DIS - Case Record for 88-1092-EL-BTX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/16/2000 ICN #0002 Entry ordering that the listed certificates of environmental compatibility and public need previously granted to OE, TE, and CEI for the construction and opera- tion of numerous electric transmission facilities (and associated transmission facilities) shall be transferred to ATSI; that, as a result of these transfers, ATSI shall be bound by and comply with all terms and conditions of these certificates.
10/16/2000 ICN #0002 Entry ordering that the listed certificates of environmental compatibility and public need previously granted to OE, TE, and CEI for the construction and opera- tion of numerous electric transmission facilities (and associated transmission facilities) shall be transferred to ATSI; that, as a result of these transfers, ATSI shall be bound by and comply with all terms and conditions of these certificates
10/16/2000 ICN #0102 Entry ordering that the listed certificates of environmental compatibility and public need previously granted to OE, TE, and CEI for the construction and opera- tion of numerous electric transmission facilities (and associated transmission facilities) shall be transferred to ATSI; that, as a result of these transfers, ATSI shall be bound by and comply with all terms and conditions of these certificates. (6 pgs.)
11/04/1991 ICN #0100 Letter stating that Inland-Lake Shore Trans- mission Line field construction activities were completed on October 21, 1991, line was energized on October 25, 1991, for testing purposes, and commercial operation is anticipated to begin later this year, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Ams.
03/22/1991 ICN #0099 Letter to Mr. M. J. Ams, Centerior Energy, stating that applicant may proceed with construction of the portion of the plan and profile drawings which were submitted March 12, 1991, filed on behalf of OPSB staff by J. Kennedy.
03/21/1991 ICN #0098 Memorandum contra to the request for reconsidera- tion and re-opening of hearing procedures filed by Gallo Display, Inc., et. al., filed on behalf of CEI by C. Smith.
03/18/1991 ICN #0097 Set of engineering drawings for the single circuit section of the transmission line and for grade construction at the Inland and Lake Shore stations filed on behalf of applicant by W. Ams.
03/11/1991 ICN #0096 Request for reconsideration and reopening of hearing procedures filed on behalf of Gallo Displays, Inc.; Beverage Distributors, Inc.; Milner Electric Company; G.R.Z. Properties Company; and Hexagraphics, Inc. by R. Siegel.
02/20/1991 ICN #0095 Letter notifying the Commission that measures have been developed to deal with possible interference with existing radio antennas owned by the Ohio Department of Transportation and Boothe Broadcasting adjacent to the subject transmission line, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Ams.
02/14/1991 ICN #0094 Letter stating that construction of the portion of the project represented on the drawing may proceed, filed on behalf of OPSB staff by J. Kennedy.
02/01/1991 ICN #0093 One set of engineering drawings for the double circuit section of the transmission line and for the circuit breaker foundations at Inland, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Ams.
10/31/1990 ICN# 0092 Letter filed on behalf of the OPSB stating that the engineering drawings are consistent with the description of the certificated project filed by J. Kennedy.
10/31/1990 ICN# 0091 Drawings of the proposed construction filed on behalf of the applicant by A. Ams.
10/29/1990 ICN #0090 Opinion, Order, and Certificate issued approving the joint stipulation submitted on the amended application and ordering the certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need be issued. (OPSB)
09/27/1990 ICN #0089 Transcript filed for hearing held 9/18/90, (RG) l0 pgs., Submitted.
09/27/1990 ICN #0088 Transcript filed for hearing held 9/17/90, (RG), 5 pgs., Continued.
09/18/1990 ICN #0087 Joint stipulation filed on behalf of applicant by C. Smith, the City of Cleveland by C. Glazer, and the OPSB by M. Malone.
08/31/1990 ICN #0086 Staff report filed.
08/13/1990 ICN #0085 Letter stating that the transmission line will be located entirely within the boundaries of the City of Cleveland and they will defer to their judgement concerning this project, filed on behalf of Cuyahoga County Planning Commission by R. Sicha.
