DIS - Case Record for 90-9294-TP-TRF Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
04/06/2018 Case Action Form electronically filed by Michelle A Green on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
10/08/2014 Notice of Cancellation of Certificate 90-9294-TP-TRF.
03/21/2014 In the matter of the application of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC d/b/a Insight Phone for Abandonment of All Services electronically filed by Ms. Suzanne Pagana on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC d/b/a Insight Phone.
05/02/2012 Final Tariff Filing, PUCO No. 2, - Access Rate Reduction electronically filed by Ms. Janice Boice on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio VP Telecom Legal Affairs.
01/25/2012 Memo requesting final tariff with an effective date of 01/01/12
12/28/2011 Tariff Revisions to Tariff No. 3 increasing rate for local access lines. electronically filed by Ms. Janice Boice on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio VP Telecom Legal Affairs.
06/22/2011 Revised tariff of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC to detariff services and make other changes electronically filed by Ms. Janice Boice on behalf of INSIGHT PHONE OF OHIO VP TELECOM LEGAL AFFAIRS.
05/20/2011 In the matter of the Application to detariff services and make other changes related to implementation of Case No. 10-1010-TP-ORD electronically filed by Ms. Janice Boice on behalf of INSIGHT PHONE OF OHIO VP TELECOM LEGAL AFFAIRS.
01/06/2011 Revised tariff PUCO No. 1, at the direction of the Commission, corrects Lifeline discount description. electronically filed by Ms. Janice Boice on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
12/30/2010 Revised tariff pages, PUCO No. 1, electronically filed by Ms. Janice Boice on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio.
12/31/2009 Tariff PUCO No. 1 to increase the access line rate for all residential customers. Electronically filed by Ms. Janice Boice on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
06/04/2009 In the matter of the application of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC for a waiver of minimum telephone service standards and memorandum in support.
05/26/2009 Revised tariff pages, PUCO No. 2 for Insight Access Tariff, effective May 7, 2009. electronically filed by Mr. Gregory Cameron, Vice President, on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC
04/06/2009 In the matter of the application Insight Phone of Ohio LLC to tariff Revisions to Access Service Tariff increasing and decreasing Switched Access Rates electronically filed by Ms. Janice Boice.
02/03/2009 Tariff correction of reconnection rate in Insight Local Exchange Tariff PUCO No. 1 electronically filed by Gregory Cameron on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
12/29/2008 Revised tariff filing to PUCO No. 1 that introduces 14 new promotions; reduces reconnection fee; increases activation fee and primary line charge. electronically filed by Ms. Janice Boice on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
11/26/2008 In the matter of the application of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC to introduce a new nonrecurring porting charge, electronically filed by Ms. Janice Boice on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
09/30/2008 Revised tariff extending enrollment period of 8 promotions, electronically filed by Ms. Janice Boice on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
06/26/2008 Tariff filing, PUCO No. 1, to extend the enrollment period of 8 promotions. electronically filed by Ms. Janice Boice on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
04/18/2008 In the matter of the application of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC to detariff certain Tier 2 services and make other changes related to the implementation of Case No. 06-1345-TP-ORD electronically filed by Ms. Janice Boice on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
03/31/2008 Revised tariff pages, PUCO No. 1, filed by G. Cameron on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
01/22/2008 Revised tariff pages of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC for PUCO Tariff No. 1 filed by G. Cameron.
12/28/2007 Revisions to Local Service Tariff P.U.C.O. No. 1, on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC filed by G. Cameron.
12/04/2007 Revised tariff pages, PUCO No. 1 filed on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio LLC. by G. Cameron.
09/28/2007 Application of Insight Phone of Ohio. LLC to extend four promotions for PUCO Tariff No. 1 filed by G. Cameron.
06/29/2007 In the matter of the application of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC to grandfather two block of time offers and to create a stand alone unlimited usage offer.
06/29/2007 Application to revise tariff pages, PUCO No. 1 filed by G. Cameron on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
03/30/2007 Revisions to Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC., Local Service Tariff PUCO No. 1 filed by G. Cameron
01/30/2007 Revised local service tariff PUCO No.1, effective January 31, 2007 filed by G. Cameron on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
01/11/2007 In the matter of the application of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC to introduce rates and regulations relating to implementation of N11 Non-emergency dialing service
12/29/2006 Revised Local Service Tariff, PUCO No. 1, to extend the enrollment period of four promotional offerings and introduce five new promotions which offer eligible customers discounts on installation charges and on various monthly recurring charges and to reduce the rate for a non-recurring charge with an effective date of December 29, 2006, filed on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC by G. Cameron.
12/12/2006 In the matter of the application of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC to introduce rates and regulations relating to the implementation of N11 Non Emergency dialing service, PUCO Tariff No. 2.
09/29/2006 Application to revise tariff pages of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC, PUCO No. 1 filed by G. Cameron.
07/17/2006 Revisions to Local Service Tariff, PUCO No. 1, to replace the original attachment B pages, filed on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC by G. Cameron.
06/30/2006 Revised tariff pages of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC filed by G. Cameron.
06/30/2006 In the matter of the application of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC to introduce rate for electronic PIC change charge and submit updated telephone requirement form.
03/15/2006 Revised tariff local service tariff PUCO No. 1 introducing six promotional offerings which offer eligible customers discounts on installation charges and on various monthly recurring charges filed by G. Cameron on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
02/06/2006 Replacement Local Service Tariff PUCO No. 1 pages for application filed February 3, 2006, Exhibit A, Superseded Pages, and Exhibit B, Proposed Pages, filed on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC by G. Cameron.
12/27/2005 Application to revise tariff PUCO No.1 filed by G. Cameron on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
10/28/2005 Application to revise PUCO Tariff No.1, filed by G. Cameron on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
09/01/2005 Application to extend the enrollment period of promotional offerings for eligible customers discounts on installation charges and on various monthly recurring charges filed by G. Cameron on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
08/01/2005 Introduction or extension of promotional offering, introduce two new promotions field by G.Cameron on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC.
07/29/2005 Application to revise PUCO Tariff No. 1 to extend the enrollment period for three promotional offerings which offer eligible customers discounts on installation charges and the monthly recurring charges for the 180 Minute Block of Time and the Multi-Feature Pak as well as a discounted rate for unlimited domestic direct dialed usage filed by G. Cameron on behalf of company.
05/31/2005 Tariff revisions to Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC, Local Service Tariff PUCO No. 1, to introduce three promotional offerings which offer eligible customers discounts on installation charges and on the monthly recurring charges for the 180 minute block of time and the multi-feature pak, as well as a discounted rate for unlimited domestic direct dialed usage, filed by G. Cameron.
02/08/2005 Revised Local Services Tariff, PUCO No. 1, to provide free installation to new customers who also subscribe to certain services, filed on behalf of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC by G. Cameron.
02/08/2005 Revised Local Services Tariff PUCO No. 1, to increase the rate for non-recurring charges: Service Connection Charge, Primary Line Activation Charge and Line Restoration Charge, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Cameron.
08/04/2004 Amended application for new operating authority of proposed local service tariff and access tariff and original signature pages to replace faxed pages 4 and 12 of application, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Manzel.
07/27/2004 In the matter of the application of Insight Phone of Ohio, LLC for new operating authority.