DIS - Case Record for 91-1992-GA-ORD Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Case Title: CHAPTERS 4901:5-25 AND 4901:1-13
Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: GA-GAS
Purpose Code: ORD-Administrative order
Date Opened: 11/1/1991
Date Closed: 11/24/1993
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
03/24/2008Pursuant to paragraph 36 of the Stipulation and the Commission Order adopting Stipulation, attached for filing are Columbia Gas of Ohio's curtailment/ emergency gas confiscation procedures filed by S. Nourse.8
09/06/2007Correspondence of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio, stating that no revisions have been made this year to its Emergency Curtailment Plan, filed by A. Campbell.1
09/04/2007Correspondence stating that Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., formerly known as Cincinnati Gas & Electric company will not be revising its Gas Curtailment Emergency Plan filed by R. D'Ascenzo.1
01/30/2006Revised Emergency Curtailment Plan for the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio, filed by H. Liebman.17
08/04/1998Letter stating that East Ohio Gas is not planning to make revisions to its Emergency Curtailment Plan pursuant to Section 4901:5-25-02(D) of the Ohio Administrative Code and the Commission's entry order of November 24, 1993, filed by J. Demarr. (1 pg.)1
03/28/1994Letter stating that the curtailment guidelines will be filed by 5/15/94, filed on behalf of Suburban Natural Gas Co. by D. Pemberton, Jr.0
03/01/1994Application of The River Gas Company for approval of emergency curtailment plan, filed by H. Liebman. (FILED 2/22/94)0
03/01/1994Gas curtailment plan filed on behalf of DP&L by D. George.0
02/22/1994Application of West Ohio Gas Company for approval of emergency curtailment plan filed by H. Liebman.0
02/22/1994Application of the East Ohio Gas Company for approval of emergency curtailment plan filed by H. Liebman.0
11/24/1993Entry ordering that existing Rule 4901:1-13-02 through 05, O.A.C. are hereby rescinded; that the attached revisions to Chapters 4901:5-25 and 4901:1-13, O.A.C. are hereby adopted.0
11/24/1993Transcript for hearing held Thursday, November 4, 1993 at 10:00 a.m. before C. Glazer, M. Biddison, and R. Fanelly.76
11/24/1993Transcript filed for hearing held 11/4/93, (CG) (JMB), (RF), 76 pgs., Con't.0
11/03/1993Addition to comments that was inadvertently omitted from page 1 filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Serio.2
11/01/1993Motion to intervene and comments of Bay Area Council of Governments, Greater Cleveland Schools Council of Governments and Lake Erie Regional Council of Governments on Staff recommendation for implementation of FERC Order 636 filed by G. Krassen.9
11/01/1993Comments of the Office of the Consumers' Counsel on Staff Order 636 Recommendations filed by J. Serio.20
11/01/1993Joint comments of the Ohio Manufacturers' Association and Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by S. Randazzo.12
11/01/1993Comments of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company filed by J. Banner.9
11/01/1993Comments of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company filed by J. Banner.9
11/01/1993Motion to intervene and comments of Bay Area Council of Governments, Greater Cleveland Schools Council of Govern- ments, and Lake Erie Regional Council of Governments (Schools) on staff recommendation for implementation of FERC order 636, filed by G. Krassen.0
11/01/1993Comments filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio.0
11/01/1993Joint comments filed on behalf of The Ohio Manufacturers' Association by S. Taft and IEC by S. Randazzo.0
10/29/1993Comments filed on behalf of Pike Natural Gas Company and Eastern Natural Gas Co. by C. Pavalko; and Ohio Gas Co. by J. Webster.17
10/29/1993Comments filed on behalf of Pike Natural Gas Company and Eastern Natural Gas Co. by C. Pavalko; and Ohio Gas Co. by J. Webster.0
10/21/1993Entry ordering that all findings be observed. 45
10/21/1993Entry ordering that interested persons wishing to file comments shall do so by 11/1/93; interested persons will be provided an opportunity to present oral comments to the Commission and staff on 11/4/93, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, at the Commission offices in hearing room 11A.0
02/21/1992Reply comments filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by A. Roth.0
02/21/1992Reply comments filed on behalf of National Gas & Oil Corporation by P. McGonagle and M. Petricoff.0
01/28/1992Entry ordering all persons who have filed initial comments in this case to serve promptly copies of these comments, as well as any reply comments, upon each person listed in the Appendix to this entry. (AE)0
01/24/1992Comments filed on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company, The River Gas Company, and West Ohio Gas Company by H. Liebman.0
01/24/1992Comments filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by A. Roth.0
01/24/1992Comments filed on behalf of The Clinton Oil Company and Clinton Gas Marketing, Inc. by J. Jordan.0
01/24/1992Response to Commission's entry filed on behalf of DP&L by K. Guy.0
01/24/1992Comments filed on behalf of CG&E by J. Banner.0
01/24/1992Comments filed on behalf of National Gas & Oil Corporation by P. McGonagle.0
01/24/1992Comments filed on behalf of the Ohio Manufacturers' Association by S. Taft.0
01/24/1992Comments filed on behalf of MB Operating Co., Inc. by M. Petricoff.0
01/24/1992Comments filed on behalf of Honda of America Mfg., Inc. by W. Airey.0
01/24/1992Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Oil & Gas Association by W. Newcomb, Jr.0
12/05/1991Entry inviting interested persons to file comments by 1/24/92 and reply comments by 2/21/92.0
11/01/1991In the matter of the revision and rescission of Rules 4901:5-25 and 4901:1-13, Ohio Administrative Code.0