Date Filed | Summary | Pages |
09/26/1990 | Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 6, 268th sheet (Check List) and Section 2.3 - l2th sheet 3, filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy. | 0 |
11/06/1989 | In service date for two way measured rates EAS between Medina and Brunswick will be October 8, 1990 filed on behalf of GTE North by J.Kennedy. | 0 |
07/06/1989 | Opinion and Order issued denying request for two-way, nonoptional, flat-rate EAS and granting GTE's two-way Extended Local Calling Plan between the Brunswick and Medinia Exchanges. | 0 |
06/06/1989 | Correspondence letter filed by and on behalf of M. Williams, M.D., RE: to EAS. | 0 |
03/15/1989 | Comments filed by M. Williams, M.D., on behalf of the Brunswock Family Practice. | 0 |
01/12/1989 | Letter filed by M. Williams, Brunswick Family Practice, RE: informing the Commission on when the decision is going to be made. | 0 |
08/17/1988 | Comments filed by and on behalf of Mrs. T. M. McNeill, consumer, requesting EAS. | 0 |
07/15/1988 | Response letter filed by Chairman Chema on behalf of the PUCO staff, with attachment of various correspondence letters from consumers. | 0 |
06/23/1988 | Trans., for hearing held on 6/7/88, (CP) Submitted Vol. I, 1-245 pages. | 0 |
05/31/1988 | Testimony and attachmenets 1 thru 7 of Arthur Huggler, witness for GTE North Incorporated, filed by B. Kazee. | 0 |
05/31/1988 | Entry rescheduling hearing to be held on 6/7/88, at 10:00 a.m., at the Brunswick High School West, Concord ROom, 3641 Center Road, Brunswick, Ohio 44212; Ordering the complain- ant's post conspicuous notice of the new hearing date and time. (AE) | 0 |
05/31/1988 | Testimony and attachments of Kim O. Mazzon, witness for GTE North Incorporated, filed by B. Kazee. | 0 |
05/23/1988 | Information response of GTE North, Inc. by B. Kazee. | 0 |
05/17/1988 | Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed by B. Kazee on behalf of GTE North Incorporated. | 0 |
05/05/1988 | Proof of Publication filed. (County/Medina) | 0 |
04/26/1988 | Business Customer Traffic Analysis Report # 1, Faciltiies Studied: FX 273-1800, filed on behalf of GTE North Incorporated. | 0 |
04/26/1988 | Business Customer Traffic Analysis Report # 1, Facilities Studied: FX 225-8555, filed on behalf of GTE North Incorporated. | 0 |
04/26/1988 | Interrogatories filed by M. Williams, M.D. | 0 |
04/26/1988 | Request for admission filed by Dr. Marc S. Williams. | 0 |
03/31/1988 | Legal notice sent to The Gazette (Medina County). | 0 |
03/24/1988 | Entry scheduling hearing to be held on 6/1/88, at 10:00 a.m., at the Community Room, Brunswick Public Library ROute 303, Brunswick, Ohio and ordering respondent provide the information required to this Commission and to the spokesperson for the complainants within sixty days to the date of this Entry. (AE) | 0 |
03/08/1988 | Certificate of Service filed by K. Mazzon on behalf of GTE North Incorporated. | 0 |
03/07/1988 | Answer of GTE North Incorporated filed by B. Kazee. | 0 |
02/05/1988 | Entry ordering that the respondent shall file its written answer to this Commission and the spokesperson for the complainants within thirty dats of the date of this Entry; Ordering that the respondent shall provide the information required to this Commission and to the spokesperson for the complainants within 30 days of this Entry. (AE) | 0 |
02/02/1988 | Petition of Marc S. Williams, M.D., and subscribers of Brunswick, Medina Ohio, (Vs) GTE North Incorporated, RE: to requesting EAS from the 225, 273 exchanges to the 722, 723 and 725 exchanges of GTE. | 0 |