DIS - Case Record for 90-5137-TP-TRF Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
09/08/1999 Price List Addendum; the purpose of this filing is to revise its tariff, PUCO No. 2, to extend Sprint Nickle Nights Promotion; introduce Business Sense Authorized Retailer Promotion; introduce Business Sense Internet Promotion; introduce Countdown to the Millennium Sweep- stakes Promotion; introduce Business Sense Internet Pro- motion; and introduce Business Sense Authorized Retailer Promotion, filed on behalf of appicant by L. Miles. (10 pgs.)
07/20/1999 Price List Addendum; the purpose of this filing is to intro- duce Sprint Nickle Nights Promotion, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (7 pgs.)
04/02/1999 Application to change the per-minute usage rates applicable to in-state calls made when Sprint participates in an agree- ment with a LEC, and to make other changes. (29 pgs.) (99-432)
03/15/1999 Price List Addendum; the purpose of this filing is to change the minimum billing increment for Business Sense customers filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (13 pgs.)
03/11/1999 Price List; this filing proposes to grandfather Sprint worldwide II service; made a correction to Sprint Sense AnyTime Monthly Minutes of Use Credit Option III; and add text to Sprint Unlimited, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (20 pgs.)
02/01/1999 Price List Addendum; the purpose of this filing is to intro- duce Sprint Retail prepaid Calling Card Option B; introduce TeleDime Prepaid Card; Grandfather the Sprint Sense AnyTime Monthly Minutes of Use Credit Option II Calling Plan Option to existing customers; introduce Sprint Sense AnyTime Optional FONCARD Rate and Toll Free Rate with Short Calls Waiver Calling Plan Option; introduce Sprint Sense AnyTime Monthly Minutes of Use Credit Option III Calling Plan Option; extend Sprint Hospitality Connection Plus and Sprint Operator Services Promotion; introduce Sprint Priority Re- wards Winback Promotion; introduce Sprint Winback 60 Minutes Flat Credit Promotion I; introduce Sprint Winback 60 Minutes Flat Credit Promotion II; introduce Sprint Sense Home Office Free Minutes Promotion; and introduce Sports Illustrated Promotion, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (28 pgs.)
01/08/1999 Revised tariff; the purpose of this filing is to make changes to Sprint Unlimited, filed on behalf of appli- cant by L. Miles. (7 pgs.)
12/03/1998 In the matter of the application of Sprint Communication Company L.P. to introduce Cool Rewards Program and introduce Cool Rewards Program Promotion.
11/19/1998 Price List Addendum; this filing is to restructure the rates for Residential SPRINT Service Business MTS, and Stand-Alone FONCARD calls, make textual revisions, extend Business Sense Basic Discount Retention Promotion, and introduce the fol- lowing promotions: Sprint Sense AnyTime Free and Clear Pro- motion, Sprint Unlimited SM Tranksgiving Promotion, Sprint Retail Prepaid Calling Card Promotion, Spree Prepaid Calling Card Promotion, Business Sense Intrastate Promotion, Sprint Sense Anytime 200 Minutes Promotion, and $30 Sprint Savings Checks or Credit Promotion, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (37 pgs.)
09/15/1998 Price List Addendum; the purpose of this filing is to change the Residential Toll Free Rate Periods, Off-Peak Rate Per- iods and add a Per-Month Call Waiver; increase Sprint Sense Operator Services Rate; and change Sprint Sense Operator Service FONCARD text, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (26 pgs.)
09/01/1998 Price List Addendum; the purpose of this filing is to intro- duce promotions: Switch to Sprint Titanic Promotional Offer- ing; Sprint Sense 100 Free Minutes Credit Promotion; Sprint Sense 200 Free Minutes Credit Promotion; Usange Credit Pro- motion; and Five Free Minute Call Promotion, filed on be- half of applicant by L. Miles. (14 pgs.)
07/28/1998 3rd Revised addendum to price list page 1.2; this filing is to extend Business Sense Credit Promotion V, extend More Business More Savings Promotion III, and introduce Double Sprint Priority Rewards Points Promotion, filedon behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (12 pgs.)
06/10/1998 Price List Addendum; this filing changes the name of Toll Free Access Collect II (One Dime) to Toll Free Access Collect II, Move Station-to-Station Collect and Person-to- Person Collect under Moonlight Madness to Toll Free Access Collect II, reduces the peak per-minute usage rate and increases the Station-to-Station connection fee, introduces Residential Toll Free 100 Free Minutes Promotion, introduces Short Calls Free Promotion, indroduces Complimentary Calling Card Discount Promotion I and II, filed on behalf of appli- cant by L. Miles. (27 pgs.)
