DIS - Case Record for 90-1540-RC-ACE Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/09/1994 Registration Form 563 and FCC licenses for nine of Central Ohio Cellular's fka Cellwave operating cells in Market 590A, Ohio 6-Morrow, and dbu map, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
03/02/1993 Certificate No. 117 issued. (ISSUED 3/1/93)
09/01/1992 Submission of RCC Radio Station Licenses filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
03/13/1992 Certificate No. 117 issued.
02/26/1992 Notice of modification to counties of operation filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
02/13/1992 Submission of FCC notification of status facilities filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
02/06/1992 Finding & Order accepting the late-filed proofs of publication as timely filed and granting the application.
02/06/1992 Tariffs, PUCO No. 1, original pages i, ii, and iii; original pages 1 thru 37; Price List - pages 1 thru 4, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
01/31/1992 Joint submittal of amendment to interconnect agreement filed on behalf of United Telephone by R. Cupp and Cellwave, Inc. by R. cohen and M. Dortch.
01/24/1992 Submission of generic interconnection agreements filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
01/23/1992 Supplemental information filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
01/13/1992 Supplement information to the application filed on behalf of the applicant by M. Dortch.
12/20/1991 Proposed tariffs, PUCO No. 1, pages 29-35, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
12/20/1991 Amendment to Cellwave, Inc.'s FCC Form 401, filed by M. Dortch.
10/31/1991 Letter filed on behalf of the applicant stating that there has been a delay pending approval by the FCC of Cellwave's sites filed by M. Dortch.
10/29/1991 Amended tariffs, PUCO No. 1, original pages 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34; Price List- pages 2 and 3, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
10/15/1991 FCC Form 401 filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
09/16/1991 Supplemental filing submitted on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
07/16/1991 Entry granting Cellwave's motion and that the Commission suspend its consideration of Cellwave's application for a period of 60 days; that following the 60 day suspension, Cellwave shall provide all of the information as requested by the Commission staff. (AE)
07/09/1991 Motion to suspend consideration of application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
07/03/1991 Amended tariffs, PUCO No. 1, Exhibit G; original pages i, ii, and iii; original pages 1 thru 36; Price List - pages 1, 2, and 3, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
05/09/1991 Proof of Publication filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch. (Wayne County)
05/07/1991 Proofs of publication filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch. (Knox, Ashland, Licking, Morrow, Holmes, and Coshocton Counties)
04/02/1991 Entry ordering that applicant's motion be granted and that it cause publication of legal notice in accordance with Finding 3 by April 19, 1991, and present proof of publication to the Commission by May 6, 1991; any interested entity who can show good cause why this application should not be granted should file with the Commission a written statement by May 6, 1991; unless the Commission receives a written statement to that effect, this matter will be decided on the basis of the information contained in the application. (AE)
04/01/1991 Supplemental information to application filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
03/28/1991 Motion for an entry ordering publication of public notice filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
03/07/1991 Entry ordering that Cellwave's motion be granted and that it be given until March 31, 1991 to file additional information (AE)
02/28/1991 Motion for an extension of time filed on behalf of applicant by M. Dortch.
02/15/1991 Entry ordering that the applicant shall have until March 1, 1991, to file the aforementioned requested information. (AE)
12/13/1990 Entry ordering applicant to cause publication of legal notic and present proof of publication by 1/16/91. (AE)
11/01/1990 Revised exhibits C, D, and G filed on behalf of the applicant by M. Dortch.
10/04/1990 In the matter of the application of Cellwave, Inc. for a certificate of public convenience and necessity.