DIS - Case Record for 88-1447-EL-BGN Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/17/2000 ICN #0004 Entry ordering that the certificate of environ- mental compatibility and public need previously granted to CG&E as it relates to the construction of turbine units 7 through 12 at the Woodsdale Generating Station should be canceled; that any application fees associated with this certificate which has not been spent shouled be returned to CG&E; that this case be closed of record. (3 pgs.)
12/31/1998 ICN #0131 Letter stating that construction of this project is complete after the construction and operation of six of the originally certificated twelve units, filed on behalf of applicant by R. McElfresh. (1 pg.)
05/01/1998 ICN #0130 Letter stating that construction of this project was recently declared to be complete after the construction and operation of six of the originally certificated twelve units, filed on behalf of applicant by R. McElfresh. (1 pg.)
06/24/1991 ICN #0129 Ohio Environmental Protection Agency authorization to discharge under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, filed by D. Schregardus.
05/06/1991 ICN #0127 Letter to Mr. W. T. Chaney, CG&E, stating that construction of the facility may proceed, filed on behalf of the OPSB staff by J. Kennedy.
05/06/1991 ICN #0128 General arrangement drawings filed on behalf of applicant by W. Chaney.
04/29/1991 Service Notice.
04/29/1991 ICN #0126 Order approving joint stipulation of findings and recommendations; that certificate of environmental compatibility and public need for the Woodsdale Generating Station is hereby amended. (OPSB)
04/10/1991 ICN #0125 Letter to Mr. Bernard L. Huff, director of Environmental Affairs Division of CG&E, from J. Kennedy, PUCO staff, stating that the piezometric monitoring plan proposal submitted to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources is hereby approved, provided that the Amendment to the Certificate issued for the Woodsdale Generating Station is approved by the Ohio Power Siting Board.
04/09/1991 ICN #124 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/25/91 at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission, Columbus, Ohio before AE Russell Gooden.
03/25/1991 ICN #0123 Joint stipulation of findings and recommendations filed on behalf of applicant by D. Musselman and the OPSB staff by S. Farolino.
01/30/1991 ICN #0122 Supplemental responses to the PUCO staff's request for information with attached documents prepared by Sargent & Lundy Engineers, EA Associates, and Westinghouse Environmental and Geotechnical Services, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Ficke.
12/18/1990 ICN #121 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/30/90 at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission, Columbus, Ohio before AE Russell Gooden.
12/11/1990 ICN #0120 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/29/90, (RG), 4 pgs., Con't.
12/05/1990 ICN #0119 Correspondence letter stating that The Madison Township Board of Trustees are in favor of GC&E's plans for the reverse osmosis discharge pipeline and a new natural gas supply pipeline to Woodsdale Generating Station, filed by E. Dietz.
11/30/1990 ICN #0118 Letter stating that they are confident that CG&E will not cause any adverse impact on their pumping capacity, filed on behalf of the City of Trenton by M. Ruder.
11/15/1990 ICN #0117 Staff report filed.
11/14/1990 ICN #0116 Response to interrogatories filed on behalf of applicant by W. Chaney.
11/06/1990 ICN #0115 Report entitled, "Phase I and II Cultural Resources Survey of the Woodsdale Generating Station Well Field, Butler County, Ohio:, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Radcliffe.
11/01/1990 ICN# 0114 Proof of publication filed on behalf of the applicant by T. Chaney.
10/25/1990 ICN #0113 Receipts showing proof of service, filed on behalf of applicant by W. Chaney.
10/23/1990 ICN #0112 Entry scheduling local public hearing on ll/29/90 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the CG&E Service Facility, Monroe, Ohio; adjudicatory hearing in Case No. 88-1447-EL-BGN is scheduled on ll/30/90 at l0:00 a.m. at the Commission offices; notice of the hearings be published by CG&E in accordance with Finding 4. (OPSB)
10/19/1990 ICN #0111 Report entitled "Addendum: An archaeological assessment of a proposed re-route of a segment of the preferred route corridor of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's proposed Woodsdale Natural Gas Transmission Line Corridor in Liberty Township, Butler County, Ohio", filed on behalf of applicant by D. Radcliffe.
