DIS - Case Record for 89-6002-EL-TRF Skip to main content

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Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: TRF-Commission approved final tariffs
Date Opened: 9/18/1989
Date Closed:
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
10/07/2024Revised Tariff Sheet PUCO No. 19 DSR November 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Martin Mitch, Brown, Jay P. and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
09/26/2024Revised Tariff Sheets PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio Go Green Rider Sept. 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Bruce Sailers.4
09/25/2024Revised Tariff Sheet PUCO No. 89.14 Rider BTR, Base Transmission Rider and Sheet PUCO No. 10.186 Index to Applicable Electric Tariff Schedules and Communities Served electronically filed by Ms. Emily Olive on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Kingery, Jeanne W. Ms. and Vaysman, Larisa M. Ms. and Akhbari, Elyse H. Ms.12
09/20/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Amended Quarterly Report of 2nd Quarter 2024 DCI Filing electronically filed by Mrs. Minna Sunderman on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Kingery, Jeanne and Vaysman, Larisa and Akhbari, Elyse.21
08/30/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SCR October 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
08/29/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, for October 2024 AER-R electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Calloway, Jacqueline and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
06/24/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Rider LGR July 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ziolkowski, Jim and Duke Energy Ohio.9
06/24/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Rider DR-ECF July 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Berg, Kelly and Duke Energy Ohio.3
05/30/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, for July 2024 AER-R electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Calloway, Jacqueline and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
05/29/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, ESRR June 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ellis, Maggie and Duke Energy Ohio.9
05/29/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, RC and RE June 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie.8
05/28/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SCR July 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
05/02/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Quarterly Report of 1st Quarter 2024 DCI Filing electronically filed by Mrs. Minna Sunderman on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Akhbari, Elyse and Kingery, Jeanne and Vaysman, Larisa.22
02/28/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SCR April 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie.3
02/23/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy AER-R April 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Calloway, Jacqueline and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
02/01/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Quarterly Report of 4th Quarter DCI Filing electronically filed by Mrs. Minna Sunderman on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Kingery, Jeanne and Vaysman, Larisa.22
01/30/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio ETCJA March 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Julie Coholich and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
01/25/2024Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio PF February 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Brown, Jay P. and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio.9
12/18/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio LGR January 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
12/18/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SGF January 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/18/2023Revised Tariff Sheets, PUCO No. 19, USR for January 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs..3
11/30/2023In the Matter of the Application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to Adjust its Alternative Energy Recovery Rider, Rider AER-R electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Calloway, Jacqueline and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
11/29/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Amended Quarterly Report of Rider DCI electronically filed by Mrs. Minna Sunderman on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa.22
11/27/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SCR January 2024 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie.3
11/03/2023In the Matter of the Application for Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Report of 3rd Quarter DCI Filings electronically filed by Mrs. Minna Sunderman on behalf of D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Kingery, Jeanne and Vaysman, Larisa and Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.23
10/12/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. DSR November 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Brown, Jay P. and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
10/10/2023Revised Tariff Sheet PUCO No. 19, UE-ED 11-23, electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
10/10/2023Revised Tariff Sheet PUCO No. 19, UE-GEN 11-23, electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
09/21/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, To Adjust and Set Its Base Transmission Rider electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Kingery, Jeanne and Akhbari, Elyse Hanson and Vaysman, Larisa.12
09/01/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SCR October 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
08/30/2023Revised Tariff pages PUCO No. 19 AER-R to be effective October 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Calloway, Jacqueline and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
08/15/2023Revised Tariff Sheets, PUCO No. 19, EE-PDRR effective September 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim.9
08/03/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Report of 2nd Quarter DCI Filings electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa and Akhbari, Elyse Hanson and Kingery, Jeanne.23
07/07/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Corrected Rider LGR for July 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim.3
06/28/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio Electric DDR July 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim.9
06/27/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio LGR July 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
06/27/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio ECF July 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
05/25/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Updated AER-R July 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Jacqueline Calloway and Duke Energy Ohio.9
05/25/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Updated SCR for July 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie.3
05/24/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Amended Quarterly Report of Rider DCI electronically filed by Mrs. Minna Sunderman on behalf of D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa and Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.19
05/22/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio ESRR June 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Heitkamp, Douglas J. and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
05/18/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Updated Duke Energy Ohio RC RE Riders for June 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie.8
05/01/2023Annual Quarterly Report of Rider DCI for Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Mrs. Minna Sunderman on behalf of D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa and Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.20
02/27/2023Revised Tariff Pages, Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SCR April 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. (9 Pages)9
02/24/2023Revised Tariff Pages, P.U.C.O. Electric No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio Rider AER-R April 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Mrs. Julie Ann Lee and Jacqueline Calloway.3
01/31/2023Quarterly Report of Rider DCI Q4 2022 for Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Mrs. Minna Sunderman on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Vaysman, Larisa and D'Ascenzo, Rocco.19
01/30/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, ETCJA March 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Brown, Jay P. and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
01/13/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 20, Tariff Updates electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and Vaysman, Larisa and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Akhbari, Elyse and Kingery, Jeanne W.7
01/05/2023Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s Revised Compliance Tariff Sheet 128.6 Rider LGR electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Kingery, Jeanne and Vaysman, Larisa and Brama, Elizabeth and Verhalen, Kodi J.3
12/28/2022DCI Quarterly Report electronically filed by Ms. Emily Olive on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Vaysman, Larisa M. Ms.20
12/28/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Additional Revisions to Compliance Tariffs electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Vaysman, Larisa and Akhbari, Elyse.7
12/19/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Ms. Emily Olive on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Mr. Rocco D'Ascenzo, and Ms. Jeanne W. Kingery, and Ms. Larisa M. Vaysman, and Ms. Elyse H. Akhbari, and Ms. Elizabeth M. Brama, and Ms. Kodi J.Verhalen.195
12/16/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio Electric Rate Case electronically filed by Ms. Emily Olive on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Kingery, Jeanne W. Ms. and Vaysman, Larisa M. Ms. and Akhbari, Elyse H. Ms. and Brama, Elizabeth M. Ms. and Ms. Kodi J. Verhalen.197
12/15/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio USR January 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/15/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SGF January 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/15/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio LGR January 2023 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
12/01/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Alternative Energy Recovery Rider (Rider AER-R) filed by Julie Whisman on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.4
12/01/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Supplier Cost Reconciliation Rider (Rider SCR) effective January 2023 filed by Julie Whisman on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. (FAX)10
11/04/2022In the Matter of the Quarterly Reports of Rider DCI Q3 2022 for Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Mrs. Minna Sunderman on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa.19
10/17/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Rider UE-ED - November 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim.3
10/17/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Rider UE-GEN - November 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
