DIS - Case Record for 89-1031-EL-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
02/21/1992 Returned from the Supreme Court.
09/14/1990 Supreme Court Transmittal Papers filed.
08/15/1990 Notice of Appeal filed on behalf of complainant by D. Bergmann. (S.C. #90-1539)
05/29/1990 Memorandum contra to OCC's application for rehearing filed on behalf of respondent by K. Kolich.
05/17/1990 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of complainant by Y. Ranft.
04/17/1990 Opinion & Order dismissing complaint and ordering Ohio Edison to file an application to amend the language of its residential tariff, in accordance with the provisions of this Opinion & Order.
02/09/1990 Reply brief filed on behalf of the respondent by K. Kolich.
02/09/1990 Reply brief filed on behalf of complainants by Y. Ranft.
02/01/1990 Brief filed on behalf of respondent by K. Kolich.
02/01/1990 Initial Brief filed on behalf of complaint by Y. Ranft.
01/31/1990 Transcript filed for hearing held 1/17/90, (KW), 182 pgs., Submitted.
01/25/1990 Letter filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Co. by K. Kolich, stating that since counsel has decided not to introduce transcript into evidence, no supplemental response will be forthcoming.
01/12/1990 Deposition Testimony of Laura Warsing filed on behalf of respondent by K. Kolich.
01/12/1990 Complainant's memorandum contra respondent's motion for expedited discovery responses and request for expedited ruling filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft.
01/12/1990 Entry ordering complainant bring to the prehearing conference scheduled to be held at the PUCO on 1/16/90 all documents requested in complainant's request for production of documents as set forth in Finding 9; complainant bring to the prehearing conference any confidentiality agreements that it wishes to execute with respect to such documents. (AE)
01/11/1990 Depositions of William N. Moore, Ronald L. Duecker and Samuel G. Marchetta filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft.
01/08/1990 Entry denying motion to consolidate with Case No. 89-1001-EL-AIR; ordering prehearing conference for 1/16/90 at l0:00 a.m. at the PUCO.
01/05/1990 Motion for expedited discovery responses (expedited ruling) filed on behalf of respondent by K. Kolich.
01/03/1990 Service Returns for Subpoenas for William N. Moore, Samuel G Marchetta, and Ronald L. Duecker dated 12/28/89 filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft.
12/28/1989 Complainant's memorandum contra respondents motion to consolidate cases filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft.
12/26/1989 Notice of deposition filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft.
12/26/1989 Motion for issuance of subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft.
12/22/1989 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination filed on behalf of applicant by K. Kolich.
12/22/1989 Motion to consolidate case filed on behalf of Ohio Edison by K. Kolich.
12/13/1989 Transcript for hearing held November 29, 1989, (KW) 3 pages, Continued.
12/12/1989 Proof of Publication filed (Cuyahoga)
11/22/1989 Entry rescheduling hearing for 1/17/90 at l0:00 a.m. at office of the Commission; (AE)
11/16/1989 Motion and memorandum contra filed on behalf of Ohio Edison by K. Kolich.
11/14/1989 Motion for continuance filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft.
10/23/1989 Legal notice sent to the Plain Dealer (Cuyahoga County).
10/06/1989 Entry denying the respondent's motion to strike and motion to dismiss; Scheduling a public hearing to be held on 11/29/89, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission. (AE)
09/18/1989 Reply memorandum filed on behalf of respondent by K. Kolich.
09/08/1989 Memorandum contra "Motion to strike/motion to dismiss" filed filed by respondent on August 21, 1989. Filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft.
08/21/1989 Motion to strike and Motion to dismiss filed by K. Kolich.
08/21/1989 Answer of Ohio Edison Company filed by K. Kolich.
08/10/1989 Entry granting Ohio Edison's request for an extension to file answer until 8/21/89. (AE)
08/01/1989 Motion for extension of time in which to file pleadings filed by K. Kolich on behalf of Ohio Edison Company.
07/12/1989 Complaint form letter and copy of complaint mailed out to; Ohio Edison Company/Office of the President.
07/07/1989 Complaint of Office of the Consumers' Counsel on behalf of the Residents of Copley Village Condominium Association I and Copley Village Association II, RE: alleging unjust billing.