04/07/1998 Addendum to price list; the purpose of this filing is to re-name the Sprint Sense College Plan Stand-Alone FONCARD Option B to Sprint Collegiate Card, move text to Miscel- laneous Services, change text; and revise Sprint Sense Home Office monthly levels 1 and 2, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (28 pgs.)
03/16/1998 Price List Addendum; the purpose of this filing is to intro- duce Sprint $0.10 Per Minute FONCARD Promotion; Sprint FON- CARD Calling on Saturdays Promotion; and Sprint First Three Minutes FONCARD Promotion, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (15 pgs.)
03/12/1998 Registration form and tariff pages listed on the 13th Rev- ised Addendum to the Price List Page 1.1 filed by L. Miles. (FILED 3/5/98) (7 pgs)
03/05/1998 Revised addendum to price list; the purpose of this filing is to introduce Sprint Hospitality Connection Plus and Sprint Operator Service Promotion, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (7 pgs.)
02/12/1998 Price List Addendum; the purpose of this filing is to in- crease Sprint Sense College Plan FONCARD, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (10 pgs.)
12/31/1997 50th Revised Addendum to Price List Page 1; this filing is to introduce Sprint-United Telephone Company Credit Promo- tion, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (8 pgs.)
12/30/1997 Price List Addendum; the purpose of this filing is to in- crease the Intrastate InterLATA and IntraLATA Casual Charge; and split the Operator Service Rate Tables into InterLATA and IntraLATA Tables, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (12 pgs.)
12/02/1997 Price List Addendum; this filing is to increase the Per-Call Payphone Service charge for Wholesale Communications and Resale Solutions, and to make other various changes, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (17 pgs.)
10/17/1997 Price List Addendum; this filing is to reduce MTS rates to reflect an access reduction directed by the Ohio Public Utilities Commission, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (52 pgs.) (FILED 10/14/97)
09/30/1997 Revised Price List; this filing is to increase the Sprint Clarity FONCARD Surcharge rate and to extend various pro- motions, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (20 pgs.)
09/04/1997 Price List Addendum; the purpose of this filing is to introduce Sprint Sense Free and Clear Promotion, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (8 pgs.)
05/09/1997 Price List Addendum; this filing introduces Sprint-United Telephone Message Line Promotion, filed on behalf of appli- cant by L. Miles. (8 pgs.)
04/21/1997 Price List Addendum; this filing introduces Sprint Sense/ Sprint-United Telephone Message Line Promotion, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (8 pgs.)
04/01/1997 Price List Addendum; this filing is to increase the Operator Services Call Placement Charges, filed on behalf of appli- cant by L. Miles. (10 pgs.)
03/31/1997 Price List Addendum; this filing is to amend revision and page numbers, and extend various Sprint promotional offer- ings, filed on behalf of applicant by L. Miles. (31 pgs.)
02/25/1997 Revised tariff, Price List, PUCO No. 2, 1st page 96.11, 2nd page 71.1, filed on behalf of applicant by E. Dorrell. (3 pgs.)
01/29/1997 Price List Addendum; the purpose of this filing is to intro- duce the Sprint Sense/Sprint United Telephone Caller ID Pro- motion, filed on behalf of applicant by E. Dorrell. (12 pgs.)
10/08/1996 Price List Addendum; the purpose of this filing is to intro- duce the Sprint Credit Promotion and the Winback Promotion, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (11 pgs.) (FILED 10/7/96)
09/30/1996 Price List Addendum, the purpose of this filing is to ex- tend the Sprint Clarity Intrastate Choice Promotion through October 31, 1996, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Web- ster. (18 pgs.) (FILED 9/27/96)
08/09/1996 Price List Addendum, to introduce the United Promotion II, and detele various promotional offerings which have expired filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (20 pgs.)
07/12/1996 Price List Addendum, this filing is to extend the Business Sense Credit Promotion II and add text to clarify that the promotion cannot be added to any new customer locations once the promotion expires, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (8 pgs.)
06/28/1996 Price List Addendum; this filing introduces the Sprint Sense 100 Minutes Free Summer Promotion, and to make other various changes, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (18 pgs.)