10/13/2022Revised Tariff Pages, P.U.C.O. Electric No. 19, Rider DSR - November 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Martin, Mitch and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
09/23/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, To Adjust and Set Its Base Transmission Rider electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa.12
09/23/2022DCI Quarterly Report electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Vaysman, Larisa.19
09/01/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SCR October 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
08/31/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio AER-R October 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.3
08/03/2022Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s Quarterly Filing of required schedules and tariff pages related to the update of its Rider DCI electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and Vaysman, Larisa and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Kingery, Jeanne W and Akhbari, Elyse.19
06/16/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio LGR July 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ziolkowski, Jim and Duke Energy Ohio.9
06/16/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio DDR July 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim.3
06/13/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio ECF July 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly.9
05/23/2022Revised Tariff Pages, Duke Energy Ohio AER-R July 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
05/23/2022Revised Tariff Pages, Duke Energy Ohio SCR July 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
05/20/2022Revised Tariff Sheets, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio ESRR June 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Brown, Jay P.9
05/19/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio RC and RE Unredacted 6-22 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie.8
05/04/2022Duke Energy Ohio Pole Attachment tariff May 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio and Olive, Emily.16
05/02/2022Tariff update, Q1 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Vaysman, Larisa and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr.19
03/17/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio Electric Index April 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.7
02/25/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SCR April 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie.3
02/22/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio Rider AER-R April 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie.3
01/31/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Rider DCI 4th Quarter Report electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr., Vaysman, Larisa, Kingery, Jeanne W. and Akhbari, Elyse.19
01/31/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, ETCJA March 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Brown, Jay P. and Heitkamp, Douglas J.9
01/19/2022PUCO Electric No. 19 Tariff Duke Energy Ohio UE-GEN and UE-ED February 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ziolkowski, Jim and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.10
01/13/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio PF February 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Phyllis Pickens.9
01/11/2022Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Legacy Generation Rider - Final Tariff electronically filed by Ms. Emily Olive on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr., Kingery, Jeanne W. Ms. and Vaysman, Larisa M. Ms.3
12/17/2021PUCO Electric No. 19 Tariff Duke Energy Ohio USR January 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ziolkowski, Jim and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/17/2021PUCO Electric No.19 Tariff Duke Energy Ohio SGF January 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ziolkowski, Jim and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
12/13/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 20, to be effective December 14, 2021 - Filed with Correspondence by Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Rocco D'Ascenzo, Kingery, Jeanne W. and Vaysman, Larisa M.5
11/29/2021Duke Energy Ohio SCR January 2022 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Whisman, Julie and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio.3
11/19/2021In the Matter of the Application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to Adjust its Alternative Energy Recovery Rider, Rider AER-R electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Julie Whisman and Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.3
11/03/2021In the Matter of the Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Rider DCI 3rd Quarter Report electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Rocco D'Ascenzo, Larisa Vaysman and Jeanne W. Kingery.19
10/26/2021Duke Energy Ohio SGF November 2021 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
09/28/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio DSR November 2021 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Jay P. Brown and Duke Energy Ohio.9
09/24/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. submits proposed tariffs electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Mr. Rocco O. D'Ascenzo, Jeanne W. Kingery and Larisa Vaysman.12
09/17/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Rider DCI Amended 2nd Quarter Report electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Rocco D'Ascenzo, Jeanne W. Kingery, and Larisa M. Vaysman.19
09/15/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Rider DDR, Distribution Decoupling Rider, October 2021 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Berg, Kelly.3
08/31/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Rider AER-R Alternative Energy Recovery Rider, October 2021 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
08/31/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Rider SCR Supplier Cost Reconciliation Rider, October 2021 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
08/20/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio ESRR September 2021 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Jay P. Brown and Duke Energy Ohio.9
08/03/2021Notice of Material Change to Company Contacts electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.2
07/30/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Q2 - Required schedules and tariff pages related to update of Rider DCI electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Mr. Rocco O. D'Ascenzo, Jeanne W. Kingery, Elizabeth H. Watts and Larisa Vaysman.19
06/17/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Clean Sheet Rider LGR electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.3
06/01/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Proposed Updated Tariff Sheet for Rider SCR, effective July 2021 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Julie Whisman.3
06/01/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Updated Tariff Sheet for Rider AER-R, effective July 2021 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Julie Whisman.9
05/20/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio RE and RC Tariffs for June 2021 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Julie Whisman.8
05/19/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio ECF for June 2021 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Kelly Berg.9
04/30/2021Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Rider DCI 1st Quarter Report electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Rocco D'Ascenzo and Larisa Vaysman.19
03/01/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio AER-R April 2021 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ted Czupik, Julie Whisman Duke Energy Ohio.9
03/01/2021Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SCR April 2021 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Julie Whisman and Duke Energy Ohio.3
01/29/2021Revised Tariff Pages of Duke Energy Ohio ETCJA March 2021 for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Brown, Jay P. and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
01/26/2021Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. 4th Quarter DCI report and revised tariff for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Vaysman, Larisa.19
12/22/2020Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. submits its Revised Tariff Page, PUCO ELectric Tariff No. 19, in cases 20-1707-EL-RDR and 89-6002-EL-TRF electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Vaysman, Larisa.3
12/21/2020Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Tariff Sheet electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and Mr. Rocco O. D'Ascenzo.3
12/11/2020Tariff, Duke Energy Ohio Rider DM, PUCO No. 19, electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Kern, Jeff and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.10
12/04/2020Revised Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio SCR January 2021 for PUCO Electric Tariff No 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Whisman, Julie.3
12/04/2020In the matter of the Revised Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio AER-R January 2021 for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/01/2020Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and Larisa Vaysman and Mr. Rocco O. D'Ascenzo.3
10/30/2020In the Matter of the Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Third Quarter Schedules and Tariff Pages electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Rocco D'Ascenzo, Larisa Vaysman and Jeanne W. Kingery.18
10/21/2020Revised Tariff Sheet of Duke Energy Ohio UE-ED and UE-GEN November 2020 for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Berg, Kelly.10
09/28/2020Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio DSR November 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Mrs. Sarah Lawler.9
09/24/2020Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, for Proposed Electric Tariff electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Mr. Rocco O. D'Ascenzo and Larisa Vaysman.12
09/21/2020Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Amended Q2 Report of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s Tariff Page and Schedules Related to Update of its Distribution Capital Investment Rider electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Mr. Rocco O. D'Ascenzo, Larisa Vaysman and Jeanne W. Kingery.18
09/15/2020Staff Review and Recommendation in regards to Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.’s Rider ETCJA tariffs electronically filed by Zee Molter on behalf of PUCO Staff.2
08/31/2020Tariff - Duke Energy Ohio ETCJA 10-20 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Lawler, Sarah Mrs. and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio.9
08/28/2020Revised Tariff Page of Duke Energy Ohio SCR for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 effective October 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Whisman, Julie and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
08/28/2020Revised Tariff Page of Duke Energy Ohio AER-R effective October 2020, PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Czupik, Ted and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio.3
08/25/2020Staff Review and Recommendation in regards to Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.’s Application to Adjust its Electric Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Rider electronically filed by Zee Molter on behalf of PUCO Staff.3