07/30/1990 ICN #0084 Proof of publication filed on behalf of applicant by C. Smith. (Cuyahoga County)
06/29/1990 ICN #0083 Entry scheduling local public hearing be held on 9/17/90 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lausche State Office Building, Cleveland, Ohio and the adjudicatory hearing on 9/18/90 at l0:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission; notice of the hearings be published by CEI as set forth in Finding 3. (OPSB)
06/22/1990 ICN #0082 Letter sent to companies of the amended application filed on behalf of the applicant by C. Smith.
06/22/1990 ICN #0083 Certificate of service filed on behalf of CEI by C. Smith.
06/13/1990 ICN #0081 Letter stating that the amended application for the l38 kV Inland-Lakeshore Transmission Line project received May 15, l990, has today been certified as complete in accordance with Ohio Administrative Code Rule 4906-l-l4 (A)(l), filed on behalf of the OPSB by Chair Butler.
05/15/1990 ICN# 0080 Amended application filed on behalf of the applicant by L. Phillips.
05/15/1990 ICN# 0079 Memorandum filed on behalf of the applicant by C. Smith.
05/01/1990 ICN #0078 Entry extending "negotiation period" set forth in the stipulation until 5/16/90. (OPSB)
04/30/1990 ICN #0077 Joint motion for extension of the negotiating period filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by C. Glazer and CEI by C. Smith.
03/20/1990 ICN #0076 Entry extending "negotiation period" set forth in the stipulation until 5/1/90. (AE)
03/15/1990 ICN# 0075 Joint motion for extension of the negotiating period by CEI and the City of Cleveland filed by C. Smith and C. Glazer.
02/02/1990 ICN #0074 Entry extending "negotation period" set forth in the stipulation until 3/15/90. (AE)
01/29/1990 ICN# 0073 Jointly submitted report of the City of Cleveland and CEI, and request for extension of the negotiating period filed by C. Smith and C. Glazer.
12/28/1989 ICN #0072 Entry ordering joint stipulation be amended to reflect change set forth in paragraph 3 of this entry. (AE)
12/15/1989 ICN# 0071 Clarification of joint stipulation filed on behalf of the parties by W. Gruber, C. Smith and P. Malone.
10/30/1989 ICN# 0070 Entry approving the joint stipulation in its entirety and that in the event that the CEI and the City of Cleveland do not agree to a joint facility, they must file excptions within twenty days following expiration of the negotiation period. (OPSB)
09/21/1989 ICN. #0069 Entry ordering that the time for filing exception to the Report and Recommendation shall be continued to 11/20/89. (AE)
09/18/1989 ICN #0068 Joint stipulation, further request for extension of time to file exceptions and request to reopen proceedings filed on behalf of CEI by C. Smith, Staff by M. Malone, and City of Cleveland by W. Gruber.
09/18/1989 ICN 0067 Request of parties for an additional extension of time for filing exceptions filed on behalf of CEI by C. Smith, Staff by M. Malone, and City of cleveland by W. Gruber.
09/11/1989 ICN #0066 Entry ordering that time for filing exceptions to the Report and Recommendation be extended until 9/18/89.
09/11/1989 ICN #0065 Request of parties for an extension of time for filing exceptions filed on behalf of parties by C. Smith, C. Walker, & W. Gruber.
08/22/1989 ICN. #0064 Letter filed by I. Chudner on behalf of West Park Community Council.
08/21/1989 ICN. #0063 Adminstrative Law Judge's Report and Recommenda- tion issued.
08/09/1989 ICN. #0062 Letter filed by B. Krumhansl on behalf of St. Clair-Superior Coalition, informing the OPSB of their disapproval of the plans of the applicant to construct an underground transmission line.
06/27/1989 ICN. #0058 Reply Brief by applicant, The Cleveland Electric Illuming Company, filed by C. Smith.
06/27/1989 ICN. #0061 Reply Brief of The Staff of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by C. Walker.