04/08/1996 Price List Addendum, the purpose of this filing is to introduce the Autodialer Reprogramming Credit Promotion; introduce the Choice Plus Promotion II; extend the Business Sense Credit Promotion II through April 30, 1996, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (9 pgs.)
03/01/1996 Price List Addendum; this filing introduces the Sprint Credit Promotion, and makes other various changes, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (20 pgs.)
02/13/1996 Price List Addendum, the purpose of this filing is to intro- duct the Sprint Clarity Intrastate Choice Promotion, intro- duce the Business Sense Credit Promotion II, introduce the LEC Calling Card Promotion, and to amend the Choice Plus Promotion, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (14 pgs.)
11/20/1995 Price List Addendum, to introduce the Winback Promotion, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (7 pgs.)
11/03/1995 Price List Addendum, this filing is being made in order to introduce the BOLD promotion and extend the Instant FONCARD promotion through December 31, 1995, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (9 pgs.)
10/30/1995 Registration form and the tariff pages listed on 22nd revised addendum to the price list page 1 filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (7 pgs.)
06/27/1995 Price List Addendum, to introduce the $10.00 Credit Pro- motion and extend the Sprint Sense 100 Free Minutes Promotion, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (7 pgs.)
06/13/1995 Price List Addendum, to increase the Per-Call Surcharges applicable to Dial 1 WATS Advantage FONCARD, Clarity FONCARD, The Most For Business FONCARD, Real Solutions FONCARD, Clarity Option C-1 FONCARD, FONCARD Voice Solu- tions, FONCARD Business Sense and Voice FONCARD Business Sense, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (19 pgs.)
05/26/1995 In the matter of the application of Sprint Communication Company L.P. to introduce Moonlight Madness, decrease Sprint Service usage rates and extend the Spring Sense Charter Promotion and the Sprint Clarity Basic Promotion. (12 pgs.) (95-509)
05/02/1995 Price List Addendum, to change various Call Placement Charges applicable to Operator Services, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (9 pgs.)
04/27/1995 Addendum to Price List, requesting an effective date of May 1, 1995 for tariff changes, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (5 pgs.)
03/31/1995 In the matter of the application of Sprint Communication Company L.P. to introduce Hospitality Connection Plus and make changes to The Most For Business, Wholesale Communi- cations Service, Ultra WATS, Dial 1 WATS, Dial 1 WATS Advantage and Sprint Sense. (37 pgs.) (95-339)
02/10/1995 In the matter of the application of Sprint Communication Company L.P. to make a change to the payment of charges text applicable to Private Line Service and introduce the Option B Calling Plan Promotion. (13 pgs.) (95-158)
01/31/1995 In the matter of the application of Sprint Communication Company L.P. to increase the surcharges applicable to VPN and VPN Premiere FONCARD, change various charges applicable to CLEARLINE 1.5 Service, remove the 20% Sprint-to-Sprint discount applicable to The Most For Business and grand- father Sprint Advanced WATS and Sprint Advanced WATS Plus Services. (23 pgs.) (95-97)
01/18/1995 In the matter of the application of Sprint Communication Company L.P. to introduce Sprint Sense, the Sprint Sense Charter Promotion and the Sprint Sense 100 Free Minutes Promotion, and to make changes to Business Sense. (30 pgs.) (95-64)
11/23/1994 Revised Price List; the purpose of this filing is to decrease the usage rates and/or per-call surcharges applicable to VPN, VPN Premiere, Hospitality Connection Service, FONCARD Solutions, Voice FONCARD Solutions and FONCARD Business Sense, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (25 pgs.)
11/02/1994 Price List Addendum; to annualize the Commitment Levels applicable to Real Solutions; to introduce an additional Commitment Level applicable to Real Solutions; to reduce the usage rates applicable to the Switched portion of 800 Solutions; and to introduce the "Business Sense Introduc- tory Offer" Promotion, the "Business Sense Longevity" Promotion and extend the "Autodialer Promotion" filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (FILED 10/31/94) (23 pgs.)
09/30/1994 Price List Addnedum, to increase the usage rate applicable tothe Off-Peak portion of Switched Sprint Clarity, filed on behalf of Sprint by A. Webster. (9 pgs.)