08/03/2020Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Supplemental Q2 Report of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s Schedules and Tariff Page Related To Update of Its Distribution Capital Investment Rider electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Rocco D'Ascenzo and Larisa M. Vaysman.3
07/31/2020Report of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Schedules and Tariff Page Related To Update of Its Distribution Capital Investment Rider electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa and Kinergy, Jean.18
06/25/2020Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Amended Report For First Quarter of 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Rocco D'Ascenzo and Larisa Vaysman.18
06/08/2020In the matter of the Tariff revision, PUCO No. 19, Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. LGR June 2020 electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Rocco D'Ascenzo and Jeanne W. Kingery.4
05/29/2020Revised Tariff Page for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 of Duke Energy Ohio AER-R July 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Czupik, Ted and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
05/29/2020Revised Tariff Pages of Duke Energy Ohio for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 of SCR July 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Julie Whisman.9
05/27/2020P.U.C.O Electric No. 19 Tariff Duke Energy Ohio ESRR June 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Brown, Jay P. and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
05/22/2020Tariff Duke Energy Ohio RE and RC 6-20 Electric Tariffs electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.14
05/01/2020Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. submits herein the required schedules and tariff pages related to the update of its Distribution Capital Investment Rider (Rider DCI) /First Quarter 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Kingery, Jean.18
04/22/2020P.U.C.O Electric No. 19 Tariff Duke Energy Ohio ECF May 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.0
04/22/2020Tariff P.U.C.O. Electric No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio RC and RE electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
03/17/2020Amended Q4 Report of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., updating its Rider DCI January 31, 2020 Report electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Rocco D'Ascenzo and Kingery, Jeanne W. 19
02/28/2020P.U.C.O. Electric No. 19 tariff Duke Energy Ohio AER-R April 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Czupik, Ted and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
02/28/2020P,U,C.O Electric No. 19 tariff Duke Energy Ohio SCR April 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
01/31/2020Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. submits herein the required schedules and tariff pages related to the update of its Distribution Capital Investment Rider (Rider DCI) for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Kinergy, Jean.19
01/31/2020Revised Tariff Pages of Duke Energy Ohio ETCJA March 2020 for PUCO No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Lawler, Sarah Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
01/31/2020Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa.7
12/19/2019Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio USR January 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/19/2019Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio LGR January 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
12/19/2019Tariff of Duke Energy PSR January 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ziolkowski, Jim and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.4
12/18/2019Second Amended 3Q Report of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Watts, Elizabeth H. and Rocco D'Ascenzo.18
12/17/2019Revised tariff sheets of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for PUCO Electric Tariff No.19 Rate DM electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Kingery, Jeanne W. and Rocco D'Ascenzo.4
12/11/2019Revised Tariff Sheet of Duke Energy Ohio AER-R January 2020 for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Czupik, Ted and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/02/2019P.U.C.O.Electric No. 19 tariff Duke Energy Ohio SCR January 2020 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
11/26/2019In the Matter of the Application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to Adjust its Alternative Energy Recovery Rider, Rider AER-R electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Dana Patten.3
11/12/2019Amended 3Q Report of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Watts, Elizabeth.18
10/31/2019In the matter of the DCI Report to Docketing 3rd Quarter 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Watts, Elizabeth.12
10/24/2019Tariff Duke Energy Ohio UE-ED and UE-GEN November 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.10
10/11/2019Tariff: Duke Energy Ohio DSR November 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Lawler, Sarah Mrs. and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
09/26/2019Revised tariff pages of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. proposed electric tariff for Rider BTR, PUCO Tariff No.19 electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Rocco D'Ascenzo and Watts, Elizabeth H.0
09/25/2019Notice regarding Duke making amendment to lower the proposed DCI rate and Attachments A & B electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Watts, Elizabeth H.12
08/29/2019Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio PSR October 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Kelly Berg and Mrs. Julie Ann Lee.7
08/29/2019Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SCR October 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Kelly Berg and Mrs. Julie Ann Lee.9
08/28/2019Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio DDR 9-19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Jim Ziolkowski.3
08/27/2019Tariff Duke Energy Ohio AER-R October 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Patten, Dana and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
08/26/2019Compliance Tariff Sheet electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Duke Energy.19
08/23/2019Notification of Rate Calculation Filing electronically filed by Ms. Emily Olive on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.20
08/23/2019Tariff Clean Sheet No. 119 Rider EE_PDRR electronically filed by Ms. Emily Olive on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.3
07/31/2019Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Electric No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio's 2nd Quarter 2019 Report related to update of its Distribution Capital Investment Rider (Rider DCI) electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Watts, Elizabeth.18
06/20/2019Revised Tariff Pages PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio's EE-PDR Rider electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Watts, Elizabeth.3
05/30/2019Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SCR for July 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Kelly Berg and Mrs. Julie Ann Lee.3
05/30/2019Revised Tariff PUCO Electric No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio PSR July 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.7
05/22/2019Revised Tariff Pages of Duke Energy Ohio RC and RE June 2019, PUCO Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.14
05/22/2019Revised Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio ECF June 2019, PUCO Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Patten, Dana.3
05/22/2019Revised Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio AER-R July 2019, PUCO Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Patten, Dana and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
04/26/2019Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Electric No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio's 1st Quarter 2019 Report related to update of its Distribution Capital Investment Rider (Rider DCI) electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Rocco D'Ascenzo and Elizabeth H. Watts.17
04/05/2019Duke Energy of Ohio Revised Electric Tariff, PUCO No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ziolkowski, Jim and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.68
03/01/2019Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Tariff Duke Energy Ohio SCR April 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Kelly Berg.9
02/28/2019In the Matter of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s Rider PSR quarterly report filings electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L. Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and Mr. Rocco D'Ascenzo and Elizabeth H. Watts.7
02/28/2019Revised Tariff PUCO Electric No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio AER-R Corrected April 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Patten, Dana and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
02/22/2019Revised Tariff PUCO Electric No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio AER-R April 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Patten, Dana and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
02/21/2019Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Electric No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio ETCJA March 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Mrs. Sarah Lawler and Mrs. Julie Ann Lee.9
02/04/2019Corrected Tariffs Ohio Electric electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.73
01/29/2019Revised Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., submits herein the required Schedules and Tariff pages related to the update of its Distribution Capital Investment Rider. electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Watts, Elizabeth H.16
01/22/2019Revised Tariff PUCO No. 19 - Duke Energy Ohio PDRR electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.2
01/22/2019Revised Tariff PUCO No. 19 - Duke Energy Ohio ECF electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.2
01/22/2019Revised Tariff PUCO No. 19 - Duke Energy Ohio DDR electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.2
01/22/2019Revised Tariff PUCO No.19 -Duke Energy Ohio UE-ED electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Ziolkowski, Jim.2
01/22/2019Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio UE-GEN electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ziolkowski, Jim and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.2
12/28/2018Duke Energy Ohio Electric Rate Case Tariff PUCO No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.113
12/20/2018Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. submits the required schedules and tariff pages related to the update of its Distribution Capital Investment Rider (Rider DCI) for Puco Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Watts, Elizabeth H.16
12/20/2018Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio UE-ED Jan. 2019 for PUCO No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
12/20/2018Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio UE-GEN Jan. 2019 for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/20/2018Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio USR Jan. 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
11/30/2018Final PUCO Electric No. 19 Tariff Duke Energy Ohio SCR January 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