06/27/1989 ICN. #0060 Unreported decision supplement of intervenor Mayor George V. Voinovich, filed by C. Glazer on behalf of City of Cleveland, Ohio.
06/27/1989 ICN. #0059 Reply Brief of Intervenor Mayor George V. Voinovich filed by C. Glazer on behalf of City of Cleveland.
06/15/1989 ICN# 0054 Unreported decisions supplement of intervenor Mayor George V. Voinovich filed by G. Glazer.
06/15/1989 ICN# 0053 Initial brief of intervenor Mayor George V. Voinovich filed by C. Glazer.
06/15/1989 ICN. #0057 Post-Hearing Brief of The Staff of The Ohio Power Siting Board, filed by C. Walker.
06/15/1989 ICN. #0056 Staff's proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law filed by M. Malone.
06/15/1989 INC. #0055 Initial Brief by applicant The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed by C. Smith.
06/09/1989 ICN. #0052 Letter filed by C. Glazer on behalf of the City of Cleveland, to; R. Gooden/OSPB.
06/08/1989 ICN. #0051 Entry granting the city of Cleveland a 48-hour extension of time for the filing of initial briefs to be filed on 6/15/89; The 6/27/89 due date for reply briefs is unaffected by this ruling. (AE)
06/07/1989 ICN. #0050 Request for 48 hour extension of time to file briefs filed by Wm. Gruber and C. Glazer on behalf of intervenor, Mayor George V. Voinovich.
05/30/1989 ICN #0049 Trans for hearing held on May 16, 1989, submitted (RG) 58 pgs, Vol V
05/30/1989 ICN #0048 Trans. for hearing of May 12, 1989 (RG) con't 170 pgs, Vol IV
05/25/1989 ICN. #0047 Trans., for hearing held on 5/11/89, (RG) Con't. Vol. III 1-151 pages.
05/24/1989 ICN. #0046 Trans., for hearing held on 5/10/89, (RG) Con't. Vol. II, 1-179 pages.
05/23/1989 ICN. #0045 Trans., for hearing held on 5/9/89, (RG) Con't. Vol. I, 1-159 pages.
05/16/1989 ICN. #0044 Prehearing Conference held on 5/1/89, (RG) Con't. Vol. I, 1-21 pages with exhibits.
05/12/1989 ICN. #0043 Errata sheets and signature pages for the deposition transcripts of Bruce Barrett and George Pofok filed on 5/9/89 on behalf of applicant.
05/10/1989 ICN. #0042 Exhibit List of the staff of the OPSB filed by M. Malone.
05/09/1989 ICN. #0041 Deposition of Raymond L. Knight, Jr., on behalf of applicant.
05/09/1989 ICN. #0040 Deposition of John Weber on behalf of applicant
05/09/1989 ICN. #0039 Deposition of Donald Jankura, on behalf of applicant.
05/09/1989 ICN. #0038 Deposition of Bruce Barrett and George Pofok filed by C. Spencer on behalf of applicant.
05/09/1989 ICN. #0037 Appearance of Counsel filed by C. Smith on behalf of applicant,
05/01/1989 ICN. #0036 Appearance of Counsel filed by Wm. Gruber and C. Glazer on behalf of City of Cleveland,
04/27/1989 ICN. #0035 OPSB Staff's memorandum in reply to brief of Cleveland in opposition to motion in limine filed by C. Walker.
04/26/1989 ICN. #0034 Response by The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company to motion for a continuance by City of Cleveland filed by C. Smith.
04/26/1989 ICN. #0033 Letter filed by C. Smith on behalf of applicant, informing the Commission that the deposition of applicant will be on 4/28/89.
04/24/1989 ICN. #0032 Request for issuance of subpoenas filed by C. Glazer and Wm. Gruber on behalf of City of Cleveland.
04/24/1989 ICN. #0031 Brief of The Mayor of The City of Cleveland in opposition to motion in limine filed by C. Glazer.