08/12/1994 Price List Addendum; to introduce th CPE Reprogramming Promotion, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (11)
06/29/1994 Tariff, PUCO No. 2, 7th title page, 7th page 1, 1st page 51, 2nd page 69, 3rd page 70, 2nd page 92, 6th Price List page 1, 1st Price List page 5, 1st Price List page 6, 1st Price List page 7, 1st Price List page 8, 1st Price List page 9, 1st Price List page 10, 1st Price List page 11, 2nd Price List page 13, filed on behalf of Sprint by A. Webster.
06/07/1994 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 2, 6th title page, 6th title page 1, 3rd page 82, 1st page 95.5, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
05/10/1994 Revised tariff, 5th addendum to price list page 1, original addendum to price list page 18, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
02/25/1994 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 2, 3rd addendum to Price List page 1; original addendum to Price List page 16, field on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
02/08/1994 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 2, 2nd addendum to Price List page 1, original addendum to Price List page 15, 1st addendum to Price List page 1, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
01/11/1994 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 2, 1st title page, 1st page 90, 1st page 91, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
01/07/1994 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 2, Price List - 1st addendem page 1, 1st addendum page 13, 1st addendum page 14, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
12/09/1993 Final tariff, PUCO No. 1, 57th page 1, 1st page 35.7.1, 1st page 35.7.3, 3rd page 47.12, 3rd page 47.12.1, 3rd page 47.13, 1st page 47.14, 2nd page 47.15, 4th page A-20, 4th page A-21, 3rd page A-22, 1st page A-22.1, 2nd page A-22.2, 1st page A-22.3, filed on bahalf of applicant by A. Webster. (93-1788)
11/16/1993 Final tariff, PUCO No. 1, 56th page 1, original page 35.7.3, 3rd page 36.1, 3rd page 36.2, 2nd page 36.3, 1st page 36.4, 1st page 47.15, 1st page A-17, 1st page A-18, 1st page A-19, 1st page A-22.2, original page A-22.3, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (93-1662)
10/18/1993 Tariff, Master Index, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
10/06/1993 Addendum to Price List, PUCO No. 1, 5th pae 1, 1st page 12, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
09/15/1993 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 1, Addendum pages, 4th page 1, original page 12, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
09/07/1993 Final tariff, PUCO No. 1, 55th page 1, 1st page 35.7.2, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (93-1189)
08/17/1993 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 1, 54th page 1, 10th page A-1, 7th page A-8, and 7th page A-14, filed on behalf of Sprint by A. Webster. (86-1144)
08/13/1993 Final tariff, PUCO No. 1, 53rd page 1, original page 34.2, 2nd page 41.4, and 5th page A-5.1, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (93-1089)
07/29/1993 Final tariff pages PUCO No. 1 filed on behalf of the applicant by A. Webster.
07/20/1993 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 1, Check Sheet - 52nd page 1; 2nd page 32.01; Price List - 1th page A-2, 3rd page A-21, filed on behalf of Sprint by A. Webster. (86-1144)
06/16/1993 Final tariff, PUCO No. 1, 50th page 1, 1st page 32.01, 5th page 38, 10th page A-2, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (93-941)
05/21/1993 Revised price list to revise Sprints VPN rates, tariff 1, 34.1, 35.2, 41.4, 47.2, 47.3, 47.4, 47.5, A5.1, A-9, A-10, A-11 and A-12 filed on behalf of Sprint by A. Webster.