11/29/2018In the Matter of the Application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to Adjust its Alternative Energy Recovery Rider, Rider AER-R January 2019 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Heitkamp, Douglas J. and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
10/31/2018In the Matter of the Quarterly Reports of Rider DCI schedules electronically filed by Mrs. Adele M. Frisch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Rocco O. D'Ascenzo and Elizabeth H. Watts.15
09/27/2018Tariff Duke Energy Ohio BTR October 2018, PUCO Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Czupik, Ted and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.11
08/29/2018Revised Tariff Sheets of Duke Energy Ohio SCR October 2018 for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
08/16/2018Revised tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio AER-R October 2018 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Heitkamp, Douglas J. and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
07/30/2018Required schedules and tariff pages related to the update of its Rider DCI electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Kingery, Jeanne W.15
07/23/2018Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s revised Rider-DR-ECF tariff sheet, PUCO Tariff No 19, electronically filed by Mrs. Adele M. Frisch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O and Kingery, Jeanne W and Watts, Elizabeth H.4
05/30/2018Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SCR July 2018 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
05/29/2018Revised Un-redacted tariffs - Sheet No. 111.9 Rider RC Retail Capacity Rider & Sheet No. 112.9 Rider RE Retail Energy Rider electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Watts, Elizabeth H and Kingery, Jeanne W.8
05/24/2018Revised tariff pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio AER-R July 2018 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Dana Pattan.3
04/30/2018Revised tariff pages: PUCO Tariff No. 19, and schedules related to the update of its Distribution Capital Investment Rider (Rider DCI) electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.15
04/18/2018Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Electric No. 19 (Corrected) Duke Energy Ohio RC June 2018 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.5
04/13/2018Revised Tariff Sheets PUCO Tariff # 18 for Riders FBS and EFBS with Calculation Pages electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.18
03/27/2018Revised tariff pages, PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio DR-IM effective April 2018 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Mrs. Sarah Lawler.3
03/20/2018Tariff Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s REVISED compliance tariffs. electronically filed by Mrs. Adele M. Frisch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O and Watts, Elizabeth H.3
03/19/2018Tariff Case No. 89-6002-EL-TRF - PUCO Electric No. 19 Sheet No. 103.11 - Rider DCI Distribution Capital Investment Rider electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Watts, Elizabeth H.3
03/19/2018Tariff Case No. 89-6002-EL-TRF - PUCO Electric No. 19 Sheet No. 110.24 - Rider AER-R Alternative Energy Recovery Rider electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Watts, Elizabeth H.3
03/19/2018Tariff Case No. 89-6002-EL-TRF - PUCO Electric No. 19 - Sheet No. 115.23 electronically filed by Mrs. Debbie L Gates on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco O. Mr. and Watts, Elizabeth H.3
02/26/2018Revised PUCO No. 19 tariff Duke Energy Ohio AER-R April 2018 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Patten, Dana and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
02/23/2018Revised PUCO No. 19 tariff Duke Energy Ohio SCR April 2018 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Berg, Kelly and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
02/20/2018Amended Revised PUCO Tariff No.19, Notification of Commission ordered Quarterly Filing electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.15
01/26/2018Revised PUCO Tariff 19, Notification of Commission ordered Quarterly Filing electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Ms. Elizabeth H. Watts.15
12/21/2017Duke Energy Ohio UE-GEN Jan. 2018 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Patten, Dana and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/21/2017Duke Energy Ohio UE-ED Jan. 2018 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Patten, Dana and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
12/14/2017Tariff Duke Energy Ohio USF January 2018 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
11/30/2017Revised PUCO Tariff No. 19, December 2017 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Jim Ziolkowski.9
11/29/2017Amended PUCO Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Ms. Elizabeth H. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.15
11/29/2017Revised PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SCR January 2018 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Kelly Berg.8
11/22/2017New Tariff to Provide Generation Station Power for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Kingery, Jeanne W Ms.4
11/21/2017In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio to adjust its Alternative Energy Recovery Rider with the first billing cycle in January 2018 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Heitkamp, Douglas J. and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
11/02/2017Final PUCO No. 19 Tariff Duke Energy Ohio LFA November 2017 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
10/27/2017In the Matter of the Reports enclosing quarterly Rider DCI schedules and tariffs electronically filed by Ms. Emily Olive on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Spiller, Amy B. Ms. and Kingery, Jeanne W. Ms.15
10/12/2017Tariff filed - PUCO No. 1 electronically filed by Ms. Emily Olive on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Ms. Amy B. Spiller and Ms. Jeanne W. Kingery.9
09/27/2017Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio BTR October 2017 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Steinkuhl, Lisa and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.10
09/25/2017Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio LFA October 2017 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
08/25/2017Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio SCR 10-17 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Berg, Kelly and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
08/25/2017Tariff PUCO 19 Duke Energy Ohio AER-R 10-17 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Czupik, Ted and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
05/26/2017Tariff PUCO No. 19 for Duke Energy Ohio SCR July 2017 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
05/26/2017Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No. 18, electronically filed by Ms. Emily Olive on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Spiller, Amy B. Ms. and Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.2
05/25/2017Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio AER-R July 2017 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Czupik, Ted and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
05/24/2017Tariff Duke Energy Ohio RC and RE June 2017 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.13
05/23/2017Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio LFA June 2017 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Berg, Kelly.4
05/09/2017Revised Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio RC and RE May 2017. electronically filed by Mrs. Adele M. Frisch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Spiller, Amy B and Kingery, Jeanne W.8
03/23/2017Tariff Corrected Duke Energy LFA April 2017 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.4
03/22/2017Tariff Duke Energy Ohio LFA April 2017 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio.9
02/27/2017Revised Tariff Page of Duke Energy Ohio SCR April 2017 for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Patten, Dana and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
02/23/2017Revised tariff pages of Duke Energy Ohio AER-R April 2017 for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Czupik, Ted and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
02/21/2017Revised tariff page of Duke Energy Ohio Rider DR-IM April 2017 for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Laub, Peggy Mrs. and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/27/2016Revised Tariff for Duke Energy Ohio UE-ED January 2017 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/21/2016Duke Energy Ohio UE-GEN January 2017 for PUCO Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Patten, Dana and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/21/2016Duke Energy Ohio USR January 2017 for PUCO Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Patten, Dana and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/21/2016Duke Energy Ohio UE-ED Rider Jan. 2017 for PUCO Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Patten, Dana and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
11/29/2016In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to adjust its Alternative Energy Recovery Rider, Rider AER-R - Revised Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio AER-R January 2017 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Czupik, Ted and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
11/22/2016Revised Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio SCR January 2017 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Linton, John and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
10/11/2016Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio PA 10-16 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.15
09/21/2016Tariff Duke Energy Ohio BTR Oct. 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Czupik, Ted and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio10
08/23/2016Tariff Duke Energy Ohio SCR October 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio and Linton, John.8
08/05/2016Revised Tariff DDR September 2016 of Duke Energy Ohio for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ziolkowski, Jim and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
08/03/2016Revised Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio AER-R October 2016 for PUCO Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Steinkuhl, Lisa and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
06/02/2016Final PUCO Electric No.19Tariff Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Tariff Sheet No. 49.5 electronically filed by Mrs. Kristen Ryan on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Watts, Elizabeth Mrs. and Spiller, Amy B. Mrs.26
05/31/2016Correspondence Tariff Cancellation electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Kingery, Jeanne W Ms.7
05/26/2016Revised Tariff Pages of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s Unredacted Tariffs, Sheet No. 111.7 and 112.7 for PUCO Electric Tariff No.19 electronically filed by Mrs. Kristen Ryan on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Kingery, Jeanne W. Mrs. and Spiller, Amy B. Mrs.8
05/26/2016Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio ECF May 2016 (3) electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Patten, Dana and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
05/24/2016Tariff Duke Energy Ohio AER July 2016 Revised electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Steinkuhl, Lisa and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