09/05/1990 ICN #0110 Letter stating that the amendment application for the Woodsdale Generating Station received March 6, l990 has today been certified as complete in accordance with Ohio Administrative Code Rule 4906-l-14 (A) (l) filed on behalf of OPSB by Chair Butler.
07/05/1990 ICN# 0109 Additional information filed on behalf of the applicant by W. Chaney.
07/05/1990 ICN# 0108 Letter filed on behalf of the applicant notifing the commission that they have received the permit to install an air pollutant source filed by T. Chaney.
07/05/1990 ICN# 0108 Letter filed on behalf of the applicant notifying the Commission that they have received the permit to install an air pollutant source filed by T. Chaney.
06/19/1990 Archaeological Assessment of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company filed by D. Radcliffe.
06/19/1990 ICN# 0107 Archaeological assessment filed on behalf of the applicant by D. Radcliffe.
05/10/1990 ICN #0106 Letter from the Ohio Historical Society documenting that no further historical or archaeologic investigation of the reverse osmosis discharge line is necessary and Ohio EPA Permits-to-Install water treat- ment and disposal facilities for Woodsdale Generating Station, filed on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. by W. Chaney.
05/08/1990 ICN #0105 Letter to W. T. Chaney from PUCO Chair Butler stating that the amendment application for the Woodsdale Generating Station received March 6, l990 has today been deemed incomplete in cacordance with Ohio Administrative Code Rule 4906-l-14(A)(2).
04/26/1990 ICN# 0104 Supplement to the application filed on behalf of the appliant by G. Ficke.
04/02/1990 ICN #0103 Report-Phases I and II Archaeological and Historical investigations of the proposed Pipeline Corridor for the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's Woodsdale Generating Station filed by D. Radcliffe.
03/23/1990 ICN# 0102 Letter filed on behalf of the Ohio Historic preservation Office to J. Kennedy by R. Luce.
03/19/1990 ICN# 0101 Proof of publication filed on behalf of the applicant by T. Chaney.
03/06/1990 ICN# 0099 Amended application filed on behalf of the applicant by G. Ficke.
03/06/1990 Notice of service application for amendment of certificate of environmental compatibility and public need filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by D. Musselman.
02/20/1990 Letter stating an aerial photo with the proposed route for the natural gas line from Texas Gas Transmission Corp. to Woodsdale Generating Station is enclosed file on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by R. McElfresh.
01/29/1990 ICN# 0097 Report of an assessment of the Augspurger cemetery boundaries at the Woodsdale Generating Station filed on behalf of the applicant by D. Radcliffe.
12/14/1989 One complete set of general arrangement drawings submitted in accordance with condition 10 of the opinion and order and certificate filed by R.McElfresh on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.
10/31/1989 Service notice.
10/30/1989 Opinion and Order and Certificate ordering the Joint Stipulation of findings and recommendations submitted in this proceeding is hereby approved in its entirety.
10/05/1989 ICN. #0093 Letter filed by R. Luce on behalf of Ohio Historical Society to; J. Kennedy, OPSB, in regards to the archeological survey done by CG&E's consultant.
10/05/1989 ICN. #0093 Letter filed by R. Luce on behalf of Ohio Historical Society to; J. Kennedy, OPSB, in regards to the archeological survey done by CG&E's consultant.
09/28/1989 ICN #92 Transcript filed for hearing held 9/15/89 at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission, Columbus, Ohio before administrative law judge Russell Gooden.
09/25/1989 ICN. #0088 Conditional Waiver of Hearing Officer's Report filed by S. Farolino on behalf of Assistant Attorneys General Environmental Enforcement Section.
