DIS - Case Record for 90-9077-TP-TRF Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
01/27/2017 Tariff Filing for NOS Communications, Inc. to submit Final Pages of approved Ohio P.U.C. Tariff No. 4 for access services electronically filed by Ms. Winafred R Brantl on behalf of NOS Communications, Inc.
01/13/2017 Staff Review and Recommendation electronically filed by Jason Well on behalf of PUCO Staff.
01/12/2017 Tariff Revisions to Proposed Access Services Tariff electronically filed by Ms. Winafred R Brantl on behalf of NOS Communications, Inc.
06/17/2011 Tariff Filing PUCO No. 3 to replace specified pages submitted on May 16, 2011 (Telecommunications Application Form for Detariffing and Related Actions). electronically filed by Ms. Winafred R Brantl on behalf of NOS Communications, Inc.
07/20/2009 Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 3, filed by J. Renneker on behalf of NOS Communications, Inc.
07/10/2009 Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 3, filed by J. Renneker on behalf of NOS Communications, Inc.
03/31/2008 Revised pages 38, 56, 58, 67 and 68, which amends detariffing filing of NOS Communications, Inc. filed on December 28, 2008, an updated check sheet is also included filed by K. Barker Marshall.
03/28/2008 Tariff cover page, PUCO No. 1, filed by K. Marshall on behalf of NOS Communications dba International Plus, dba 011 Communications, dba The Internet Business Association; dba iVantage Network Solutions, dba Blue Ridge Telecom Systems.
03/06/2008 Revised tariff page, PUCO Tariff No. 1, filed by K. Barker Marshall on behalf of NOS Communications, Inc., dba International Plus, dba 011 Communications, dba The Internet Business Association, dba i Vantage Network Solutions, dba Blue Ridge Telecom Systems.
12/31/2007 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. dba International Plus; dba 011 Communications; dba The Internet Business Association; dba iVantage Network Solutions; dba Blue Ridge Telecom Systems to revise PUCO Tariff No. 3.
12/28/2007 Application continued. (Part 2 of 2)
12/28/2007 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. dba International Plus dba 011 Communications, dba The Internet Business Association dba Vantage Network Solutions dba Blue Ridge Telecom Systems to detariff certain Tier 2 services and make other changes. (Part 1 of 2)
10/01/2007 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to institute a rate increase for certain select FPP customers.
06/28/2007 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to institute a rate increase for certain select FPP customers.
03/29/2007 In the matter of the NOS Communications, Inc. dba International Plus dba 011 Communications dba Internet Business Association dba Ivantage Network Solutions dba Blueridge Telecom Systems to institute a rate increase for certain select FPP customers.
12/26/2006 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc to revise PUCO Tariff No. 1, to institute a rate increase for certain select FPP customers.
09/27/2006 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. dba International Plus, 011 Communications, Internet Business Association, Invantage Network Solutions and Blueridge Telecom System to institute for certain select Freedom Plan Plus customers.
07/14/2006 Application to revise PUCO Tariff No. 3 filed by J. Renneker on behalf of NOS Communications, Inc.
06/28/2006 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise PUCO Tariff No. 1, to institute a rate increase for certain select Freedom Plan Plus customers.
03/29/2006 Revised tariff to local PUCO tariff No. 3, second revised page No. 2 filed by J. Renneker on behalf of NOS Communications, Inc.
03/29/2006 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise PUCO Tariff No. 1.
01/30/2006 Revised Local Ohio PUCO Tariff No. 3, First Revised Page 2, to institute a local rate increase for switched services of residential and business customers, filed on behalf of NOS Communications, Inc. by J. Renneker.
09/29/2005 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to institute a rate increase for certain select customers, PUCO Tariff No. 1.
06/28/2005 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise its Long Distance Tariff PUCO No. 1, to institute a rate increase for certain select customers who are not subject to an unexpired term plan or usage rate guarantee.
04/25/2005 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to add a new International Plus Prepaid Calling Service Plan for International Plus customers.
03/29/2005 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to institute a rate increase for certain select customers, remove the maintenance fee from our VIP Prepaid Calling Service and add a sign up bonus to VIP Prepaid Calling Service.
12/29/2004 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to institute a rate increase for certain select customers.
12/13/2004 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to add a new VIP Prepaid Calling Service Plan for 011 communications customers.
12/09/2004 Revised Certificate 90-9077 issued.
10/29/2004 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to adopt a new dba, Blueridge Telecom Systems.
09/28/2004 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to institute a rate increase for certain select customers.
06/30/2004 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise to its Long Distance Tariff PUCO No. 1.
05/11/2004 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise long distance tariff PUCO No. 1, to institute a rate increase for certain select customers.
03/29/2004 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications Inc to make revision to tariff PUCO No.1.
01/13/2004 Tariff amendments, and Service Requirement Form, filed on behalf of applicant by W. Brantl.
12/16/2003 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to replace local exchange tariff. (part 1 of 3)
11/25/2003 Request to withdraw application for replacement tariff, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Edmonds.
08/14/2003 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. revisions to long distance Tariff P.U.C.O. No. 1.
05/14/2003 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 1, to institute a rate increase for certain select customers who are not subject to an unexpired term plan or usage rate guarantee and add a new business plan to International Plus.
02/14/2003 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 1, to simplify the language of an existing regulation while modifying the application of charges contained within that regulation.
11/16/2000 Voluntary request for withdrawal filed on behalf of applicant by J. Marashlian.
11/01/2000 Application to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 1, filed on be- half of applicant by J. Marashlian. (74 pgs.) (00-2139)
10/06/2000 Revisions to tariff P.U.C.O. No. 1 Long Distance. Filed by J. Marashlian (75 pgs)
06/08/2000 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 1. (17 pgs.)