04/29/1993 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 1, 49th page 1, 8th page 32, 10th page A-2, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
03/23/1993 FCC tariff, PUCO No. 1 Addendum, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (86-443)
03/05/1993 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 1, Check Sheet - 48th page 1; original page 13.1, filed on behalf of Sprint by A. Webster. (91-113)
02/17/1993 Addendum to Price List, PUCO No. 1, 1st page 1, 1st page 10, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
12/28/1992 Final tariff, PUCO No. 1, 47th page 1, 6th page 47.9, 6th page A-14, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (92-2108)
11/13/1992 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 46th page 1, 2nd page 35.6, 1st page 35.7, 2nd page 47.12, 1st page 47.12.1, 6th page A-8, 3rd page A-20, 1st page A-21, filed on behalf of Sprint by A. Webster. (86-1144)
11/09/1992 Updated Master Index, PUCO No. 1, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
10/09/1992 Promotional addendum, PUCO No. 1, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
09/28/1992 Final tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 44th page 1, 3rd page 35.1, 5th page 35.5, 1st page 35.1.1, 2nd page 47.1, 1st page 47.11, 5th page A-8, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (92-1494)
09/18/1992 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 1, Price List - 45th page 1, 4th page 35.1, 9th page A-1, 5th page A-14, 6th page A-15, 2nd page A-16, filed on behalf of Sprint by A. Webster. (86-1144)
08/14/1992 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 43rd page 1, 4th page A-5, 2nd page A-20, 1st page A-22, filed on behalf of Sprint by A. Webster. (86-1144)
08/14/1992 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 44th page 1, 3rd page 35.1, 5th page 35.5, 1st page 35.5.1, 2nd page 47.1, 1st page 47.1.1, 3rd page 47.11, 5th page A-8, filed on behalf of Sprint by A. Webster. (86-1144)
08/07/1992 Revised tariffs, FCC No. 1, original pages 146, 147, 148, 167, 333, 334, 335; FCC No. 2, 7th page 153, 10th page 168, 2nd page 169.1, 4th page 170.3, 1st 170.3.1, 1st page 170.3.2, 8th page 171, 9th page 171.3, 9th page 171.3, 3rd page 171.3.1, 2nd page 173.1; FCC No. 5, 6th page 24, 4th page 25, 3rd page 25.1, 1st page 28.2, 8th page 27, 10 page 28, 5th page 28.1, 2nd page 25.1.1, 3rd page 28.2, FCC No. 9, 1st page 44, 2nd page 45, 1st page 107, 2nd page 108, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (86-443)
07/08/1992 Addendum to Price List, Section 5.02 - 3rd page 36; Price List - 1st page A-20, original page A-21, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
07/06/1992 Final tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 42nd page 1, 8th page 2, 1st page 9.3, 2nd page 15.1, 6th page 17, 1st page 27.1, 7th page 32, original page 32.01, 3rd page 35.2, 2nd page 35.3, 4th page 35.5, original page 35.5.1, 1st page 35.6, original page 35.7, original page 35.8, 1st page 45.2, 1st page 47.8, 5th page 47.9, 4th page 47.10, 2nd page 47.11, 1st page 47.12, original page 47.12.1, 1st page 47.13, original page 48, 9th page A-2, 4th page A-14, 5th page A-15, 1st page A-16, 1st page A-20, original page A-21, original page A-22, original page A-23, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (90-929)
06/26/1992 Updated Master Index filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
04/27/1992 Revised tariffs, FCC No. 1, 5th page 46, original page 46.1, 6th page 54, original page 54.1; FCC No. 2, 7th page 153, 10th page 168, 8th page 171, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (86-443)
03/25/1992 Addendum to Price List, Section 5.02 - 3rd page 36; Price List - 4th page A-8, original page A-20, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
03/20/1992 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 4st page 1; 8th page A-1, filed on behalf of Sprint by A. Webster. (86-1144)
03/10/1992 Addendum to price list, Section 5.02 - 3rd page 36; Price List - 4th page A-8, original page A-20, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
03/06/1992 FCC tariffs, PUCO No. 1, Addendum, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (86-443)
03/06/1992 Final tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 40th page 1, 7th page 2, original page 9.3, 4th page 12, 5th page 14, 5th page 15, 1st page 15.1, 5th page 17, 5th page 20, 5th page 21, 5th page 23, 5th page 25, 3rd page 27, original page 27.1, original page 35.6, 4th page 47.9, original page 47.12, original page 47.13, original page A-20, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (92-153)
03/06/1992 Final tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 1st title page; 39th page 1, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster. (92-118)
02/26/1992 Addendum to Price List filed on behalf of applicant by A. Webster.
01/28/1992 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 1, Price List - 4th page A-2.1, filed on behalf of US Sprint by M. Thorne. (86-1144)
01/27/1992 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 37th page 1, 8th page 34, 2nd page 34.1, 3rd page 37, 4th page 38, and 7th page A-1, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Breitenbach. (91-2092)
01/22/1992 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 1, Check Sheet - 38th page 1; Price List - 4gh page A-2.1, filed on behalf of US Sprint by D. Breitenbach. (86-1144)
01/22/1992 Amended Check Sheet, PUCO No. 1, 36th page 1, filed on behalf of US Sprint by D. Breitenbach. (86-1144)
01/10/1992 An addendum to US Sprint's Price List which describes a promotion called "Business Solutions 2"; an addendum to US Sprint's Price List which describes a promotion called "Priority Weekend"; and an addendum to US Sprint's Price List which describes a promotion called "Sprint Weekend Special", filed on behalf of applicant by D. Breitenbach.