05/23/2016Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No.19, Duke Energy Ohio LFA June 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Berg, Kelly and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
05/23/2016Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio SCR July 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Linton, John and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio.8
05/23/2016Revised Tariff Sheet of Duke Energy Ohio ECF May 2016 (2) for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Patten, Dana and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
05/13/2016Revised Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s Tariff Sheet Nos. 111.7 and 112.7 electronically filed by Mrs. Kristen Ryan on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Kingery, Jeanne W. Mrs.8
05/13/2016Revised Tariff PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio AER-R July 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Steinkuhl, Lisa and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
05/05/2016Revised Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio RC and RE May 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.15
04/26/2016Revised Tariff Report enclosing quarterly Rider DCI schedules and tariff filings for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Spiller, Amy B. and Watts, Elizabeth H.15
03/31/2016Revised Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio Gas AU April 2016 and Electric DR-IM April 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Laub, Peggy Mrs. and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.13
03/02/2016Duke Energy Ohio Tariff LFA April 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.2
02/26/2016Tariff PUCO No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio AER-R April 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Lisa Steinkuhl.8
02/22/2016Duke Energy Ohio ECF March 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
02/19/2016Duke Energy Ohio SCR April 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Linton, John and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/17/2015Tariff PUCO No. 19 Revised Duke Energy Ohio USR Jan. 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
12/16/2015Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio USR Jan. 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
11/23/2015In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio to adjust its Alternative Energy Recovery Ride, AER-R January 2016 with Corrected Letter electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Miller, Susan and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
11/20/2015Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio LFA January 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.2
11/19/2015PUCO Tariff No. 19 of Duke Energy Ohio SCR January 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Miller, Susan and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
11/18/2015Revised Tariff Pages PUCO tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio AER-R January 2016 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Miller, Susan and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
10/15/2015Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio UE-GEN 11-15 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Czupik, Ted and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
10/15/2015Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio UE-ED 11-15 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Czupik, Ted and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
09/24/2015Revised Tariff Pages PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio BTR October 2015 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A.. Lee on behalf of Czupik, Ted and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.10
08/31/2015Tariff of Duke Energy Ohio LFA October 2015 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.2
08/27/2015Final Tariff P.U.C.O. No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio AER-R October 2015 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Miller, Susan and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
08/26/2015Final Tariff P.U.C.O. No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio SCR October 2015 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Miller, Susan and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
08/20/2015Duke Energy Ohio Electric Tariff DM-I August 2015 for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.9
05/28/2015Revised Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio ESP 2015 Rider RC electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim.5
05/27/2015Revised PUCO Tariff No. 19 for Duke Energy Ohio AER-R July 2015 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Miller, Susan.8
05/22/2015Revised Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio SCR July 2015 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Miller, Susan.3
05/21/2015Tariff PUCO No. 19 of Duke Energy Ohio ESP Correction electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim.7
05/19/2015Revised PUCO Tariffs No. 19 & 20 for Duke Energy Ohio ESP June 2015 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim.160
04/29/2015Tariff PUCO No. 19 for Duke Energy Ohio ESSC Rider May 2015 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim.10
04/10/2015Revised Tariff Pages PUCO Tariff No.19, Duke Energy Ohio DR-ECF 5-15 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Patten, Dana.13
04/08/2015Final tariff P.U.C.O Gas No. 18 Duke Energy Ohio AU and DR-IM Filing 4-15 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Laub, Peggy Mrs.13
03/24/2015Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio Revised ESSC April 2015 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim.5
03/20/2015Tariff PUCO No. 19 Duke Energy Ohio Electric Security Stabilization Rider electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ziolkowski, Jim and Duke Energy Ohio.10
02/26/2015Duke Energy Ohio AER-R Filing 4-15 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Miller, Susan.8
02/25/2015Revised Tariff Pages, Duke Energy Electric Rider LFA electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly.2
02/20/2015Tariff PUCO No. 19 of Duke Energy Ohio Supplier Cost Reconciliation Rider 4/15 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Miller, Susan and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
01/28/2015PUCO Electric No. 19 tariff Duke Energy Ohio Electric Security Stabilization Rider electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ziolkowski, Jim and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.10
12/22/2014Tariff PUCO Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Spiller, Amy B. and Ziolkowski, James E.10
12/12/2014Duke Energy Ohio Rider USR effective 1-15 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
12/01/2014In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio to adjust its AER-R electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Miller, Susan and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
11/21/2014Proposal to keep the current rate by Duke Energy Ohio Load Factor Adjustment Rider 1-2015 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Berg, Kelly and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.2
11/20/2014Tariff PUCO No. 19 for Duke Energy Ohio Supplier Cost Reconciliation Rider 1-2015 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and Miller, Susan and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.3
09/25/2014Revised tariff of Duke Energy Ohio for the Electric Distribution Rider, PUCO Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ziolkowski, Jim and Patten, Dana and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs.8
09/25/2014Duke Energy Ohio Electric Generation Rider electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ziolkowski, Jim and Duke Energy Ohio and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Dana Patten.3
09/25/2014Duke Energy Ohio Base Transmission Rider electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Ziolkowski, Jim and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio and Ted Czupik5
08/28/2014Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Ohio Load Factor Adjustment Rider electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee and Kelly Berg.3
08/26/2014Duke Energy Ohio AER-R Rider Filing for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Miller, Susan and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio.3
08/22/2014Duke Energy Ohio Supplier Cost Reconciliation Rider Filing PUCO No. 19 electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Miller, Susan and Lee, Julie Ann Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio3
07/09/2014Tariff Sheet No. 23.4, Section IV - Customer's and Company's Installations electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Kingery, Jeanne W Ms.5
06/24/2014Tariff filing Rider DDR Sheet No.122.1 electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Laub, Peggy A. and Ziolkowski, James E. 3
06/17/2014Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Duke Energy Rider DR-IKE electronically filed by Mrs. Julie A. Lee on behalf of Laub, Peggy Mrs. and Duke Energy Ohio.3
05/29/2014Revised Tariff Pages, PUCO No. 19 Sheet 114.1 electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Laub, Peggy A. and Kelly Berg. 8
05/28/2014Tariff filing with correspondence PUCO No. 19 electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Laub, Peggy A. and Miller, Susan R.3
05/23/2014Revised tariff filing, enclosing proposed tariff PUCO No. 19 electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Peggy A. Laub and Susan R. Miller.3
05/16/2014Revised tariff P.U.C.O. Gas No. 18 Rider UE-G, Uncollectible Expense Rider electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Duke Energy.3
04/09/2014Revised Tariff Pages PUCO Tariff No.'s 10, 18, 19 Rider AU, Advanced Utility Rider and Rider DR-IM, Infrastructure Modernization Rider and Updated Indexes electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Duke Energy.13
04/09/2014Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed by J. Ziolkowski on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.13
03/28/2014Revised tariff pages of Duke Energy Ohio, PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 filed by D. Patten.11
02/26/2014Revised tariff pages PUCO tariff No.19 filed by Peggy Laubr on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.7
02/24/2014Revised tariff sheet for PUCO Electric Tariff No, 19 filed by L Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.2
02/11/2014Update for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 filed by P. Laub on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.2
01/28/2014Revised tariff pages for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 filed by J. Ziolkowski on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.15
01/23/2014Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.8
01/13/2014Corrected tariff for bills rendered beginning with the first billing cycle in January 2014 filed on behalf of Duke Energy by S. Miller.2
12/20/2013Revised tariff pages, P.U.C.O. Electric No.19 filed by J. Ziolkowski on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 2
12/20/2013Revised tariff page P.U.C.O. Electric No. 19 filed by J.Ziolkowski on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 7
12/04/2013Revised tariff pages for PUCO Tariff No. 18 filed by J. Ziolkowski on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.29