06/01/2000 Entry ordering that NOS provide notice to affected customers as set forth in Finding 5. (3 pgs.)
06/01/2000 Entry ordering NOS to provide notice to affected customers as set forth in Finding 5.
05/02/2000 Memo automatically approving the application with effective date of May 2, 2000.
04/22/2000 Memo automatically approving the application with effective date of April 22, 1000.
04/14/2000 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revie its tariff, PUCO No. 1, to provide for a one-time rate adjustment to the next higher applicable rate category for customers subscribed to the Freedom Plan for Business Users Service, Freedom Plan Plus, Internet Business Users Service Plan,the INETBA "E-Service", and I-Vantage Inter- state Offerings service who are not on an unexpired term plan or rate guarantee and have not experienced a rate change in the previous three invoice periods. (35 pgs.)
04/03/2000 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 1, 3rd page 45, original pages 60.7 and 60.8, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Marash- lian. (4 pgs.)
03/30/2000 Memo automatically approving the application with effective date of March 30, 2000.
03/23/2000 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 1, to update Check Sheet; replace Sample Calculations with Detailed Sample Calculations; add Customer Advantage Plans ("CAP"); ex- pand the Period of Eligibility for Company's ACS Credit Offering in Company's International Plus Service Plan; add Advantage Card Service II to Company's International Plus Service Plan; and add Advantage Card Service Plans to Company's 011 Communications Service Plan. (43 pgs.)
03/18/2000 Memo automatically approving the application with effective date of March 18, 2000.
02/29/2000 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 1, to introduce "Thanks for Taking the Time" promotion to INETBA "E- Service". (52 pgs.)
02/24/2000 Memo automatically approving the application with effective date of February 24, 2000.
02/16/2000 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 1, to introduce Com- pany's new INETBA "E-Service" which combines long dis- tance telecommunications services with Internet hosting and web design services. (35 pgs.)
02/03/2000 Memo automatically approving the application with effective date of February 3, 2000.
01/24/2000 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 1, to update check sheet; withdraw Account Recourse Charge as it applies to International; and withdraw Account Recourse Charge as it applies to 011 Communications Plan. (16 pgs.)
01/20/2000 Revised Customer Notice and subsitute tariff pages, deleting provisions pertaining to a new mobile phone and pager rate. Filed on behalf of NOS Communications, Inc. Submitted by: J. Marashlian. (32 pgs.)
01/20/2000 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. proposed revisions to its Tariff PUCO No. 1. (12 pgs.)
12/30/1999 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 1, to update check sheet; in- crease Freedom Plan for Business Users ("FPBU") Service rate; introduce mobile phone/pager termination rates for FPBU service, introduce Advantage Card Service for FPBU service; increase Freedom PlanPlus ("FPP") rate; introduce mobile phone/pater termination rates for FPP; introduce Advantage Card Service for International Plus service; introduce Advantage Card Service for 011 Communications service; introduce mobile phone/pager termination rates for INETBA service; introduce Advantage Card Service for INETBA service. (51 pgs.)
12/07/1999 Substitute tariffs, PUCO No. 1, Check Sheet, 1st page 1; Table of Contents, 1st page 2; 1st pages 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, original pages 32.1, 32.2, 32.3, 1st pages 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, original page 46.1, 1st pages 47, 48, 49, 50, original pages 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Marashlian. (53pgs.)
12/02/1999 Entry dismissing this case and closing it of record. (2 pgs.)
11/24/1999 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 1. (27 pgs.)
11/16/1999 Replacement tariff, NOS Communications, Inc ("NOS") and Affinity Network Inc. ("ANI"), PUCO tariff NO. 1, pg 3 respective local exchange tariffs, to correct deficiencies in NOS and ANI's, submitted by J. Marashlian (14 pgs)
11/08/1999 (part 2 of 2) Corrected tariff, PUCO No. 1, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Marashlian.
10/18/1999 Letter regarding NOS Communictions, Inc. voluntarily withdrawn case 99-1126-TP-ATA filed by J. Marashlian (1 pg)
10/18/1999 Letter regarding NOS Communication, Inc voluntarily Withdrawn the case 99-1065-TP-ATA filed by J. Marashlian (1 pg)
10/07/1999 Memo automatically approving the application with effective date of October 7, 1999.
10/07/1999 Entry ordering that approval of the application is suspended until the Commission specifically orders otherwise. (AE) (1 pg.)
09/21/1999 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 1. (30 pgs.)
09/07/1999 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 1. (17 pgs.) (THIS CASE WAS FILED 8/25/99 INCORRECTLY IN CASE NO. 99-559-TP-ACE)
07/15/1999 Finding & Order approving the application. (5 pgs.)
07/12/1999 Tariff, PUCO No. 1, original title page, original pages 1 thru 50, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Marashlian. (52 pgs.)
07/01/1999 Entry ordering that approval of this application is sus- pended until the Commission specifically orders otherwise. (AE) (1 pg.)
06/16/1999 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 1, title page, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Marashlian. (3 pgs.)
06/11/1999 Revised proposed local exchange tariff, PUCO No. 1, original pages 1 thru 66; revised long distance tariff, PUCO No. 1, original title page, original pages 1 thru 29, filed on be- half of applicant by J. Marashlian. (98 pgs.)
05/28/1999 Revised proposed local exchange and intrastate long distance tariffs filed on behalf of NOS Communications, Inc. submitted by: J. Marashlian. (108 pgs.)
05/05/1999 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. for new operating authority.
04/26/1999 Memo automatically approving the application with effective date of April 26, 1999.
03/23/1999 In the matter of the application of NOS Communications, Inc. to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 1. (25 pgs.)
12/31/1990 Initial tariff filed.