11/19/1991 Revised price list filed on behalf of US Sprint by L. Kemna. (86-1144)
10/24/1991 Addendum to Price List filed on behalf of applicant by L. Kemna.
10/15/1991 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 35th page 1, 3rd page A-9, 3rd page A-10, 4th page A-11, and 3rd page A-12, filed on behalf of US Sprint by D. Breitenbach. (86-1144)
10/07/1991 Addendum to US Sprint's Price List and updated Celebration in July addendum page, filed by D. Breitenbach.
09/27/1991 Final tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 34th page 1, 6th page 32, 3rd page 35.5, 3rd page 36, 2nd page 36.1, 1st page 36.2, 1st page 36.3, original page 36.4, 2nd page 37, 3rd page 38, 3rd page 47.9, 3rd page 47.10, 6th page A-1, 8th page A-2, 3rd page A-14, 4th page A-15, original page A-17, original page A-18, and original page A-19, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Breitenbach. (91-1525)
07/29/1991 Final tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 33rd page 1, 1st page 32.1, original page 32.2, filed on behalf of US Sprint by D. Breitenbach. (91-1048)
07/15/1991 Final tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 31st page 1, 3rd page 8, 7th page 34, 1st page 34.1, 3rd page 41, original page 41.4, 5th page 42, 4th page 42.1, 3rd page A-3.1, and 2nd page A-5.1, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Breitenbach.
06/12/1991 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 32nd page 1 and 5th page A-3.2, filed on behalf of US Sprint by D. Breitenbach. (86-1144)
06/12/1991 Addendum to Price List filed.
06/10/1991 Final tariffs filed on behalf of applicant by D. Breitenbach.
04/22/1991 Final tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 29th page 1, 2nd page 35.5, 2nd page 47.9, 2nd page 47.10, 1st page 47.11, 3rd page A-15, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Breitenbach. (91-426)
03/21/1991 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 28th page 1 and 3rd page A-13, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Breitenbach.
01/22/1991 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 27th page 1 and 2nd page A-15, filed on behalf of US Sprint by D. Breitenbach. (86-1144)
01/10/1991 Final tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 25th page 1, 5th page 34, 2nd page 35.1, 2nd page 35.2, 1st page 36.1, 1st page 36.2, original page 36.3, 2nd page 45.1, and 2nd page A-7.1, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Breitenbach. (90-1763)
12/21/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 26th page 1, 5th page A-1, 6th page A-2, 3rd page A-3, 2nd page A-3.1, 4th page A-3.2, 4th page A-7.1, 1st page A-7.2, and 2nd page A-14, filed on behalf of US Sprint by D. Breitenbach. (86-1144)
12/06/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 24 th page 1, 3rd page 40, 1st page 47.9, 3rd page A-3, 1st page A-14, 2nd page 38, 2nd page 41.1, 4th page A-1, and 3rd page A-3.2, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Breitenbach. (90-734)
11/09/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. l, 3rd page l3 and 2nd page 33, filed on behalf of US Sprint by D. Breitenbach. (85-1466)
11/07/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. l, 23rd page l, 6th page 2, 3rd page 5, 2nd page ll, 4th page l7, 4th page 20, 4th page 2l, 4th page 25, 5th page 32, original page 32.l, lst page 35.3, lst page 35.5, 4th page 39, 3rd page 39.0l, lst page 47.l0, 3rd page A-l, 5th page A-2, and lst page A-l5, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Breitenbach. (90-1435)
10/25/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. l, 22nd page l, 2nd page 36, lst page 37, and lst page 38, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Breitenbach. (90-1404)
10/19/1990 Revised tariff, PUCO No. l, 2nd page l3, filed on behalf of US Sprint by D. Breitenbach. (87-206)
09/07/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO NO. l, 20th page l, 2nd page 47.4, 2nd page 47.5, lst page 47.6.l, 3rd page A-ll, 2nd page A-l2, and lst page A-13.l, filed on behalf of US Sprint by D. Breitenbach.
08/10/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO NO. l, Intercity Telecommunications Services l9th revised page l and 3rd revised page 20, 90led on behalf of US Spring by D. Breitenbach.
06/04/1990 Initial tariff filed 5/18/90.