11/27/2013Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by J. Ziolkowski on behalf of Duke Energy.7
11/13/2013In the matter of the Application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to adjust its Alternative Energy Recovery Rider, Rider AER-R.2
09/25/2013Riders RTO and BTR, Regional Transmission Organizational Rider and Base Transmission Rider tariff pages PUCO No.19 filed by Lisa Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.11
09/24/2013Revised tariff pages PUCO tariff No.19 filed by D. Patten on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.7
09/03/2013Revised tariff pages, P.U.C.O Electric No. 19 filed by D. Patten on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. 7
08/30/2013Revised tariff sheet for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 filed by S. Miller on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.2
08/30/2013Revised tariff sheet for PUCO Electric Tariff No, 19 filed by L Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.2
06/20/2013Updating Duke energy Ohio electric tariff sheets for PUCO No.19, effective July 1, 2013 filed by D. Patten.7
06/03/2013Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed by J. Ziolkowski on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.6
05/31/2013Tariff update to Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s tariff, PUCO No. 19 filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. by L. Steinkuhl.7
05/29/2013Revised Tariffs PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by Jim Ziolkowski on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 41
05/24/2013Revised tariff pages PUCO tariff No.19 filed by S. Miller on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.3
05/03/2013Revised tariff pages of Duke Energy Ohio, PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19, filed by J. Ziolkowski.122
03/28/2013Tariff filing of Rider AU, Advanced Utility Rider and Rider DR-IM, Infrastructure Modernization Rider PUCO Gas No.18 filed by Peggy Laub on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc.12
03/22/2013Revised tariff pages PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by D.Patten, Lead Rates Analyst on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 8
03/08/2013Revised tariff PUCO No. 19 to become effective for bills rendered beginning with the first billing cycle in April, 2013 filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by J. Riddle. 5
03/08/2013Revised tariff sheets including rate calculations of Duke Energy Ohio for PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed by J. Ziolkowski.9
03/01/2013Revised tariff sheets of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 9 to become effective with the first billing cycle in April 2013 field by K. Berg.11
03/01/2013Letter of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. proposes to keep the current rate for Rider LFA in effect for the second quarter of 2013 filed by K. Berg.1
03/01/2013Revised tariff sheet of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 becoming effective with the first billing cycle in April 2013 field by D. Patten.2
03/01/2013Revised tariff sheet of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 for the first billing cycle in April 2013 filed by S. Miller.2
03/01/2013Tariff update of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 filed by L. Steinkull.2
02/28/2013Revised tariff pages PUCO tariff No. 19, Sheet No. 115.3 filed by Susan R. Miller on behalf of Duke Energy Corp.2
01/11/2013Revised tariff sheets of Duke Energy Ohio for PUCO Tariff No. 19 with an effective date of May 31, 2013 filed by J. Ziolkowski.9
12/21/2012Revised tariff, PUCO Electric No. 19 for Duke Energy, Inc. with revised index, concerning its Energy Efficiency Recovery Rate filed by J. Ziolkowski.7
12/13/2012Revised tariff pages PUCO tariff No. 19 filed by Jim Ziolkowski on behalf of Duke Energy, Ohio.7
11/30/2012In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to adjust its Alternative Energy Recovery Rider, Rider AER-R. 2
09/27/2012Revised tariff PUCO No. 19 of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Duke Energy.12
09/27/2012Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed by S. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.11
09/18/2012Tariff PUCO Electric No. 19, of Duke Energy Ohio copies of Rider UE-ED, Uncollectible Expense - Electric Distribution Rider, filed by Dana Patten.2
09/18/2012Tariff PUCO Electric No. 19, for Duke Energy Ohio revised index, filed by Dana Patten.2
08/29/2012Updated tariff of Duke Energy Ohio for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl.2
07/16/2012Final revised tariff page sheets PUCO Electric No. 19 No. 109.02 filed by P. Laub on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. 2
06/20/2012Tariff, PUCO Gas No. 18, Sheet No. 33, Residential Firm Transportation Service for Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Kingery, Jeanne W. Ms.8
06/15/2012Revised tariff pages PUCO tariff No. 18 filed by P. Laub on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.12
05/25/2012Tariff pages PUCO Tariff No.19, proposed tariffs to become effective for bills rendered beginning with the first billing cycle in July 2012. filed by Susan R. Miller on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.7
05/25/2012Revised Tariff pages PUCO Tariff No.19, filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.2
05/07/2012In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for administration of the significantly excess earnings test under section 4928.143(F), Revised Code Administrative Code. 7
05/03/2012Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No. 19 on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth.3
03/30/2012Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No.19 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.7
02/28/2012Tariff P.U.C.O. Electric No 19 Rider SCR filed by P. Laub on behalf of Duke Energy Corporation.2
12/22/2011Tariff continued. (Part 2 of 2)151
12/22/2011Revised tariff PUCO No. 19 on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio filed by J. Kingery. (Part 1 of 2)150
10/28/2011Tariff pages of the Rider UE-ED Uncollectible Expense- Electric Distribution Rider. PUCO Electric No. 19 on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio filed by Dana Patten.7
09/26/2011Report of Rider FPP-Fuel and Economy purchased power effective September 30, 2011 filed by Lisa D. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy. 7
09/26/2011Report of the Rider TCR Transmission Cost Recovery Tracker effective September 30, 2011 filed by Lisa Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy. 3
08/31/2011Revised tariff PUCO No. 19 filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. by S. Miller.3
07/27/2011Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No.19 filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.9
06/23/2011Revised Rider FPP sheets effective July 1, 2011 and revised index sheets for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.7
05/26/2011Tariff filed for purposes of updating the Duke Energy Ohio's electric tariff P.U.C.O. Electric No. 19 filed by S. Miller on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.3
05/05/2011Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. withdrawing its regulatory charge rider, RTC, tariff sheet No. 84.3 effective December 31, 2010 filed by E. Watts.4
04/08/2011Revised tariff sheets of Duke Energy Ohio for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl.7
03/28/2011Revised and updated tariff sheets of Duke Energy Ohio for PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed by P. Laub.7
03/24/2011Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by J. Ziolkowski on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.7
03/24/2011Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by J. Ziolkowski on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.7
03/22/2011Revised tariff pages PUCO tariff No. 19 filed by J. Riddle on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc..6
03/22/2011Revised tariff pages PUCO tariff No.19 filed by J. Riddle on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc..5
03/01/2011Updated tariff PUCO No. 19, Sheet No. 56.20, Rider SRT, System Reliability Tracker filed by S. Miller.3
02/07/2011Updated and revised tariff pages of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed by J. Ziolkowski.9
01/03/2011Revised tariff sheets of Duke Energy Ohio for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 for Annually Adjusted Component Rider effective January 4, 2011 filed by P. Laub.9
12/20/2010Revised tariff pages PUCO No. 19 filed by D. Patten on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 2
12/01/2010Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed by D. Patten on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.3
11/12/2010Revised tariff PUCO No. 19 filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. by K. Cocanougher. (FAX)2
10/29/2010Revised tariff pages, PUCO No. 19, filed on behalf of Duke Energy of Ohio, Inc. by E. Watts. 12
09/30/2010Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.8
09/24/2010Revised tariff for Duke Energy Ohio's Rider FPP - Fuel and Economy Purchased Power effective September 30,2010 filed by L. Steinkuhl.2
09/10/2010Revised tariff, PUCO No. 19, filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.4
08/30/2010Revised tariff PUCO Electric No. 19 to become effective for bills rendered beginning with the first billing cycle in October 2010 filed by D. Patten on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 3
07/26/2010Revised tariff pages, PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by D. Storck on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. 7
07/15/2010In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for approval of tariff for Rate CPP electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.8
06/28/2010Updated tariff pages of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 filed by J. Ziolkowski.8
06/25/2010Tariff Rider FPP-Fuel and Economy Purchased Power filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.7
06/01/2010Revised tariff pages PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by D. Patten on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.3
04/07/2010In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for approval of tariff for rate PTR.5
04/01/2010Revised tariff pages, PUCO No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 7
03/09/2010Revised tariff pages PUCO tariff No.19 filed by D. Storck on behalf of Duke Energy, Ohio, Inc..9
03/01/2010Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No.19 filed by D. Patten on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.3
02/26/2010Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by R. Parsons on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.4
02/26/2010In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for approval to modify Rider FBS and Rider EFBS.22
02/26/2010Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed by D. Storck on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.13
01/29/2010Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by A. Schafer on behalf of Duke Energy. 16
01/22/2010Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by D. Storck on behalf of Duke Energy. 10
01/12/2010In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for approval of tariff for rates TD-AM. 6
01/05/2010Amended application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to modify its tariff for Rider PLM and for expedited approval. Electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H.11
