter requesting that the Commission suspend filing requirements for all IXCs until there is disposition of the Companies' motion and the legality and reason- ableness of the filing requirements has been further reviewed, filed on behalf of respondent, Sprint, by M. Hull.
01/04/1993 Second amended complaint filed on behalf of complainant by T. Ludick and D. Norris.
01/04/1993 Joint motion of Allnet Communication Services, Inc., Litel Telecommunications Corporation dba LCI International, and MCI Telecommunications Corporation for waiver of filing requirement and memorandum in support, filed by D. Trabaris.
12/24/1992 Preliminary report filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings.
12/22/1992 Letter requesting an extension of time from January 4 to and including March 4, 1993, for providing the data re- quested in the Commission Entry dated November 20, 1992, filed on behalf of respondent, AT&T Communication of Ohio, by W. Mosca, Jr.
11/20/1992 Entry ordering that AT&T, MCI, LCI, U.S. Sprint and Allnet shall provide information as required in Finding (3) to Ohio Bell by Jan 4, 1993; Ohio Bell shall provide the information required in Finding (4) to the Commission by Jan. 18, 1993. Settlement conference shall be held on Feb. 4, 1993 at 10:00 at the Commission. (AE)
06/15/1992 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, Ohio Bell, by C. Rawlings.
06/12/1992 Entry granting Ohio Bell and extension of time to file the requisite calling information; that the settlement conference scheduled for 6/24/92 be continued until further notice. (AE)
06/02/1992 Letter stating that respondent, Ohio Bell, is not currently able to provide information in response to entry of May 11, 1992, filed by C. Rawlings.
05/11/1992 Entry ordering that Ohio Bell file their written answers with the Commission and with counsel for the complainants by 6/15/92; that the parties comply with Finding 3; that the settlement conference be scheduled on 6/24/92 at 1:30 p.m. at the Commission offices. (AE)
05/06/1992 Amended complaint filed on behalf of complainant by L. Whalen.
02/21/1992 In the matter of the petition of Mary Romansky and numerous subscribers of the Ohio Bell Akron exchange for extended area service/calling plus service into the Steetsboro area exchange of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company.