04/21/1989 ICN. #0030 Notice of Deposition and request for production of documents filed by C. Glazer on behalf of the City of Cleveland, Ohio
04/21/1989 ICN. #0029 Notice of deposition and request for production of documents filed by C. Smith on behalf of applicant.
04/21/1989 ICN. #0028 Intervenor City of Cleveland Mayor George V. Voinovich's motion for continuance of adjudicatory hearings, filed by P. Janis and C. Galzer.
04/10/1989 ICN. #0027 Motion in Limine filed by C. Walker on behalf of OPSB.
03/22/1989 ICN. #0026 Entry ordering that the adjudicatory hearing in this matter be rescheduled for May 1, 1989, at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission. (AE)
03/10/1989 ICN# 0025 Letter filed on behalf of the applicant requesting that the hearing be held some time in May filed by C. Smith.
02/27/1989 ICN. #0024 Filing of correspondence and certificate of service filed by C. Smith on behalf of applicant.
02/08/1989 ICN# 0023 Trans., for hearing held on 1/31/89, (EC) Submitte Vol. 1, 1-14 pages.
02/02/1989 ICN. #0022 Letter filed by B. Krumhansl on behalf of St. Clair-Superior Coalition, opposing the construction of applicant.
01/30/1989 ICN # 0021 Entry stating that at the adjudicatory hearing scheduled for February 2, 1989 should be continued to a date to be determined prior to the adjournment of the public hearingj on January, 31, 1989. (OPSB)
01/25/1989 ICN. #0020 Reply to Joint motion for continuance filed by C. A. Walker on behalf of The Staff and Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
01/19/1989 ICN# 0019 Joint motion for continuance of the adjudicatory hearings filed on behalf of CEI and the City of Cleveland by C. Smith and P. Janis.
01/13/1989 ICN. #0018 Staff Report issued.
12/16/1988 ICN# 0017 Entry stating that the Mayor of Cleveland's intervention be granted and deem a party in this case (OPSB)
11/28/1988 ICN# 0016 Proof of publication filed on behalf of the applicant by C. Smith.
11/22/1988 ICN. #0015 Letter filed by G. Cantrall on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, RE: to application fee.
11/10/1988 ICN# 0014 Letter filed on behalf of the OPSB Board requiring the applicant to publish the legal notice.
11/03/1988 ICN. #0013 Notice of Intervention filed by Wm. Gruber and P. Janis on behalf of The City of Cleveland.
11/02/1988 ICN# 0012 Letter to C. Smith stating that the draft public notice is in compliance with board rules filed by J.Kennedy.
10/28/1988 ICN. #0011 Certified Application - 132kV Inland Lake Shore Underground Transmission Line, by C. Smith on behalf of applicant.
10/26/1988 ICN. #0010 Notice of Appearance by M. Malone on behalf of the staff,
10/24/1988 ICN# 0009 Motion and memorandum in support thereof to strike notice of intervention filed on behalf of the applicant by C. Smith.
10/17/1988 ICN. #0007 Letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. William K. McClung, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.
10/17/1988 ICN. #0008 Notice of Intervention filed by WM. Gruber and P. Janis on behalf of City of Cleveland.
09/22/1988 ICN. #0006 Letter filed by C. Smith on behalf of applicant, RE: publication notice.
08/31/1988 ICN. #0005 Letter filed by J. Kennedy on behalf of OPSB, to; C. Smith on behalf of applicant, RE: granting CEI a waiver of the one year filing requirement.
08/30/1988 ICN. #0004 Certificate Application for the 132KV Inland-Lake Shore Underground Circuit, filed on behalf of applicant.
07/22/1988 ICN. #0003 Application of The Cleveland Electric Illuminat- ing Company for a waiver of the one year requirement, by C. Smith.
07/21/1988 ICN# 0001 Application of the Centerior Energy Corp for a pre application conference for 10:00 a.m. on Thursday July 21, 1988 for the Inland-Lake Shore Line 132 kv.
07/21/1988 ICN# 0002 Letter filed on behalf of the applicant requesting that the pre-application conference be withdrawn filed by C. Smith.