12/21/2009Revised tariff PUCO No. 19, Rider FPP - Fuel and Economy Purchased Power effective January 4, 2010, filed on behalf of Duke Energy by L. Steinkuhl. 7
12/18/2009Rider USR, Universal Service Fund Rider, PUCO No. 19 which was approved pursuant to the Commission order dated December 16, 2009 filed by D. Storck on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.2
12/18/2009Rider PTC-AAC, PUCO No. 19 annually adjustment component rider which becomes effective on January 4, 2010 filed by R. Parsons on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.4
12/01/2009Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by D. Patten on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.3
09/28/2009Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Corporation.10
09/28/2009Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Corporation.3
09/11/2009Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Exhibit B to application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H.5
09/09/2009Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, Exhibits A and B to application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to modify its tariff for rider PLM and for expedited approval electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H.5
09/08/2009In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to modify its tariff for rider PLM and for expedited approval.3
08/31/2009Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by D. Patten on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.3
08/21/2009Revised tariff pages, PUCO Gas Tariff No. 18 filed by D. Storck on behalf of Duke Energy Corporation.2
07/10/2009Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by D. Storck on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.130
06/30/2009Revised index pages of Duke Energy Ohio for PUCO Tariff No. 19, Rider PTC-FPP effective July 1, 2009 filed by L. Steinkuhl.9
06/01/2009Revised tariff pages, PUCO No. 19 filed by D. Patten on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 3
04/17/2009Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed by R. Parsons on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.11
04/01/2009Revised tariff pages, PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 9
03/31/2009In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio for recovery of cost, lost margin and performance incentive associated with the implementation of electric residential and non-residential demand side management programs. 55
03/02/2009Revised tariff PUCO No. 19 to update Sheet No. 56.12, Rider SRA-SRT, System Reliability Tracker filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by L. Steinkuhl.3
02/27/2009Revised tariff pages PUCO tariff No. 19 filed by R. Parsons on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.4
12/23/2008Tariff pages for PUCO No. 19 of Duke Energy Ohio filed by D. Storck.16
12/23/2008Tariff pages for PUCO No. 19 of Duke Energy Ohio filed by D. Storck.16
12/23/2008Tariff pages for PUCO No. 19 of Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company filed by D. Storck.16
12/22/2008Revised tariff pages, PUCO Electric No. 19 and 20, filed by D. Storck on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc.133
12/11/2008Revised tariff pages continued PUCO Tariff No.19 & 20 filed by A. Schafer on behalf of Duke Energy. (part 2 of 2)175
12/11/2008Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No.19 & 20 filed by A. Schafer on behalf of Duke Energy. (part 1 of 2)201
12/02/2008Revised tariff pages, PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by A. Schafer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 3
11/28/2008Revised tariff PUCO No. 19, filed on behalf of Duke Energy by J. Janson.10
10/17/2008Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by T. McIntosh on behalf of Duke Energy, Ohio.10
09/25/2008Revised tariff pages, PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 8
09/17/2008Revised tariff pages, PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 3
08/29/2008Proposed tariff of Duke Energy Ohio Tariff PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 to become effective for bills rendered beginning with the first billing cycle in September 2008 filed by L. Steinkuhl.3
08/29/2008Revised tariff of Duke Energy Ohio for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 filed by T. McIntosh.6
07/31/2008In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio for approval to amend its tariff.33
06/27/2008Rider SRT, System Reliability Tracker, effective June 30, 2008 and revised index filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by L. Steinkuhl. 9
06/27/2008Rider FPP-Fuel Economy Purchased Power effective June 30, 2008 and revised index filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by L. Steinkuhl.8
06/25/2008In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for tariff approval.1
05/30/2008Proposed electric tariff to become effective for bills rendered beginning with the first billing cycle in July 2008 on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio filed by L. Steinkuhl.3
05/05/2008Revised tariff pages, PUCO No. 19, filed by D. Storck on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.80
04/01/2008Rider FPP-Fuel and Economy Purchased Power, and Rider AAC-Annually Adjusted Component Rider, both effective April, 1, 2008 filed on behalf of Duke Energy by L. Steinkuhl.12
03/21/2008Revised tariff PUCO No. 20, section VI, credit requirements, effective April 1, 2008 filed on behalf of Duke Energy by D. Storck.3
03/07/2008Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed by R. Parsons on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.5
02/29/2008Updated tariff PUCO No.19 filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by D. Wathen.5
02/29/2008Updated tariff PUCO No.19 filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by L. Steinkuhl.3
02/27/2008In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio for submission of Rider BPS, Market Price Backup Power Service Rider, PUCO No. 19. (Also added to Case 05-1500-EL-COI and 07-647-EL-UNC)5
02/04/2008Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc by T. Reid-McIntosh.157
01/17/2008Annually adjusted component rider for PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed by D. Wathen on behalf of Duke Energy.11
12/21/2007Revised tariff pages, PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by T. McIntosh on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 8
12/20/2007Revised tariff pages PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 8
12/20/2007Revised tariff pages PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by D. Wathen on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. 11
12/20/2007Revised tariff pages, PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by D. Storek on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 8
12/05/2007Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. by D. Wathen.8
12/03/2007Revised tariff PUCO No. 19 filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by L. Steinkuhl.3
09/27/2007Revised indexed pages and Rider FPP page for PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.8
07/31/2007Updated and revised tariff sheets to PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 of Duke Energy Ohio filed by D. Storck.10
07/30/2007Corrections made to tariff sheets submitted on July 20, 2007 for PUCO Electric Tariff No.19, filed by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.11
07/20/2007PUCO No.19 Tariff filing of new electric Rider DSM and electric Rider DSMR, effective July 31,2007, on behalf of Duke Energy by D. Storck.5
07/16/2007Revised tariff filed on behalf of Duke Energy, Rider GP effective July 13, 2007, by M. Gribler.3
06/28/2007Revised tariff pages, PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 8
06/14/2007Reply comments of Duke Energy Ohio, filed by A. Schafer. 11
06/04/2007Motion to intervene and comments on the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for approval of its new residential three-phase service, proposed tariff and memorandum in support filed by R. Reese on behalf of OCC.23
06/01/2007Rider TCR transmission cost recovery tracker on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio effective for the period from May 31, 2007 through November 28, 2007, by L. Steinkuhl.9
05/23/2007In the matter of the application of DE-Ohio for approval of its RS3P, residential three-phase service. 11
05/23/2007In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for approval of changes to its retail electric service tariff (PUCO. No. 19) to add new three-phase residential service. 9
05/14/2007Revised tariff pages PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by D. Storck on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 9
03/27/2007Fuel Economy Purchased Power Rider for the three months of April through June 2007 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.8
12/26/2006Rider USR, Universal Service Fund Rider, which was approved pursuant to the Commission Order dated December 20, 2006, filed on behalf of Duke Energy-Ohio by S. Rungren.8
09/28/2006Rider FPP, Fuel and Economy Purchase Power Rider for three months of October through December 2006 for Electric Tariff PUCO No. 19 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.8
09/28/2006Rider SRT, System Reliability Tracker's tariffs for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 for the three months of October through December 2006 filed by L. Steinkuhl on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.9
08/23/2006Revised PUCO Gas Tariff Sheet No. 18, PUCO Electric Tariff Sheets 19 and 20, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by D. Storck.64
06/20/2006Revised tariff PUCO No.19 filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by L. Steinkuhl.2
06/09/2006Universal Service Fund Rider filed by P. Ochsner on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.2
06/08/2006Tariff revisions on behalf of Duke Energy filed by D. Storck.3
04/12/2006Continued gas and electric tariffs. (part 4 of 4)53
04/12/2006Continued gas and electric tariffs. (part 3 of 4)101
04/12/2006Continued gas and electric tariffs. (part 2 of 4)101
04/12/2006Tariffs approved by order dated March 29, 2006, reflecting the company's name change from The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company to Duke Energy Ohio filed by D. Rottinghaus. (part 1 of 4)160
03/24/2006Rider FPP, Fuel and Economy Purchased Power Rider the three months of April through June, 2006, filed on behalf of Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company by R. Butts, Jr.2
03/13/2006Tariff rate stabilization surcredit rider filed by D. Rottinghaus on behalf of Cincinnati Gas Electric Company.3
02/27/2006Revised tariff page for PUCO Electric No.19 filed by D. Rottinghaus on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company.5
01/13/2006Revised tariff Sheet No. 25.1 of Electric Service Regulations, filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by D. Rottinghaus.5
01/09/2006Revised Sheet No. 83, Rider OET, Ohio Excise Tax Rider and Sheet No. 90, Rate RTP, Real Time Pricing Program, filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by D. Rottinghaus.6
12/23/2005Revised tariff sheets of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company PUCO Electric No. 19 in compliance with Commission order filed by D. Rottinghaus.122
12/23/2005Revised tariff sheets of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company PUCO Electric No.19 in compliance with Commission's order filed by D. Rottinghaus.6
12/23/2005Revise tariff PUCO Electric No.18 filed by P. Ochsner on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company.2