09/20/1989 ICN. #0087 Post-Hearing Brief of The City of Cincinnati filed by R. Castellini and R. Ganulin.
09/19/1989 ICN. 0089 Joint Stipulation of Findings and Recommendations filed on behalf of following; P. Centella/OCC J. Vennemann/CG&E Co. M. Malone/PUCO staff D. Boehm/Armco Steel Company
09/18/1989 ICN #0088 Correspondence letter filed on behalf of City of Covington by A. Simpson.
09/14/1989 ICN. #0087 Deposition of Richard G. Stevie on behalf of applicant.
09/14/1989 INC. #0086 Deposition of Allan Haskell on behalf of applicant.
09/14/1989 ICN. #0085 Deposition of Larry Brockman on behalf of applicant.
09/13/1989 ICN. #0084 Trans., for hearing held on 8/28/89, (RG) Submitted Local Public Hearing - Trenton, Ohio 1-26 pages.
09/12/1989 ICN. #0083 Trans., for hearing held on 9/11/89, (RG) Con't. Vol. I, 1-7 pages.
09/08/1989 ICN# 0082 Entry on interlocutory appeal ordering that the administrative law judge's entry of August 24, 1989, denying the petition for intervention filed by PG&E Enterprises and the motion of Russell S. Frye, is affirmed.
09/05/1989 ICN #0081 Entry denying Ohio Chapter of the Sierra Club intervention.
09/01/1989 ICN #80 Transcript filed for hearing held 8/29/89 at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission, Columbus, Ohio before AE Kaye P. Willi.
09/01/1989 ICN. #0079 Entry ordering that OCC's motion for continuance is hereby denied. (AE)
09/01/1989 ICN. #0078 Memorandum of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company in opposition to the application of Pacific Gas & Electric Enterprises for interlocutory reveiw of Entry denying its motion to intervene filed by J. Vennemann.
09/01/1989 ICN. #0077 The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company;s assess- ment of the potential impact of the railroad spurs at the preferred and alternate combustion tubine sites filed by J. Vennemann.
08/31/1989 ICN. #0076 Letter filed by R. Pace, Jr.,on behalf of OCC, informing the Commission of witnesses that they are intend- ing to call for the hearing.
08/30/1989 ICN. #0075 Documents which were inadvertently omitted from the Application for Interlocutory Review filed by L. Fedanken on behalfof PG&E Enterprises.
08/30/1989 ICN. #0074 The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's Response to the OPSB Staff's Request for additional information filed by J. Vennemann.
08/29/1989 ICN.#0071 Application of PG&E Enterprises for interlocutory review of Entry denying its motion to intervene and the motion of Russell S. Frye, filed by L. Genanken.
08/29/1989 ICN. 0070 Correspondence letter filed by D.Page on behalf of Trenton Historical Society.
08/29/1989 ICN. #0069 Motion requesting intervenor status filed by N. Ford on behalf of Ohio Sierra Club.
08/29/1989 ICN. #0068 Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's need for peaking Power filed on behalf of Ed. Parish/President Clermont County Chamber of Commerce.
08/29/1989 ICN. #0073 Motion for continuance filed by E. Robinson- McGriff on behalf of OCC.
08/29/1989 ICN. #0072 List of Witnesses of PG&E Enterprises, filed by L. Gendanken.
08/28/1989 Prefiled written testimony of Eugene E. Jones filed by J. Pepper on behalf of The Office of the Consumers' Counsel.
08/28/1989 Direct Testimony of PUCO Staff Carl R. Evans filed by PUCO Staff T. McNamee.
08/28/1989 ICN# 0067 Direct testimony of Carl R. Evans.
08/28/1989 ICN# 0066 Prefiled written testimony of Eugene E. Jones on behalf of OCC.
08/28/1989 ICN# 0065 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination and Subpoena Duces Tecum filed on behalf of OCC by E. McGriff.
