DIS - Case Record for 89-0008-EL-EFC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/29/1989 Revised tariff sheets, PUCO No. 12, filed by G. Prokesh on behalf of applicant.
08/24/1989 Opinion & Order granting application.
07/14/1989 Reply Brief of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed by C. Smith.
07/14/1989 Reply Brief submitted on behalf of the Staff of the PUCO filed by M. Regulinski.
07/14/1989 Letter filed by B. Cohen on behalf of OCC, informing the Commission that OCC will not be filing a reply brief in this matter.
07/11/1989 Supplemental late filed exhibit No. 7 filed on behalf of the applicant by C. Smith.
07/10/1989 Late filed Exhibit No. 7, of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed by C. Smith.
07/10/1989 Letter filed by C. Spencer on behalf of applicant, inform- ing the Commission of Mr. Soucie's response.
07/07/1989 Supplemental Response pf The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed by C. Smith.
07/06/1989 Brief of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed by C. Smith.
07/06/1989 Transcript corrections submitted on behalf of the PUCO staff.
07/06/1989 Initial Post-Hearing Brief submitted by the PUCO staff, filed by M. Regilinski.
07/06/1989 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Cuyahoga)
07/06/1989 Post-Hearing Brief of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel filed by B. Cohen.
07/03/1989 Trans. for hearing held on June 19, 1989. Con't 11 pgs. (SD) Vol I.
06/22/1989 Trans., for hearing held on 6/20/89, (SD) Con't. Vol. I, 1-188 pages.
06/02/1989 Prefiled testimony filed on behalf of the applicant by B. Busse. W.H. Brewer B.J. Busse S.P. Dobler R.F. Ertle R.A. Soucie
05/19/1989 30 Day Filing filed on behalf of applicant.
01/18/1989 Entry granting OCC intervention. (AE)
01/11/1989 Motion to intervene filed on behalf of OCC by B. Cohen.
01/03/1989 In the Matter of the Regulation of the Electric Fuel Component contained within the Rate Schedules of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
11/08/1988 Entry ordering the company to file Management/Performace Audit to be conducted in accordance with the provisions of RFP U-88-EFC-1; Scheduling local public hearing to be held on 6/19/89, at 1:30 p.m., Lausche State Office Building 2nd Floor Auditorium/ 615 West Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio; Ordering the costs for the audit be paid by the company.
09/07/1988 Entry ordering audit periods listed on Attachment 1 of this Entry.