12/19/2005Revised tariff page PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by P. Ochsner on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co.2
12/16/2005The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's Sheet No. 51, Rider AAC, Annually Adjusted Rider for 2006 filed by D. Rottinghaus. (Original)5
12/15/2005The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's Sheet No. 51, Rider AAC, Annually Adjusted Rider for 2006 filed by D. Rottinghaus. (FAX)5
12/15/2005Revise PUCO Electric No.19 filed by D. Rottinghaus on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company.5
12/01/2005Revise PUCO Electric No. 19 filed by D. Rottinghaus on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company.84
09/29/2005Rider FPP, Fuel and Economy Purchased Power Rider for October through December 2005 filed by R. Butts, Jr. on behalf of CG&E.2
06/27/2005Rider FPP, Fuel and Economy Purchased Power Rider for the three months of July through September 2005, filed on behalf of applicant by R. Butts, Jr.6
05/20/2005In the matter of the application of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company to modify its Rate RTP, Real Time Pricing Program to incorporate changes resulting from implementation of MISO Midwest Energy Markets.13
05/20/2005Amended PUCO electric No.19 tariff schedules filed by D. Rottinghaus on behalf of Cinergy.44
05/13/2005In the matter of the application of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company for approval of its Proposed Rider ED and Rider UR in its Retail Electric Service Tariff (PUCO Electric No. 19).8
05/13/2005In the matter of the application of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company for approval of changes to the Service Regulation of its Retail Electric Service Tariff (PUCO Electric No. 19).34
04/22/2005Rider FPP, Fuel and Economy Purchased Power Rider for the three months of April through June 2005, filed on behalf of Cinergy Corp. by D. Rottinghaus.2
03/07/2005Tariff schedules for PUCO No. 19 filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by D. Rottinghaus.72
02/18/2005Tariff schedules filed by D. Rottinghaus on behalf of CG&E.73
01/04/2005Amended PUCO No. 19 tariff schedules filed by D. Rottinghaus on behalf of Cinergy.67
12/13/2004Revised PUCO Electric 19, Universal Service Fund Rider filed by P. Ochsner on behalf of CGE.6
12/13/2004Revised PUCO Electric 19, Universal Service Fund Rider filed by P. Ochsner on behalf of CGE.6
10/12/2004Revised supplements to CG&E's gas and electric retail tariffs: sections entitled Supplement A and Supplement B replace similarly titled pages filed by D. Rottinghaus.27
07/30/2004Conformed tariffs that were approved pursuant to the Commission Order dated July 28, 2004, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus.75
07/29/2004Conformed Tariff Sheet No. 21, Section II-Supplying and Taking of Service of the Company's Service Regulations of its Retail Electric Service Tariff, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus.6
04/09/2004Conformed copies of Rate SFL-ADPL, Optional Unmetered Rate for Small fixed Loads attached directly to company power lines, approved on April 7, 2004, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus.4
03/31/2004In the matter of the application of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company for approval of changes to the service regulation of it's retail electric service tariff (PUCO Electric No.19)15
01/09/2004Revised Tariff PUCO No.19 filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus.3
12/09/2003The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's Rider USR, Universal Service Fund Rider, which was approved pursuant to the Commission order dated December 3, 2003, filed by P. Ochsner.2
07/22/2003Final tariffs, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus.72
06/12/2003Conformed Rate MDC, Meter Data Charges tariff, filed on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric by D. Rottinghaus.2
01/28/2003Conformed Rider USR, Universal Service Fund Rider, filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by P. Ochsner.2
01/28/2003Conformed tariffs filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by D.Rottinghaus.2
11/12/2002Revised Tariff P.U.C.O No. 19 filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus66
09/09/2002Letter regarding the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company Rate Di, Distribution Interconnection Procedures filed by D. Rottinghans.15
06/28/2002Letter regarding conformed copies of tariffs P.U.C.O. no. 19 sheet no. 22.1 section III Customer Choice Enrollment and Participation Guidelines and P.U.C.O. no. 20, filed by D. Rottinghaus.37
05/31/2002Revised tariff, PUCO No. 19, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus.70
04/19/2002Rider SBS, Optional Summary Billing Service for the gas and electric service, on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company, filed by D. Rottinghaus.5
04/01/2002Tariffs that were approved pursuant to the Commission order to modify its transmission and distribution rates filed by D. Rottinghans.63
03/08/2002Tariff, PUCO No. 19, sheet 98, parts 1 thru 4, sheet 70.1, page 1, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus.6
01/07/2002Tariff, PUCO No. 19, sheet 76.1, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus.3
04/04/2001Revised tariff, PUCO Nos. 19 and 20, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus.17
04/04/2001Tariffs, PUCO Nos. 19 and 20, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus. (FILED WITH INCORRECT CASE NUMBER-00-2421)17
04/04/2001Conformed copies of Section III of the Companys Retail Tariff and Section VII of the companys certified supplier tariff,filed on beha CG&E by D. Rottinghaus.17
03/19/2001PUCO Electric No. 19, Sheet No. 68 tariff filed by D. Rottinghaus on behalf of CG&E.3
08/31/2000Revised tariff, PUCO No. 17, Sheet 86; Sheet 77.3, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Colbert.3
08/31/2000Revised tariff, PUCO No. 17, Sheet 86, Sheet 77.2; filed on behalf of applicant by P. Colbert.3
08/31/2000Revised tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 86, sheet 77.3, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Colbert. (3 pgs.) (99-1658)3
07/24/2000Revised tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 75.1, pages 1 through 6, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus. (7 pgs.) (00-698)7
07/24/2000Revised tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 68.4, pages 1 through 4, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus. (5 pgs.) (00-474)5
04/06/2000Tariff Rider EFR, PUCO No. 17, sheet 712.1, filed on behalf of CG&E by D. Rottinghaus.2
04/05/2000Tariff Rider EFR, PUCO No. 17, sheet 712.1, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus. (2 pgs.) (93-1000)2
01/21/2000 Rider PLM, Peak Load Management Program, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus. 8
01/21/2000Rider PLM, Peak Load Management Program, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus. (9 pgs.) (99-1299)9
06/24/1999Revised tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 12.8, sheet 80.35, filed on behalf of applicant by R. Amshoff. (3 pgs.) (98-103)3
04/05/1999Tariff, PUCO No. 17, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus. (65 pgs.)65
01/06/1999Tariffs, PUCO No. 17, sheet 20.3, sheet 21.4, sheet 22.2, sheet 23.4, sheet 24.6, , sheet 25.3, sheet 26.2, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus. (18 pgs.)18
01/05/1999Tariffs, PUCO No. 17, sheet 20.3, sheet 21.4, sheet 22.2, sheet 23.4, sheet 24.6, sheet 25.3, sheet 26.2, filed on behalf of CG&E by D. Rottinghaus. (18 pgs.)18
01/04/1999EFC tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 13.2, sheet 80.34, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Colbert. (3 pgs.)3
01/04/1999Tariff schedule, Rider CES, PUCO No. 17, sheet 95, filed on behalf of CG&E by T. Schneider. (12 pgs.)12
01/04/1999Tariff schedule, Rider CES, PUCO No. 17, sheet 95, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Schneider. (12 pgs.)12
12/11/1998Brownfield redevelopemnt rider, PUCO tariff No.17, sheet 78, page 1 filed by D. Rottinghaus. (2 pgs)2
06/17/1998Tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 12.8, sheet 80.33, filed on behalf of applicant by R. Amshoff. (4 pgs.) (97-103)4
12/24/1997Tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 12.8, sheet 80.32, filed on behalf of applicant by R. Amshoff. (4 pgs.) (97-103)4
03/25/1997Corrected tariff, PUCO No. 17, filed on behalf of Cinergy Corp. by D. Rottinghaus. (16 pgs.) (95-866, 96-595, 96-596)16
12/27/1996Tariff, PUCO No. 17, filed on behalf of applicant by R. Amshoff. (4 pgs.) (96-103)4
11/18/1996Revised Rider LM and sheet 12.8, filed on behalf of appli- cant by P. Ochsner. (5 pgs.) (96-535)5
05/26/1995Tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheets 11.3, 65.8, filed on behalf of applicant by W. Ginn. (5 pgs.) (94-1803)0
06/28/1994Tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 12.6, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Ochsner. (93-103)0
05/09/1994Gas and Electric schedules Rider PIPP, P.U.C.O. Gas No. 18 filed on behalf of applicant by A. Moeller.0
04/18/1994Revised tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 94, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Moeller. (94-442)0
03/02/1994Revised tariff, PUCO No. 18, sheet 24.4 (gas); PUCO No. 17, sheet 24.5 (electric), filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus. (93-217)0
12/23/1993Tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 711, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus. (92-1294)0
12/23/1993Tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 12.4, sheet 80.24, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Ochsner. (93-103)0
12/22/1993Tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 711 filed on behalf of applicant by D. Rottinghaus. (92-1294)0
09/03/1993Electric tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 21.3, sheet 79.2 (effective August 26, 1993) and sheet 41.7a (effective May 21, 1994), filed on behalf of applicant by D. Marshall. (92-1464, 92-1463, 92-1144)0
08/26/1993Gas and electric tariffs filed on behalf of applicant by D. Marshall. (92-1463, 92-1464, 92-1144)0
06/22/1993Tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 12.3, sheet 80.23, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Ochsner. (93-3)0
04/22/1993Tariff, PUCO No. 17, Sheet 700.1, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Moeller. (92-1295)0
04/05/1993Revised tariff, PUCO No. 17, substitute sheet 12.2, sheet 710, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Moeller. (92-1678)0
12/17/1992Tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 12 and sheet 80.22, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Ochsner. (92-103)0
08/31/1992Tariffs, PUCO No. 17, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Marshall. (91-410)0
06/29/1992Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 17, sheet 12.1, sheet 80.21, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Ochsner. (92-3)0
05/21/1992Tariffs, PUCO No. 17, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Marshall. (91-410)0
11/28/1990Revised tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 80.18, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Marshall. (90-103)0
11/21/1990Revised tariffs, PUCO No. l7, sheet l0.l0 and original sheet 79, filed on behalf of applicant by A. Moeller. (90-1134)0
06/22/1990Revised tariffs, PUCO No. l7, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Marshall.0
06/21/1990Revised tariffs, PUCO No. l7, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Marshall.0
09/18/1989Initial tariff submitted on 7/27/890