08/28/1989 ICN# 0064 Direct testimony of Galip Feyzioglu.
08/28/1989 ICN# 0063 Direct testimony of Kerry M. Stroup.
08/28/1989 ICN# 0062 Testimony of Donald I. Marshall filed by J. Vennemann.
08/28/1989 ICN# 0061 Prefiled testimony filed by S. Farolino.
08/28/1989 ICN# 0060 Witness list submitted by the staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board by S. Farolino.
08/28/1989 ICN# 0059 The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's list of known witnesses.
08/28/1989 ICN# 0058 Testimony of Dr. Richard G. Stevie filed by J. Vennemann.
08/28/1989 ICN# 0057 Testimony of Allan P. Haskell filed by J. Vennemann.
08/28/1989 INC# 0055 Witness list submitted by the Forecasting staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by T. McNamee.
08/28/1989 ICN# 0054 Direct testimony of Stephen E. Puican.
08/28/1989 ICN# 0053 Direct testimony of Milo H. Belgen.
08/28/1989 ICN# 0052 Direct testimony of Gregory C. Scheck.
08/24/1989 ICN #51 Response to the OCC's request for production of documents and interrogatories, Second Set filed by J. Vennemann on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.
08/24/1989 ICN. #0050 Entry denying the petition for intervention filed by PG&E Enterprises and the motion of Russell S. Frye. (AE)
08/23/1989 ICN. #0050 The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's response to the OCC's request for production of documents and interrogatories, third set filed by J. Vennemann.
08/22/1989 ICN. #0049 Reply memorandum of PG&E Enterprises to the memorandum of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company in opposition to PG&E Enterprises motion to intervene filed by L. Gedanken.
08/21/1989 ICN. #0048 Statement of Issues of PG&E Enterprises filed by L. Gedanken on behalf of applicant.
08/21/1989 ICN. #0047 Statement of Issues filed by J. Vennemann on behalf of applicant.
08/21/1989 ICN. #0046 Statement of Issues filed by S. Farolino on behalf of the OPSB.
08/21/1989 ICN. #0045 Statement of Concerns submitted by The Forecast- ing Staff of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, filed by T. McNamee.
08/18/1989 ICN. #0044 The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's response to OCC's request for production of documents and interroga- tories, First Set filed by J. Vennemann.
08/17/1989 ICN. #0043 Requests for Additional Inforamtion filed by S. Farolino on behalf of the OPSB.
08/17/1989 ICN. #0042 Interrogatories and Request for production of documents, first set filed by J. Vennemann on behalf of applicant.
08/16/1989 ICN. #0041 Memorandum of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company in opposition to PG&E Enterprises motion to inter- vene, filed by J. Vennemann.
08/15/1989 ICN. #0040 Appendix A, correction pages to Staff Report filed on behalf of the Staff of OPSB.
08/15/1989 ICN. #0039 Maps filed by R. McElfresh on behalf of applicant
08/14/1989 ICN# 0038 Corrected pages to Staff report filed by the staff of the OPSB.
08/11/1989 ICN. #0037 Entry granting the City of Cincinnati Interven- tion. (AE)
08/11/1989 ICN. #00036 Staff Report filed.
08/03/1989 ICN# 0035 Motion to intervene filed on behalf of PG&E Enterprises by R. Shapiro and L. Gedanken.
08/03/1989 INC# 0034 Motion of Russell S. Frye to permit appearance of out of state attorneys before the Commssion filed by L. Gedanken.
08/02/1989 ICN. #0033 Entry granting OCC and Armco intervention. (AE)
07/31/1989 ICN. #0032 The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's response to the remaining portion of The OPSB Staff's first set of interrogatories filed by J. Vennemann.
07/28/1989 ICN. #0031 Report on Prehearing Conference issued, ordering that the agreement and/or rulings made at the prehearing conference held on 7/10/89, be observed. (AE)
07/26/1989 ICN. #0030 Petition for leave to intervene of The City of Cincinnati filed by R. Castellini and R. Ganulin.
