DIS - Case Record for 89-0561-TP-ATA Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/21/1991 DOCKET CARD
06/23/1989 Tariff pages PUCO No. 10 filed on behalf of the applicant by L. McFalls.
06/20/1989 Finding & Order granting application and denying motions filed by MCI and AT&T. Ordering those portions of the case which request approval of a contractual arrangement be docketed as an AEC case.
06/14/1989 ond Amendment to application filed by T. Lodge on behalf of applicant.
06/14/1989 Revised tariff sheets, PUCO No. 10, filed by L. McFalls on behalf of applicant.
06/08/1989 AT&T's Reply to Alltel Ohio, Inc. et. al.'s memorandum in opposition to AT&T's motion to reject tariffs filed by D. Pines.
06/02/1989 Submission of omitted attachments filed on behalf of the applicant by T. Lodge.
06/01/1989 Amendment to application filed on behalf of the Elyria Telephone Company by T. Lodge.
06/01/1989 Joint Memorandum of Alltel Ohio, Inc., the Elyria Telephone Company and the Western Reserve Telephone Company in opposition to MCI's motion to intervene and MCI's motion for a hearing and order rejecting or, in the alternative, suspending applications filed by T. Lodge.
06/01/1989 Joint memorandum of Alltel Ohio, Inc. the Elyria Telephone Company and the Western Reserve Telephone Company in opposition to motion of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. to reject tariffs filed by T. Lodge.
05/26/1989 Motion of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. to reject tariff filed by D. Pines.
05/16/1989 MCI's motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by S. Pestello.
05/16/1989 MCI's motion for a hearing and order rejecting or, in the alternative, suspending application filed by S. Pestello and M. Franklin.
04/12/1989 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support of protective order filed by T. Lodge on behalf of The Elyria Telephone Company.
04/12/1989 Application of The Elyria Telephone Company for the approval of a tariff amendment to institute a new service, for blanket authority to enter into reasonable arrangements, and for pre-granted initiation and termination authority, with respect to Alltel Digital Centrex Service.