07/24/1989 ICN. #0029 The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's response to a portion of The OSPB Staff's First Set of Interrogator- ies filed by J. Vennemann.
07/20/1989 ICN #0028 The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's response to a portion of The OSPB staff's First Set of Interroga- tories, filed by J. Vennemann.
07/20/1989 ICN. #0027 IKI Regional Council of Governments' Metropolitan Clearinghouse Review filed by W. T. Chaney on behalf of applicant.
07/18/1989 ICN#0026 Revised page 08-5 filed on behalf of the applicant by T. Chaney.
07/14/1989 ICN.#0025 The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's response to a portion of the OPSB Staff's First Set of Interroga- tories, filed by J. Vennemann.
07/13/1989 ICN. #0024 Summary data sheet on combustion turbines filed by W. T. Chaney on behalf of applicant.
07/12/1989 ICN. #0023 Memorandum in support of petition for leave to intervene of Armco Steel Company, L.P., filed by M. Kurtz.
07/12/1989 ICN. #0022 Petition for Leave to Intervene of Armco Steel Company, L.P., filed by M. Kurtz.
07/10/1989 ICN. #0021 Proof of Publication. (County/Butler)
07/07/1989 ICN# 0020 Petition for leave to intervene filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
06/28/1989 ICN #19 Requests for additional information filed by S. Farolino on behalf of OPSB.
06/28/1989 ICN. #0018 Motion for continuance and memorandum in support filed by S. Farolino on behalf of the OPSB.
06/27/1989 ICN. #0017 Notice of Appearance filed by S. Farolino on behalf of OPSB.
06/23/1989 ICN. #0016 Summary Data sheet, filed by W. T. Chaney on behalf of applicant.
06/22/1989 ICN# 0015 Letter filed on behalf of the OPSB stating that the application has been accepted for filing and that the company is required to filed public notice with in seven days of the filing date filed by Chair Butler
06/20/1989 ICN #0014 Entry scheduling a prehearing conference to be held on 7/10/89, at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission and scheduling a hearing to be held on 8/28/89 at 7:00 p.m. at the Edgewood High School, Trenton, Ohio, the adjusicatory hearing hearing will commence on 8/29/89 at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission and the Board. (AE)
06/15/1989 ICN. #0013 Proof of Service of the Application filed by W.T. Chaney on behalf of applicant.
06/09/1989 ICN. #0012 Response letter by Chair J. Barry Butler on be- half of the PUCO staff, to;W. T. Chaney/Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company, requesting the certified application be filed.
05/08/1989 ICN. #0011 Technical Project Plan by Dames & Moore filed by W. H. Chaney on behalf of applicant.
04/12/1989 ICN. #0010 Application of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company for a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need, Woodsdale generating station.
02/14/1989 ICN. 0009 Letter filed by R. W. McElfresh on behalf of applicant, RE: to the filing of maps.
12/30/1988 ICN# 0008 Letter filed by W. Chaney concerning submission of application fee.
12/20/1988 ICN# 0007 Letter filed on behalf the Ohio Power siting Board on the pre-application conference.
12/02/1988 ICN. #0006 Letter granting waivers requested by the applicant filed on behalf of the OPSB by J. Kennedy.
11/22/1988 ICN. #0005 Letter filed by W. T. Chaney on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company, RE: to application fee and requesting a pre-application conference to be held on 12/8/88 at 10:00 a.m.
11/07/1988 ICN. #0004 Motion for Waiver filed by R. McElfresh on behalf of applicant.
10/26/1988 ICN. #0003 Notice of Appearance filed by M. Malone on behalf the PUCO staff.
10/04/1988 Motion filed on behalf of the applicant for a waiver of certain filing requirements filed by J. Vennemann.
10/04/1988 ICN # 0001 Letter of intent to apply for a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need for the Woods- dale generating station.